Naruto, go away!

The awakened Kirabi pushed Naruto behind him hard, and his current strength, who was still in the state of tailed beast, was different from that in the past, and Naruto flew out a distance of dozens of meters by him.

Uncle Kirabi!

Don't worry about me, go away! Kirabi roared without turning his head, and then looked at Chen Uchiha with a serious face, a bead of sweat dripping down his cheek.

If he could, he actually wanted to retreat now, but Ke Chen wouldn't just watch the two of them escape together. If the two of them had just walked away honestly, maybe not so many things would have happened.

Blame Naruto? In fact, it's not Naruto's fault, because even Kiraby underestimated Uchiha Chen's strength. Since he underestimated the enemy, he must take responsibility for his arrogance.

Holding the seven knives tightly, Kirabi shouted and rushed towards Uchiha Chen. He did not dare to drag it down, because the longer he dragged on, the faster his confidence would be lost, and he was afraid that he would face him at that time. I don't have the courage to raise a knife to Uchiha Chen.


The seven knives are constantly swung towards Uchiha Chen. The seemingly messy knives contain the essence of Yun Ren's seven knives flow.

The sword, light and sword shadow are confusing, and Kirabi's sword skills are so fast that it is impossible to see how the sword in his hand is swung out and how it is retracted.

However, Kirabi was faster, but Uchiha Chen was faster. A colorful long sword blocked all the attacks of Kirabi's seven knives, and none of the moves could really hit Uchiha Chen.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Clang! With a loud attack, the knife in Kirabi's hand was finally overwhelmed, and it broke into two pieces under repeated attacks.

And the sound of the knife breaking seemed to remind Kirabi, making his attack stagnant. He looked at the broken knife in disbelief. He had to know that it was the best metal weapon in the Kingdom of Thunder. After accompanying him for so many years, he never thought that it would break here. will become six knives.


Chen raised his eyebrows, lightly stroked the colorful long sword in his hand, and then looked at Kirabi with a stern look and said coldly, I've had enough and now it's time for me to collect the interest!

Chapter 443: The two who escaped

A cold chill flashed in Uchiha Chen's eyes, and a murderous aura burst out, making Kirabi, who was about to attack, stagnate, and the knife in his hand suddenly seemed to have lost its direction.

The most terrifying thing is that under the constant pressure of Uchiha Chen's murderous aura, Kirabi stepped back again and again, but it felt as if Chen had never left in front of him, but when he looked closely, Uchiha Chen didn't move half a step at all.

Chen waved his arm holding the colorful long sword, and the long sword cut off Kirabi's left hand with a lingering sword energy, and also cut off the short knife that was holding his arm.

Kirabi's long arm fluttered with blood and flew far away. He covered his arm and looked at Chen Uchiha with a bad look. He stepped back a few steps without any trace of his feet, and covered the arm if he didn't know it. a bit.

However, Uchiha Chen looked at him with a contemptuous smile, the colorful long sword in his hand did not stop, he swung it again and again, and cut off all of Kirabi's limbs in an instant.

Uchiha Chen finally glanced at Kirabi, who was overflowing with blood.

Chen let out a sigh of relief and slowly dissipated the colorful long sword in his hand. Originally, he didn't want to make it so bloody. It was obvious that Naruto and Kirabi were not sensible at all, and they happened to bump into Uchi. On the muzzle of Bo Chen, they have already let them go and still do not want to go.

However, at this moment, Kirabi, who was supposed to be dead, suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared with a bang, replaced by a segment of octopus tentacles that had become torn apart.

It turned out to be a clone technique? Chen nodded thoughtfully, no wonder that guy Kirabi became so weird before, he had already started using the clone technique.

However, do you think you can run like this? Uchiha Chen raised his head and looked at the direction where Naruto had left before, with a mysterious smile: You guys are too naive.

At the same time, Naruto wanted to continue to help him after he was pushed away by Kirabi at the beginning, but he saw Kirabi stretched out a hand and made a few secret gestures towards Naruto behind him.

Naruto, who didn't listen to the class at the ninja school, didn't understand the meaning of Kirabi's gesture at all. Originally, what Kirabi wanted to express was to let Naruto go first, he came to block Uchiha Chen, and then Trying to evacuate, Naruto will let him go quickly, and Kirabi will break out from another place.

After many battles, after realizing that Chen is not an enemy they can defeat now, Naruto also knew that they should retreat now, but he would never agree to ask Kirabi to cover him. They should go back together.

