After seeing the task completion interface, Uchiha Tatsuo finally let go of the anger hanging in his chest. He was never a European.

He didn't dare to gamble on things like this kind of luck. So many card-drawing mobile games in his previous life have proved all of this. Countless r and sr have told him the truth that there is no ssr in games.

After the task was completed, he stopped throwing Kunai. No more playing around with Hanzo.

But his previous actions had completely enraged Hanzo. If eyes could kill, Chen would have been killed ten thousand times by Hanzo's eyes at this moment.

I know my own affairs, and Hanzo has nothing in his heart when facing this guy who doesn't know the depth. Although he played with himself before to make himself unable to get off the table, it is still a bit hypocritical to really confront him with Uchiha Tatsumi.

Hanzo was completely intimidated by the powerful killing technique before, and Hanzo couldn't resist with such a vast aura.

Stepping on the salamander under his feet, Hanzo's eyes rolled around. Suddenly he smiled strangely, took off the mask on his mouth, and panted heavily. The salamander under his feet was also swallowing and spitting out a large mouthful of poisonous gas from his mouth.

At this moment, Hanzo stepped forward and waved his long sickle at Uchiha Chen.

With a sound of ding, Uchiha Tatsuo's Kunai blocked Hanzo's sickle, and the iron collided with fierce sparks.

Only the sound of click, click, click. After all, Chen's Kunai is not a divine weapon, after several collisions, how can it resist the scythe in Hanzo's hand?

A few small gaps were cut out in a few strokes.

Hanzo was so powerful that he continued to slash at Uchiha Chen with the scythe in his hand, and the sound of jingling, dingling continued on the field.

The Kunai in Chen's hand was already shattered under the ravages of Hanzo, and it was about to shatter if he cut it a few more times.

Uchiha Tatsuo didn't give Hanzo this chance, he took a step back and threw away the kunai in his hand, formed seals with his hands, and took a deep breath.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

A huge fireball spit out from Uchiha Tatsuo's mouth. The dark blue flame seems to be able to burn everything.

Hanzo's heart trembled, although the Go Fireball Jutsu is only a C-level ninjutsu, but the Go Fireball released by Uchiha Tatsuo is not only the power of a C-level ninjutsu.

It can be seen from the dark blue flame alone, how high the temperature must be to form such a dark and transparent dark blue?

Hao's fireball rushed towards him, the scorching heat seemed to burn the air.

Not good! Hanzo yelled inwardly, and then stamped his feet, barely kicking the salamander under his feet out of the attack range of Hao Huoqiu. .

Boom! Hao's fireball continued unabated, crashing into the valley behind him, melting more than half of the rocks in front of the valley abruptly!

Hanzo couldn't help but gasped, if he hadn't dodged just now, he might be the one who was melted now, looking at the power of Hao's fireball technique.

Gudu swallowed the saliva in his throat, staring at Uchiha Chen, the fear in his eyes became deeper.

It's interesting. Chen watched Hanzo with satisfaction, and highly praised his reaction ability. He took out a kunai from his ninja bag again, put on a posture and said loudly: Come on, let me try again how much you weigh.

It's not that Chen can't defeat Hanzo in close combat, but that Chen hasn't had much contact with enemies who use large weapons such as sickles, and Hanzo's physical skills are not bad anyway.

Chen hopes to use Hanzo's strength to make up for his inexperience with large weapons.

Although he can also use the ability of the Samsara Eye to directly deprive Hanzo of his power, Kechen understands that he cannot rely too much on the Samsara Eye and the power of the six realms. The world of Hokage is not the limit, there is a higher world waiting for him.

What if his reincarnation eyes and tail beast power are useless in another world? In the end, you can only rely on your own physical skills. Right now is a good time to hone his physical skills, and Chen will not let this opportunity pass.

After all, there are not many super-kage-level powerhouses who became famous by physical skills. Mosaku Hatake counts as one, and then Maite Kai, who opened eight doors, counts as one, and his father, Maite Dai, who opened seven doors, can also be counted as half. .

