Sun Wuchen soon felt that his body was affected, because this black gas has a great impact on the human body. It not only consumes energy, but also causes various weird situations in the human body.

Now Sun Wuchen is as weak as a person who is seriously ill, and he no longer has much energy to fight.

Fortunately, he was able to survive the hypoxic state for a while. After all, he had already adapted to the hypoxic environment during training in the temple, but it really surprised himself, and the surrounding area became heavier and heavier.

The gravity even exceeded the realm of ten times, which was frightening. In this case, Sun Wuchen's combat power dropped rapidly and was already less than 500.

Sun Wuchen's heart skipped a beat. It turned out that this was the opponent's power. He used this strange black smoke to create a super-gravity space. The current gravity is about 15 times. Don't look at it, it only increased from 10 times to 15 times. Just every day Doubling the lift will make one's body much heavier.

Sun Wuchen's body weighs 50 kilograms. Under 15 times the gravity, it is already 750 kilograms.

Such a powerful force made his body carry at least 700 kilograms more weight every time he moved.

Moreover, this place has become an area where the air is extremely thin and there is poisonous gas, so movement is blocked, and everything is affected. Sun Wuchen in front of him seems to be in a desperate situation.

This area reduced his combat effectiveness a lot. It turned out that it was because of this that he heard the system's warning sound when he met this weirdo.

His combat effectiveness continued to decline, and he was even affected by this thin air. Fortunately, Sun Wuchen had experienced more severe environments, which allowed him to adapt a little.

However, his combat power is constantly being lost. The combat power of Big Devil Piccolo has reached 540. Although it cannot last forever, at least in a short period of time, his invincible power is clearly revealed and fully revealed.

You can die in my demonic space. Come on, I'm going to do it.

Big Demon Piccolo had already started to activate. His hand reached out and was at Sun Wuchen's side in an instant. He pulled him over. Everyone was already waiting there. He punched Sun Wuchen and knocked him away.

Sun Wuchen put his arms in front of him to resist, but was still beaten out. His body hit the building next to him like a cannonball, and a horrific explosion occurred.

This large space may be the size of a football field, which is quite a large area. However, due to the black gas envelope, many people cannot enter at all. Even if they enter and are suppressed, it will not have any effect at all.

This is a battle that belongs to Sun Wuchen himself.

After being blown away, Sun Wuchen immediately climbed out of the ruins. Piccolo Demon King pointed his finger here, and a beam of light hit him.

A terrifying beam of light, as fast as lightning, arrived at Sun Wuchen's side in an instant. Sun Wuchen jumped to the side to avoid the blow, but he still felt that the opponent's attack was still terrifying. Various beams of light continued to reach his vicinity. As long as he was hit by one If the light beam hits you, you will be severely injured.

All the air in this space is affected. When it is too dirty to breathe, it even increases the load on your body.

Sun Wuchen reacted immediately, and his body was ignited with blazing flames. This was the Five Elements Fist fire.

He attaches the power of this fire to his body, burning all the strange and terrifying air and all kinds of filth around him, and resists attacks in this unique way. As long as this kind of thing keeps burning, the opponent's attack will not be able to completely When it worked, Sun Wuchen at this time became a model who would never fail.

The fire rose up, and even the Great Demon King Piccolo was surprised, but his power in every move surpassed the current Sun Wukong. Unless Sun Wuchen used the Quadruple Kaio Fist instantly, he might still be able to resist, but the air was turbid. , there is a possibility of death when using the Quadruple Kaioken.

Because the air is so bad, as long as he uses power beyond the limit, his body's consumption will increase and he will be severely injured in an instant, which is not a good thing.

It's just that using this ability for support for a period of time consumes too much. In the end, the ancient city wall of Song Dynasty used the hole wave beam to continuously sweep the beams around one after another.

After all, his power is also very strong, enough to withstand most attacks.

After neutralizing all the opponent's attacks, Sun Wuchen started his own pace. My combat power is lower than yours, but my skills are not weaker than yours.

Running to the side of Big Demon King Piccolo, Sun Wuchen directly pressed his hands on the ground.

Kid, are you kneeling down and surrendering?

