Growing up in that kind of family, even a good young man like Chen who grew up in a harmonious society will inevitably be contaminated with the subconsciousness of pursuing power, not to mention that he himself blames himself for the night of genocide. He watched Itachi slaughter his people and his parents. Since then, Chen has chosen to pursue power by any means.

It was also from that time that a heart that was able to maintain kindness began to embark on a different path. Because the state of mind has changed, even if it is not visible on the surface, but still knows what to do, so whether it is to seize the treasures of Hoshinin Village or join Orochimaru, the decision is made under the trend of pursuing power .

Sighing lightly, Uchiha Chen thought that he might never care about how others looked at him for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that when Meow Meow and Yu Baa looked at him like this, Chen would have an indescribable feeling in his heart Spontaneously, it was very uncomfortable and made him very uncomfortable.

Why do the two little girls look at themselves with such eyes?

Why are the two little girls afraid of themselves?

Why, exactly why!

Chapter five hundred and thirtieth: Inquire about the news

Uchiha Chen had never felt that he was so attached to the two little girls, it was the first time he had this feeling, the unprecedented feeling made him want to accept them as disciples the first time he saw the two little girls. The result is also very gratifying. Although the process has some twists and turns, the overall situation is still good. Take the two little girls as apprentices, and start to travel around the world with the two little girls.

However, this road has only just begun, and the two little girls showed such expressions to him. Are they afraid?

Uchiha Tatsuo's eyes darkened, and he didn't know why he was so frustrated. Ask yourself, can not help but laugh out loud.

Bad...bad Uncle Chen, what are you laughing at... Seeing Uchiha Chen laugh out loud, Miaomiao couldn't help asking timidly but curiously.'s nothing. Shaking his head, Uchiha Tatsuo chuckled, because he was too demanding of the two little girls. You must know that he who has opened Sharingan and he who has not opened Sharingan are completely two people, not only in strength, but also in temperament.

How could the cold Sharingan, which originally represented ominousness, make a good impression on the little girls?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tatsuo's originally gloomy heart got a little bit of comfort. He closed Sharingan, looked at the two little girls with a smile, and stretched out his hand to embrace them.

The two little girls hesitated for a moment, but Baa Baa ran over first, looked at Chen, then threw herself into Uchiha Chen's arms and burst into tears. Not just baa baa, after her, sister Miao Miao also trotted over and burst into tears in Chen's arms.

Wow... so scary, so scary wow... Bad Uncle Chen, bad Uncle Chen!

Chen touched the heads of the two of them and couldn't help comforting him: Don't cry, don't cry, don't you want to be ninjas? If you can't even stand this aura, how can you be a ninja in the future? The most powerful ninja is not as strong as a ninja in terms of aura. It's a hundred times more terrifying than this, how can I rest assured if this is put in the future?

Relax... don't worry, Uncle Chen, it won't happen! Miaomiao will definitely not be afraid!

Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaible... I won't either!

The two little girls looked like they were swearing, and they made something like an oath to Uchiha Chen. Indeed, as the two of them said, since then, the two little guys have never been afraid even if they encountered no matter how severe the situation was, no matter how strong the opponent was.

Chen smiled, looked at the faces of the two little guys who were crying like cats, and said with a smile: Okay, wipe your tears quickly. What is it like? I have already found the next town, which is just ahead. Far away, let's rush there today to rest for a while, take a good rest for a while, and then go on the road after resting, how about it?

Chen immediately picked up the two little girls and dared to go to the front town. The two little guys were awake at this time, so Chen tried to keep going as fast as possible without hurting the two little girls. Even so, the three barely reached the nearest village after noon.

Wow... Is this the outside world? Bad Uncle Chen, it's really beautiful, can I go and play? Miao Miao just entered the town, just like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, showing a very surprised and curious expression , he felt that everything was so fresh, completely different from that in the mountain village, no matter what, she wanted to try it and ask about it. Struggling to jump down from Uchiha Tatsuo's arms, touch here and look there.

Not just Miaomiao, but her younger sister is also similar, but her younger sister is not as courageous as her, maybe because she is afraid of seeing so many people, she has been shrinking in Uchiha Tatsuo's arms, but her eyes are It keeps turning as Meow Meow moves.

