The arena was quiet at the moment, and even the slightest sound on the arena would be heard by others. Obviously, that person's voice was not too low, and it was just such a sentence that everyone on the arena could hear.

However, at this moment, the crowd turned all their eyes on that person, and the speaker shrank his head back into the crowd in fright.

But it was of no use. After he said this, everyone around him pulled a certain distance away from him, and there was no one within one meter of him.

The man looked around with tears on his face. He had already begun to regret in his heart, what kind of bravado is he, now it's all right, he's going to lose his life.

He knew that after Uchiha Chen heard this sentence, Chen would never let him go, and a sense of sadness arose in his heart, even if he planned to smash the jar.

Uchiha Tatsuo glanced at him with great interest, but he didn't expect that there would be someone who dared to stand out even after he became famous.

Chen walked over slowly, walked in front of him and patted his shoulder lightly: You seem very unconvinced?

The man was slapped by Uchiha Tatsuo, and he was startled and shivered immediately. Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi asking him something, he muttered twice, but didn't say anything.

I'm asking you something! Uchiha Tatsuo frowned, and his voice couldn't help raising his voice a little: You look very unconvinced?! The man's face was miserable, he almost didn't pee his pants in fear, his face was embarrassed, and he said tremblingly: No...I didn't say anything.

Seeing Chen's aggressive aura in Qianshou's door, he couldn't help but walk over to defend the sub-family member of the Hyuga clan: Mr. Chen, enough is enough. It's enough, he is just impatient, can you look at it for my sake? Let him go, the Lord is coming, if there is anything, how about we ask the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan?

Senju Tobema tentatively wanted to take off Uchiha Tatsuru's hand on the shoulder of that member of the Hyuga branch, but he pulled hard and Uchiha Tatsuru's hand did not move at all.

Qianshou was surprised for a moment, he didn't believe in evil, he used 50% of his strength to pull hard, but he still couldn't pull it out.

He tried to hold Chen's hands away twice in a row but failed, which made Qianshou's old face flushed. Even if he didn't hold back his hand anymore, he used 100% of his strength to pull it hard, but the result was still the same, Uchiha Tatsuo's hand didn't even shake.

This sense of powerlessness made Qianshou Feijian a little frustrated. He even couldn't help but began to doubt his life, Am I really old and have no strength?

Uchiha Chen didn't pay attention to Senshou Feijian, who was trapped in a life of doubt, and pushed his hand away, looking at the young man who separated from the family that day, his face was full of jokes: What's your name?

I... Me? The man was overjoyed when he saw that the second Hokage wanted to save him. He thought he was saved, and he couldn't help feeling rejoicing in his heart, and the expression on his face gradually became richer, but he didn't expect the second Hokage Senshou Tobima is just an old guy who is useless, tried three times but failed to rescue him from Uchiha Tatsuo's hands, a joyful face immediately stepped down.

The young man from Hyuga's family looked embarrassed, and he didn't dare to disobey Tatsuo Uchiha, so he could only stammer, I... my name is Hinata Fire Gate.

Oh? Hyuga Huoto is yours?

He's my brother. Although he didn't know why Uchiha asked his brother Hyuga Firedo's name, he still answered Uchiha's words carefully.

Oh, so that's the case... Uchiha Tatsuo smiled mockingly.

Do you know my brother? Hinata Huomen's eyes sparkled, although he didn't know why he knew his brother, but since he was an acquaintance, wouldn't it be a matter of discussion?

Uchiha Tatsuo slowly put down the hand on Hinata Himono's shoulder, glanced at him mockingly and snorted coldly: Do you know the relationship with you, but what surprised me is, why is there such a gap between you and your brother? Big? Your brother Hinata Fireto has the courage to attack me anyway, why don't you, a good-for-nothing brother, even have the courage to look at me?

You...what did you do to my brother! Hearing Uchiha Tatsuo's words, Hinata Himono immediately rushed forward, knowing that the relationship between him and his brother is the best in the clan, although he is timid A little bit, but the matter involved his closest brother, even Uchiha Chen, he couldn't bear it.

Seeing this situation, Senshou Tomona repeatedly stepped forward to stop the impulsive Hinata Himono: Huomen, calm down, your brother Huoto didn't have any accidents, and now that he hasn't come back, it proves that he is not injured and can still fight on the battlefield, you Don't get carried away by anger, calm down!

Uchiha Chen did not deny what Senshou Feijian said this time, but nodded and said: Indeed, your brother is one of the few people I can respect. He has no problem, and he will only lie down for ten and a half months at most. It should be almost there.

Chen's tone was flat, as if the person who did this was not him.

Six hundred and seventieth chapters: Lord appeared

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of whispering in the whole field. Hyuga Huoto is the youngest genius of the Hyuga clan at the moment. That Hinata Maya didn't know how high he was.

There is also a difference between elite jnin and elite jnin. Some elite jnin are unable to advance to the quasi-kage level due to various restrictions, but in terms of strength, they are no worse than the strong ones at the qunkage level.

Just like the sunset red of the later generations, as an elite Jnin who is proficient in illusion, because of physical reasons

It has been a long time since she was unable to advance to Zhunying, but who dares to say that her strength is worse than that of Zhunying? Even on the battlefield, Sunset Red's lethality is greater than those of the so-called shadow-hunting powerhouses.

