A johnin? I'm going, am I going to be the farmer who waits for the rabbit? Just wanted to find a johnin to kill, and a johnin came to the door automatically. It's still an injured johnin! Too lucky! Well, this is unscientific! However, it has already been sent to you, if you don't accept it, you will be too ignorant to praise, so I will be polite! Chen looked at Yin Ren, who was gradually approaching him. , showing a cruel grin! Then Chen immediately cast a camouflage technique and merged with the trunk. This camouflage technique is also a low-level ninjutsu taught by the ninja school. It is the technique that Naruto Uzumaki used in the first episode of Naruto to avoid the two chunin who were chasing him, but it was discovered by Iruka. If it was normal, any Chunin would be able to detect it, but at this time, the Yin Ren was so exhausted that he didn't sense Chen's existence at all.

In the blink of an eye, the name Yin Ren jumped to the trunk of the tree where Chen was, and just as he was about to continue jumping forward on the tree trunk, he was suddenly caught by Chen's hanging arm.

Nani? The name turned his head subconsciously, trying to see what grabbed his hand, but he only saw a fist, a fist that was getting closer and closer to his face, the name Tonin's pupils dilated sharply, and she didn't have time to react. Then he heard a clicking sound, he knew that it was the sound of broken bones, and this sound came from his neck, and then it was dark, and he could no longer feel anything.

Chen punched that Yin Renren's face with a single punch, and the huge force directly twisted the name Yin Ren's neck, and even knocked the Yin Ren Ren far away and knocked down a house.

Ding! Host kills 1 Shangnin, reward points: 5000, all points of the host: 89043.

Then, Chen came to the corpse of the voice ninja, wanting to see how the voice ninja was beaten by himself!

It was killed with one punch. It's really horrible to be hit by a strange force! At this time, the name Yin Ren could no longer die, and there was a clear fist mark on one side of his face, and his neck was already irregular. twisted.

At this time, an Anbu with long purple hair and Tatsu's dress suddenly appeared next to the corpse of the Nebula. It seemed that this Anbu was chasing the Nebula.

Already dead, it seems that he was killed by a heavy punch, and his neck was broken, what a powerful force! The Anbu looked at Chen who was standing by the side.

Are you from Anbu too? Which squad do you belong to? What's the code name? The long purple-haired female Anbu asked Chen.

Uh! Maoyue Xiyan? Chen looked at the long purple-haired female Anbu, and he thought of a person! I said it unconsciously.

You... how do you know my name? Tell me the team you belong to and your code name!

Uh...this...Look, the plane! Chen suddenly pointed at the back of Uyue Xiyan and shouted.

Airplane? Maoyue Xiyan looked back subconsciously, and there was nothing. When she turned her head to look at Xiang Chen, she found that Chen was no longer there!

Damn bastard! How dare you play me, don't let me know who you are! Maoyue Xiyan found out that she had been played by someone, and she didn't know who the other party was, which made her very angry! After cursing a few words, he left!

ps: I'm going, this chapter is so long, I want flowers! Ask for collection! Group: 475137322! ! Please join the group! …

Chapter 34: Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes

Chen was very depressed. He didn't expect that just grabbing someone's head would provoke an Anbu, and it was the girl Uyue Xiyan.

Emma~ It's a fake Li Gui and a real Li Kui, and they even met a genuine Anbu. Only then did the ghost know what Anbu's code name was, so it's better to go! Chen looked at the girl in front of him and thought depressed.

Come on, the team you belong to, and your code name. At this time, Maoyue Xiyan asked Chen.

Uh... This... Today's weather is good, and the air is very fresh! Haha! Chen looked around and said, haha.

Come on, code name! And which team do you belong to! Maoyue Xiyan was unmoved by Chen's slapstick, and slowly walked towards Chen and asked.

My code name is classified, and I belong to Hokage-sama's... secret team! I can't reveal it casually.

Nonsense, I have been in Anbu for so many years, I have been guarding Hokage-sama, I have never heard of Hokage-sama's secret group, you are lying! Yuyue Xiyan felt that the person in front of her was very suspicious, and planned to take him back. trial.

Don't say yes? Then you have no chance! Maoyue Xiyan pulled out the matching knife on her back and approached Xiang Chen.

Wait! I said, my code name is husband.

Husband? Maoyue Xiyan didn't react for a while.

Eh! Wife!

Shameless, how dare you make fun of me, go to hell! After reflecting on it, Yuyue Xiyan swung the matching knife in anger, and charged towards Chen!

Look, there's a plane behind you! Chen suddenly pointed behind Maoyue Xiyan and said in horror.

