Suddenly, a few piercing sounds rang out! A few sand ninjas could not dodge and were hit by shuriken, and the remaining two village ninjas raised their heads and looked at a high ground ahead. A group of ninjas dressed as Konoha Anbu were standing on the high ground and watching them condescendingly.

From now on, I will never let you go a step further. A female ninja with long purple hair conveyed their will of Konoha to the sandy hides below.

Konoha's counterattack begins.

Konoha's ninjas were dispatched one after another, and various secret arts families also sent elites to fight against Sandyin and Yininin in every corner of Konoha. body, I can't move! A sand ninja caught by the shadow of Nara's house was terrified and found that his body couldn't move.

Is this the first time you have seen Konoha's secret shadow restraint technique? By the way, let's let you see Konoha's secret shadow gangling technique. Nara Shikamaru's father, Nara Shikahisa, was leaning against a wall. He spoke lightly to Sand Ninja, who had been immobilized by his shadow, and then launched the gag, twisting the necks of those Sand Ninjas.

Yamanaka Haiyi also launched the Yamanaka family's secret technique, the technique of disturbing the mind, causing the sand ninjas to kill each other, and the Qiu Dao family's doubling technique crushed the sand ninja, and the three gathered together.

This moment reminds me of the past! Hai Yi said with a chuckle.

The trio of pigs, deer and butterflies assembled again!

Oh! the three of them roared together!

And Chen heard the sound of fighting and the mourning of the ninjas coming from all over Konoha after finishing the few sand ninjas. It seems that Konoha has started to fight back! It's really lively now! However, I have to kill a few more as soon as possible, otherwise Sand Ren and Yin Ren's people will be wiped out by Konoha, how can I complete the task! As he spoke, he rushed in the direction of the greatest movement.

Chen came to a high place and looked down. At this time, a group of ninjas were fighting fiercely. The shuriken was flying in all directions, and the black shadows flashed rapidly. Every time the shadows collided, there would be a sound of tapping on the metal, and at the same time, it would splash. A mass of sparks, occasionally accompanied by a scream!

The fight was so intense, it made me boil! Chen looked at the battle below and said with a little excitement?

The ninjas below are moving at high speed. From a distance, only black shadows can be seen flickering. However, after Chen opened the writing wheel, he was able to capture the figures of those ninjas!

I have used Chidori three times in a row just now, and the chakra is almost exhausted. It seems that I have to find a way to increase my chakra. System, can I restore the chakra?

Recovering chakra requires 1000 points, do you want to exchange it?


Ding! After deducting 1000 points, the host's remaining points: 15343.

After another burst of warmth, the chakra consumed by Chen just now has recovered.

At this time, the battle below stopped for some reason, and was divided into two groups, one was the Konoha ninja dressed in uniform, and the other was the ninja alliance of the two ninja villages, Yinnin and Sandin. Both sides were panting and staring at each other, forming a confrontation!

After looking at Sand Ren and Yin Ren gathered together below, Chen came up with an idea!

Exchange for another Flying Thunder God-style Kunai!

Ding! Technique Kunai, item type: props, item level: c-level, points to exchange: 500, do you want to exchange?


Successful exchange, deducted points: 500, remaining points: 14843.

Just after the system was prompted, a kunai appeared out of thin air in Chen's hand.

Chen shook the hands of Kunai and looked at the crowd of Sand Shinobi and Yin Shinobi below, showing a cruel smile!

Hey! The hunt has begun...

ps: This chapter adds another 600 words, asking for flowers and collections! …

Chapter 32: Fighting the Puppet Master

Damn! Sand Hidden Village, you guys are treachery! Have you forgotten the alliance agreement you signed with us? Konoha's ninja asked the sand ninjas in front of him.

Agreement? Don't be naive, that kind of thing can be as much as you want, it's just a piece of waste paper, who cares! Today we must remove Konoha from the Five Great Ninja Villages! The sand ninjas sneered at Konoha said the ninjas.

Humph! Let us get rid of Konoha? It's a shame. Our Konoha ninjas have already begun to expel the enemies hidden in Konoha. Your so-called Konoha collapse plan cannot be realized.

嘁! Kill them! The opposite Sha Yin didn't talk nonsense anymore.

When Sandyin's men were about to attack Konoha's men, suddenly, a kunai shot at them. However, it was immediately blocked and fell to the ground. The sand ninjas saw that this kunai had a strange shape and there was no detonating talisman or something, so they didn't care, but shot the kunai's Looking in the direction, I found a ninja dressed as Anbu standing on the high ground. staring at them.

Anbu of Konoha? Here's another one to die! An Yin Ren said with a sneer and disdain.

Really? Chen also sneered.

