Midoriko Chengchuan couldn't bear to part with her two little girls. Since her husband passed away, the two little girls have become her only sustenance and hope. Midoriko Chengchuan has given all of her life to the two little girls , now that the two little girls are about to be taken away by Uchiha Tatsumi at such a young age, it would be a lie to say that they are not panicking.

Uchiha Chen nodded and said: That's right, after they learn how to refine chakra, it's almost time for me to take them away. Young eagles always have to take off, and ninjas can't become talents just by training. They must be trained as soon as possible. After they are cultivated, it will be a troubled world in the future.

As he said that, Chen couldn't help sighing with emotion, the second Ninja World War was the longest one, it went on and on, and for nearly ten years, everyone had already felt that the second Ninja World War was tragic enough, but the result was not People would think of the third Ninja World War, which was even more tragic than the second war.

Chen reached into the system space, took out a jug of wine, and signaled to Chengchuan Midori to drink or not. After Chengchuan Midori shook his head, Chen didn't say anything, just smiled, and bit off the cork with a mouthful of fresh and rich The mellow aroma of the wine came out from the cork, and the aroma was overflowing. Even Midoriko Chengchuan, who had never drunk before, felt very sweet after smelling it, and was eager to try it. If the smell of this wine is smelled by those alcoholics who are addicted to alcohol, maybe they will follow the road and beg for a drink.

Looking up at the boss and taking a sip of the wine, Chen wiped the liquid from his mouth, looked at Midori Chengchuan, and said solemnly: The world is not peaceful now, how long do you think this small place can hide? As long as a little Be careful, it is actually very easy to find your village. After this war starts, I don’t know when it will end. If you continue to let the two little girls here, you may be affected by the flames of war. , it’s better to bring it with me, it’s safer.”

Chengchuan Luzi's heart trembled, but she didn't want to believe what Chen said. Their village had not been discovered for so many years. How could it be so coincidental that they were discovered this time?

Are you serious?

Chen nodded, stood up and looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky, Uchiha Chen laughed: Is there anything impossible in this world? Presumably your village chief told you before when he asked you to go there. Well, the outside world is already raging with flames of war. This world is not as peaceful as you imagined. The samurai from the Kawa no country who sneaked into your village before is the best proof. If it weren’t for me, your village would have been destroyed by now. You have been silenced, how long do you think this natural barrier can hold you back?

Tatsuo Uchiha's words were sonorous, every sentence was pearly, and every word touched the heart of Midoriko Chengchuan. In fact, no matter what, as a mother, what I hope most is that my child is safe and sound. I didn't agree before because I didn't want my child to suffer. Hearing what Chen said, it is the safest thing to go out with Chen.

Then you guys go away tomorrow, early tomorrow morning, I will pack things for the two little girls at night, please take the two little guys away early tomorrow morning. Chengchuan Luzi couldn't help but panic God, I immediately stood up and prepared to pack things for the two little guys, so that Chen could take them away early in the morning.

Chen grabbed Chengchuan Midori's wrist, and said softly: No need now. Seeing Chengchuan Midori stopped, she let go of her hand: It will be a while before the war burns to this place, and they want to discover the It’s not so fast yet, at least it’s safe here now, it doesn’t matter if you can help the two little guys extract the chakra in their bodies before continuing on the road. It just so happens that I can also deal with some miscellaneous hairs for you here.”

So that's the case? Midori Chengchuan breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy when she heard this. It is great news to be able to spend more time with my children. The relieved Midoriko Chengchuan couldn't help bowing deeply to Uchiha Chen, and said softly: Then thank you, Master Chen. From now on, our two little girls will be entrusted to you!

At this point, Cheng Chuanluzi was truly relieved to hand over the two little girls to Chen.

Nothing to say all night.

When Chen woke up, it was already morning.

Just as he was about to open his eyes and get up to get dressed, he suddenly heard footsteps stop at his door. Turning his mind, Uchiha Chen put a silent smile on the corner of his mouth, then continued to close his eyes and pretended not to wake up.

Sure enough, after hearing no movement in the room, the door was quietly opened. Two furtive figures walked into the room from outside.

