I don't know, I just feel a little sad for no reason, as if there is something, like my child has disappeared forever. Kaguya Ji's cold face kept streaming tears, which made everyone who was waiting in line subconsciously. Some are confused.

In Kaguya Ji's first ball space, Uchiha Tatsuo's body suddenly shook suddenly, and he slowly opened his eyes: What happened?

System, do you know what happened? Why do I feel a little uneasy in my heart? Did something happen?

Ding, the investigation is complete, the answer has been found, answer the host, the Sage of the Six Paths has been swallowed and disappeared.

What!? What did you say? Uchiha Tatsuo was horrified, as if he had heard some horror story.

Chapter 825: Surprise Change

What?! What's going on? Uchiha Tatsuo was startled, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

Who is the Sage of the Six Paths? The founder of the Ninja sect back then, and now the head of the Pure Land, it can be said that there are only a handful of people in the world who can match his status.

Similarly, there may be people in this world who want to kill him, but there are no people who can really make him disappear. Even Uchiha Tatsumi can't swallow the Sage of the Six Paths. After all, he can return to the pure land at any time, and Chen has no way to imprison him.

How could the Sage of the Six Paths be devoured by someone? Uchiha Chen lowered his head and thought carefully, but he couldn't calm down at all in his heart now. I'm afraid no one will calm down after hearing this news. .

Things are now completely beyond expectations and out of my control. Uchiha Tatsuo suddenly raised his head and asked the system, pursing his lips: System, can you find out who swallowed the Sage of the Six Paths? ?”

Ding, checking... The system was silent for a while, and Uchiha Tatsuo was also thinking, but he already had the answer in his heart.

There are only a handful of people in this world who can devour chakra. Except for the current Kaguya Hime, there is only the yet-to-be-arrived Datong Peach Style that can devour people into chakra fruits.

Although the arrival of Uchiha Chen has caused a lot of changes in the historical development of this world, making many things in this world different from their original history, but under the correction power of the historical wheel, what Chen brought Most of the biases have been corrected.

There are only some minor details that have not been corrected. Logically speaking, the arrival of Momoshiki should be regarded as a more important event in the world of Hokage. The wheel of history will inevitably be corrected, and he will definitely not come so early.

Besides, Kaguya Hime has only just been revived, and it will take time for Momoshiki to rush over even if he gets the news, so Momoshiki can be ruled out first, and Kaguya Hime is also impossible.

Then after these two people are eliminated, the rest is easy to guess. Generally speaking, if all the impossible is eliminated, the remaining result, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth.

Ding, the verification has been completed. Judging from the remaining power system at the scene, it does not belong to the power system of the Naruto World. It is preliminarily determined that the change was caused by outsiders.

Is that really the case? Uchiha Chen nodded thoughtfully: It seems that my guess is correct, it is really the unknown person hiding in the dark.

But why did he devour the Sage of the Six Paths? Uchiha Tatsumi was a little puzzled. Logically speaking, after giving power to Sasuke Naruto, the amount of chakra left in the Sage of the Six Paths has long been exhausted, even if it is swallowed. How much power will be added.

What's more, after giving power to Naruto Sasuke, the Sage of the Six Paths is not without the ability to protect himself. He can return to the pure land at any time, so the reward after spending such a large price to swallow the Sage of the Six Paths is not proportional. What are you thinking?

Uchiha Chen originally wanted to go out in person, just to get rid of that little bug, but now it happens to be the most important moment for his space to form. If he actively interrupts at this time, it will definitely affect his own space. Think about it later. It is impossible to reach the current height.

In desperation, Chen had no choice but to let the little bug go for the time being, and wait until his own space was fully formed before taking action.

Let you jump around for a while longer. Uchiha Chen muttered to himself, and immediately fell into perception again, continuing to weave his own space.


Within the icy space, two lines of tears suddenly left on Kaguya Ji's cold face, Heijue was a little puzzled, and asked in surprise, Mother, why are you crying all of a sudden?

Me, my child, my child, what happened to you? Kaguya Ji opened her red lips lightly, her body trembled slightly, and one hand was slightly raised, as if she wanted to touch something, but the person in front of her But there was nothing, Hei Jue didn't understand Kaguya Ji's meaning at all.

I lost my child forever. Kaguya Hime's tone was full of endless sadness, don't look at her always wanting to take back all the Chakra, and running counter to Yuyi Yumura.

But in any case, Kaguya Hime is the mother of Yuyi Yucun. As an ascetic, she accepted the blessings from the world and gave birth to Yuyi Yucun.

Although Sage of the Six Paths still sealed Kaguya Ji in the end, how could the two of them succeed without Kaguya Ji's release? In the bottom of her heart, Kaguya Ji still regards them as her own children. How can there be a mother in this world who doesn't love her children?

Kaguya Ji stretched out her hand as if she wanted to touch the face of the Sage of the Six Paths. Thousands of years have passed, and she seems to have gradually forgotten her child's original love.

In her impression, her two children seemed to be the two ignorant children waiting to be fed, surrounded by her.

Hei Jue was a little silent. After all, he was the embodiment of his mother's will. Although he always claimed to be Kaguya Ji's third child, he did the same, but he knew very well in his heart that he was in Kaguya Ji's heart. His status will never surpass the two of Yuyi Yucun.

