After he finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Although Nara Shikahisa and the others couldn't figure out why Hatake Mosaku didn't meditate before and started to meditate now, the three of them wisely didn't ask, but looked at each other and nodded understandingly, and stood apart in the shape of a character. Surround Shigeru Hatake in the middle.

The three held Kunai while sweeping away the infestation of the tree branches, and at the same time guarded against Uchiha Tatsumi's sneak attack.

Soon, the three of them, who were already physically exhausted, gradually became unable to support under the siege of the enhanced version of the tree, and the Chakra in their bodies also began to become stretched.

Is this not enough? Uchiha Tatsumi, who was hidden in the big tree, looked at the four of them boredly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

At first, I thought that the team with Hatake Mosaku and Ikacho would last longer, but it turned out to be like this. It's boring!

Uchiha Tatsuya curled his lips, he overestimated the fighting power of Hatake Mosaku and Inokacho, although their cooperation can make Chen embarrassed for a while, but it can't make him feel the deadly threat.

However, he didn't think about it. This battle not only exposed Sharingan, but also Fei Leishen and Mu Dun, and even used the blur. The hole cards on the face had all been exposed, and that was how the four of them were barely stopped.

It has to be said that after losing the pupil technique, Chen's combat power has indeed dropped a lot. Compared with when he had the pupil technique, Chen can't find his position in this battle at all. The kaleidoscope and the eyes of reincarnation have a great effect on him.

Uchiha Tatsuo put his hands together, and he already planned to end this meaningless game of cat and mouse.

In the originally anxious tree world, all the attacking trees couldn't help but startled at the same time, and then slowly backed away.

This gave the three of them who were almost unable to support themselves a breather.

However, things were not that simple. Sure enough, after a short period of peace, a more violent impact than before rushed towards the three of Nara Shikahisa.

Fortunately, the three of them did not relax their vigilance, but carefully protected Hatake Mosaku's body while resting. At this time, they had swallowed the third Bingliang pill, and the body organs in their bodies had gradually begun to show their tolerance. Medicinal properties, this time the Chakra restored by taking Bingliang Pills is obviously much, much less than before.

However, there was no other way, the three minutes had just passed one minute and fifty seconds, and they might have to continue taking Bingliang Pills if necessary.

Damn it... Qiu Dao Ding Zuo gritted his teeth, and ruthlessly crushed the Bing Liang Wan in his mouth, allowing the pungent medicinal properties to spread along his esophagus to the meridians of his whole body.

When will this be so big! Throwing out a shuriken with a detonating talisman again, Yamanaka Kaiichi slightly shielded the heat wave caused by the detonating talisman explosion. At this moment, he felt miserable.

Not only because of the physical injury, but also the overdraft of the body, the double injury of the body and the spirit made Yamanaka Kaiichi's chakra consumption much faster than usual.

Gradually, the chakra recovered by Haiichi Yamanaka after taking the third Bingliang pill also began to slowly dry up. At this time, those who had been unable to attack the tree for a long time seemed to be conscious, and began to work slowly in the direction of Kaiichi Yamanaka, trying to open a breakthrough.

However, with the desperate cooperation of Nara Shikahisa and Akimichi Dingza, they still survived without any danger.

Thank you! Yamanaka Haiyi took a deep breath, took out the Bingliang Pill and swallowed it in one gulp, taking the opportunity to recover the Chakra in his body.

Wood escape, tree binding, eternal burial!

Uchiha Chen, who was unable to attack for a long time, had already started to get impatient. Seeing that the three of them were still chatting leisurely, Uchiha Chen, who ran away, directly enlarged his moves. All the trees began to move closer to the four of them, and the yellow sand desert on the ground began to gradually sink. Obviously, Chen wanted to bury them all here, to rest forever in the Kingdom of Wind.

Damn...dangerous! Nara Shikahisa roared: I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it long ago, since I know Mu Dun, how could I not know the ultimate move of the first generation! It's all my fault, it's all mine wrong!

I'm sorry, Ding Zuo Haiyi, I failed your trust in me.

Chapter 475: Immortal mode?

What are you talking about, what are you talking about? Don't let me down.

I didn't formulate the most perfect tactics, and I couldn't bring you back safely. Isn't this a violation of your trust!

Are you kidding? After all these years, do we still share yours and mine? Akimichi Dingzuo slapped Nara Shikahisa's head with a slap. The only one who could be so optimistic before dying was probably Akimichi Dingza.

You guys... Lu Jiu looked at the two of them with a moved face, a friend in adversity sees the truth, and only a relationship in a crisis can withstand the test. At this time, the ground had begun to collapse, but the three of them still did not move. It was too late to resist at this time, and they were powerless.

