Ah? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't help it, I can't help it! Seeing Kyuubi's reaction, Naruto rubbed the back of his head and laughed.

Damn it! Uchiha Madara shouted in a low voice, and it was like this again. Every time the two of them were in danger, one or two more hole cards would come out. It seemed that they were almost able to win, but in fact it was the two of them. teasing myself.

Raising his head, Uchiha Madara looked at the full moon in the sky and muttered to himself: It seems that the plan has to be carried out ahead of schedule. A reincarnation eye should have no effect.

Madara rose into the air, and after pulling away from Sasuke Naruto, he stretched out his hands upwards, making a gesture of supporting the sky, and staring at the sky.


Under the action of Uchiha Madara's eyes of reincarnation, countless gravels and gravels on the ground continued to condense together, and countless huge stones slammed down towards the ground under Uchiha Madara's force.

Yin Dun·Turning Thunder!

Immortal Method: Duotian Obstacle Earthquake!

Combined ninjutsu, multi-day obstacle and thunder!

Countless meteorites attached to the terrifying thunder and lightning fell from the sky. The meteorites pierced through the atmosphere and produced super strong air currents. The ear-piercing sound of the sound barrier constantly hurt people's ears.

What... what is this! The people on the other battlefields couldn't help but stare blankly at the countless meteorites in the sky.

God! What the hell is going on!

Are we going to die...

No matter how chaotic the other people on the battlefield were, Naruto and Sasuke did not panic. They knew that they were the only ones who could stop the meteorite from falling from the sky.

Let's go! The two shouted at the same time, stomped their feet, and ran towards the falling meteorite.

Chapter 790: Unlimited monthly reading of failure

Let's go! The two shouted at the same time, stomped their feet, turned on their strongest state, and ran towards the falling meteorite.

The power of the two is really strong in front of other ninjas. If two people with the power of Liu Dao Yin and Liu Dao Yang are fighting alone, almost no one can completely defeat them.

But compared to natural disasters, human power is too small.

Sasuke kept waving the long knife in his hand, slashing at the meteorites on the zenith one by one, and the meteorites turned into pieces under his efforts.

It's too much, Sasuke, what should we do now! Naruto once again used the spiral pill shuriken to smash a meteorite, panting uncontrollably, turned his head and shouted at Sasuke.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and chopped off another meteorite, ignoring Naruto's stupid question.

Okay, I got it. Seeing that Sasuke didn't respond, he probably understood Sasuke's answer, so he could only continue to deal with the meteorite falling from the sky in suspense.

What the hell is this damn guy thinking? Naruto couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at Madara Uchiha, only to find that he had broken off the wooden forehead guard on his head, revealing the closed eye between his brows.

What... what is this! Naruto exclaimed.

Sasuke, look at that guy Madara, he actually has an eye between his brows! What is that!

Hearing Naruto's words, Sasuke couldn't help but paused, turned his head to look at Naruto's words, and suddenly saw Uchiha Madara's eye between eyebrows, Sasuke's heart trembled subconsciously.

This... this is, it's not good! Sasuke's heart was full of alarm bells, he subconsciously thought of that bad thing, that thing Uchiha Itachi and Chen had told him...

Sasuke gritted his teeth, squinted at Uchiha Madara who raised his hands above his head, thinking about what might happen later, he couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

If that guy Chen was still there at this time, maybe he wouldn't be in such a mess. Sasuke couldn't help thinking this way in his heart. But he understands that Uchiha Tatsumi is missing now, and if he was there, he must have appeared by now.

For such a grand occasion, Sasuke knew that according to Uchiha Tatsuo's temperament, it was absolutely impossible to be absent.

Thinking of this, Sasuke's mood inevitably began to dim. Itachi died, and the only remaining Tatsumi disappeared. He was the only one alive in the entire Uchiha. As for Madara and Obito outside, Sasuke never regarded the two of them as his own.

Aside from his own thoughts, Sasuke once again focused on the meteorites. If he wanted to deal with Madara, he had to get rid of these meteorites first, which was an unavoidable hurdle.

Maybe Madara knew this too, so he was so confident.

Hidden in the dark, Uchiha Tatsuo stared closely at Madara's movements. He knew that now is the time to test whether Madara can do it. After losing a reincarnation eye, can he continue to summon Infinity? monthly reading.

I saw Uchiha Madara looking up at the scarlet moon in the sky, and the blood-red gouyu reincarnation eye on his brow was reflecting the red moon in the sky.

The chakra in Uchiha Madara's body flows uncontrollably and continues along the meridians, and is transmitted to the Goyu reincarnation eye between his brows. At this moment, Madara can clearly sense the chakra in his body at this moment. Majestic and vast.

This... this is the feeling of power. Madara muttered to himself, feeling the surge of chakra in his body, he felt that even ten more Naruto Sasukes could not be his opponent at this moment.

The power on the moon seeped into Uchiha Madara's body through the gouyu reincarnation eye, and continued to maintain the release of his power.

The release of Unlimited Monthly Reading was perfect, everything went very smoothly, even

Madara didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

I knew I shouldn't have pushed them too much in the first place. Madara leaned over and looked at the two people who were fighting against the meteorite, and sneered in his heart. of death.

The communication between Madara and the moon is constantly going on, and the chakra in the body is also constantly being exchanged, but gradually, Madara can feel that there seems to be a little difference between the chakra in his body and the moon in the sky.

At this moment, the chakra in his body felt a little stretched.

How could this happen! Madara's eyes widened, and he looked at the moon in the sky with some reluctance, took a deep breath, and forcibly overdrawn the chakra in his body: No, I must, I must succeed, I must Prove me right, Hashirama, your thinking is absolutely wrong!

Although Madara is constantly overdrawing his own chakra, the energy required to release the infinite Tsukiyomi is too much, even now as the ten-tailed Jinchuriki, he can't bear it.

Damn it, it's just a little bit close. The corner of Madara's mouth has been bitten by him, and traces of blood seeped through the corner of his mouth.

It's just a little short, how can I fail here, I am Uchiha Madara, I am the strongest man in the ninja world, I must not fail here! Uchiha Madara's eyes widened, and suddenly his mouth One, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.


This is the reason why his chakra is overexerting, and he is constantly overdrawing his own chakra, even if he is Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, he can't bear it.

I'm not reconciled! Uchiha Madara looked up at the red moon in the sky angrily, no matter how much he overdrawn his Chakra and vitality, there was no way to make up for the slightest gap.

It seems that he can't do it anymore. Uchiha Tatsumi squinted his eyes. Sure enough, without two reincarnation eyes, Uchiha Madara still couldn't summon Infinity Tsukiyomi, and it seemed that he was always a little bit short.

Why don't you just give him the Samsara Eye back. Chen muttered to himself.

But it's not so easy to give Uchiha Madara the Eye of Reincarnation without a trace, he needs to guard against the guy who hides in the dark who doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend.

By the way, I can do this! Suddenly, Uchiha Tatsuo's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, Uchiha Tatsuo set his eyes on Uchiha Obito who was alone, his eyes were fiery.

The decision is up to you!

Chapter 791: The Eye of Reincarnation Going Around

The decision is up to you! Uchiha Tatsuo put his eyes on Uchiha Obito who was alone, his eyes were fiery.

Of course, it is not Obito that Chen places hope on, but Heijue who has completely controlled Obito's body, why is Obito willing to hand it over to Madara after getting the Samsara Eye?

Naturally, only Hei Jue, who wanted to resurrect his mother, was Chen's best choice.

After making up his mind, Chen naturally put Hei Jue at the top of his plan, so now maybe he has to borrow the help of Itachi's psychic beast.

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