The same example is not limited to Konoha Village, the same thing keeps happening in other ninja villages. But in Ninja Village, there is no one who can frighten the scene like the second generation of Hokage Senshou Feima.

The civilians who had long held grievances completely ignored the ninjas who once made them fearful, and launched a civilian riot.

A group of ninjas who stayed behind were also affected. Facing the counterattack of the villagers, they seemed to cringe and retreat steadily.

An anti-ninja rule · 1 rule · 1 revolution · 1 revolution · 1 uprising · 1 uprising led by the common people is unfolding vigorously. Later historians commented on this uprising, which was a just act completely led by the people for freedom and peace.

Looking at the group of people below who were ashamed by what he said, Uchiha Chen showed a sneer on his face. How could this group of guys who have not been baptized by society, 1 society, 1 democracy, and 1 justice understand the power of our majestic words? Woolen cloth!

Even Naruto's spiel over and over again can make people in this world feel touched, but Chen is a person who has been baptized by various thoughts of the netizens of the Great Heavenly Dynasty. Who can't talk?

Most of the ninjas had put down their weapons because of Uchiha Tatsuo's words, and looked at their companions with blank eyes.

We...were we really wrong?

They also don't know whether they are right or wrong to do so. If it is wrong, then what's the point of them coming to stop Chen's behavior? What's the point of those who died?

Without giving these people who were thinking a buffer time, Chen continued to talk.

After these words, even Wukage couldn't help being slightly moved.

Among them, the one who was most deeply affected was the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. Minato was originally born as a commoner, so he naturally understood the demands of those commoners.

Combining everything he saw and experienced when he was a child, he found that he couldn't refute every word Chen said.

Maybe...we...we're really, really wrong.

Chapter 752: Continue to bullshit

Everyone was immersed in the atmosphere deliberately created by Uchiha Tatsuo. They let go of their defenses, put down their weapons, and began to reflect on their actions.

Those family ninjas are okay, but they feel a little guilty. As for the commoner ninjas, they already have some doubts about life.

Once upon a time, I was just a commoner, looking up at and fearing the profession of ninja. After I was lucky enough to be a ninja, my heart changed subtly.

I don't know when they started, they have gradually distinguished themselves from civilians, and some even don't take civilians seriously.

This kind of ninja is more than one person, many commoner ninjas do think so in their hearts, although a small number of ninjas don't think so in their hearts, they still can't help but think about it.

Because Uchiha Chen's words, no one let go.

Well, what can I do about this? People who feel guilty naturally have stubborn people. The fourth Mizukage Kuraya is originally a member of the blood successor family, so he is naturally thinking about his own family.

He was also one of the first group of people who woke up from the illusion after being affected by Chen's illusion. He didn't pay much attention to the common people in his heart. worst of all.

Seeing that Uchiha Tatsuya had inspired everyone, everyone lost their will to fight, and even a few shadows from Ninja Village had no desire to fight, which made him extremely unwilling.

It's that guy who pulled the tailed beast out of his body without even realizing it, how could this be, isn't that hitting him in the face!

Bastard! Cang Ya cursed in a low voice.

Oh, the popular support is not available. Seeing this situation, how could the Third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi still not understand the current situation?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi just sighed secretly in his heart, as a person who has been here, how can he not understand what Uchiha Tatsuya is thinking?

He clearly wanted to stir up a struggle between commoners and noble ninjas. After stirring up disputes between the two, the ninjas would be divided into two factions from now on.

Although there was this tendency in the past, under the oppression of each village and the open and secret struggles between the villages, the struggle between the two is nothing more than an internal struggle. In the face of foreign enemies, they can still join forces after all.

But now, Chen blatantly puts the struggle between the two on the bright side, and it is from this time that there is no possibility of family ninjas and civilian ninjas uniting.

This method is clearly a tactic used by experienced politicians. Moderates like Sarutobi often use this method. It is precisely in this way that Konoha can develop when he is in control.

This, this is clearly his method of copying.

Master Sandai, what should we do now? Minato leaned forward and asked softly.

Now it is no longer a situation that he can control alone. Looking at the ninjas who have no fighting spirit in the audience, Minato only feels a deep chill in his heart.

Although he was also deeply touched, but after all, it is a shadow, and the direction of seeing is always different. Minato only saw Chen's short words, which completely disintegrated everyone's fighting spirit.

This son is so terrifying!

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally saw the bored look in Minato's eyes, his highest combat power was a little shaken, and there was no suspense in this war at all.

If you continue to fight forcefully, don't say that the people below are yin and yang, after all, as ninjas, they execute

It is still possible to order this, but there will definitely be other thoughts later.

And even, their current state, whether they can beat Chen or not.

Oh, we lost! Sarutobi could only let out a long sigh, and said helplessly.

In the current situation, it is useless for anyone to come, even if it is the god of the ninja world, Senju Bashirama, it will not help. What's more, if you fight forcibly, it will also arouse the rebellious thoughts of the ninjas.

Seeing this, Chen didn't stop, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, the fire is not enough now, he needs to add another fire.

War always kills people. At that time, families will be destroyed, wives will be scattered, and neither civilians nor family ninjas can avoid it.

No one can guarantee whether they will die in the next battle. There is no invincible person in this world. Once they die, what should the parents, wives and children, relatives and friends at home do?

As the head of the family, if he dies, what will happen to the wife, old parents, and children who are waiting to be fed?

Even if there is a pension, how can you make up for the pain of losing a loved one?

Your parents have worked so hard to bring you up, not because they want you to kill many enemies on the battlefield, nor because they want you to stand high. They just want you to live a life of peace and happiness!

Marry a good wife, marry a good man, have a child, and then slowly watch your child grow up, marry a wife and have children!


Chen's words are like a persuasive old man, telling the words of most of his life, but they really walked into everyone's heart.

At this moment, both family ninjas and civilian ninjas burst into tears.

My son!

Father, my lord father!

Brother! You died so miserable!


Seeing this, how did everyone not know that the coalition forces have failed this time?

Not to mention those ordinary ninjas, even people in high positions like them will inevitably be touched by Chen's words.

The reason why people are human is because they can think. Everyone has human nature. Even those who have committed the greatest crimes have seeds of kindness in their hearts.

Once the seeds germinate, no matter how evil a person is, he will become a kind and good person.

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