The third generation of Raikage who became famous in one fell swoop with the unique ninjutsu of the country of thunder can also be counted as one.

Uchiha Tatsuo needs to be constantly honed in the hands of the strong to make his strength to a higher level.

Chapter 689: Hanzo who feels good about himself

Only when the foundation is solid, will Uchiha Tatsun's strength be improved to a higher level in the end when he uses the reincarnation eye and the power of the Six Paths.


When the weapons in the hands of the two separated again, Uchiha Tatsuo threw away the cut and fragmented Kunai.

Now he has absorbed enough experience, constantly mastering it in battle. From the beginning, he could only defend continuously, and then gradually he was able to counterattack one or two times, and finally gradually suppressed Sanshoyu Hanzo.

The time has only passed by less than a stick of incense. However, in such a short period of time, Uchiha Tatsuo has gradually perfected his taijutsu.

Although there are complete sets of sword skills and body skills for sale in the system, those who have been learned can't be integrated. Only when confronting the enemy can they slowly turn what the system has learned into their own.

There is no doubt that Chen is a genius. In a short period of time, he absorbed and integrated the sword skills he stole from Hatake Mosaku into his own sword skills, and he also

Drawing lessons from Hanzo's physical skills, he constantly enriched his own methods.

During the fight between the two, Sanshoyu Hanzo became more and more frightened. What is this? This is clearly treating oneself as a whetstone!

Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi's continuous growth and improvement in sword skills in the battle, Hanzo was angry and laughed in his heart. Anyway, he was also a powerful figure back then, but today he was treated as a sparring partner.

He also wanted to end this unequal battle, but every time he had the intention of withdrawing, Uchiha Tatsuo would promptly use ninjutsu to seal off all his retreats.

How fast is Chen Jieyin? In the blink of an eye, before closing his eyes, he saw that he had completed the seal. This speed was almost indistinguishable from instant.

Even if Hanzo wanted to stop him, there was nothing he could do.

In desperation, Hanzo could only continue to fight Uchiha Tatsuo with a bitter face.

However, in his heart, he had already scolded Chen countless times. It is impossible to win, and it is impossible to win in this life. You can't fight and you can't walk. You can only keep grinding to maintain a balanced state.

If it weren't for Uchiha Tatsumi's expressionless face and not making too many taunting actions, I believe Hanzo would have gone berserk long ago.

Finally stopped, Hanzo couldn't help observing Uchiha Tatsuo's expression while panting. He didn't understand how the powerful young man in front of him came out of that gutter.

What does it have to do with the little ghost heads of the Xiao organization that I have to deal with.

How much appearance fee did the Xiao organization give you, and I will give you ten times the fee! If he could sense Hanzo's heart at this moment, he would obviously find that this is what Hanzo was thinking at the moment.

After panting slightly, Hanzo managed to calm down. People are not suitable for high-intensity exercise when they are old, and Hanzo's peak period is no longer.

In order to be able to maintain the situation of suppressing Uchiha Chen, he tried his best from the beginning, but this did not please Chen.

Even because of Chen's continuous adaptation, in the end Hanzo had to defend with all his strength to barely be defeated by Uchiha Chen.

Taking a deep breath, Hanzo felt that it was not an option to go on like this. He put the sickle behind him at a safe distance, which ensured that he would pick up the sickle to fight back immediately.

Relying on what he thought was a safe distance, Hanzo could not help but say with a gloomy face, Who is Your Excellency, and why are you fighting against us, Urenin Village!


After a while, Jian and Uchiha Chen didn't talk to each other, but they didn't attack again.

Hanzo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that there was a joke in his heart, and couldn't help but continue to dissuade him: You can also see that there is not much hatred between us, in fact, we can still talk about it, right?

Chen glanced at Xiaonan and turned around, How do you want to talk about it?

As long as you let me go now and hand over the three of them to me, I can forget the past, and I can forget about you killing my right-hand man.

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