Chapter 546: Konoha in Parallel Space

In Chen's perceived world, he suddenly seemed to have entered Qianhe's world. The whole person turned into Chizuru, and experienced his whole life, from Chizuru's birth until he was wiped out by Uchiha Tatsun at this moment, his whole life passed before Uchiha Tatsun's eyes.

In the same way, this is how Uchiha Tatsu knew more unknown things about Konoha Village.

For example, in Chizuru's life experience, the second generation of Hokage Senshoubojian of Konoha Village signed an alliance with Yunnin Village of the Land of Thunder in the ninja world war. , but with the joint assistance of the Second Hokage and the Second Raikage, the resistance organization this time was forcibly suppressed, and the Golden Horn was forcibly obliterated and the Silver Horn was sealed.

However, in this war, the second generation Raikage was seriously injured and died soon after, but the second generation Hokage Senju Tomona was not seriously injured, but made another breakthrough in this war.

If it was said that he was just a man who signed a contract with the sea, then after this time he has truly become the master of the sea. After returning to the village, Qianshoufei continued to develop Muye Village and develop forbidden techniques. In just a few years, the combat effectiveness of Muye Village even rose by more than one level because of him.

I don’t know if it was because Uchiha Kagami contributed a lot in that war. After that, Senju Feima’s grudge against the Uchiha clan gradually disappeared, and he began to slowly believe in the Uchiha clan. Similarly, because Madara The Uchiha clan, who gradually moved away from the center of the village due to defection, returned to the political center of the village again.

In this way, with the whole village of Muye Village united in one mind, the village began to exude vigorous vitality. It was at this time that the gap between Konoha Village and the other four Ninja Villages began to widen.

The most important thing is, in Chen's perception. Although the second generation of Hokage Senju Tobima eventually gave way to Sarutobi, this was based on the premise of voting by all Konoha senior officials. It is worth mentioning that Danzo did not participate in Hokage's election at that time, but cast a crucial vote for Sarutobi as a voter.

Even, in Chizuru's impression, Danzo, who was a dark person in Uchiha Tatsuo's era, was an extremely kind person in Chizuru's impression.

As the assistant of Hokage, he put forward a lot of opinions beneficial to the village at the Hokage meeting, and did a lot of things for the village. He even made a lot of effort in Shanghai about Moshuo Hatake, and went to Moshuo Hatake's home to persuade him, and finally stopped Moshuo Hatake from wanting to commit suicide. He is an extremely kind and cheerful person. .

When he sensed this, Uchiha Chen couldn't help but be taken aback. If it was said that Hatake Mosaku was not dead and even had immortal skills that surprised Chen, then the news that Danzo is a good person can't help but make Uchiha Chen doubted.

As the saying goes, a dog can't change eating shit, but Danzo is really a good person? That's probably not necessarily the case, after all, a person's personality has been fixed since birth. What kind of person Danzo is, I am afraid that Uchiha Chen knows better than himself. Said he was a nice guy? That's impossible, maybe there is still a dark heart hidden under his glamorous appearance.

Smiling, now Uchiha Tatsuo can finally be sure where is the place where he has faintly felt disharmony since he came to this world.

This is not the Naruto world he is familiar with at all. If it is possible, this may be a parallel world in the Naruto world. Since the second generation of Hokage did not die, the wings of the little butterfly began to incite a storm that could sweep the entire Hokage world, completely changing the entire Hokage world, causing this world to become a world that Uchiha Tatsuo was not familiar with at all.

Now the Second Hokage has abdicated, but still not dead, but living in seclusion in the mansion of the Senju clan to educate the younger generation of his family, even the Uzumaki Mito, who should have died, is not dead now, but Live well and be in good health. Perhaps it is for this reason that Danzo is so sunny and kind.

After all, the two big mountains pressing on his head have not been completely removed, and any small actions he wants to do will be known to others, which may affect his status.

Why did Uchiha Chen know? That's because in this world, Danzo did the same thing as the later generations, that is, established the root, which exists in this world as the shadow of Konoha Village. Therefore, it is difficult to change the nature of the country. Dogs will never change their habit of eating shit. Danzo will be a good person? Just thinking too much.

After seeing Chizuru's defection, Uchiha Tatsuo decisively cut off the connection between himself and Chizuru's soul. The absorbed power entered Uchiha Chen's eyes and fused into Chen's soul.

Although this force is very weak, it is because Qianhe's own strength is not very strong after all. How could Dingtian, who is just an elite Chunin, give Uchiha Chen a stronger boost?

With Chen's current strength, unless he absorbs the souls of twenty shadow-level powerhouses or the most elite soul of a tailed beast, his soul power will not change visible to the naked eye.

In line with the principle that no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat, Uchiha Chen did not refuse. Now he has not healed from the severe injuries he suffered from the candle dragon, and he can only recover if he understands the power of the candle dragon. In order to comprehend the power of the candle dragon, in addition to his own efforts, the strength of the soul power is also crucial.

Pushing away the guy's body casually, Uchiha Tatsuo frowned slightly as he looked at the messy ground in front of him due to a scuffle. After thinking about it, I made mudras with both hands, and a soil

As the ninjutsu continued, the entire ground level began to sink, and everyone’s bodies were buried in the mound as the ground level sank. Chen turned his hands over, and the soil next to him continued to pour into the hollow. In the blink of an eye, the original The sunken ground became extremely smooth again.

Outside the town, in the woods, where Uchiha Tatsuo was standing, it became clean and tidy again, and the breeze blew past, taking away the last trace of bloody smell, and also took away the last trace of their survival in this world. proof.