What? Maoyue Xiyan heard Chen's terrified voice, and subconsciously thought that there was something terrible behind her. She turned her head and glanced behind her, and found that there was nothing at all. When she turned around, she found that it was in front of her just now. The Chen has disappeared without a trace without a trace, as if it had never appeared!

Damn bastard, you even teased me again and again, don't let me know who you are, or you will definitely pay the price! Yue Xiyan found that she had been tricked, and she was tricked anyway twice, finally

She didn't know who the other party was, which made her very angry!

At this time, several more Anbu appeared beside Uzuki Xiyan.

Hey! Didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly? Anbu looked at the body of Yin Nin and said casually.

Shut up! At this moment, Yuyue Xiyan was in a fit of rage, shouted to the Anbu, and then left alone!

Uh! Did I say something wrong? The Anbe asked the other teammates innocently.

Who knows when you messed with her! Let's go, the barrier over there has disappeared, I don't know what happened to the third generation, let's go to the third generation first! Then, a few Anbu turned into a few The dark shadow jumped away into the distance.

On the other side, Chen activated the Flying Thunder God technique and returned to his room.

Ding! The host has completed the war mission, reward points: 50000, all points of the host: 139043, do you want to open the exchange interface?

Finally have a huge sum of money, now you can exchange for kaleidoscope, open the S-level exchange page!

Immediately after Chen's seriousness, a redemption page appeared, which was full of S-level skills and props, among them: Lei Dun. Leiqie! Lei Dun. Kirin! Wind escape spiral shuriken! Senfa Goemon! S-rank ninjutsu!

Hey! There is still Mu Dun's blood? Chen was stunned when he saw the introduction of an item on the exchange interface!

The combination of Wood Dun, Water Dun and Earth Dun is the new chakra nature produced by the fusion of the two, turning chakra into a special blood-successor boundary.

System, do you need any conditions to exchange wooden Dun?

Wu Dun, item level: s grade, item type: blood, points to be exchanged: 100,000, Note: Since the wood Dun is the combination of the water and the earth, it is a new chakra property produced by the fusion of the two, and the chakra Turning into a special bloodline boundary, you need to have two attributes of water and earth to exchange for chakra, and the host conditions are insufficient, so it cannot be exchanged!

So, if you want to exchange for Mudun, you must first exchange for water-type and earth-type chakras. 100,000 points is the same price as the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye! However, Mudun is indeed worth the price! Chen secretly said in his heart.

However, Mu Dun's words are too involved and too ostentatious. At this stage, there is no need for Mu Dun, so let's exchange the kaleidoscope first! Chen said silently in his heart: System, exchange for the kaleidoscope for me!

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, item level: s-level, points to be exchanged: 100,000, this exchange must have three hook jade writing wheel eye, host conditions are met, whether to exchange?


Successful redemption, 100,000 points are deducted, remaining points: 39,043.

Just as the system's voice fell, suddenly, Chen's mind suddenly reappeared in the night of the extermination of the family. Looking at Uchiha Mikoto in a pool of blood, a strong sense of sadness rose in Chen's heart.

Immediately afterwards, Chen's eyes scorched, and the three gouyu in his eyes turned frantically, getting faster and faster, and the last three gouyu were serialized together, forming a pattern in the shape of a hexagram, at the moment when the pattern was formed. , Chen's eyes flowed with a powerful force, driving Chakra's frantic cohesion, and even directly let Chen break through to the strength of the elite Junin in one fell swoop, and the burning pain in Chen's eyes gradually calmed down.

Drink~~ Chen, sweating profusely, was paralyzed on the ground panting heavily.

Tanzo, I want you to pay your debts with blood!

After Chen recalled the night of the genocide, the hatred for Danzang also emerged in his heart, and he was extremely eager to seek revenge from Danzang, but Chen tried his best to restrain the urge to take revenge immediately, and it took a long time to calm down. go down.

System, is my kaleidoscope completed? I already feel that my strength has broken through!

Yes, the host has completed the opening of the Kaleidoscope Shaker's Eye, and the host's strength has reached the level of elite jonin!

Finally finished... Chen was exhausted and collapsed. Today, after a long battle, although there is a system to restore physical strength, Chen still spent too much mental energy, plus the pain he experienced just now when he opened his eyes, Chen I was so tired that I lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Chen Yi slept until the night, and only woke up when Sasuke came back, but seeing Sasuke's appearance was also quite injured, and when he returned home, he went directly into his room and lay down.

I slept for so long. Has Sasuke come back? It looks like he was injured a lot while fighting Gaara! Shayin and Yinin should have retreated! Chen looked at the dark outside. Darkness.

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