Demon King Piccolo was still very arrogant, and suddenly felt the ground shaking.

Five Elements Fist - Split the Earth!

Chapter 968: Five Elements Fist Combo

Sun Wuchen's Five Elements Boxing is a terrifying boxing technique with considerable divine power. It can be activated instantly and has special effects. The five powers of metal, wood, water, fire and earth can act on five special substances in the world.

Now the earth-type Five Elements Fist began to damage the ground. The entire ground was completely shattered, and cracks appeared one after another.

Suddenly punched forward, this was the Demon Clan's Qihe Cannon.

It can be regarded as his proud skill. Sun Wuchen was knocked out by him without checking.

When he fell in the air, he spat out another mouthful of blood. To be honest, this was the most dangerous situation he had faced in such a long time of fighting. The opponent's combat effectiveness in this space had not increased, but his own strength continued to decline, and now he also There are only about 460 left, and there are even

Decreasing at a slow speed.

If it weren't for my body's strong foundation, maybe I would be knocked out by the opponent with this blow. However, standing there in Biological City, tearing off the clothes on my upper body, my body that is not fully grown may not look so tall, handsome and tall. , but now his face is full of determination.

Pickers, use your strongest strength, otherwise you will lose.

Kid, you are really too arrogant. I will let you die now.

The Great Demon King Piccolo was burning with a ball of flame. He raised his hand and struck at the speed of light.

Afterimage punch - continuous flash.

Sun Wuchen's figure appears in various places. This is a very perfect afterimage boxing, and his afterimage also has certain moving special effects, making it difficult for the opponent to completely see through. Therefore, countless afterimages help Sun Wuchen withstand countless attacks. In addition to If he's unlucky, he'll get hit, but at least most of the time he won't take fatal damage.

After dodging for a period of time, the opponent's strength was also consumed a lot. Sun Wuchen hurriedly ran towards the opponent, reaching the side of the Big Devil Piccolo as fast as possible.

Take it, Piccolo.

Five Elements Fist—Fire!

Five Elements Fist - Strong Wind!

It drove out like a raging fire and a violent wind, and all kinds of fires spread in an instant.

He immediately found that the world in front of him had been filled with this orange-red flame, and it seemed that it was about to come into contact with his body. This was not a good thing. If he was injured by this kind of flame, his body would also be severely damaged. .

He didn't want to experience that kind of pain. The Great Demon King Piccolo was the highest being and could rule the world. Apart from the so-called god and his other body, he was absolutely invincible.

Piccolo had hatred in his heart. When he saw the opponent coming, he waved his hand fiercely, and the power of the strong wind roared away, trying to blow the opponent away.

But what he didn't expect was that Sun Wuchen would continue to move forward with the power of the strong wind, and his body would rotate in the air. The strong wind and fire continued to move forward, turning into a tornado of flames. When he reached the side of the Big Demon King Piccolo, Sun Wuchen suddenly came from Jumped out of the fire.

“Five Elements Fist—Earth Steel Fist!”

His hands were covered with golden energy. The energy originally used for defense was instantly converted into an attack posture. After all, this most powerful armor can be used as defense when worn on the body, but it can also be used as an attack when dissipated. Attacking, after a burst of impact, the Big Devil Piccolo was knocked away.

Big Demon King Piccolo himself was shocked. If it came to absolute power, he still had the upper hand. The other party actually had the ability to knock him away.

Surprised, he still took action, suddenly letting his strength gather together.

The moment he was knocked out, a ray of light swept across Sun Wuchen's figure. However, this ray of light penetrated the body and Sun Wuchen disappeared from the place. Big Demon Piccolo immediately felt that something was wrong behind him. When he was hanging in the air, Suddenly I felt like I was being hit into the sky.

The Fist of the Wild! It was originally someone else's fist, but I will give it back to you now on his behalf.

History has changed, but some things have not changed, and this is also part of history.

The unparalleled fist filled with wildness knocked the Great Demon King Piccolo away again, and there was a big wound on his chest, dripping with blood.

At this time, Sun Wuchen has not yet completely refined his power, and this attack is not owned by him, but he imitated it, so the power is not that strong, not to mention that in the devil's space, the power is too suppressed.

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