Chen began to feel relieved in his heart. Although this is indeed his mother, there is nothing between them. Uchiha Mikoto may love her son, but that is the Uchiha Chen who was born four or five years later, and even this It doesn't matter if there is a person like him in the world, after all, he traveled through time and space in his last time.

Now Uchiha Tatsuo and Mikoto are mother and son even in name, but so what? There is no intersection between the two. It can be said that they are strangers in this world. What kind of reason should Uchiha Chen use to approach her?

Rather than disturbing her, it is better to stay far away and not to trouble her anymore, just like a saying goes, it is better to forget each other than to stay in the rivers and lakes. Uchiha Tatsumi and Mikoto are doomed not to recognize each other, so why bother?

The same Uchiha Chen suddenly felt refreshed, and his heart felt relaxed, and then he smiled: I have already forgotten those things, besides, the enemy of the year has been killed by me. There is no enmity left in this world.

I want to say regret... At this point, Uchiha Chen sighed softly: Maybe it's because I never really had a good talk with my mother. Uchiha Chen had a faint smile on his face, although at this moment he He was smiling, but none of the people present thought that he was also smiling in his heart.

Uchiha Mikoto no longer smiled, but had an expression of guilt and a touch of pity: I'm really sorry, I didn't think about you.


Let's do this. Suddenly Uchiha Mikoto's eyes lit up: I don't know why, I always have a very familiar feeling with Mr., we shouldn't have known each other before, right? Why do I subconsciously feel close to you? Uchiha Miqin was a little curious.

Why don't you just treat us as relatives. If you don't mind, we will be your relatives from now on.

Uchiha Mikoto said cautiously, afraid that she didn't say that she was unhappy with Uchiha Tatsun, she was very careful to maintain Uchiha Tatsuya's feelings, for fear that he would feel that she was sympathizing with him and pity him. At the same time, Uchiha Fugaku also stared at Chen closely, almost forcing him to agree.

No need. Uchiha Tatsumi smiled: I might agree to it before, but now I really don't need it. Thank you for your kindness.

Chapter 659: Return of Uchiha Mirror

Thank you for your kindness. Uchiha Chen warmed his heart and smiled: If it was before, I might agree, but now I really don't need it.

This is the feeling that blood is thicker than water. Although they don't know Uchiha Tatsuo's life experience, but under the connection of that blood, they faintly have a special feeling for Uchiha Tatsuo, and subconsciously will Uchiha Tatsuya Bo Chen regards him as his family.

It is also for this reason that Uchiha Itachi will decide to bring Chen to their home. Generally, when he finds the patriarch and finds that the patriarch is not there, he will be entertained by several elders in the living room instead of bringing him back to himself. at home.

The same is true for Uchiha Tatsu, even though there is no such thing as Uchiha Tatsu in this time and space, Ke Chen still has an innate sense of closeness to them.

If Mikoto could have said this a few minutes earlier, maybe Uchiha Tatsuo would have readily accepted and agreed, but now he can't. In just a few minutes, Uchiha Tatsuya finally figured it out.

He understood the concerns of his parents at the beginning, and also understood why they let Itachi kill them without fighting back, and also understood their painstaking efforts. In Chen's heart, they are irreplaceable by anyone, even if they return to a Ten years later, I saw Chen's parents again.

But Chen's real father and mother died long ago in that night of genocide, and the rest are just people who have the same appearance but have nothing to do with Uchiha Chen.

They have no memory of living with Chen, even if they don't mind, Chen himself still minds.

Seeing each other is like not seeing each other! Uchiha Chen couldn't help but sighed softly.

Seeing each other is like not seeing each other? Uchiha Mikoto has very good ears, and heard Uchiha Tatsuru's muttering voice: I didn't expect you to be a talented person, what is the next sentence after this sentence?

Uchiha Mikoto looked at herself with approving eyes. In Uchiha Tatsuo's eyes, wasn't that the gratifying look that his son had after he grew up and became promising? more. Uchiha Tatsuya replied subconsciously: I only have this sentence, there is no next sentence, and, I am not a bard. Uchiha Tatsuo said flatly.

Mikoto's face froze: I'm sorry, sorry, it's my fault, I'll go get you some fruit. Saying that, Uchiha Mikoto got up and walked towards the kitchen.

After that, Uchiha Fugaku and Chen exchanged greetings together, and most of them were Fugaku asking Chen and answering.

Chen didn't pay attention to his father because of his own reasons, and didn't really regard Uchiha Fugaku as his father, but now he has gradually grown up.

It has been more than ten years since he came to this world of Hokage, gradually Chen has regarded himself as an aborigine of this world, and has long forgotten that he is from the earth. If there is no strong system to remind him from time to time, maybe he has already begun to accept his fate up.

As long as a person grows up, he will smile wryly or even feel annoyed at some nonsensical and stupid things he did before, remembering that he was not very used to Uchiha Fugaku because of the reason he just crossed over, and he always refused to call him his father. The corner of Chen's mouth could not help showing a helpless wry smile.