Uchiha Tatsuo turned around, raised his leg, left without looking back, and returned to the town quietly. Only the soil refurbished in situ was left, exposed to the sun.

Chapter 547: Finding Konoha Again

Looks like it's time to go to Konoha Village! Uchiha Tatsuo looked at the sun that was gradually starting to set in the sky.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Chen's body, revealing a layer of golden coat, as if the coat burned by the sun was worn by Chen. It looks like a god descending from the earth.

Walking on the path outside the town, no one came to disturb Uchiha Tatsuo at the moment. Similarly, the pedestrians on the quiet path became hurried, as if they wanted to take advantage of the last moment before the sun went down to feel rest in the town.

Uchiha Tatsu saw crowds of people passing by. They each held today's hunting catch in their hands, chatted and laughed with each other and gathered together, heading home, without being affected by the war at all. In this peaceful small town, perhaps this will be the last piece of pure land. In the near future, this small town will also be affected by the flames of war.

Shaking his head, he smiled. All this has nothing to do with Uchiha Tatsumi. After tonight, Chen should be on the road. He has never forgotten his original intention of coming to this world - to go back to Konoha, to the place where he was born, to see the most important person to him.

Night soon fell on this quiet town. Summer nights always come so slowly, but in this border town, perhaps because the world has not suffered from industrial pollution, the stars in the sky are so clear It can be seen that in the starry sky map that can be seen when looking up in the night, is there another shining star that is the hometown where Uchiha Chen traveled before?

Sitting in the small town room and looking up at the sky, Uchiha Tatsuo couldn't help lowering his head slightly when he thought of this, and let out a low, inaudible sigh. At this moment, the two little guys have already woken up, and they are playing together with the toys that Uchiha Tatsu bought on the way back.

Everything here is so fresh. For the two little guys, everything is something they have never seen before. After the energy of missing their hometown and mother is over, what is left is curiosity about new things.

In desperation, Uchiha Chen had no choice but to play with the toys with the two little girls for a long time, and was not relieved until night fell.

But at this moment in the small town, there are already no pedestrians. In this small town that lacks entertainment methods, there is not even a movie theater. At night, everyone can only look for sporadic lights to return to their homes. The whole town seemed so silent.

Suddenly, Uchiha Chen nodded as if thinking of something, separated out a wooden clone, and told him to watch the two little girls carefully, and he immediately stood up and prepared to go out.

Meow raised her head at the right time, because they had seen Uchiha Tatsuki's clone before, and they were not surprised by the sudden appearance of two Uchiha Tatsumi.

Bad Uncle Chen, where are you going now? Meow asked Chen curiously.

Standing at the door of the room, Chen turned his head and said with a smile: I'll go outside to relax, and I'll be back in a while!

Meow Meow is going too! Hearing that, Miao Miao suddenly became interested, and she stopped playing with the toy in her hand, and threw it to her sister, raised her hand and shouted at Chen: Bad Uncle Chen, quickly take Meow Miao! Meow, let's relax!

Uchiha Tatsumi laughed dumbly, this little girl is really full of fun, no matter what she wants to get along with, it would be no problem for Uchiha Tatsuya to take her anywhere, but now it is different, Uchiha Tatsumi is going to The place is very dangerous.

Although it is no problem for him to fight back and forth even if Wan Jun fights back and forth, but if he takes this little girl with him, there may be problems. After all, the place he is going to... is the camp of Konoha ninjas!

At this time, Baa Baa also dropped the toy in her hand, stood up timidly, ran behind her sister, looked at Uchiha Chen and whispered: Baa Baa... Baa Baa wants to go too, big brother, can you We can't leave us alone...

Looking at the hopeful eyes of the two little girls, Uchiha Chen keenly grasped the worry and panic in the eyes of the two little girls. It seems that these two little girls are still too dependent on themselves. But this is also normal, he brought the two little girls out of the mountain village by himself, and now he has to leave the two of them to go by himself, and everyone will feel a little flustered.

Thinking of this, Chen's eyes couldn't help softening, looking at the two little girls, he stepped forward to hug them gently, and said with a smile: Okay, okay, I'll take you two for a walk today, remember Don't make a scene, or you will be taken away by the bad guys!

Is it bad for you?

Chen: ...

Worse than me!

Then let's stop arguing! We will be honest! Meow nodded, her chubby little face was serious, but in Uchiha Chen's eyes, it was so cute!

Holding the two little girls in his arms, Uchiha Chen smiled, looked outside and said: Hold tight, big brother is going to fly!


Saying that, Uchiha Tatsuo jumped up and came to the roof in an instant, stepping on it

, Borrowing strength on the roof, quickly move forward.

When he was about to set off, Uchiha Tatsuo had already sensed the location of the ninja camp on Konoha's side. Now he just needs to go straight to that place, and there is no need to spend time on unnecessary searches.

If he was the only one, then he could use the power of nothingness to get out of Konoha's camp in an instant, but not now, with two little girls in his arms, the system of the two of them simply couldn't bear it. The force of tearing through space.

However, according to the current speed of the three of them, they could still arrive at their camp in time.

They galloped all the way, ignoring Meow Miao who was yelling here, hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at the Konoha camp before they were about to go to bed.

Who is it! The two elite ninjas standing guard at the door saw Uchiha Tatsuya suddenly appearing in front of them with two little girls in his arms. Kunai looked at Uchiha Chen warily.

Don't worry. Chen comforted Miaomiao who was probing around, looked at the two Konoha ninjas and smiled lightly: I didn't come to make trouble, besides, just relying on the strength of the two of you, I don't care about it. Here, call your commander out, and say it's an old friend's visit!

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