This Sun Wukong is like a prophet who always says some surprising words, but Bra just nodded and didn't take it seriously.

The next day, everyone began to search for the location of the dragon ball, and they came to the nearby Grand Canyon.

What is surprising is that this place is filled with a kind of black mist that is constantly spreading and seems to be completely different from the world on earth.


Sun Wuchen was a little surprised. It was not that the world he saw was any different, but that his combat detector sent out a warning signal.

Ding! Warning, a huge combat life form has been discovered.

This is the first time that his own combat detector has issued such a warning, which proves that the combat effectiveness of the discovered combatants and life forms far exceeds the combat effectiveness of the current users, so this warning is issued, and this situation does not usually occur.

Even when Sun Wuche faced Turtle Immortal, he never thought of this combat detector.

You must know that when the opponent's combat power is strong, he can completely crush Sun Wuchen, but it is still within his own response range. This calculation does not take into account the so-called giant ape transformation.

Is there something evil and terrible inside? After I came to this world, I felt that the plot here was the same as usual, but it was slightly different.

Wuchen, let's go, get down.

Bulma and others had prepared ropes, and the group immediately descended.

This is an unimaginably dark valley. It is rare to find such a deep and dark place next to this forest.

The four people descended slowly, and under the leadership of Upa, they came to a platform halfway.

This place can be said to be a protruding part of the rock wall. From the heights of this huge canyon, you can see all the places below, but everything seems a bit blurry. It seems that it has experienced an impact. The entire rift valley is somewhat blurred. Not unusual.

This is the most terrifying Death Canyon in the forest. All the tribesmen are afraid of this place. I have also been nearby and saw something shining below.

Upa said so.

Bulma took out his Dragon Ball Radar. After turning it on, he found that the Dragon Ball Radar was severely interfered with.

In fact, Sun Wuchen discovered this early in the morning, and when they were looking for the dragon ball, they were a little surprised.

The signals of the other dragon balls are relatively clear, but the signal of this dragon ball has always been blurry.

The Dragon Ball radar seems to be interfered by something. It seems that the Dragon Ball is probably here, but the interference is too severe.

Then forget it, let's go down.

Sun Wuchen was the first to jump down. No matter how much darkness and panic lay ahead, he was fearless and slowly fell from it, landing on one platform, and then the next.

He was much more sensitive than the others. He had already fallen dozens of meters away. When he was standing on a platform, as soon as he landed, he found a terrifying life signal, highlighting his threatening power.

A huge black python came towards Sun Wuchen next to him, opening its terrifying mouth and fangs.

Sun Wuchen punched the black python on the neck, hitting the scales on the neck with a bang, and Sun Wuchen felt his fist tremble.

Black python.

D-class monster, main attack method is entanglement and venom.

Special skills. Strange power. Through entanglement, it can continuously tighten the opponent's body to cause damage. Hard scales can defend against most attacks. It is extremely poisonous. The venom has amazing killing power and will cause corrosion and lasting damage.

Kill the black python to get 620 energy points. The creature's combat power is 85.

Sun Wuchen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This character's combat power was unusually powerful, reaching an astonishing 85.

However, without the bonus of powerful skills, it is estimated to be much worse than a real strong person.

After many fierce battles, his current combat effectiveness is only close to 80 at best.

Is the python in front of me more powerful than myself? Maybe yes, but he relies more on his unique body structure and combat skills. Generally speaking, when calculating a monster's combat effectiveness, body structure and combat skills will not predict the final calculation result.

However, this monster is indeed quite powerful. If you hit him with your fist, there won't be much damage. The scales alone can provide defense.

After punching away a black python, Sun Wuchen suddenly heard the exclamations of Bulma and others. Suspended in the sky, they were suddenly attacked by a group of black bats.

Ding! Attention, we found a lot of threatening creatures.

Black Bat.

D-class monster!

The poisonous flying creatures can use their own body's poison and fangs to cause damage to everyone. Please be aware that there are many of them.

Sun Wuchen did see a large number of black bats flying towards everyone. The number far exceeded his expectation, at least hundreds.

It's scary. This black bat's combat power is around 50. It's really so dangerous this time!

Chapter 893: Danger abounds

The situation at this moment is absolutely dangerous, with large groups of black bats flying towards here.

The black bat with a combat power of 50 points has extremely powerful damage. Sun Wuchen no longer retains it. With a wave of his hand, he creates several perfect holes.

When this thing kept flying in the air, it defeated the surrounding bats. Those bats were instantly hit by this light, and they burned directly and fell below.

At this time, Sun Wuchen used Wu Kong Technique and flew forward. When the black light saw that he was about to leave, he immediately spat out a mouthful of venom. Fortunately, Sun Wuchen dodge faster and avoided the blow.

According to the view that the people above were more dangerous, and his own abilities seemed to be inferior, Sun Wuchen shouted.

You bastard, get out of here.

The djinn flew out of the small space, and as soon as he came out, he felt the terrifying aura around him.

Go save them.

Sun Wuchen only said these four words before he was overwhelmed by a group of black bats. This group of bats was endless and used all kinds of ways to attack him.

Fortunately, the djinn still has some abilities, and he can directly transform his body into a dark cloud, lingering in the sky with the light of thunder and lightning.

After arriving at Bulma and others, the Djinn immediately used his power to wrap them in his body.

Just when he wanted to take these people into the sky, he found that he could not move and was sucked downwards by a strange energy.

Even Sun Wuchen was extremely surprised. The smoke transformed by the djinn had been trapped by some kind of power below, and it kept falling downwards. Sun Wuchen was extremely surprised. He waved his hand and shot out more than a dozen rays of light.

There is absolutely no problem in killing a bat with one Dong Dong Wave. However, it seems that the strong penetrating ability and tracking ability of Dong Dong Wave cannot be obtained at the same time.

Penetration represents concentrated power, which can instantly defeat the opponent's armor.

But the relatively flexible tracking ability is different. It requires this kind of energy and can change directions at any time. The ability to penetrate cannot be obtained at the same time. Perhaps it can only be achieved by upgrading to a higher level.

The so-called perfection is only relative. It is impossible for every energy to have all the best properties.

Sun Wuchen was attacked by a bunch of black bats. The opponent's attack power was around 50, which can be said to be quite difficult.

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