Lei Dun. Chidoriyu! Chen, who was still in the distance, suddenly appeared in the middle of the crowd of Yinin and Sandin, and opened his arms to instantly display Chidoriyu.

Nani! Since Sand Shinobi and Sound Shinobi didn't know Fei Lei Shen, they didn't take precautions. Before they could react, Chen had already cast Chidori-style among them, except for one who reacted quickly and escaped. Except for Kai, all the others were hit by Chen's Chidori flow, and their whole body was paralyzed, and then they were all killed by Chen.


Ding! The host killed 8 Chunin, especially 4 Shangnin, and got 28,000 points. All points of the host: 42,843.

It's so fast! I can't even catch the afterimage, so strong! Konoha said in surprise as he watched Chen Shi's display of Fei Lei Shen. They didn't think that this was the legendary Flying Thunder God, but thought that Chen's speed was too fast, so that their eyes couldn't keep up. After all, space ninjutsu is too rare.

Damn! I'm going to kill you! Sha Ren, who had escaped from the other side, roared angrily at Chen, Okay, leave it to me here, and you can go to support elsewhere! Chen ignored Sha Ren's words. Shouting, but said to the Konoha ninjas behind him.

Uh... yes, sir! Konoha's ninjas were already full of awe for Chen at this time, and they gave Chen a respectful word, and then they all dispersed and went to support other places in Konoha!

We're the only ones left, let's have fun! Chen looked at the opposite Jōnin!

Humph! You actually let your companions leave. You will find out how stupid your decision was. You actually killed so many of us. Today, you will be killed no matter what!

You talk too much!

嘁! The jounin on the opposite side did not attack immediately, but bit his thumb, then quickly made a few seals and pressed it on the ground, channeling out a black scroll, and then put the The reels are unrolled.

Bang! After a burst of smoke, three humanoid puppets appeared out of thin air on the scroll. Among the three human-shaped puppets, one is relatively short and has a pair of sharp claws, and one is in the shape of a bull's head and is taller than the other three puppets. of spikes.

It turned out to be a puppet master. It seems that he should be able to control three puppets at the same time. This person is definitely not an ordinary person in Sha Yin! Chen saw that the opposite Shangin actually channeled three puppets, his expression become dignified.

A puppet master is a unique profession of Sand Yin, who usually uses his hands to release chakra lines to manipulate puppets. The ability of the puppet master depends on the number of puppets that the puppet master can control at the same time. The best ones are Chiyo of Sandyin, and her grandson, the Scorpion of Akasha who has defected from Sandyin and joined Akatsuki's organization.

You should feel honored to be able to see my black secret skill. Funny three people, (don't care about the name, it's nonsense anyway!) The ability of our puppet master depends on the number of puppet masters that the puppet master can control at the same time It depends. Among them, the most admired by our puppet masters is our Sandyin’s advisor, Chiyo grandmother. She is our sandyin’s strongest puppet master. The Ten People in Kinsong, Granny Chiyo once used this skill to break down a city with one person, and is known as a machine that is a thousand. Although my Yellow Secret Skill. The crowd of three people is better than that of Granny Chiyo's group of ten people in Kinmatsu It's still far away, but my puppets are not ordinary things. They are all humanoid puppets created by the red sand scorpion, who is known as a genius puppet stylist in our sandy hide. Whether as a stylist or a The puppet master, he has better talents than anyone else, we puppet masters are proud to get the works of master scorpion. And I, too, was fortunate enough to get these three puppets, to amuse three people! Although I I didn't have the outstanding achievements like Granny Chiyo, but I used them to slaughter a robber from a cottage! The puppet master on the opposite side was proudly introducing his puppet.

The puppet master is best at using poison. These three puppets must have been soaked in poison. If they are injured, they will definitely be poisoned. I wonder if the system can detoxify them. Chen looked at the three puppets on the opposite side. , feel tricky.

System, is there any way to avoid poisoning?

The host can exchange for a detoxification pill, and after eating the system's detoxification pill, it can be immune to all severe poisons within the next hour.

Detoxification Pill? Exchange it for me!

Ding! Jiedu Pill, item level: B-level, 1000 points need to be exchanged, do you want to exchange it?


Successful exchange, deducted points: 1000, the host's remaining points: 41843.

After the system prompted, a thumb-sized medicinal pill appeared out of thin air in Chen's hand, and Chen immediately stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it. After Chen Gang swallowed the detoxification pill, the opposite puppet master also finished his trump card.

All the ninjas who fought with my Teaming Three People were killed, and this time will be no exception. The puppet master sent out three chakra lines from his hand as he spoke, which were connected to the On the body of the three puppets, the three puppets seemed to have come to life, and made a sound of ka! ka! ka!.

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