Qianshou Fanjian put his eyes on the two little girls, and saw his eyes were burning, looking at the two of them and wondering what they were thinking.

Uchiha Tatsuo smiled, he knew that Senshou Feijian was sensing the strength of two people, so he didn't say anything, but pulled the two of them out from behind him: Come and get to know him, his name is Senshou Feijian, In the future, if you need anything in Konoha, you can find him...

The little girl who was still excited at first became timid when she came to the gate of the ninja school. She hid behind Uchiha Tatsuo and refused to come out. Now that she was pulled over by him, she couldn't help being startled.

Hello, grandpa Qianshou!

The two little girls screamed timidly and immediately hid behind Huichen and looked at Qianshoufei with cat eyes.

Seeing this, Chen just chuckled and said: The two little girls have been living in seclusion in the mountains, and they are more afraid of strangers.

It's easy to say... hiss! Qianshou Feijian waved his hand with a smile, and he could maintain this posture at first, but when he sensed the amount of Chakra in the two of them, he couldn't help but take a deep breath: The amount of Chakra in the elite servants! ?” Senshou Feijian looked at Uchiha Chen in surprise, as if he wanted to get an affirmative answer from Chen.

Chen nodded: That's right, the two little girls have been learning from me for nearly a month, and they have reached the level of an elite ninja in front of Chakra, please don't take offense if they are not talented! Speaking from Uchiha Tatsuo's mouth, it seemed incomparably in need of a beating.

A three or four-year-old elite submissive, do you still think your talent is not good? You know I was still playing with mud when I was three or four years old? You two apprentices are still called talented, so what am I? A piece of shit? Senshou Feijian couldn't help but secretly cursed Uchiha Chen in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Chenshou's two apprentices had no foundation in ninjutsu. He even prepared for it a long time ago. Graduated perfectly in six years and became a glorious Konoha Shinobi, so that Uchiha Tatsumi could be firmly tied to Konoha's chariot.

But I didn't expect that Chen would make a big joke on them. If his apprentice wasn't too young and didn't have much actual combat experience, he might be able to apply for the title of elite ninja right now.

Qianshou let out a wry smile, and then a fire arose in his heart. The two who were originally oil bottles have now become two ninja geniuses who are rare to meet in a century or even a thousand years. Now Chen puts them in Konoha. Isn't this improving Konoha's strength in disguise?

As long as the teachers in the ninja school carefully educate them and match them with a top ninja teacher after graduation, I believe it will not take long for the two little girls to become the pillars of Konoha's next generation.

Thinking of this, the heart in Qianshoufei couldn't help but become hotter, and the smile on the old face became more, and he squatted down and smiled kindly at the two little guys behind Chen: Little friends, what are your names? name!

That way, he looked like a criminal who wanted to kidnap a child with a lollipop.

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth: Take a name

I saw two little girls hiding behind Uchiha Tatsuo, not daring to speak at all. He stole a glance at the second generation, and then hid behind Uchiha Tatsuo again.

This... Second Hokage Senshou Tobima couldn't help but looked at the vice-principal.

Seeing this, Uchiha Chen had no choice but to pull the two little girls from behind to his front, touched their heads, and said calmly to Senshouban: I'm sorry, children are afraid of being born.

Qian Shou Fei Jian quickly waved his hand: It's okay, kid. As he said that, Qian Shou Fei Jian chuckled, and then looked at the two little girls with a doting face. After a closer look, he found that the two little girls looked so cute , the kind that makes people like it more and more.

Grandpa Principal, Grandpa Principal, my name is Miaomiao! Miaomiao excitedly jumped up and shouted with Chen's support behind him.

Relatively speaking, Baa Baa is a lot more timid, just said her name in a low voice and wanted to go back to Uchiha Chen's back, but at this moment Chen put her hand on her head, so Baa Baa couldn't hide at all, Being watched by so many strangers, the shy bleat almost didn't cry.

What a good name! Qian Shou Feijian smiled against his will after hearing it, However, what is your first name? Tell grandpa, grandpa is lucky to be registered at the ninja school.

Your name? What's your name? Miaomiao looked puzzled.

Daimyo is the official name given by parents. Uchiha Tatsuo touched the heads of the two.

Official name? Miaomiao rested her small hand on her chin, thought carefully for a long time and shook her head in frustration: No, Mother has always called us by this name, and never called us by other names.

Is that so? Qian Shou Feijian looked regretful. In the world of Hokage, only those lowly slaves did not have a formal name. Now that the two little girls don't even have a formal name, they thought their parents used to have a formal name. It's a slave, It's hard for you, child. Qian Shou sighed: If you don't mind, how about following Grandpa's surname Qian Shou?

Qianshou Feijian looked at the two little girls with a kind face. The little girl looked at Uchiha Chen suspiciously, then shook her head blankly.

Is that so? Qianshou Feijian couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

After hearing the conversation of several people, the vice-principal behind Qianshou Feima showed a frightened expression. Who is Qianshoubanjian? He is currently the only current patriarch of the Senju family who can compete with the Uchiha family. You must know that the name of the Thousand Hands Clan is not covered, but what? It is even more bizarre that Qianshou Feijian is willing to let two little girls who have lived a normal life follow the surname of Qianshou.