Sister Miaomiao... Isn't it good for us to do this? A timid voice came from the door of the room.

Shh! Keep your voice down, the bastard Uncle Chen is still sleeping. Miaomiao put her hand up on her mouth and whispered, You big slob, the sun is shining on your butt and you still can't get up, and Baaba and I are already up, why don't you sleep? He said he would teach us ninjutsu today, you liar. Meow pouted, looking at Uchiha Chen with a displeased face.

She walked towards Uchiha Chen quietly, pinching the leaves in her hands carefully, and reached out to Uchiha Chen to tease Uchiha Chen.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and let out a loud Wow.



How could the two little guys have been frightened like this before? Suddenly, both of them were scared to cry by Uchiha Tatsu.

Uchiha Tatsuo: ...

After comforting the two sister-in-laws, Chen sat down on the tatami and said helplessly, Tell me, why did you come to play tricks on me?

Baabaa first! When seeing Miaomiao wanting to speak,

Knowing that Miaomiao is a ghostly spirit, Chen directly transferred the microphone to Baabaa's hand. Looking at Miaomiao's anxious eyes, Chen knew that his move was basically stable.

Sister... my sister said that big brother is a big villain, and she said that she would teach us Feifei, but she was still sleeping late. We both woke up for a long time, and big brother still hasn't woken up...so...so...

So you came here? Chen looked at Baba with a strange face, and after seeing Baba nodded, Chen probably knew it. Needless to say, all this was thought up by the troublemaker Miaomiao.

He reached out and grabbed Miao Miao who was about to run away, and kneaded Miao Miao's fleshy face with both hands: You little brat!

Chapter 503: Genius

Wow... Badass Uncle Chen... Ni, let me go, Ni go away! Scoundrel!

Meow Meow's small face was rounded and flattened into different shapes in Uchiha Tatsun's hands, and Meow Meow's little hands were squeezed hard, trying to break free from Uchiha Tatsu's shackles but failed.

After being ravaged for a while, Uchiha Tatsuo let go of the punishment on Meow Meow, and went out for breakfast together with Meow Meow, who was standing beside him, who was not daring to vent his anger, in his arms.

Because of the reasons agreed in advance, the clothes Miaomiao and Baaba wore in the morning were very suitable, neither too tight nor too loose. Although there will not be an increase effect when refining chakra, it will not hinder the operation of chakra.

After eating, Chen took the two little girls to the small courtyard. Looking at the two girls who pretended to be serious, Uchiha Chen couldn't help but smiled and said, Take it easy, it's not I want you to go to the battlefield and relax a bit when you are so nervous, the more you relax, the better the effect of chakra refining will be.

Just now, after letting the expressions of the two little girls relax, Chen said with a straight face: From today on, I am the master of the two of you, and from now on I will lead you to the path of ninjas. Ninjas What is it? 'Ninja' means 'hidden', that is to say, a ninja is a profession that hides in the dark and kills people with one blow. It serves the war, so the ninja is a killing weapon that serves the war.

Having said that, Chen paused and continued: Originally, this world was dominated by warriors, but it was gradually replaced by ninjas. Why? Because ninjas of the same level are stronger than warriors. Gradually, warriors were eliminated in the In the smoke of war, do you know why?

Meow Meow and Baa Baa shook their heads blankly. How could these two little guys know about these things? It's just to cooperate with Chen Zhuang x.

Because of power! Chen resolutely said: Since Otsutsuki Kaguya ate the fruit of the sacred tree and had chakra, he gave birth to two, one is called Yuyi and the other is called Yuori. And the one named Yuyi is also the son of Ninzong. The founder of the mountain, known as the Sage of the Six Paths. From then on, ordinary people can also acquire Chakra through training, and gradually ninjas began to replace samurai.”

And today, what I want to teach the two of you is how to extract chakra at the core of being a ninja!

Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of the energy of various components controlled by the human body. It is a kind of power that is perfectly combined with spiritual energy from one hundred and thirty trillion cells in the human body. Everyone can The body absorbs the energy of the cells and combines it with spiritual energy to form chakra.

