
The fists of the two collided again. But the difference this time is that Uchiha Madara's fist is covered with a deep purple exoskeleton, which is Uchiha Madara's visualization of Susanoo in his hands. And Chen's hand is also covered with a thick layer of thunder attribute chakra.

Since he got the chakra coat training method of Yunnin Village, and according to Chen's chidori style, Uchiha Chen simplified and improved the chakra coat that suits him best. Not only is the energy consumption of Chakra much less than that of Yunnin Village, but it is even twice as powerful as the thunder attribute Chakra coat of Yunnin Village.

When the two fists intersected, the chakra coat in Uchiha Chen's hand was directly blasted away, and Susano in Uchiha Madara's hand also produced countless cracks during the impact, which can be described as a lose-lose situation.

ps: Thank you Starlight for another 100-point reward! !

Chapter 517: Big Reversal Thanks to Starlight for the reward

After the fists of the two collided with each other, they quickly separated.

Uchiha Tatsuo took two steps back before stopping, but Uchiha Madara only took one step back, his body shook and stabilized.

Uchiha Madara with an embarrassing face took out the Uchiha Uchiha fan that had been inserted behind his back, held it in front of him with one hand, bent slightly, You forced me to do this!

I saw Uchiha Madara's free hand flipping quickly, and it turned out to be performing one-handed mudra!

Uchiha Tatsu glanced at Madara's knotting seal, and felt vaguely familiar. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and looked at Uchiha Madara's eyes full of playfulness. He smiled and said, Are you impatient so soon? Well, I'll play with you again!

I saw Uchiha Tatsumi Goutama's Sharingan began to watch Uchiha Madara's movements, and his hands did not stop moving at the same time, but started to seal synchronously with Uchiha Madara's movements, and the Chakra in his body It began to surge, and it was impressive to copy the ninjutsu performed by Madara with Sharingan.

The Birth of the Mutun Tree Realm!

The Birth of the Mutun Tree Realm!

The two people stopped forming seals at the same time, and suddenly slapped on the ground. In a short time, the whole world was almost completely occupied by trees. The trees that had been blasted into charred by Uchiha Tatsuo's fist also began to glow with new vitality at this moment. Grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Trees rose from the ground from time to time, and they intersected and entangled each other, and they actually elbowed each other and tore each other.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and the wood escape ninjutsu of the two seems to be the same. They can distinguish between friends and foes, and try their best to prevent the growth of the big trees in the place.

Rather than saying that the big tree has its own consciousness, it is better to say that the caster's manipulation of ninjutsu is so subtle that he can precisely control the amount of chakra in each tree, thereby indirectly guiding the direction of tree growth.

It can be said that they are the former geniuses and later geniuses of the Uchiha family. Their control over Chakra and their proficiency in Mutun have long been beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension.

Uchiha Madara frowned, seeing that his Mudun hadn't played its due role, the chakra in his body began to surge continuously, gradually forming a dark blue barrier around him, and Uchiha Bo Chen's eyes continued to expand, covering Uchiha Madara to form a huge skeleton-like humanoid beast, and then at a speed visible to everyone's naked eyes, the skeleton, which originally only had torso bones, gradually became plump, but in the blink of an eye, a body Wearing samurai armor and a pair of wings on the back, the complete Susanoo appeared in front of Uchiha Tatsumi.

I'll ask you one last time, surrender to me, or die! Uchiha Madara was expressionless, and under the complete cover of Susano, he seemed to have regained the confidence to face ants.

Why is it said that the Sangouyu Sharingan is just the beginning of the evolution of Sharingan? It is because there is a more advanced kaleidoscope sharingan on top of this, and only when it grows into a kaleidoscope sharingan can it truly show the unique and terrifying side of writing sharingan.

Madara's action this time was based on the fact that Uchiha Chen hadn't turned on the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so he boldly faced Shang Chen with confidence. The perfect Susanoo, at the beginning, only the Buddha on the top of the Thousand Hands Pillar could resist.

