The Earth Explosion Star, which was originally extremely solid and was about to form after absorbing countless clods of sand and gravel, was cut off with such a simple and unpretentious knife, and it didn't even have time to show off its power.

After tearing Earth Explosive Star apart, Daomang went straight to Uchiha Madara.

What... Madara was horrified when he saw the sword light approaching him. He knows the power of Earth Explosion Star, even he has no way to crack it so easily. It is conceivable that this bland sword glow is really hard to pick up.

Uchiha Madara stretched out a hand, with five fingers spread out to face the sword glow, and the pupil power in Samsara's eyes spread wantonly.

Shenluo Tianzheng!

The powerful repulsion is centered on Uchiha Madara and spreads out towards the surroundings, but his main target is the deadly sword light, and almost 80% of the repulsion is directed towards this sword light.

However, it seems that this repulsion is still not enough. The moment the sword light touched the repulsive force, it only paused for a short time.

Immediately, Uchiha Madara heard a click, and the sword glow actually split the space. From the faintly distorted space, Uchiha Madara knew that there was no way to resist Shenluo Tianzheng alone.

Subconsciously, Uchiha Madara turned to one side, and with a push of his legs, he quickly retreated towards the back.

Just one second after he left, the sword light actually broke through the repulsive force of Shenluo Tianzheng, tore the space, and in the next second, through the position where Uchiha Madara was originally standing, the small hill where he was standing before was completely destroyed. Divided into two, a bottomless gully tens of meters long appeared in front of Uchiha Madara.

Hiss! Madara gasped, his eyes full of surprise. Looking up at Tatsuo Uchiha who hadn't turned his attention, he muttered to himself, What kind of scary person did I provoke?

He was afraid, and Uchiha Madara actually had fear. Uchiha Madara, who used to be fearless and even thought that he would never be afraid in this life, has a sense of fear.

At this moment, Chen has fully awakened. With a three-foot long knife in his hand, his eyes were full of sharpness, and he shook the long knife in his hand vigorously. Seeing that the meteorite was close in front of him, Uchiha Tatsuo took a light step towards the air again, raised the long knife, and aimed at a huge meteorite.

Prohibition of Profound Truth Refuge

Uchiha Tatsuo's figure seemed to have disappeared from the sky, and there was no trace of his existence anymore. At this moment, the meteorite had passed where he was standing, but nothing happened.

Seeing this, the embarrassed Uchiha Madara couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help mocking: Hahaha, such power, but it's just empty posture, and it can scare people.

Speaking of Uchiha Madara holding his hands in front of his chest, he looked at the meteorite with a playful face, and there was no sign of continuing to do it. In his opinion, as long as Uchiha Tatsumi died, everything would be fine. As for what will happen to the meteorite after that, It is no longer within the scope of his thinking. Whether those innocent people will die or not, whether they can escape has nothing to do with Uchiha Madara.

People like him who have been fighting and conquering the world since the Warring States period have long since lost those so-called sympathy and ignorance, and now he has become a person who only cares about himself and only himself benefit, purpose. As long as it is beneficial to oneself, even if it is unscrupulous, Uchiha Madara will do it.

However, just when Uchiha Madara thought he was sure of winning, a slight change occurred in the space where the meteorite was originally located.

The water-like ripples were in front of the huge meteorite, and before the meteorite was about to fall, it completely blocked the momentum of the meteorite's fall. At this point, the meteorite could no longer move half a step down.

Profound Truth Takes Refuge!

The figure of Uchiha Tatsuo finally appeared in the void. The original Tatsumi did not disappear, but because his strength was so strong that he pulled out his long sword and forcibly cut through the space gap. Inadvertently, Uchiha Bochen fell into the gap in the void. If it wasn't for Uchiha Chen's ability to fly Thunder God, maybe he is still playing mahjong with his shadow clone in the void.

Shua Shua Shua Shua! The four kunai with special seals shot out from Uchiha Chen's hands, and they were separated around the huge meteorite. Uchiha Chen was holding a long knife in his hand, and his figure flashed in the air. A burst of afterimages.

No, that's not an afterimage. It's like four Uchiha Chens appeared at the same time, but he obviously didn't use the technique of clone.

Although the four Uchiha-chen are wearing the same clothes, they have different expressions on their faces, and their ages are also clearly different. There are calm faces and immature faces. It seems to be the Uchiha Tatsuo of the past and the future.

So terrifying, Chen unexpectedly forcibly broke the barrier of time, from the past time and space, the future time and space summoned himself who should have been in their respective time and space to him, like a miracle!

