Hatake Mosaku was slightly startled, and only realized after hearing the voice that it turned out that it was still in the Konoha camp. If a battle started here, the consequences would be disastrous.

Immediately said in a hurry: There is nothing here, you spread out quickly, one hundred meters, no! Back five hundred meters, quickly!

Lord Maoshuo!

Execute the order! The whole battalion retreats 500 meters!

Those two elite Jōnin wanted to say something, Hatake Mosaku immediately ordered to seal what they wanted to say. Because he has already seen the impatience in Chen's eyes, if he delays for a little longer, he doesn't know what unexpected things Chen will do.

After receiving the order from Mosaku Hatake, the two elite jounin still wanted to say something, but under the urging of the order, they could only arrange for everyone to retreat first. The two had already made a decision. After organizing the troops to retreat Come back and help him in Hatake Mosaku's tent.

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth: Unreliable method

Obviously, the two of them could hear something wrong from Mosaku Hatake's words. If it wasn't for the extremely terrifying enemy in his tent at this moment, Mosaku Hatake would not have said such a thing .

After secretly making up their minds, the two began to urgently organize the retreat of their personnel.

However, what they didn't know was that the enemy would be Uchiha Chen. What they didn't even expect was that the strength of the two elite jounin was not enough to stand in front of Chen.

When the two began to organize the retreat, the atmosphere in the camp did not ease up in the slightest. I saw Uchiha Chen stepping out.

With a sound of Boom!, the sound of thunderous footsteps seemed to be stepping on the hearts of the three of them. The three of them, who were seriously injured, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. They took a step back and barely stood up. Keep your feet on the ground.

Are you here for real? Shigeru Hatake took a deep breath. There is no way to ease the situation now. Even if the deal between the two parties has been discussed before, it can basically be regarded as invalid now. If this fight starts , any treaty is useless.

Although the atmosphere was still very tense, at this moment Nara Shikahisa keenly noticed something was wrong.

Because he saw that his companion Yamanaka Kaiichi who was supporting him did not show any signs of oppression. Especially just now, the three of them couldn't help vomiting blood and retreated, but Kaiichi Yamanaka, who was inferior to them in physical fitness and strength, still remained motionless, breathed calmly, and did not respond.

Turning his head to look at Haiyi Yamanaka, he asked softly, Haiyi... don't you feel anything?

What's the feeling? Haiyi Yamanaka was full of doubts, as if he didn't understand what his companion said: The feeling? I don't feel anything.

Shaking his head, seeing that something was wrong with his teammates, he was smart and immediately thought of the key point of the problem. Getting closer, he leaned against Nara Shikahisa calmly and asked, Did you find anything?


Seeing Kaiichi Yamanaka whose face remained unchanged, Shikahisa Nara couldn't help but feel a little weird, and thought, Could it be Kaiichi Yamanaka who surrendered to the enemy? Thinking of this, Shikahisa Nara immediately deleted this impossible idea from his mind back.

Judging from the situation at the beginning, the two obviously didn't know each other. When they contacted each other, there were other people present, and there was no such thing as private surrender to the enemy. Besides, it wasn't that Shikahisa Nara belittled his companion, Kaiichi Yamanaka didn't have any ability worthy of Uchiha Tatsumi's fancy.

So why did Uchiha Tatsuo deliberately miss Yamanaka Kaiichi?

Could it be to cause our internal strife? Nara Shikahisa's brain began to spin rapidly, constantly guessing the possibility of this matter, but no matter how smart his brain is, it is absolutely impossible to guess that Chen is from a later life. Skip Yamanaka Kaiichi because his daughter will become his own woman in the future.

By the way! It was the same before! Nara Shikahisa's brain flashed, thinking that the situation in the Kingdom of the Wind before seemed to be somewhat the same as it is now, and Chen's eyes seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Kai Yamanaka during the battle , and then he opened his mouth to let them go.

It's just that no one cared about it at that time, so they didn't think much about it. Looking back now, it seems that when Uchiha Tatsumi saw Kaiichi Yamanaka, there was more or less embarrassment in his eyes.

Although I can't figure out why this is, it does not prevent Shikahisa Nara from making some articles.

It is precisely because he believes in his teammates that he will do this.

Haiichi, I may have a way to avoid this dispute. After subconsciously glancing at Uchiha Tatsumi and realizing that he hadn't noticed that he still had Haiichi Yamanaka, Lu Jiu also leaned close to Haiyi's ear and said softly .

What!? Yamanaka Hai was taken aback for a moment, and his voice couldn't help raising his voice a bit. Seeing that he had attracted everyone's attention, he couldn't help but smiled and said, It's nothing...it's nothing...you continue...

Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, not understanding what the two of them were talking about, but he subconsciously felt a little vigilant. The Nara family is most famous for their brains. If ordinary people underestimate the people of the Nara family, they will definitely suffer a big loss. Don’t look at them as if they think this trouble is too troublesome. If they really take it seriously, they will definitely suffer. Big loss.

Yamanaka Kai turned his head, paying attention to Uchiha Tatsuo's movements, seeing him confronting Hatake Mosaku again, he quietly gestured in front of Nara Shikoku.

What the hell is going on! Tell me clearly, what should I do!

Seeing this, Shikaku Nara thought for a while, then raised a hand with difficulty

Gestures in a place that Haiyi can see in the mountains.

This is a gesture that only they can understand. Different from the unified gesture code language in Konoha, they also have a special set of gesture code language between Zhuludie, just to prevent communication without language communication. , generally not used between them, except in emergencies.

I found... that guy named Uchiha Tatsuo seems to be a bit special to you. Under his aura, we didn't dare to act rashly at all. We were even aroused by his murderous aura just now, causing us to vomit blood at the mouth. However You are the only one who is different, under the aura of Uchiha Tatsumi, there is no movement, no induction, I was wondering if you should be special.

Seeing Nara Shikahisa making such gestures, Yamanaka Haiyi shuddered, shook his head immediately, and made a series of gestures with a serious face.

I have nothing to do with him!

Shikahisa Nara nodded, I believe in you.

The key now is that we don't know Uchiha Tatsuo's preferences at all. Since there is a certain possibility that he is special to you, can we make some articles on this?

What do you want to do? Yamanaka Kaiichi took a deep look at Nara Shikahisa, and made a series of gestures.

Come forward, persuade that Uchiha Tatsumi, agree to his conditions, and see if you can just wipe this matter away.

Are you sure? Why does it sound so unreliable? I have nothing to do with that guy!

It's 50-50. I'm not sure. Anyway, it's just a trial, and I don't know why he looks at you differently. But it's not a big problem to try.

Okay! Hai Yamanaka turned his hand down a little, made a strange gesture, glanced at Shikaku Nara, and slowly walked out from behind Mosaku Hatake.

Chapter five hundred and fifty IX: Unexpected

Kaiichi Yamanaka slowly walked out from behind Mosaku Hatake, stood in front of Shigeru Hatake, and stretched out his hand to slightly push Mosaku Hatake to the back.

The originally tense atmosphere even saw the two people's hands raised to prepare to fight, but it was disrupted by Kaiichi Yamanaka, and the atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and the atmosphere stagnated again.

Seeing Kaiichi Yamanaka standing up, Shigeru Hatake subconsciously glanced at Shikaku who was behind him, and saw him nodding secretly towards him, so he felt relieved, and then relaxed his body, led by Kaiichi Yamanaka Get behind him.

At this time, Mosaku Hatake had the time to observe other things.

He watched the movements of Yamanaka Kaiichi, and was surprised to find that he was not oppressed by Uchiha Tatsumi's aura.

Even he himself is still being targeted by Uchiha Tatsumi's aura, and his body's ability to move is much stiffer than before, but Yamanaka Kaiichi shows no sign of being suppressed at all.

Could it be... could it be that he... Mosaku Hatake shook his head, putting this thought behind him, not to mention that the two of them didn't know each other, the relationship between them for so many years will not let Yamanaka Kai produce that behavior.

Hatake Mosaku felt a little sorry for the thought that he didn't trust his companion, but he became vigilant at this time.

A hand behind him clapped over, but Shikajiu Nara moved over. He chuckled at Mosaku Hatake and whispered, Don't worry, Master Mosaku, trust Haiichi.

Hatake Mosaku nodded, indicating that he understood what Lu Jiu meant.

I don't know why, that Uchiha Tatsuo seems to be a little special to Haiyi, and it was the same when he was in the country of the wind before. It seems that he saw Haiyi, so he decided to let us go. Although I don't know the reason, but I I feel that there must be hidden secrets that we don't know about, and if the bet is right, this may be a very important opportunity.

No wonder! Hatake Mosaku showed a suddenly realized expression, That's right, I said what a coincidence, what happened before, now that I think about it, it is indeed true.

But... how far can he do it? Hatake Shigeru looked at the back of Yamanaka Kaiichi, his eyes flickering.

It depends on the situation. I'm not sure. I just hope my guess is correct. Lu Jiu sighed.

Haiichi Yamanaka broke the original tense momentum, and raised his eyes to Uchiha Tatsumi. When he looked at the deep Sangoudama Sharingan, his heart couldn't help but tremble, and the whole person seemed to be sucked into it. Like a bottomless abyss.

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