After seeing Shikajiu's shadow imitation technique successfully controlling Uchiha Tatsumi, everyone present showed unconcealable excitement on their faces, and were about to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, in the next second, Nara Shikahisa's body turned into a shell, flew straight behind him, broke through the tent, fell heavily on the ground, vomited blood, and fainted immediately. Before he had time to be happy, he was severely beaten back to the prototype.

However, taking advantage of the moment when Uchiha Tatsumi was disturbed by Nara Shikaku, Xianji and Huoto originally planned to forcibly evacuate Uchiha Tatsumi's side, but when they moved the Chakra in their bodies, they were counterattacked by the residual Chakra in their bodies , the two vomited blood together, but failed to escape from Uchiha Chen's hands.

Could it be... that's it?

Hinata Xianji couldn't help thinking in despair.

At this time, Uchiha Tatsuo sensed the chakra in his body changed, especially the ten-tailed chakra sealed in his body, suddenly became restless. The ten-tailed chakra began to emerge involuntarily.


After sensing a change in his body, Uchiha Tatsuo immediately let go of the restraint on Hyuga Enji and Hyuga Fireto, immersed his mind in his body, and carefully observed the chakra flowing in the meridians.

Uchiha Chen was surprised to find that there was a trace of Chakra of higher nature in his Chakra.

What's going on here! Uchiha Tatsuo couldn't help asking the system in surprise.

Ding... answer the host. This is a sign that the Chakra in the host has begun to evolve.

Evolution? Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, but at this moment, his eyes involuntarily turned on the eternal kaleidoscope mode, and there was a faint pain in both eyes. Chen subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands.

What the hell is going on here! Mobilized the Chakra in his body to suppress the Chakra that just emerged, but Chen found that he had no way to restrain the ever-growing Chakra.

Because the nature is higher than that of Uchiha Chen's Chakra, when Chen urged Chakra to suppress, all those chakras were swallowed up. Fortunately, Chen had quick eyes and quick hands, and forcibly interrupted the act of suppressing Chakra.

It is recommended that the host find a safe place as soon as possible. If nothing unexpected happens, the Chakra in the host will evolve. The system made a sound in time.

The incident happened suddenly, and Chen didn't have time to think about it. After closing his eyes and sensing the chakra in his body, Chen also knew the severity, so he didn't intend to continue to suppress the Konoha people, and said indifferently to the tent: This One time is a lesson for you, and let you recognize the reality, next time, you will not have such good luck!

After finishing speaking, he entered the system space with his whole body.

Chen is not worried that no one will hear his words, he is very measured in doing things, although they all look like they are seriously injured, but they have not lost consciousness, so they can still hear Uchiha Chen's words.

As for whether they will help take care of the two little girls, Chen is not worried about this. As long as Uchiha Chen's deterrent power exists for a day, they will not dare to do anything to the two little guys, and they even want to take the two little girls. The little girl made offerings like an ancestor, so that after Uchiha Tatsuo came back, she would not be caught.

As Uchiha Chen thought, after hearing Chen's words, Hatake Mosaku breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Chen's departure means that this matter has come to an end. Although several of them were seriously injured, fortunately, no one was killed. This may be the luck of misfortune.

Hatake Mosaku couldn't help but think in his heart that perhaps Chen didn't go on a killing spree because he was concerned about the two little girls. The reason why they were severely injured was just to show his majesty. Let them understand that Chen is not something they can fool with their small thoughts. It can also be regarded as a warning, giving them a warning through the matter of Qiu Dao Dingzuo.

Without caring about what the few people who survived by chance were thinking, Uchiha Tatsuo isolated Xiaonan's location after entering the system space, occupying most of the space by himself, and carefully observed the movements in his body.

After releasing the restrictions on the flow of chakra in the body, the absorption speed of the higher-level chakra will be much faster.

That chakra flows through Uchiha Tatsuo's meridians over and over again, constantly absorbing Uchiha Tatsuya's original chakra, and then evolves into a higher-level chakra, blends into his body, and continues to cycle this action , again and again.

At this time, Chen also gradually felt the changes in his body. After the chakra was absorbed, he could clearly find that the amount of chakra in his body was much less, the evolution was still going on, and the chakra in his body was also constantly decreasing.

Gradually, Uchiha Tatsuo's appearance changed. His body gradually became pale, two horns grew from his forehead, and a small gap opened in the direction of Yintang, which was a sign of the evolution of a third eye.

After absorbing all the chakras in Chen's body, this force, not to be outdone, began to invade the ten-tailed chakra sealed in Chen's body.

Is ten tails chakra so easy to get along with? Although the ten tails in Uchiha Tatsuo's body were fused with the nine tailed beasts he cloned using the system, the ferocity of being a tailed beast still exists.

When he felt something absorbing his chakra, the ten tails in Uchiha Tatsuo's body launched a fierce counterattack.

The ten tails were originally sealed in his body

The Four Elephant Seal was instantly shattered by the Chakra of Ten Tails. All the chakras of the ten tails poured into Uchiha Tatsuo's body, following his meridians, constantly searching for the chakra that tried to devour it.