It's a pity Hai Yi, he has already agreed to go back and get married as soon as this war is over, alas! Qiu Dao Ding Zuo sighed.

However, the speaker has no intention and the listener is interested. Uchiha Chen suddenly realized when he heard the word marriage. This was at least twenty years ago. He was not born, if he killed Yamanaka Kaiichi at this time, maybe according to the causal relationship of time, Ino of later generations would disappear accordingly.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Chen couldn't help leaving cold sweat on his forehead. He was too complacent before, and he didn't even think of such a crucial point.

He has not figured out what happened in this world, why Bai Fang, who should have died during World War II, has survived to this day, but anyway, Ino is someone he cares about, how could he let Ino disappear.

Chen sighed softly, with an extremely unkind expression on his hands.

Earth escapes the earth's core!

The sand that had already begun to sink gradually stopped flowing, and a huge layer of horizontal soil clods had condensed on the ground that was originally in a hollow, preventing the sand from sinking.

Immediately, the wood escape chakra in Chen's body began to mobilize, and the roots of the big tree began to grow crazily, gradually filling the empty gaps in the ground, stabilizing the permanent burial of the tree binding this time.

Wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead, Chen's face was ugly.

It was unbearable. It would be fine if Ino had already been born, but whether Yamanaka Hai was killed or not would have no major impact. The key is that he is not born now. For the sake of his future daughter-in-law, Chen can only protect his old father-in-law first.

Chen has stopped the output of chakra, and at this moment the big trees in the tree world have also stopped their activities, turning into vigorous trees.

Just when Chen smiled and was about to escape into the void, Mosaku Hatake, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened them.

At this time, great changes have taken place on his body, his pupils have become scarlet, mysterious red oil paint has been painted from the corners of both eyes to his eyebrows, and the chakra in his body has become full again, even the nature of chakra There have also been changes.

He stood up, his whole body was shaken, he pulled out the white tooth blade at his waist and started to spin, and swung it out!


A blade glow centered on Moshuo Hatake began to spread towards the surroundings. Yingying's white light began to tear the trees slowly at a strange speed, but the seemingly slow knife light wiped out all the trees in the tree world descendant released by Chen in the blink of an eye. cut off.

But the sword glow continued unabated, until it destroyed an unknown number of sand dunes in the distance, and then gradually disappeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

The collapse of the big tree revealed Uchiha Tatsuo's figure.

Mosaku Hatake was holding the White Fang Blade at this time, standing in front of the three Shikahisa in Nara, looking at Uchiha Tatsushita indifferently, and said to the three behind him: Sorry, I was a little late, I almost missed it!

Nara Shikaku and the other three didn't know what was going on, but seeing that Hatake Mosaku had woken up and looked much stronger than before, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: Master Mosaku, you don't have to be polite. This is what we should do, as long as we can do it in time.

Although Nara Shikaku and the others don't know what kind of changes have taken place in Hatake Mosaku's body, Uchiha Tatsuo knows it. Seeing that his whole body's aura has changed, and he is staring at his own Hatake Mosaku with a fighting spirit, Chen There was a storm in my heart.

Immortal mode? Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, just looking at the mysterious oil paint in the corner of Hatake Mosaku's eyes and the transformed Chakrachen in his body, he can conclude that Hatake Mosaku must have entered the state of immortal mode at this moment. Only the immortal mode can change the aura of a person.

Hatake Mosaku has a sage mode? It shouldn't be. Uchiha Chen muttered to himself. He felt more and more strange in this era. At first, Mosaku Hatake didn't die, and even appeared on the battlefield of the Land of Wind. After a while, Mosaku Hatake turned on the immortal mode, while others It's a natural look.

Damn it! What the hell is going on here?

Chen was most puzzled by why a person who should have died in the Second Ninja World War would remain active on the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War.

Could it be that Moshuo Hatake didn't commit suicide? Suddenly Chen's eyes lit up, maybe it was because he came to this era, some accident caused Moshuo Hatake to commit suicide. The pattern is really too much.

We all know that if you want to learn the immortal mode, you can only go to the three holy places. You must know that even the immortals of the Six Paths learned the immortal mode under the hands of the toad immortal in Miaomu Mountain, one of the three holy places. Except for these three holy places, there is no fairy mode to learn in other gathering places of psychic beasts.

This is what Chen only learned after asking his psychic beast Liudaowang, which is why Chen's fairy art can only be used proficiently after becoming Ten Tails Jinzhuriki.

In the world that I have lived in for more than ten years, the common sense that I am familiar with, suddenly someone comes to tell you that the previous is false, anyone will feel unhappy.

Four hundred and seventieth chapters: real sword

Chen pursed his chin, and looked at the oil paint on the corner of Hatake Mosaku's eyes, which was vaguely similar to the sage mode of the first Hokage.

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