What's more, the two little girls actually refused.

If this matter is said, it will definitely cause an uproar. It's understandable for the two little girls not to know the prestige of the Qianshou clan, but wouldn't the adults behind them know? He actually missed the great opportunity to enter the Thousand Hands Clan in vain.

The vice-principal couldn't help feeling sorry for the two little girls and even angry at Uchiha Tatsuo's inaction. If he could, he would have agreed to the Second Hokage instead of the two little girls. Also willing.

That's the Thousand Hands Clan, one of the two largest families in Konoha, a family that countless commoner ninjas would dream of joining, and was rejected just like that?

Okay. Qianshou Feijian sighed helplessly: Since we don't have that fate, let's forget it. Feijian originally wanted to take this opportunity to draw the two little guys into the Qianshou clan's camp, don't look at them They are young now, but if they continue to grow at their speed, their future achievements will definitely be more than movie-level. It is not too cost-effective to exchange only two names for two strong players who will be at least movie-level in the future.

Although Uchiha Tatsumi didn't know the little plan in Senshou Feijian's heart, he would not let the two little girls follow Senshou's family name. Chen stroked the heads of the two little girls, sighed softly and thought to himself: It seems that their mother Chengchuan Luzi must also have a story, otherwise why didn't they even give them names.

Thinking of this, Chen's eyes towards the little girl became more gentle, and he said softly: In this case, then you two will follow my surname from now on. Touching the heads of the two little girls, Uchiha Chen did Such a decision was made.

Do you want to follow Brother Chen's surname? Miaomiao tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly shouted: Okay, okay, I want to follow Brother Chen's surname too!

Baabaa's little face was flushed, and she looked at Uchiha Chen timidly: Really...is it really possible? The look of eagerness to try was clearly revealed in the blinking little eyes.

Of course. Uchiha Tatsuo smiled slightly: From today on, Meow Meow will be Uchiha Miao, baa baa, Uchiha Suzu.

Uchiha Meow? Uchiha Meow? Meow lowered her head and kept chanting her name.

It's Uchiha Miao, not Uchiha Meow!

I don't care, I will be called Uchiha Miaomiao from today on! Miaomiao said with her hands on her hips, her little head raised slightly, and she spoke proudly.

No longer caring about the nervous Meow Meow, but turned to look at Baa Baa, and asked softly, How is the name Uchiha Rin okay?

Baa Baa nodded: Okay, okay. I will listen to my big brother.

Hearing this, Uchiha Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at the second generation of Hokage Senshou: Okay, that's it, this little girl is called Uchiha Miao, and the other one is called Uchiha Suzuki. , just follow this to register.”

The nest will be called Uchiha Meow Meow! Meow Meow retorted angrily, staring at Uchiha Tatsumi.

Ignoring the awkward Miaomiao, Senshou Feijian asked with concern: Are you sure? Do you want to inform Uchiha's patriarch?

It's okay! Uchiha Tatsu waved his hand and said, I don't intend to let them go back to the Uchiha family, what name they choose has nothing to do with them, besides, there is no one who can stop what I, Uchiha Tatsu, is going to do. After finishing speaking, Uchiha Chen was full of confidence and his expression was flying.

Infected by this confident breath, Senju Tomona even subconsciously agreed with Uchiha Tatsuo's words in his heart.

Chapter 655: Going to the Uchiha Clan

Looking at Uchiha Tatsumi who was full of vigor, Senshou Kaijian didn't know what to say at this moment.

Regarding what Chen said, there was not even a hint of refutation in Qianshoufei.

With Chen's strength, you don't need to look at anyone's face at all, and from Chen's attitude towards Uchiha, Uchiha's restraint on him is almost zero. It can be said that one person can support a family. With a strength like Chen's, with a wave of his arm, he can easily gather a large number of people under his command.

So after Uchiha Chen said such words, Senju Tomona did not immediately refute him, but looked at him quietly. The vice-principal behind Senju Tomona saw Chen being so arrogant, and couldn't help but take a step forward It's about to sneer.

In his opinion, Uchiha Tatsumi is just bragging. It can be seen from his naming of the two little girls that he seems to be a member of the Uchiha clan. The vice principal thought carefully about the famous geniuses of the Uchiha clan. He knew them all, and they all came out of ninja schools. He was not as courageous as Chen who was so reckless, nor was he as ignorant of self-awareness as Uchiha Chen.

But just when the vice-principal opened his mouth to mock Uchiha Tatsumi, Senju Tomona shook his head at him, and abruptly blocked what the vice-principal wanted to say back into his own mouth.

In this case, let's make arrangements according to Mr. Chen's wishes. He glanced at the vice principal and said, Qingmu.

Yes! The vice-principal replied with arms folded.

According to Mr. Chen's wishes, you should take her two apprentices there for registration first, and arrange them in the Tianzi class.

Yes. Vice-principal Aoki hesitated for a moment: Second-generation adults, the Tianzi class is full of direct descendants of big families and students with outstanding talents, and there is an assessment to enter the Tianzi class. Look at this...

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