Although Madara didn't show an arrogant expression, Kechen could still hear a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

What's the meaning? Taunt him for not having a kaleidoscope Sharingan? Provoking him who has been famous for a long time beyond his control?

He glanced at Uchiha Madara coldly, avoiding the branches that protruded from the ground from time to time to bind his legs, jumped up, and stepped lightly on a big tree that had not been entangled by other trees On the top, looking straight at Uchiha Madara who was completely wrapped in dark blue Susanoo: Is this how you're going to eat me? Can a mere Susanoo give you such confidence?

Hearing Chen's words, Madara Uchiha's heart skipped a beat, as if something jumped, and said to himself, Not good!

There are no detailed records about Kaleidoscope Sharingan in my family. Those records that formed words have been completely destroyed by Uchiha Madara. Only the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine still has detailed records about Kaleidoscope Sharingan. But those are things that must be opened to be eligible to view the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But now Uchiha Tatsuo personally revealed the origin of his Susanoo.

Could it be that someone in the family opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan again and announced the information of the Kaleidoscope? Yes, it must be the case. This guy must have heard the news of the Kaleidoscope from somewhere to bluff here, otherwise why he has been bluffing until now? Didn't use Kaleidoscope Sharingan! Uchi

Bo Ban was startled at first, then he settled down and couldn't stop comforting himself.

Even if he himself didn't believe in his own consolation, he still had a fluke mentality in his heart.

However, Uchiha Tatsuo interrupted his luck in the next second.

Pulling out the two long swords hidden in the wings on the back, Susano's body leaned forward, and the next second, the slightly ferocious Susano flashed in front of Uchiha Tatsuo, the ferocious The head of the head is almost face to face against the big tree where Uchiha Tatsuya is standing, and Tatsumi can even clearly see the dark blue high-density chakras flowing on the surface of Susanoo. Through this layer of Chakra energy, Tatsuya's eyes Looking at Uchiha Madara unchanged, the corners of his mouth raised, as if mocking Uchiha Madara as a frog sitting in a well.

How could the proud Uchiha Madara bear such a mocking smile? The long sword was held high, and the two big hands with energy bodies waved again and again. The two long swords seemed to be as light as a feather under the full body of Susanoo, with a layer of sharp sword energy, swaying towards Uchiha Tatsumi .

Facing the menacing Uchiha Madara, Chen didn't panic in his heart, still raised the corners of his mouth lightly, with the back of his hand behind his back, he secretly pinched a handprint, not knowing what it meant, and then stepped forward casually, although the movement was very slow, but Will avoid the heavy slash that Uchiha Madara gave him.

After that, Chen seemed to be performing acrobatics, constantly shuttling under the tip of the full-body Susanoo. Madara played it, what kind of afterimage is this, this is clearly Uchiha Madara's shadow clone technique.

ps: Thank you again for the 100-point reward from Starlight!

Chapter five hundred and eighteen: As expected

Uchiha Tatsuo kept dodging under Madara's full-body Susanoo sword, as if he was really dancing on the tip of the sword, like a stroll in the garden, and his leisurely expression seemed to Uchiha Madara more like insult him.

Uchiha Madara's face turned black, and he couldn't help speeding up the speed of swinging the long sword in his hand. Immediately, the long sword in his hand swung faster and more agilely, faintly even surpassing Uchiha Madara's previous limit speed, but he still didn't know it , is still continuing to speed up the swinging speed of the long sword in his hand, and even behind Uchiha Madara's gigantic full body Susano, it gradually seems like something is about to protrude, Chen just glanced at it Then his eyes became serious and he became vigilant.

You must know that Uchiha Madara's Susanoo had four hands when he was incomplete. I don't know why he lost two hands after he evolved into a complete Susanoo, but this does not mean that the two Only one hand can't be shown, maybe it's just that Uchiha Madara's complete Susano is too strong, there is no need to play with four hands together to hide the remaining two hands.

I saw that the faintly bulging big bag on the back of Uchiha Madara, which was biased towards the armpit, gradually grew bigger and longer until it showed two arms.


