Madara panted heavily and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi who was breathing calmly. Madara frowned and said softly: You really shouldn't be underestimated.

Didn't you already know it? Uchiha Tatsuo said flatly, shaking the long knife in his hand.

Hmph, you're just trying to use your tongue! Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and then formed seals with both hands.

Wood escape, wood clone technique!

I'll see how you respond to this move! Uchiha Madara snorted coldly.

The three Wooden clones all surrounded Uchiha Tatsumi, and Madara's three Wooden clones directly displayed Susano, and the four complete Susanoos surrounded Uchiha Chen in the center.

Now I want to see what you should do! Uchiha Madara stared at Uchiha Chen with a sneer, as if mocking his innocence.

For this, Uchiha Tatsuo just looked at him like an idiot.

Do you think you are the only one who knows how to escape? Uchiha Tatsuo said suddenly.

What did you say?

Wood escape, wood clone technique!

Uchiha Tatsumi didn't answer Madara's question, only saw his hands forming mudras, gurgling chakra gushing out of his body.

Three Wooden clones appeared in the cave, and they all cast Susano. Similarly, Chen's three Wooden clones confronted Uchiha Madara's Wooden clone.

Chen looked at Ban with a smile that was not a smile and said sarcastically: You think you are the only one who knows how to escape? Now? Who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?

Uchiha Madara, who was still holding a winning ticket, was stunned for a moment when he saw Uchiha Tatsumi's wooden avatar, and Chen's wooden avatar caught him by surprise.

You... your wooden escape!

Madara was a little speechless, Chen had never used Wooden Dungeon in the previous battle, and almost forgot that Heijue had said that Chen could use Wooden Dungeon when he was reporting to him.

Uchiha Madara, who has boasted to Haikou, is now a little bit hard to get off.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi's half-smile and mocking eyes, Uchiha Madara became a little annoyed and angry: You bastard, don't be complacent! Don't think that you are great because you know Mudun, I want to see whether your Mudun is better or mine. Be stronger!

I saw Uchiha Madara's chest rising and falling, obviously angry, he folded his hands together, and quickly formed a mudra with both hands, releasing the chakra in his body.

Wood escape, the birth of the tree world!

Countless towering trees rose from the cave, and the towering trees stretched the cave continuously, and the trunks propped up the cave, barely maintaining the stability of the cave. Once there is another powerful force, it is bound to break The cave was completely destroyed.

Oh? Getting angry from embarrassment? Uchiha Tatsuo kept provoking Freckle, trying to make him angry.

But Bambi Chen was much calmer in his imagination. After all, he is a ninja who has experienced thousands of battles. It is impossible for Uchiha Chen to become angry when he is provoked by Uchiha Chen.

A strong man like Uchiha Madara can generally control his emotions very well. If it wasn't because Chen really interrupted his plans many times, and his strength was slightly stronger than him, maybe Uchiha Madara There is no emotion at all.

Under Uchiha Madara's Birth of the Tree Realm, all Madara's ninjutsu will be enhanced, and accordingly, Uchiha Tatsuo's ninjutsu will be partially suppressed.

But this is not painful to Chen, he will no longer be able to strengthen or even suppress this little bit. According to his words, Don't be cowardly, just do it!

The word counseling has never existed in Chen's dictionary.

It seems that you are still depraved! Chen couldn't help laughing.

In the past, Uchiha Madara never cared about this little bit of suppression or even increase. As the person who is most like Uchiha Madara, Chen can be said to be the person who understands Madara best.

This dispensable increase was once something that Madara looked down upon. According to his words, no matter how you boost, you just can't beat me anyway.

It is precisely because of this reason that he has gradually moved towards the pinnacle of the ninja world. Unexpectedly, the older a person is, the less courageous he becomes, or he is cautious and prudent, but no matter what it is, Madara is no longer as domineering and arrogant as before!

Chapter 740: New Era and Old Era

Uchiha Tatsuya shook his head with a smile, he didn't expect that the all-powerful Madara had changed. Since then, there is no more Uchiha Madara who formed an army by himself in the world, and some are just a dying old man.

It seems that the years have not only eroded your body, but also your courage and courage, just like your body. Uchiha Tatsuo clenched the long knife in his hand: If this is the case, then let me end your life. Everything that has decayed is at least stronger than letting you die!

Speaking of which, Uchiha Madara can be regarded as Chen's idol back then. When watching Naruto, Uchiha Chen yearned for Madara's life.

Uchiha Tatsuya was envious of the majestic appearance of one person forming an army and suppressing an era. He had fantasized more than once that he would turn into the super powerful Uchiha Madara, and dominate the world of Naruto.

Even after Chen came to the world of Naruto, he unconsciously acted in Madara's style, but now, his idol is already old.

Just like Orochimaru couldn't bear to see his master die of old age, Chen also wanted Madara to become a timid person.

If so, then Chen would rather get rid of Uchiha Madara with his own hands.

Uchiha Tatsuo clenched the long knife in his hand, his eyes were cold. Chakra came out through the body, exuding the symphonic sound of zilazila thunder and lightning.

Layers of Thunderbolt

Wrapped around Chen's long knife, it exudes a terrifying breath.

Sleep! Uchiha Tatsuo roared, waving the long knife in his hand towards Madara's body.

Damn kid! Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and he naturally wouldn't sit still.

I saw Uchiha Madara's eyes staring, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan slowly turned.

Tomb Wheel Border Prison!

Uchiha Tatsuya, who was advancing, keenly felt the attack from the side. He waved the long knife in his hand to block it casually.


The invisible attack was blocked by Uchiha Chen, but at the same time, Uchiha Chen was forced to stop.

Seeing this, Madara dodged sideways and began to attack from the side. Raising the double blades in his hands, he swung them towards Uchiha Tatsuya.

The narrow terrain in the cave not only limits Uchiha Tatsumi's strength, but also limits Uchiha Madara's performance.

Many large-scale ninjutsu cannot be performed in this small cave.

Damn it! Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and he clenched his teeth. In fact, in this small space, he was the one who was most restricted.

A lot of his ninjutsu are oversized and wide-ranging. Once it is deployed in this narrow space, it can be said to kill one thousand enemies and harm eight hundred, which is not worth it at all.

Tomb Wheel Border Prison!

Uchiha Madara continued to communicate with his eyes. Originally, this trick was the ability of Uchiha Madara to awaken the reincarnation eyes. Now his reincarnation eyes are given to Nagato.

However, the existing abilities will not be affected, and the tomb wheel prison can still be used, but the chakra required for the pupil technique has doubled.

This is also a limitation. After all, Madara does not have the eyes of reincarnation now, and only under the eyes of reincarnation can the tomb wheel side prison be perfectly released.

With the eyes of reincarnation, he can even release five shadows, and now Uchiha Madara can barely release one shadow with the help of the power of the eternal kaleidoscope.

The elusive shadow hides in the dark and waits for an opportunity to attack Uchiha Chen. Facing this kind of enemy hidden in the dark, others may not notice it at all.

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