The strength of Hyuga Fireto, Hyuga Nichizu and others is not much compared with the quasi-kage-level powerhouses, but it is only because of their age that the amount of chakra is not as good as those old-fashioned quasi-kage powerhouses, so it is delayed Has not advanced to the quasi-kage level powerhouse, and Hyuga Maya just barely stepped into the threshold of the elite jonin, and his strength is not outstanding, unlike Hyuga Hito, as long as he does not fall, he has basically booked a Hinata Elder's position.

The shock brought by the two is very different.

Just when everyone was shocked, a large group of people came out from the backyard of the Hyuga Clan.

What's going on! As soon as the leading middle-aged man came out, he couldn't help but feel agitated when he saw this situation, and shouted loudly: How decent is a group of people surrounded here!

Everyone heard someone talking behind them, turned their heads to look, but found that it was their patriarch, they couldn't help but backed away to make way.


As the patriarch, Hyuga Tokuzu nodded, walked through the crowd and came to Uchiha Tatsuru and Senju Tomonama. He first called Senju Token and called the Second Hokage, and then saw Uchiha Chen frowned, and couldn't help but whispered: Who can tell me what happened here!

Seeing that no one stood up to speak, Hyuga Dezu suddenly snorted coldly in his heart: What happened, who will tell!

At this time, someone came over from the side and whispered something in Hinata Dezu's ear.

Hyuga Dezu frowned after listening to all the words, his face was cloudy and uncertain. When the man left, Hyuga Tokuzu looked at Uchiha Tatsuo with an embarrassed face: Who is your Excellency, what is the purpose of our Hyuga clan to make trouble, and how did our Hyuga clan offend you?

Then he put his eyes on Senshou Feijian again, and said softly: My lord, what's going on, why did you bring a person to our Hyuga clan to make trouble? Is there anything wrong with our Hyuga clan? Where, you can point it out, we can correct it, there is no need to call people to our Hyuga clan to make trouble, right?

Hearing Dezu Hyuga say this, the old face in Qianshoubei couldn't help turning black. Speaking of Dezu Hyuga, he was still from his nephew's generation, but it turned out that he was said by a person from his nephew's generation at his age. I can't see it on my face.

You are the current patriarch of the Hyuga Clan? Uchiha Tatsuo turned his head and looked at Hyuga Dezu calmly and said.

Exactly. Your Excellency, why did you come to cause trouble in our clan! Hinata Dezu looked serious, and the people standing behind him lined up, and there was a tendency to fight if there was any disagreement.

Oh? Uchiha Tatsuki couldn't help but sarcastically asked: Are you sure you can represent the Hyuga Clan?

Presumptuous! Before Hyuga Dezu said anything, an old man stood up behind him and shouted loudly: It's fine to trespass on our Hyuga clan, and even kill people. Right now, we don't take our patriarch seriously. There is a lot of gimmicks here, come here, catch him for me!

Oh? Uchiha Tatsuo's whole body was shaken, and a strong impact shocked everyone present, and those guys who were about to move subconsciously stopped their steps.

Seeing that everyone was shocked by himself, Uchiha Tatsuo looked at Hyuga Dezu and couldn't help but teased: Can you tie up your dog while you are talking? The owner didn't speak, so why did the dog get in the way.

Hearing Uchiha Chen's words, Hyuga Tokuzu and the person who spoke before suddenly turned gloomy, and Hyuga Tokuzu stared at Uchiha Tatsu's words and said in a tone full of threats: Your Excellency, are you serious? of?

However, Uchiha Tatsuo seemed to have not heard the threat in Hyuga Dezu's tone, and said easily: Aren't you the patriarch of the Hyuga clan? Why did you, the patriarch, not speak, and some cats and dogs jumped out to speak?

Presumptuous! The man couldn't bear it anymore, broke free from the shackles of others, stood up and shouted: I am the elder of the Hyuga clan, and I have made great military exploits for the Hyuga clan, why can't I speak, but you , Where did the brat come from, and he dared to make trouble without even inquiring about the prestige of our Hyuga Clan!

Indeed, the reputation of the Hyuga Clan is very strong in Konoha, especially when the Senju Clan is gradually showing weakness, the Hyuga Clan has faintly become the dignitaries of Konoha, why would anyone dare to come to their Hyuga Clan to make trouble?

If it weren't for Uchiha Chen standing next to Senshoubeijian at this moment, if it wasn't for Uchiha Chen exuding his aura just now to tell everyone that he is not easy to mess with, it is estimated that Hinata Dezu would not open his mouth at this moment, and just called people After taking Uchiha Chen down, why would you talk so much nonsense with Chen?

But the elder said that he was dissatisfied when he saw that his patriarch did not order to capture Uchiha Tatsuru. He knew that his patriarch was not easy to order because of Senshou Feijian's face, and he suffered such a great humiliation, all because of This second generation Hokage.

Involuntarily at this moment, the elder secretly hated Qianshoufeijian.


Oh? Uchiha Tatsuo sneered: Really, your name is so big? Why haven't I heard of it? Could it be blown?

Hmph! The elder snorted coldly: When I was on the battlefield, I'm afraid your adults didn't know where to play with mud. What right do you have to bark here!

What qualifications do I have? He was silent for a moment, and then his entire aura pressed on the elder: It's because I'm stronger than you!

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