As for Sun Wuchen himself, he also uses Turtle Style Qigong. This super-strength attack energy coefficient is 3.

After adding the original combat power, it can launch four times the normal attack, but it requires a long period of charging.

For example, it takes 10 seconds to complete an attack with an energy coefficient of 1.

2 takes 25 seconds.

3It may take two minutes.

You need to accumulate energy for a long time, but it is very dangerous in the process of accumulating energy. You may be seriously injured by the opponent. So only after Sun Wukong truly learned Turtle Style Qigong did he realize that this energy is not invincible and needs to be careful. use.

The energy in it hits one person alone, and even after charging with the highest energy coefficient, the destructive power hit on a single object is equivalent to before.

The energy coefficient will only increase the destructive damage in a large area, but will not directly kill a person, unless there is an extremely powerful single-target skill.

Huh, it looks like we did pretty well, but the castle is gone.

Kame Sennin returned to his original appearance and touched his head.

The Bull Demon King was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground. His castle was reduced to ashes by his teacher. He did not dare to say anything. To be honest, although the castle was important, the teacher's words could change his destiny.

Okay, don't continue to do evil. It's time for us to leave. You should have met these two young apprentices. They are both your junior disciples.

The Bull Demon King came over and nodded, saying hello. He had nothing to talk about with such a brat, but he was still quite surprised when he saw Sun Wuhan just now.

Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have died inside. Qiqi, come here and say thank you.

The little girl Qiqi walked aside and looked shy when she saw Sun Wukong.


She glanced at Sun Wuchen and ran away. To be honest, Sun Wuchen also knew the character of this little girl now. She was probably obsessed with him again.

Is it possible that I have such super charm wherever I go? It seems like this is something I was born with.

After all this was settled, everyone was about to leave when there was a sudden explosion. It turned out that Sun Wukong had tested the Turtle School Qigong.

No matter when, this guy's talent is amazing, and every one of these Saiyans is amazing.

This scene shocked everyone, but seeing Sun Wuchen next to him, Turtle Immortal also calmed down.

It seemed that these two brothers were both freaks, so Kame Sennin took them back to his Kame Sento house, along with Bulma and Oolong.

Why did you two follow me here? You two don't have the ability to practice the things that really should exist here.

Teacher Wu Tian, ​​we just want to come and take a look. Wu Chen, as your student, is so powerful. We were quite shocked to see the power of this number one person in the world, so we came to watch.

After being complimented by the other party, Teacher Wu Tian had a proud smile on his face, and then began to teach the two the real combat skills of Turtle School Qigong in front of them.

Sun Wuchen had learned these things before. After he listened to the other party's teachings, he experimented twice more, and suddenly the sound of the system came.

Ding! The host has learned all the hidden additional skills of Turtle Style Qigong. After the skill upgrade is completed, you can spend 10,000 energy points to continue to upgrade the level of Turtle Style Qigong, provide higher energy coefficients, and unlock more hidden attributes.

10000! ?

Sun Wuchen looked at himself, this pauper was really helpless.

Sun Wukong didn't have any systematic help, but he understood this terrifying impact energy very quickly.

Soon he made some achievements. Seeing that both brothers could understand this energy well, Kame Sennin was also very happy.

For Bulma and Oolong, looking at Sun Wuchen's small figure, they reluctantly left here and headed to Xidu.

These two guys, especially Bulma, she...

Chapter 871: Hunting ahead

These two guys are really difficult to deal with, but counting the time, it's time for Oolong to come here. After practicing for a while, he will be the best martial arts tournament in the world.

Sun Wuchen didn't want to waste time here anymore. He was already very familiar with some of the fighting techniques of Guesenryu.

After a long period of training, they have achieved their current combat effectiveness, which has reached 50, which is a very high level.

He found that staying here was not a good choice. After thinking about it, he already had something to do.

Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I think I should go out and travel, find as many enemies as possible, and practice my abilities.

Seeing that the child was about to leave him, Kamesenren couldn't tell whether he should be happy or sad. The child's talent was amazing, and it might not take long for him to catch up with him.

This is a kind of pressure that will make you infinitely panic.

But every teacher hopes that their students will become stronger. This is what they want.

Turtle Immortal thought for a while and agreed to Sun Wuchen's request, but this time Sun Wuchen didn't even bring Sun Wukong with him, because of fate.

After reluctantly saying goodbye, Sun Wuchen embarked on a journey. After arriving on land, he looked at everything here and wondered, where should he go?

Okay, let's lock in the first stop, and that's Kalinta.

that place

Fang has a so-called martial arts god who exists on the Kalin Tower and is called the Kalin Sage.

That cat's fighting power is not weak either. You should go look for him first. At least climbing up the endless tower will be of great help to you.

Sun Wuchen is not qualified to control somersault clouds. It may be that his thoughts have been finalized. He is not willing to ride on something like this that can detect people's minds. However, he still has the Wukong technique.

When using control practice, Wukong Technique can be exercised continuously, and his energy points will increase rapidly. However, 10,000 energy points are almost a fantasy. He does not know what will happen after the Turtle School Qigong is improved. Effect.

By the way, it is said that my air dance skill can also be improved. Is it possible that this thing can also be changed? But it seems like it’s just flying.

Sensing the question in Sun Wuchen's heart, the system immediately answered.

Host, after you have learned all the additional skills, you can spend points to upgrade your current Wu Kong Technique. Wu Kong Technique will allow you to fly faster, fly longer, and consume less energy. After reaching the extreme, you can even Upgrade again.”

Can you just tell me what the limit of this Wukong number is? I don't quite understand. Is it possible to dig deeper into flying?

Ding! Host, after your martial arts has evolved to the extreme, you can teleport.

Sun Wuchen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. It turned out that he had obtained the pre-version of teleportation, but if he wanted to upgrade to that point, he would definitely spend a lot of energy points, which was nothing short of a fantasy.

Okay, let's put these two skills there for now, and with control training, this skill is indeed very effective when flying.

After flying for a while, Sun Wuchen still found that the speed at which he obtained energy points was too slow. With the combat detector, he could often see the signals of some powerful creatures, but many primitive and powerful weird creatures were hidden. In some desolate places, energy detectors cannot fully detect them.

In short, there are too many energy signals in the world. It is impossible for this small amount of energy to display all the energy signals in the world. That would be unrealistic.

System, is there any way for me to directly discover those powerful monsters?

Ding! For speed, you can ask the djinn in you. He knows the distribution of all living things very well.

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