The ray of light was just a thin stroke, as if it had pulled a glove, but Sun Wuchen's punch hit it.

After punching the robot's face, leaving a golden mark, Sun Wuchen landed on the ground, turned and left.

Everyone was dumbfounded, he didn't seem to do anything, the giant robot was still standing there.

They will laugh out loud, and suddenly there is a loud bang, and the head of the entire robot explodes.

One blow, destroy the enemy!

Chapter 910: Infinite Divine Power

Completely destroying a gigantic battle robot in one blow, something only a super-powerful being like Sun Wuchen could do, is definitely quite extraordinary.

Even Monkey King next to him was dumbfounded. His own fist bump was the monster. When he was on his body, it had no effect at all, but his palm hurt infinitely.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wuchen accomplished such a feat with one blow, completely killing the opponent.

And it seems that Sun Wuchen didn't have much consumption, on the contrary, he seemed infinitely calm, but there was a kind of golden light just spreading on his hands.

Even if Sun Wuchen himself doesn't know it, this kind of thing is really quite effective.

Because he has only now discovered that this unique set of military attributes has unimaginable effects. If he launches an attack now, his combat power will increase by 25%, and his overall combat power will reach 125.

This is an attack method that is more effective than critical strikes, directly improving combat effectiveness.

If he reaches 100 million combat power, he can even fight the opponent hard with his fists, even Frieza seems to have no advantage.

So this is an unimaginable super high punch, and when the battle really broke out, that is, the time of the explosion, it actually had a coefficient bonus.

So at the moment of the explosion, the power became 145, and the damage was unimaginable.

It is only natural to be able to kill this huge battle robot with one blow. Sun Wuchen's small and thin figure is infinitely terrifying in the eyes of a group of people, especially the back, which looks thin, but it seems to make people feel like seeing a peak.



When a group of people fled in all directions, Sun Wuchen had already arrived at Wupa's side, and he was lying on his father's body.

Upa! Who killed your father?

Upa immediately pointed to a person.

It was that person who killed his father with a bullet, which was far beyond his comprehension. With a single touch, the light flashed, piercing through the heart of that person, directly beating him into a corpse.

Such a bloody method surprised everyone.

It is indeed quite surprising that a child suddenly kills people. Even Sun Wukong, in his fighting life, has really killed only a handful of people.

Since they have been moved and killed you with special means, then there is no need to keep anything, it is enough to kill them all.

When everyone heard it, it seemed that it was indeed the case. If they were weak and patient, they would definitely usher in their own doom. This seemed to be a matter of course.

After tidying up the place, putting Upa's father in a special freezer cabin, everyone decided to go to the headquarters of the Red Ribbon Corps.

Everyone was flying there. Sun Wuchen had no way to use Wukong's somersault cloud, but he had his own special somersault cloud, which could be manipulated as he wished. Bigger and can be combined in real time.

This time, Boulma's combat power was useless, and even Sun Wuchen didn't ask Kelin and others to inform Guixianren that they only needed a few of them to deal with the enemy this time.

Boulma has an oolong to protect them. When necessary, they can directly enter the world of the lamp god. Although that guy can't do enough to fight, his escape skills are unparalleled in the world.

A group of people moved towards the place where the deep mountains and old forests were located, and soon reached the outskirts of the base of the Red Ribbon Legion.

What they had to pass was a snow-capped mountain first, and the place was full of wind and snow, and then they saw several planes flying in the sky.

Needless to say, Sun Wuchen's tentacles are a few holes.

All the planes flying in the sky were shot down almost instantly.

After shooting down those flying planes, Sun Wuchen continued to fly towards the sky. He had already seen more enemies. There were a huge number of planes rising in the sky, aiming at Sun Wuchen and others.

Moreover, he also saw a rather huge strange sphere. Looking carefully, it should be the King Pilaf. He has already thought of attacking the Red Ribbon Army by his own means. Compared with the original book, he seems a little crazy.

But this time, his huge spherical spaceship has undergone countless modifications, and its firepower is extremely strong. It seems that it is in perfect condition and wants to destroy the opponent.

When the huge round sphere suddenly arrived from here, even the Red Ribbon Legion was taken aback. Immediately, countless artillery hit the vicinity, but they were all blocked by the solid outer armor.

Then a ridiculous looking head appeared in front of everyone.

I am King Pilaf who will rule the world. If you hand over the Dragon Balls in your hands, I will spare you from death.

This guy actually shouted here, he seemed really confident, and he probably didn't know how fierce the Red Ribbon Legion he had provoked was.

Countless cannons shot towards the sky, even though the pinches were quite thick

, but was shattered in an instant.

The huge spherical spaceship was shaking in the sky at this moment, and fell towards the ground.

Chapter 911: The Rebellious Yamcha

Is this considered to sacrifice one's life for benevolence?

At this moment, Sun Wuchen jumped into the air and hung there using the Wukong technique.

In that case, let me strike too.

Of course, Sun Wuchen floated in the air very excitedly, and then slowly gathered all the strength in his body, ready to release his own Kamehae Qigong.

Now Sun Wuchen, Kamepai Qigong has reached a high-level state.

Through accumulating power and constantly stirring various energies, he gathered all the power in this life together, and shot a huge ball of light forward. When it fell from the sky, it looked like a shooting star in the sky.

When the enemies below saw this scene, they were all stunned. They never thought that there would be such a miraculous attack. When the big light ball fell down, it was absolutely unbearable.

The light flickered and fell to the ground in an instant. After a terrifying explosion, the surrounding ground shook. Even everyone in the air was startled. They looked at Sun Wuchen dumbfounded.

Sun Wuchen's Guipai Qigong has not yet integrated the power of the Five Elements Fist. If it is integrated, it may have a higher effect, maybe.

Of course, now his Kamepai Qigong has not been upgraded to a higher level, at most it is only an advanced entry level, and its power has been slightly increased, with an energy coefficient of 4.

However, it also takes a long time to accumulate power. When you have time, you can use a lot of points to upgrade this skill and see how it works in the future.

After the horrible explosion, at least 1/3 of the entire base had been turned into ruins, and of course the huge and terrifying spherical spaceship had destroyed the other 1/3.

It can be said that this base is already in jeopardy, but the core of the base still exists, and there is the strongest protective barrier there.

Sun Wuchen and others all fell to the ground and moved forward there. Wukong and Klin had already used their fighting power, especially when Sun Wukong was holding the Ruyi stick, he was full of strength.

The wish stick kept flying, and any enemy couldn't stand it, and was knocked to the ground in an instant, and then faced a painful coma.

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