This is also the reason why Kirabi asked him to go before he did not go. Seeing that if he didn't take the route that would delay Kirabi's evacuation at this moment, Naruto gritted his teeth and turned around and ran away.

I don't know how long I ran, but after I couldn't see Chen and Kirabi at all, Naruto gradually stopped, and he was slow by nature to react now: That's not right! Uncle Kirabi fights again by himself. But how can he break through from other places?

He patted his head, only to realize that Kirabi lied to him: No, I have to go back and save Uncle Kirabi!

naruto turn

Looking over, staring at the road to leave, looking into the distance with burning eyes, it seems that from here, you can see Uchiha Chen and Kirabi who are fighting in front of you.

Uncle Kirabi, wait for me, I'll be right here!

Naruto took a deep breath and reattached the Konoha guard on his head and laughed loudly: Hahahaha, I want to be Naruto Naruto of Naruto! Uchiha Chen, here I come!

Saying that, Naruto bent his body slightly, stepped on the ground with strength, jumped onto the tree, stepped on the branches and retreated all the way.

However, on the way Naruto retreated, a figure galloped over from a distance, and the two passed by. It was not until this time that Naruto reacted: This person seems a little familiar.

Uncle Kirabi!


The two stopped, and Naruto stared at Kirabi excitedly with wide eyes. Although he was a little confused about why Kirabi also retreated in this direction, this could not hinder his excitement.

Uncle Kirabi, why are you here! Running a few steps forward, Naruto excitedly stood in front of Kirabi and said loudly, Didn't you say you broke through from another direction?

Looking at the excited Naruto, Kirabi laughed a little dumbly. It seems that this guy misread his gesture code, so that's fine, he was willing to retreat by accident.

But then he asked with a solemn expression, Why did you run back again?

Naruto rubbed his head and laughed and said, Ahaha, I understood your gesture before and said let's run separately, only halfway through the run did I realize that if I ran, Uncle Kirabi, you would run alone. I can't, so I want to go back and help you.

Looking at Naruto's innocent face, Kirabi was angry and funny. What he laughed at was that Naruto could even read the password wrong. What I didn't expect was that Naruto's hearty laughter could not help but add a little warmth in my heart, although it was very little, it just dispelled the fear caused by Uchiha Chen.

By the way, how did you escape, Uncle Kirabi?

How did you escape? Chirabi thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of Chen's sword qi waving in the sky. He couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously touched the slightly pale left hand. He said casually: This is all unimportant. Now we haven't completely got rid of Uchiha Chen, let's find a way to get rid of him first.

Okay. Naruto nodded, turned around, and continued to retreat with Kirabi.

Along the way, Naruto has been pestering Kirabi, wanting him to explain how he escaped from Uchiha Chen, but Kirabi refused to speak, jokingly using the tentacles of the eight tails as a clone to escape so embarrassingly How dare he speak out?

Suddenly, Naruto's eyes seemed to find something, he stared at Kirabi's left hand, which was obviously fairer than the others, and asked curiously, Hey, Uncle Kirabi, what's wrong with your hand? How did it become a little different?

This... Chirabi was a little embarrassed, and said angrily: Just hurry up on the road, why are you asking so many questions, you idiot, bastard!

However, they didn't know that behind them Uchiha Chen was galloping along the road they traveled.

Chapter 444: Being caught up

Uchiha Chen half-squinted his eyes, looked indifferently in the direction where the two left, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a wicked smile evoked a soft voice: If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to leave, you can leave, take me Uchiha Chen as something. already?

Speaking of which, Uchiha Chen threw a kunai and raised his right foot, and the space in front of him suddenly experienced a wave of fluctuations, as if a pebble had been thrown into a calm lake and rippled layer by layer.

After he stepped out with his right foot, his figure actually appeared dozens of meters away, just like the legendary shrunk into an inch.

Catching the still-flying Uchiha Chen, he thought for a moment. It seemed like ten minutes had passed since Naruto escaped. According to the speed of the two of them, they should not have traveled very far. Uchiha Chen moved a little faster to catch up before the two of them escaped.

Or, what's the use even if the two of them escaped? If Chen wants to kill them, what if there are thousands of troops in front of him? At this moment, Uchiha Chen is like a one-man army of ten thousand enemies, and taking the heads of the enemy generals from the ten thousand troops is like searching for things.

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