Chapter 528: Quartet

Four Uchiha Chen, four different rhythms, but they are facing the same enemy.

Although the meteorite is strong, it has no way to resist the attacks from four Uchiha Tatsuno at the same time. After a dazzling attack, a large net made of sword light and qi envelops the meteorite. It is impossible to use words Describe the magnificent scene.

Only when the burning meteorite breaks into fine powder after touching the densely covered net can it explain this majestic power.

How strong is meteorite? Even a highly skilled blacksmith has to go through a lot of tempering with fire to shape it. However, such solid meteoric iron, even the meteoric iron that was braving raging flames, could not withstand Uchiha Tatsuo's attack at all, and turned into powder in an instant.

time seems to have passed

, but in fact this is just what happened the moment Uchiha Madara turned around. When he felt that something was wrong and turned around again, he was horrified to find that the meteorite that was about to fall to the ground disappeared at this moment, as if it had never appeared in this world.

A trace of cold sweat ran across Uchiha Madara's forehead.

Could it be... Madara didn't dare to think about it anymore, or he didn't need to think about it anymore. The woven web that has not disappeared and Uchiha Tatsumi who has not left can already explain everything that happened for him.

Help me! Uchiha Tatsuo roared, and then he suddenly raised his figure, approaching the bigger meteorite again in Uchiha Madara's eyes. Under the eyes of everyone, the remaining three threw the long swords in their hands at Uchiha Chen.

Chen raised his hand, the long knives blurred, one by one superimposed on the knives in his original hand. The long knife glowing with white light was even more radiant at this moment. In the eyes of others, it looks like a little sun shining brightly.

In the mountain village, the villagers who fled in all directions did not know who suddenly shouted: Look at the sky!

So everyone's eyes turned to the sky.

They saw scenes that they will never forget in this life.

Indistinctly, there are four small figures standing around the huge meteorite, constantly waving the weapons in their hands. The meteorite was so huge, and the figure was indeed so small. What they didn't expect was that it was such a small figure, but it was more appropriate to destroy the meteorite, which was extremely huge to them, or to say it was erased.

At this moment, the audience was terribly silent, no one spoke, they all raised their heads and looked up at the sky, at the tiny figure, at the meteorite which was several times bigger than before.

What will happen to him next? Can the meteorite still be erased, can they be saved from the punishment of heaven?

In the small yard, Miaomiao opened her mouth wide into an O shape, and her face was full of disbelief. She widened her eyes, pulled at the corner of her mother's clothes, and shouted loudly: Ma Ma, Ma Ma, Look, it's Uncle Chen, it's Uncle Chen. Uncle Chen is here to save us!

Cheng Chuan Luzi's heart trembled. Hearing Miao Miao's words, he originally wanted to yell at him, but he didn't react for a long time. He looked down, only to find that Miao Miao and Baa Baa were both looking up at the sky, with faces full of Surprised look. She opened her mouth involuntarily, and also raised her head to look at the sky.

Just like that, she couldn't take her eyes away anymore.

That small figure, like a god, stood in the sky, but seemed to stand in front of them, sheltering them from the wind and rain.

Chengchuan Luzi's eyes couldn't help moistening, looking at the tiny figure in the sky, but at this moment in her heart, it was incomparably stalwart.

Bad Uncle Chen, come on! Miao Miao broke free from her mother's embrace, trotted a few steps forward clumsily, regardless of whether Chen could hear it or not, and shouted loudly: Come on, Uncle Chen!

But at this moment, Baa Baa also had an emotional expression on her face, she wanted to cheer for Chen with her sister, but she was worried about her mother, and looked at her longingly.

Chengchuan Luzi smiled, stretched out her hand and pushed Baa Baa out: Go, go cheer for your Uncle Chen!

Yeah! Baabaa nodded solemnly, not knowing what it meant, she trotted to her sister and whispered, Big... big brother, come on.

If you shout like that, people won't hear you. You have to learn from me... Miaomiao nodded her sister and shouted: Come on, Uncle Chen!

Come on... Come on...

louder please!

come on…


Come on! Under the guidance of her sister, Baa-baa broke through her own barrier, and for the first time in history, she shouted her heart out loudly.

The two sisters smiled, and continued to cheer for their Uncle Chen regardless of the others.

However, how could this young and immature voice reach Uchiha Chen's ears through the altitude of 10,000 meters? At this moment, Chen, who was facing another even bigger meteorite, had no idea that there were still people cheering for him.

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