Uchiha Tatsuo knew what was going to happen when he saw those two arms, and he didn't dare to hold his hand any longer. With a slippery step, he quickly escaped from the encirclement of Uchiha Madara's double swords.

Just thinking about leaving now? No way! Madara's eyes showed a trace of anger, looking at Uchiha Tatsuo, the movement of his hands did not stop, but the two hands protruding from his armpits began to move towards him. With Uchiha Tatsumi grabbing it, while the other hand is moving forward, even if it blocks Uchiha Tatsuya's evacuation route.


Just when Uchiha Chen was about to be caught by Madara's just outstretched hand, Chen's inspiration flashed, and he borrowed strength from both hands, and his feet made a slight mistake. The whole person turned upside down like an iron bridge, and then stood there After a big hand passed through where he was, Chen straightened his waist and clapped his hands on the huge arm, ignoring the pain of being burned by the scorching chakra on Susanoku's coat, Chen exerted force on his hand, unexpectedly Forcibly pushing the big hand away, he quickly dodged with the force of this recoil, barely dodging the long sword that fell from Uchiha Madara's hand.

Uchiha Chen looked at the injury on his hand, and the life chakra of the wooden escape attribute began to heal the burning on Uchiha Chen's hand, and patted his chest with lingering fear, Chen said in his heart: Fortunately, Dad, I am fast enough, otherwise That's the way of that old guy. The ghost knows that the hand that the old guy had retracted could grow back again. If he hadn't seen Naruto's Nine-Tails state and was prepared to make a casual move, I'm afraid he would be fooled!

Uchiha Chen smiled coldly, and said: If you have any other tricks, you can just use them, or...that's all you have to do?

Susano dance of four swords!

Before Uchiha Tatsuya could speak, he saw that Uchiha Madara's two arms that had just been stretched out were also holding two long knives, two swords and two swords, and Uchiha Madara used a faster speed than before, one knife at a time. When he came over, he saw that Uchiha Madara's surroundings were almost covered by white sword lights. The full-body Susanoo can sweep across a large area with a wave of the long knife in his hand. This kind of ultra-long-distance and ultra-wide-range attack is not the only one.

Four arms, four weapons, waved towards Uchiha Chen almost without interruption, the weapons in his hands continuously shot out sharp astral energy, waves of astral energy sword light formed an impenetrable big net, covering the This piece of heaven and earth shrouded Uchiha Chen.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that the only way left is to wait for death, but is Chen an ordinary person? No, after possessing the Ten-Tails Chakra, or in other words, having the Strongman System, Chen has no relationship with ordinary people at all, whether it is the amount of ninjutsu reserves, ninjutsu attainments or the thickness of the Chakra, Chendu has far surpassed his peers by a long distance. This is no longer a gap that can be made up by hard work alone.

in hokage

There are two kinds of geniuses in the world of Naruto, one is natural geniuses, they often have very strong talents, no matter what they are good at, they can learn everything very quickly, occupying the majority in the world of Hokage, and There is a kind of genius who belongs to the hardworking type. Even with such and other defects, he can still reach the peak slowly by his own efforts, standing on the same level as the real genius.

However, there are some people who can't be surpassed by hard work alone. Those so-called hard-working geniuses are just a joke in front of real geniuses. Don't geniuses need to work hard? What about those so-called hard-working geniuses after they started working hard that day? try harder? Or is it all forty-eight hours a day devoted to hard work?

Obviously, Chen is such a type of person.

His body looked very small under the big net woven by Uchiha Madara with the sword light. However, smallness also has small benefits. Although the big net is extremely fast, it still seems so slow in front of Uchiha Tatsuo, who is small in stature.

The sword glow skipped in front of Uchiha Tatsuya, and in the blink of an eye, he came within ten centimeters of Uchiha Tatsuya's eyes. At a close distance, Chen could already feel the fierce wind under the big net formed by the sword light, but Chen stood there motionless as if he had been frightened stupid.

But is this really the case?

In Uchiha Madara's grinning gaze, and in Uchiha Tatsuo's flat gaze, the big net woven by the aura of the Gang Qi is getting closer and closer.

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