The two met in Uchiha Tatsuo's meridian, and launched an earth-shattering fight. Not only is the ten-tailed chakra aggressive, but the chakra that has just mutated also shows no sign of weakness. The two collided directly, and in Uchiha Tatsuo's meridians, huge waves were set off.

Even though Uchiha Tatsuo's meridians are strong, under the collision of two chakras of different attributes, it is inevitable that he will also scream overwhelmed.

Bursts of pain spread into Uchiha Chen's brain, several times almost made Chen faint.

Wave after wave, the pain continued to hit, maybe even if Chen wanted to pass out, he wouldn't have time to pass out. It was too painful, maybe Chen had fainted, but under the ravages of pain, Uchiha Chen woke up again.

Chapter 572: Evolution process

During this time period, Uchiha Chen has been forced to keep awake. He watched helplessly as the two strands of chakra in his body ran around, constantly wreaking havoc in his body. However, Uchiha Tatsumi couldn't do anything.

He found that his own chakra no longer belonged to him. He couldn't control even a trace of chakra in his body.

Wave after wave of shocks kept pouring into his brain. At this time, the power of the candle dragon, which was originally stationed safely above Chen Wei, also began to be unwilling to be lonely, and joined the battlefield when the two forces continued to impact.

Although the power of the candle dragon is very small and rare, this power is much higher than the two strands of Chakra raging in Uchiha Tatsuo's body. Under the touch of the three, the two strands of Chakra that were originally flaunting their might will become stronger. Like a mouse seeing a cat, it ran away in despair.

At this time, of course, the power of the candle dragon will not stop there, especially after tasting the delicacy of Chakra, it is out of control. Completely left the top of the burning stomach, and started chasing towards the two chakras.

The two forces that were originally evenly matched at this time suddenly inserted a more powerful force. Uchiha Tatsuo's evolution actually looked like a farce.

Constantly dodging the pursuit of the power of the candle dragon, in Uchiha Chen's meridians, the place where the power of the candle dragon passed was once again burned by the remaining power. No matter how tough Uchiha Tatsuo's meridians were, under the ravages of three different forces, the wounds gradually began to show.

Chen keenly found that many small meridians had been damaged. According to this level, the meridians in Uchiha Chen's body would be burnt out in less than half an hour.

Knowing that he couldn't sit still, he began to resist. However, the embarrassing thing is that the two chakras have not had the slightest intention to obey his command until now, and are still acting on their own.

The ten-tailed chakra is okay, after all, it was cloned by the system, and it still obeys Uchiha Tatsuo's will, but in a situation where life and death are at stake, this little support is just a drop in the bucket.

With a long sigh, Uchiha Chen shook his head with a wry smile: Are I, Uchiha Chen, going to be buried here?

Not only the Chakra in Uchiha Tatsuo's body began to change, but his eyes also underwent a qualitative change. Constantly switching between the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan and the Samsara Eye, sometimes for the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and sometimes for the Samsara Eye, and finally the two blood successors have faint signs of fusion.

This was something that should have happened a long time ago, but Uchiha Tatsuo kept procrastinating. After sealing the ten tails, Chen could evolve his eyes again, but he was worried that the power would be overexpanded and cause uneven control, so he chose to forcibly suppress this fusion power.

Until this time, the two forces of evolution started simultaneously, catching Uchiha Chen by surprise.

The pain in the eyes and the pain in the body are like tarsal maggots, constantly eroding Uchiha Tatsuo's spirit.

Damn it... system... you cheated me! Enduring the pain, Uchiha Tatsuo held back for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence from his mouth.

Ding... host, the system didn't cheat you, it's just something that must be experienced during the evolution process. Pain is inevitable. This evolution is tantamount to replacing the chakra in the host body. After success, the host body will The chakra will undergo a qualitative change, and truly evolve into the six-path model of the perfect body.

What... Could it be that my previous Six Paths mode is still fake? Uchiha Tatsumi said tremblingly.

Ding... No, the host's previous six-path mode is real, but it is just an incomplete six-path mode. All the abilities that the six-path mode can use cannot be used by the host. It can only be considered that the physical fitness has reached the requirements of the six-path mode. , the nature of Chakra has not met the requirements.

Chen: ...

Uchiha Chen now has a sentence in his mind that he doesn't know whether to say it or not. I have never seen such a cheating system. Since it is in the form of an incomplete body, let’s talk about it earlier. It makes him very embarrassed now. The most uncomfortable thing is that he can’t mobilize the chakra in his body now, which makes him unable to move at all. Stop the riot in the body.

It would be fine if there were only those two chakras that needed to complete the evolution. The most important thing is that there is still a terrifying force called the power of the candle dragon raging in Chen's body. The power is simply unstoppable. According to this situation, without the end of evolution, the power of Zhulong alone can kill Chen.

Seemingly understanding Uchiha Chen's worries, the system began to scan Chen's whole body.

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