Speaking of which, Uchiha Tatsuo stood on the spot, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body was surrounded by a wave of blue chakra energy visible to the naked eye. He stretched out a hand and said to the two little girls: Look, this is Chakra. Then he punched the tree trunk, and even punched through the tree trunk.

The two little lolitas widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and looked at Uchiha Chen with disbelief. He had heard what he said earlier. To be reasonable, these two little girls didn't understand half a sentence at all, but After Chen exerted the power of Chakra, the two little fellows looked enviously at Chen, who was covered in Chakra coats, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

I want to learn...I want to learn! Scoundrel Uncle Chen! Miaomiao excitedly raised her little hand, bouncing and calling to Chen, for fear that Chen would forget her. Although Baa Baa is very shy, looking at her eager eyes, it is obvious that under Chen's display, she is also excited, but because of her shyness, she does not dare to be as bold as Meow Meow.

Chen raised his hand and tapped Meow Miao's little head: If you want to call Big Brother, Master is fine! Then he tapped the chakra extraction method that was just exchanged from the system and was most suitable for two people, and clicked on two in the human brain.

Fortunately, Chen only passed the basic chakra refining method into the heads of the two of them. Even so, the two little guys were dizzy for a while and almost vomited out.

After finally digesting the knowledge Chen passed on, the two little girls sat cross-legged on the ground with half understanding, put their hands on their knees, closed their eyes and took a deep breath, slowly looking for that chakra feeling.

The thirsty Chen took out a bottle of Pulse from the system space, and after drinking half of it in one gulp, he felt the feeling of Pulse slowly repairing the injury in his body. The erosion left by Candle Dragon would take Chen a bottle of Pulse every day to barely offset it. As for recovery, unless Chen can fully comprehend the power of the candle dragon, it is possible to absorb the remaining energy.

Chen knew that the two little girls in front of him would not be able to extract chakra for a while, so he took a step back and lay down on the corridor, drinking the remaining pulse slowly like tasting wine, wanting to fully display the chakra. The effect of pulsation, such a small sip is the best way to drink it.

Lying lazily on the corridor, holding a small pulsating bottle in his hand, next to it is the freshly washed fruit of Cheng Chuan Luzi, drink a sip of pulsating, and then take a bite of the fruit, early in the morning

The sun is always so warm and drunk, shining warmly on Uchiha Chen, giving people a drowsy feeling.

At this moment, Miaomiao yelled: I have it, I have it. Uncle Chen! Miaomiao's stomach is swollen, I have it!

This sound I have, almost did not let Uchiha Chen spit out all the pulsation, what do you mean I have it? I know, I understand that we are refining chakra, but those who don't know think it is molesting children.

Even though he said so, Ke Chen still straightened up and looked at Miao Miao. Seeing this, Chen almost gasped. what did he see

My God, on Miaomiao, it is obvious that a relatively huge amount of Chakra can be sensed, which is enough to have the amount of Chakra of a ninja unit. Although it seems insignificant compared to Bichen, this is on Miaomiao. , a little guy less than six years old, the first time he refined chakra, he was able to extract the amount of chakra of a ninja unit from his body in such a short period of time, what a terrifying talent.

No wonder when Chen saw Meow and Baa, he felt that he was going to take these two little girls as his disciples. As expected, this talent was simply terrifying. After realizing that Miaomiao had refined the chakra, Chen put his expectant eyes on Baa-baa. Since the elder sister is already so good, what about the younger sister?

Chapter 504: Purifying the Constitution

But under the joint gaze of the two, Baa Baa, who had been struggling to find the chakra refining technique, couldn't help becoming more anxious, and her own breath began to become agitated when she was anxious. Baa baa, if there is still a little possibility of perception to extract chakra, then it is wishful thinking to extract chakra in her current state.

The more attention she got, the more nervous she became, hoping that the two of them would stop looking at each other, but her naturally timid temperament made her unable to open her mouth no matter what. Under the gaze of the two of them, she became more and more anxious, and she was about to cry. Seeing this, Chen didn't know what went wrong? Immediately ask Miao Miao to play by herself, Chen stepped forward and hugged Baa Baa in his arms to comfort him: What's the matter, why did Baa Baa cry suddenly?

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