Chen hehe smiled, put down the bleat in his arms, and walked while holding her hand, saying: This is just a small town in the country of Sichuan, the population is not too large, and it is still a time of war, many people are I left to take refuge. If I have a chance in the future, I will take you to the capital of the country of fire, and take you to Konoha to have a look. That is the real fun. Then I will take you to eat the best barbecue there, the most delicious ramen.

While Chen was talking, Miaomiao imagined that the saliva in her mouth had gradually started to fall following Uchiha Chen's narration. She put her index finger on her chin, took a sharp breath, and swallowed all the saliva He walked back and asked in a low voice, Really...Really? Uncle Chen?

Of course it's true, would I still lie to you?

Miao Miao smashed her mouth, as if she was already fantasizing about Chen taking her

Let's go have a big meal.

Rubbing Miaomiao's little head, Chen said: Okay, now let's find a hotel first, take a good rest first, and then go out for a stroll after rest, anyway, we have plenty of time.

Miao Miao nodded, so Chen took the three of them to find a small hotel, put the two little girls on the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

These two days, the little girl is too tired and has been on the road. Even if she rests, she is in the mountains. Although there is Chen's wooden escape, it can't relieve the fatigue caused by the journey. After all, it is the first time for both of them to go out. This new and exciting experience cannot be relieved in a day or two. It was not until they stayed in the hotel that they were truly relieved, fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Uchiha Tatsuo smiled, separated a Mutun clone to guard the two of them in the room, and then walked out quietly.

Wearing a pure white robe, Uchiha Tatsuo came to the only izakaya in this town and ordered two bottles of sake, sitting on the seat and savoring carefully. At the same time, his ears were not idle, but carefully He listened intently to the words of those who were drinking and booing.

Although Chen is not a drunkard, but in this kind of place where dragons and snakes are mixed, there will always be some information collected!

Have you heard? It seems... our country of Sichuan has been punished by God!

Ah? Is it true?

It's true! My brother's sister's cousin's aunt's nephew's uncle's brother-in-law's friend told me that he saw a meteorite in our country of Sichuan!

Ah! Why don't you run now?

Hey... What are you running for? Someone has already knocked him down, and I don't know who it was. He was able to prevent the fall of the punishment from heaven. It must be a god!

You don't know either?

That's right, my friend didn't tell me either. It is said that there is no news now, but people from Sand Ninja Village and Konoha Village have already gone to investigate.

Chen shook his head slightly. He didn't collect any valuable information at all. Hearing these unnutritious news, he felt very impatient.

Chapter five hundred and thirtieth: Konoha's strategy

He came here to inquire about the movements of sand ninja and Konoha from these people, but in the end there were only such unnutritious information.

Regarding the investigation of Sand Ninja and Konoha, Uchiha Tatsuo had already made up his mind. What he wanted to know was the specific details of the current battle between the two parties.

Shaking his head and downing a small glass of sake in one gulp, Uchiha Tatsuo's face remained unchanged. Listening to these unnutritious topics of ordinary people, Chen found that his decision to come here to try to find out the news seemed meaningless. With a wry smile, he filled the glass with wine, and Chen frowned and took a sip. To be honest, the wine here is delicious at all. After all, it is a small place. There was a faint layer of residue floating on top of the wine. It's not on the same level as the wine he drank in the Land of Fire before, let alone the baijiu he drank in his previous life.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Chen drank the jug of wine and prepared to call the izakaya boy to pay the bill.

Suddenly his ears moved, as if he heard something.

Hey... have you heard the news?

Which one?

Hi! It's the news that our daimyo from the land of rivers is about to fall to the land of wind!

Hiss... Is there any news?

After the man finished speaking, the audience seemed to be quiet for a moment... the surroundings became completely silent, only the sound of Uchiha Tatsumi drinking and pouring wine alone.

After a long time, the person who just started to speak sighed, then lowered his voice and said softly to the people around him: This is the news I heard from other people too! It is said that not long ago, The general of our country of Sichuan was killed!



Isn't this good news!

I don't know who it is! This is such a kind person!

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