Such a stupid thing can only be done by himself. If Chen Chen can let go of the burden in his heart, maybe he will gain a different one.

Childhood, but such words will make his heart suffer even more pain.

Some people choose to find a solution when they know that things are irreversible, while people like Chen choose to escape.

Even though there is systematic help and memories of previous lives, but still unable to make their own decisions, such a life is undoubtedly a failure. No matter how powerful and invincible he becomes from now on, Uchiha Mikoto and Fuyue will still be his demons all his life.

Although I don't know what to say, I will keep you safe in this world! Uchiha Tatsuo took a deep look at Mikoto and Fuyue, and made a secret decision in his heart.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't speak when Mikoto spoke, but his eyes were fixed on Chen, as if he was eager to try.

His starting point is different from Mikoto's. Mikoto may really care about Tatsuo Uchiha, but Fugaku is different. After all, as the first heir of the next patriarch, his mind is more or less mixed with some distracting thoughts. Although he does have a little special feeling for Uchiha Chen, but more hope that Chen can join the Uchiha family and make the family stronger.

So after Chen opened his mouth to reject Mikoto's proposal, a trace of disappointment inevitably flashed across Fu Yue's face.

But this is not a hindrance, and Fu Yue never thought that he could win over such a powerful person with just a few words. After all, this is the person who Hatake Mosaku's Second Hokage and others tried hard but failed to win over.

If they succeed, it will not be the turn of the Uchiha family.

While wrangling with Fuyue, Uchiha Tatsumi waited patiently for Kagami's arrival, and even had a faint hope in his heart that Uchiha Kagami would never come.

It didn't work out as expected, after the third cup of tea was finished, Uchiha Kagami walked in from outside the door.

Master Kagami! Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto stood up and said respectfully.

Jing nodded, not caring about the two of them, but focused on the young man who was still sitting on the same spot.

Your Excellency is Uchiha Tatsumi? That clansman living outside? Uchiha Mirror asked.

Yes, Master Jing, just now I have confirmed that Mr. Chen does have the Sharingan of our family. Seeing that Chen hadn't moved, Fuyue answered for him.

Are you sure it's not a transplanted eye? Uchiha Mirror frowned slightly.


To be honest, Uchiha Mirror's first impression of Chen was not particularly good. Others have been here for so long and haven't seen him looking at him, but they are still drinking tea with a teacup.

Frowning, he knelt and sat across from Chen, Fu Yue and Mi Koto sat on both sides. Uchiha Mirror looked at Chen and said: After I received the message from the teacher, I learned that you had arrived in Konoha, so I rushed back from the Land of Earth non-stop. Although Fuyue had already confirmed it, I also believed in Fuyue, but in order to Just in case, let me take a formality, may I ask you to open Sharingan again so that the old man can take a look at it?

Uchiha Chen frowned, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, and said in a flat tone: If you open too much Sharingan, you will die!

Chapter 660: Counter Uchiha Mirror

Uchiha Chen picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, his tone was very flat: If you open too much Sharingan, you will die! Although Chen said it lightly, the threat in the words was very strong.

He is not from this world, so he doesn't care about Uchiha Kagami, the patriarch, and he is very upset by Uchiha Kagami's commanding tone. It's not here to take refuge in Uchiha.

Hearing the strong threat in Uchiha Tatsumi's mouth, Uchiha Kyou's complexion became more and more ugly. Originally, he had a bad first impression of Uchiha Tatsuya, and Tatsuya dared to threaten him.

Although Uchiha Kagami is committed to peace and works hard to maintain the relationship between the village and the family, this does not mean that Kagami is a cowardly compromiser. You must know that in the days after Uchiha Madara's defection Well, the Uchiha clan is extremely turbulent. If there is no means, it is impossible for Kagami to take the position of patriarch.

Don't think that just because the parents are kind, you don't take them seriously. You don't have any iron and blood methods. Do you think the arrogant Uchiha will submit to such a patriarch? It's just that he has done his best to worry about the village and the family over the years, making Jing look a lot older and his temper relatively better.

But this is not the reason why Uchiha Chen can challenge the mirror.

I saw that Uchiha Kyou's complexion was getting worse and worse, and blue veins were slightly visible on his forehead. He tightened the cup in his hand, only to hear a click. The glass was actually squeezed by Uchiha Mirror forcibly, and there were several cracks.

Master Kagami! Uchiha Fugaku stepped forward, wanting to explain something. In the end, he was interrupted by Uchiha Mirror with a wave of his hand: It's none of your business here!

Then Uchiha mirror looked at Uchiha Chen with cold eyes: Your Excellency is serious?

You can think so. Uchiha Tatsuo shrugged his shoulders with a look of indifference. But in the next second, he just felt a trance, and then came to a strange world. In the bloody prison world, Uchiha Chen only felt a strong sense of oppression all over his body.

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