Get out of here! Madara impatiently yanked Sasuke vigorously with the jade stick.

Dexterously blocking Madara's Taoist stick with the Kusanagi sword, Sasuke looked at him coldly and said, It's absolutely impossible for you to harass him.

What? Madara's eyes widened, his jade stick of seeking Tao did not break the Kusanagi sword in Assistant's hand. This surprised him a little, why is this happening?

Isn't his Taoist jade stick the hardest thing in the world?

How can it be?

Nothing is impossible! Sasuke roared, and drew back the Kusanagi sword behind his back, condensing chakra in his hand.

It was as if countless birds were chirping in my ears.


Sasuke kicked hard and pushed the ninjutsu in his hand towards Madara. Madara didn't panic, but dodged to hide, his figure kept rising, and he stood in midair.

So you want to hide? Sasuke sneered, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared behind Madara, Chidori pressed hard on Madara's back.

When? Madara was taken aback!

When he wanted to dodge, it was too late, barely avoiding the fatal point, Sasuke's Chidori hit Madara's back directly, and the violent Chakra forcibly tore Madara's back open.

After eating Sasuke's attack, Madara fell to the ground with a bang, splashing dust.

Good job! Sasuke! Seeing this, Naruto couldn't help being overjoyed and said, This guy, Madara, shouldn't be able to make waves!

No. Sasuke frowned and shook his head, My attack didn't hit his vital point. This injury is nothing to him, and it didn't cause any substantial damage.

It's not dead? Naruto's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Uchiha Madara could even dodge this.

Seven hundred and sixtieth IX: Fierce Battle Spot Three

Naruto, don't be careless, we haven't won yet. Sasuke carefully looked at the place where Uchiha Madara fell to the ground, and he whispered: I can feel that I haven't caused him any substantial damage.

What? Naruto's eyes widened: Isn't this dead? I couldn't believe it. Sasuke was almost cut in half, but it was still fine. Is the skin so thick?

Naruto felt that this old guy named Uchiha Madara should probably change his name to Uchiha Can't Kill Xiaoqiang, and there was a sentence in his heart that he didn't know if he should say it or not.

In comparison, Sasuke doesn't have the fancy ideas like Naruto, as long as the opponent is not dead, he can always maintain a calm heart.

Putting away the Kusanagi sword in his hand, Sasuke stood on the mound, the breeze blew, blowing his robe, and the long wind made his hair flutter in all directions.

Seeing Sasuke's cool look, Naruto couldn't help but cut it softly, this guy is good in everything, but there is one thing, he likes to pretend too much, and he looks like no stranger all day long, which annoys the group of elementary school students My sister is a nympho.

Getting up from the dust, Uchiha Madara glanced at the two of them unkindly, and snorted coldly: It seems that I still underestimated you.

At first, he was able to despise the two of them from above, but now Madara no longer dares to underestimate them. If it is said that Uchiha Madara fights alone, it is worthy of anyone, but the two add up to a situation where one plus one is greater than two.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four. Uchiha Madara, the old master, was still a little caught off guard in the face of the two stunned fists.

It seems like this is going to die. Madara wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and thought to herself.

However, under the sight of the two, Madara has no possibility of breaking the situation.

I need to quickly find my other eye.

Madara knows that only by rediscovering his own eyes can he completely suppress the two of them. With only one reincarnation eye, the true power of the reincarnation eye cannot be exerted at all.

Obviously his strength is close to invincible, but because of one eye, he can't exert 100% of his strength. This feeling of being castrated by half of his strength is really too aggrieved.

Immortal Law - Yin School Thunder Dungeon!

Uchiha Madara formed seals with his hands, roared at the two, and threw the ninjutsu in his hand towards the two.

The dark purple thunder and lightning flapped its teeth and claws, trying to seize the opportunity before the two of them could react.

Although the idea is good, the two are not apprentices who have just learned ninjutsu. They reacted the moment they saw Uchiha Madara's move. With a stomp of both feet, he dodges the ninjutsu attack directly.

The power of Thunder Dun hit the ground directly, and the dilapidated ground was once again devastated by ninjutsu, and some electric arcs were added to the scorched soil.

Sasuke! Naruto roared, and immediately stretched out a hand, and the bright red Nine-Tails Chakra immediately spread out two claws to help Naruto stabilize the Chakra.

A spiral pill with scarlet chakra was slowly formed in Naruto's hands.

Understood! Sasuke understood Naruto's meaning instantly after hearing Naruto's shout, and put one hand close to Naruto's hand that released ninjutsu.

This time you come to cooperate with me! Sasuke snorted lightly.

Fire Escape, Jiagu Earth Life!

Wind escape super large jade spiral pill shuriken!

Combined Ninjutsu·Scorching Escape·Nimura Hayate Jet Black Yazero Style!

The actions of the two have been synchronized, and they attacked Uchiha Madara aggressively with the ninjutsu in their hands. Just by looking at the ninjutsu in his hand, he felt that it was very powerful. If he was hit, he might lose a layer of skin even if he didn't die.

Naturally, Madara wouldn't sit still, and wanted to escape when he jumped into the air. Seeing this, Sasuke was in a hurry, and couldn't help but yelled: Don't even try to run.

A strange light flashed in the reincarnation eyes in the eyes, the pupil technique was released, and Uchiha Madara, who was just about to escape, appeared strangely in front of the two of them.

It's like this again? Uchiha Madara was in a hurry, with a trace of eagerness and impatience on his face. In a hurry, he could only pinch the Taoist jade behind his back, pointed at the two people, and threw the jade towards them. .

With the hindrance and buffer of Qiudaoyu, Uchiha Madara escaped with difficulty. Seeing the two people's attacks hit the place where he was standing just now, leaving a bottomless crater, Madara's back could not help but a trace of cold sweat.

Seeing that Naruto and Sasuke didn't hurt Uchiha Madara, the fourth generation and others in the distance couldn't help sighing in unison.

It's just a little short. Second Hokage Senju couldn't help sighing.

It would be great if I could still use the spiral flash chakra dance roar three poses now. Namikaze Minato glanced at his annihilated arm, and muttered under his breath.

What did you say? Hearing Namikaze Minato's long move name, Second Hokage's head was full of black lines.

This guy, just like my big brother, has some neurological problems. Senshou Kai took a step to the side calmly, a little away from Namikaze Minato, mental retardation is contagious.

It's really a pity. The third Hokage has no prejudice against Minato Namikaze, after all, he is the successor chosen by himself. This successor is good in every way, but the name is really too second.

Well, don't worry about it, if Uchiha Madara was defeated so easily, then he wouldn't be the one who could suppress an era back then.

That's right. Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded. After all, it was Uchiha Madara, the god of ninja who is also known as Senjujuma. In fact, Naruto and Sasuke's ability to fight Madara has exceeded their expectations. , which is already the best result.

But we can't sit still, we have to think of a way to help them. Namikaze Minato, who is eager to protect his children, wishes that he is the one who is fighting Uchiha Madara now, and always let his son take the lead. He is a father Don't lose face?

The battle has developed to this point. Even if we go forward, it will be useless, and it may be a disservice. What we should do now is not to disturb them, and pray that they can defeat Uchiha Madara.

Nonsense! The second Hokage scolded: Little monkey, I remember I never taught you to avoid fighting, even if we can't help here, we can go to other places, the battlefield is not only Here, what we should do now is to help other battlefields establish advantages as much as possible!

Chapter seven hundred and seventieth:

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