Immediately, Obito shouted at Sakura: Quick, it's now!

You bastard! You really don't want your life! Kuro, who was suppressed in Obito's body, couldn't help being shocked, and said anxiously.

This time, Sakura didn't hesitate, pulled out the kunai that had been inserted into her palm, aimed at Obito's eyes again, without any further hesitation, Sakura waved her hand, and was about to stab it.

Wait, wait, you know, once you make a move, this guy won't survive, you have to think about it! Hei Jue saw that something was wrong, so he couldn't help but shouted at Sakura.

Hearing Hei Jue's words, Xiao Sakura was taken aback, but she didn't stop the movements in her hands, looked fiercely at the half of her body under control and said, You are the one who should be damned!


At this moment, a space-time vortex appeared strangely in the open space beside them. The sudden situation made several people stop their movements.

Sakura held the kunai in her hand, and subconsciously stopped her movements.

I saw a white hand protruding from the vortex of time and space, and snap grabbed Xiaoying's hand holding Kunai, and a voice as warm as jade came into the ears of several people.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, this is the eye of reincarnation. Wouldn't it be a pity to be destroyed like this? It's better to keep this thing.

Xiao Sakura was slightly startled when she heard this voice, and subconsciously looked at the time-space vortex, until this time, that figure slowly walked out of the time-space vortex.

The familiar white clothes, familiar face, and familiar black hair made Sakura subconsciously let go of the kunai in her hands, and muttered to herself, Sa... Sasuke!

Suddenly, as if she had come to her senses, the eyes of the visitor changed, she looked at him cautiously, jumped back, and said in a deep voice: No, no, you are not Sasuke, who are you?

Ah? A lazy voice came from the mouth of the visitor: So no one recognizes me? I'm so disappointed.

Sakura frowned: are Uchiha Tatsu!?

I didn't expect your reaction to be so fast. Chen raised his brows and nodded in satisfaction. It seems that he has been missing for so long, and everyone still hasn't forgotten him.

It really is you! Sakura heard Uchiha Tatsuo admitting his identity, her pupils could not help shrinking slightly, subconsciously took out Kunai, and looked at him defensively across her chest.

Why are you here! Sakura couldn't help shouting coldly.

Where do I need to report to you? Chen glanced at Sakura and asked back.

You... aren't you already dead! Xiaoying held on, facing Chen's eyes, and continued to bite the bullet: Didn't you have been killed in the previous battle?

Who told you I was dead?

Chapter 772:

Who told you I was dead?

Hearing the news of his death, Uchiha Tatsuo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, looking at Sakura in surprise.

Sakura glanced at Uchiha Obito who was squatting on the ground without any trace, and said cautiously: They said, you were killed by Uchiha Madara when you were fighting Uchiha Madara who was just reincarnated from the dirty soil.

Me? Was beaten to death by Uchiha Madara who just reincarnated from the dirt? Chen seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world, and he couldn't believe his ears.

That's right, and there were many witnesses. Although I was not on the battlefield at the time, I heard from many people that you died very badly. Although Sakura was cautious, she did not hide anything. All seen facts.

Chen understood after listening, glanced at Obito Uchiha who was squatting aside, couldn't help chuckling, squatted down, faced Obito Uchiha, and said with a smile: You are responsible for all this. Bar?

After listening to it, why doesn't Uchiha Chen know who did it? It was nothing more than that after not being able to perceive the existence of Uchiha Chen, he thought that Chen was dead, so Obito and Dou joined forces to make a farce.

Hearing what Uchiha Tatsu said, Obito reluctantly smiled and nodded: It is true that we arranged for someone to do it. There is no way, the main reason is that your deterrent power is too great. If even you are defeated, then the ninja The momentum of the coalition forces will definitely be suppressed by us.

Only in this way can we achieve phased victory.

Obito forced a wry smile. After all, Uchiha Tatsuo’s deterrent power is too great. Moreover, he is a threat to both the Ninja Alliance and Akatsuki. This double-edged sword, instead of letting him It's better to get rid of it as soon as you grow up and eat yourself back.

Anyway, they couldn't find any trace of Uchiha Chen, as long as Uchiha Chen never showed up, then this lie would never be exposed.

We used Bai Ze to look like you, and asked Uchiha Madara to beat Bai Ze to death, and pretended that you were killed by Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Obito smiled wryly and shook his head. The facts were told.

Uchiha Chen pondered for a while, and finally realized: It turns out to be like this!

Immediately, he looked at Obito with a strange and mocking face: It seems that you are really rubbish, you can only think of this way, are you not afraid of my sudden appearance?

We have confirmed at that time that we did not perceive the existence of your chakra in this world. In the past, although you were very strong, we could all perceive the existence of your chakra. Moreover, the white we used to monitor you It will never disappear.

Having said that, Uchiha Obito paused: Our Akatsuki organization is used to monitor others

The method is quite special, so after we sensed that your chakra disappeared, we formulated such a plan to let everyone know that you are dead.

Are you sure you're not taking revenge? Chen had a strange look on his face.

In order to suppress the momentum of the ninja coalition forces is one aspect, and of course it does not rule out that this is an aspect of Uchiha Obito's retaliation.

After all, Chen didn't lose Uchiha Obito's face back then, even on the battlefield, Uchiha Chen lost a lot of Obito's face.

To make this plan, it is inevitable that Obito Uchiha wants to retaliate, and tell the people of the Ninja Alliance that Uchiha Tatsumi is not as strong as imagined. In front of Uchiha Madara, he is still like a babbling child , vulnerable.

Obito pondered, as if he had thought of what Chen was thinking. In front of Uchiha Chen, Obito could finally stop suppressing Obito tenaciously. .

He smiled wryly and said, To be honest, I do have the intention of venting my anger. Otherwise, I wouldn't just acquiesce when Dou proposed this plan.

Seeing that Obito admitted it, Uchiha Tatsuo nodded and snorted softly.

This guy, if he can't beat himself, he can only play like this. With such an enemy, Uchiha Chen doesn't even have the desire to strike.

Speaking of which, what exactly is your purpose? Seeing that the two of them fell silent suddenly, Sakura asked suddenly.

My purpose? Chen asked back, turned his head to look at Sakura, and suddenly smiled strangely: Guess!

Bastard! Sakura roared, threw the kunai in her hand, then stomped her feet, and rushed towards Uchiha Chen, clenched her fists as if about to swing out: Anyway, you are nothing Good man, no matter what purpose you have, I will not let you succeed.


Uchiha Chen suddenly disappeared in place, Kunai did not hit Uchiha Chen, but rushed straight to the back, and finally fell to the ground.

What? Sakura's pupils shrank suddenly, she subconsciously wanted to stop, she stepped on the ground hard, and finally stopped the tendency of rushing forward.

Are you sure you want to fight me?

Where is it! Sakura looked around cautiously, for fear that Uchiha Tatsumi would suddenly appear from somewhere, she did not dare to take it lightly.

When Sakura heard Chen's voice, she suddenly reacted, took out another kunai from her waist, and threw it vigorously towards the place where the voice came from.

This time Chen didn't dodge, stretched out two fingers, pinched the fingers, and pinched the Kunai in his hands.

Oh, young man, don't be so reckless.

It's as if you are very old, but my youth is even older than you. Sakura mocked coldly, not caring about Uchiha Tatsuo's words at all.

Hearing Sakura's ridicule, Chen chuckled lightly.

As long as I knock you down, your purpose will naturally tell me! Ignoring Uchiha Chen's contempt, Sakura rushed towards Chen again.

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