Hashirama, who was on guard against Kaguya Ji's sudden attack, saw that she stopped attacking and just stood there crying, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but he quickly let go of this doubt.

Good opportunity! It's not a good thing to be distracted during a battle. Hashirama's eyes lit up, and he seized the opportunity when Kaguya Ji's mind missed. He saw Hashirama's hands forming seals, and suddenly manipulated the thousand-handed Buddha statue Chao Kaguya Ji attacked.

It's really thousands of hands pressing!

The body of the smiling Buddha leaned forward towards Kaguya Hime, the hands behind his back seemed to extend infinitely, and countless big hands suddenly slapped Kaguya Hime.

When she was only a short distance away from Kaguya Ji, Kaguya Ji suddenly woke up, seeing the slaps all over the sky coming towards her, the anger in her heart suddenly arose, and anyone who was thinking about others would be interrupted suddenly Won't be in a good mood.

Get out of here! Kaguya Ji yelled softly, and all the energy in her body turned into a monstrous formation, blowing away the hands of Mantian God and Buddha.

Chapter 826: Surprise II

I saw Kaguya Ji's whole body vibrating and turned into a monstrous momentum to blow away the hands of Mantian God and Buddha, and Kaguya Ji's face was surprisingly angry.

Even if he was beaten very embarrassingly by Naruto Sasuke and others before, he was not as angry as he is now. At this moment, Kaguya didn't mean to save Chakra at all, and released all the Chakra in his body through his body.

Senju Hashirama had expected it a long time ago. Kaguya Ji's outbreak was in his calculations. He didn't panic. Facing the monstrous formation, Senju Hashirama just squatted down slightly, leaning sideways next to the Buddha statue, his feet seemed to be rooted Generally nailed firmly to the Buddha statue to resist this chilling momentum.

In the icy space, it seemed that the entire space felt Kaguya Ji's anger and the sadness deep in her heart, and the icy wind became even colder, blowing on people's bodies as if to It's like cutting people's skin, even if you use chakra to resist it, you can't resist the cold wind.

No, Kaguya Ji has gone mad, let's find a place to hide first. Qianshou Feijian saw that scars had begun to appear on several living people, so he made a decisive decision to retreat strategically.

The few dead people are fine, even if their bodies are cut off, they can recover in an instant, but the few living people are different. If their bodies are torn by the cold wind, it will be really torn.

Not to mention that they still have a few wounded here, especially Kai and Obito, one is still sleeping now, and the other they need to rely on his power to find Sasuke, the two of them will never have any problems of.

A few people put together and found a cave to hide for the time being. As for how to enter Kaguya Ji's space, many of these people have the talent of space-time ninjutsu. People will be able to sense it, and Obito will be able to succeed as long as he exerts his divine power at that time.

Okay, let's stay here for a while, and we'll go out after this evil wind has passed. Qianshou Feijian couldn't help but sighed softly. I don't know why Kaguya Ji suddenly became nervous, which caused the space to be damaged. It also became dangerous, which was not the case before.

Could it be that his elder brother did something that made Kaguya Ji angry? Thinking of this, Qianshou Feijian couldn't help shaking his head. Although his eldest brother seemed unreliable, he was not such a person. He believed in his elder brother, but didn't have the guts.

Kaguya Ji had expected it a long time ago. Seeing that Senshouzhujian escaped her own storm, she reacted instantly. She stepped forward, with a bone spur protruding from the palms of both hands, and she waved the bone spur in her palm towards Senshouzhu. came rushing in between.

Almost at the moment when Senshou Hashirama regained consciousness, Kaguya Ji's bone spurs stabbed toward Hashirama's eyebrows and heart. Seeing that Senju Bashima was about to be pierced by Kaguya Hime's bone spur.

However, Hashirama's reaction speed is faster than Kaguya Ji. After all, Hashirama has experienced countless life-and-death battles, and the strength honed from the edge of life and death, Kaguya Ji just absorbed the fruit of the sacred tree. The power possessed by the power.

Comparing the two to make a judgment, it is impossible for Senshou Zhujian to sit still. Just as the bone spur was about to pierce in front of Zhujian, at this time Zhujian could even clearly see the uneven scars on the bone spur.

Almost at this moment, Hashirama suddenly turned sideways, barely dodging Kaguya Hime's bone spurs along his face, especially the bone spurs that pierced his heart, even rubbed against his armor, There was a deep white mark on his armor.


Kaguya Hime's bone spur pierced through the statue of Buddha fiercely. The one-meter-long bone spur seemed to have encountered no obstacles when piercing into the Buddha statue, as if what pierced was not the Buddha statue, but just a piece of tofu.

Hashirama's eyes widened, and he watched the bone spurs piercing into the wooden Buddha statue. Hashirama couldn't be more clear about the hardness of the wooden Buddha statue.

Even Uchiha Madara's full body costume, Susano, couldn't cut off the ancient statue of Buddha, but Kaguya Ji's bone spurs could easily penetrate it.

Just when Zhujian was surprised, he saw that the side of the Buddha statue began to break inch by inch like the wooden dragon before, and turned into layers of limestone, which was blown by the cold wind and flew away.

At the same time, the backstab growing on Kaguya's back also broke inch by inch. Hashirama knew the power of Kaguya's attack. Even if he was a dead person reincarnated from the dirt, he couldn't resist this soul-destroying attack.

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