But now it seems that Chen is really disappointed. Chen decided to let himself help Sasuke become stronger. After all, he has a strong system, no one is more suitable than him, and now he no longer needs it. He concealed himself like he did when he was in Konoha, and now he still has some points left.

Thinking of this, Chen didn't dodge any more, but seized an opportunity. After avoiding Chidori, he grabbed Sasuke's forearm with such strength that Sasuke couldn't even struggle away. Then Chen dragged Sasuke to the side of the wall and ran to the wall. After getting close to the wall, he forced Sasuke's right hand on the wall. Sasuke's Chidori directly blasted the wall. also dissipated.

Then Chen kicked Sasuke out and fell on the floor of the hall.

Chapter 77: The Battle Between Brothers

After Chen broke Sasuke's Chidori, he kicked Sasuke out again.

Damn! Sasuke shouted, trying to get up again, but Chen had come to his side in an instant, stepped on Sasuke's back, and stepped him back to the ground.

That's what you are capable of? Chen looked down at Sasuke and said contemptuously.

Bastard~ kill you... kill you! Hearing Chen's contemptuous tone, Sasuke's expression became hideous, and he said through gritted teeth.

Huh? This is... Seeing Sasuke's reflection, Chen frowned, because he felt an evil aura from Sasuke.

At that time, Sasuke, who was stepped on by Chen, had a mutation. I saw that the curse of the sky on Sasuke's neck broke out, and strange patterns appeared on Sasuke's body, which soon covered Sasuke's whole body. At the same time, an evil chakra emanated from Sasuke's body.

Hmph, is it a curse mark? Seeing Sasuke's weird appearance, Chen frowned and said.

Sasuke's body is the curse of heaven planted by Orochimaru. Although the person who has been affixed with the curse mark can exert a powerful power, but at the same time, it will also forcefully draw out the power indefinitely, so it will have a strong erosion on the user, and it is a double-edged sword.

Kill you! After releasing the power of the curse mark, Sasuke roared and propped himself up abruptly. His strength was much stronger than before. Chen Jiang stepped on Sasuke's sad foot and took it back, and jumped to the back and Sasuke. kept a distance.

Not bad, so you still hide this kind of power! Looking at Sasuke in front of him, Chen said playfully.

Hehe~ Are you surprised? This is my true strength... Sasuke said with a grin.

Oh, it's just relying on external force to improve your strength. Is this kind of power your own? Looking at Sasuke, who had already swelled himself, Chen said disdainfully. And using this kind of power will definitely cause damage to your body!

Hey! I don't care if this power belongs to me or not, I just know that I can control this power, it can make me stronger. If I want to kill that guy, I must have this power. As long as I can kill that guy, even if I sell my soul to the devil, I will not hesitate, not to mention the small damage. Sasuke said with a grin.

It looks like you've gone crazy! That kind of thing will only make you lost, and do you really think you can take revenge with that curse mark? With your current state, I can easily kill you!

Hum~ That's right, I'm crazy. Don't you look down on the power of the curse mark? I'll let you die under this power today. Sasuke cast Chidori again, madly killing Xiang Chen go.

Humph! I'm stubborn, so don't blame me for being ruthless! Seeing that Sasuke was attacking him out of his own power, Chen snorted coldly. Now Sasuke's resentment is too heavy, he won't listen to anything he says. , So Chen felt that it was necessary to teach Sasuke a lesson first. Although Sasuke released the curse seal, his strength improved a lot, but Chen Kai didn't take it seriously, and he didn't even open the writing wheel.

Go to hell! Sasuke roared, and stabbed Chidori in his hand toward Chen again. Chen tilted his body and avoided Sasuke's attack. When he missed a hit, Sasuke changed his stab to a swipe, and Chidori swept towards Chen next to him. Humph! Chen snorted coldly and jumped back, dodging Sasuke's Chidori.

At this time, Sasuke scattered the Chidori in his hand, quickly formed a seal with his hands, gathered Chakra at his throat, and sprayed a flame in the direction of Chen.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Huo Dun. Hao Fireball Technique! As early as Chen Zai jumped to the back, his hands quickly formed seals. When Sasuke spewed Hao Fire Ball at him, Chen's ninjutsu was also completed, which was also Huo Dun. Hao Fireball technique. However, the arrogant fireball cast by Chen is much larger than Sasuke's.

I saw that after the two fireballs collided, Chen's fireball actually swallowed Sasuke's fireball. After merging together, the size became bigger, and then continued to fly towards Sasuke. (Don't know if it's an explosion or a fusion, it's written like that anyway.)

Damn! Sasuke was very unwilling to find that his ninjutsu had been swallowed up by Chen's ninjutsu and wanted to attack him, because it also proved that Chen's strength was still stronger than him, even though he had used the curse seal now. the power of. However, there was nothing he could do. Facing the Go Fireball that was rapidly approaching him, Sasuke had no choice but to jump to the side to avoid the attack range of the Go Fireball. In the end, the Hao fireball directly hit a wall in the hall, blasting a large hole in the wall.

However, just before Sasuke landed on the ground, Chen suddenly appeared in front of him. Before he had time to be surprised, Chen had already threw his fist in his face, and Sasuke, who could not dodge, was directly punched by Chen. Hit, fell out.

You're still too weak, do you know why? Because you haven't worked hard enough! With your current strength, I'm afraid you can't even meet me, let alone.

Said it hurt me. Just like you, you still want to seek revenge on Uchiha Itachi? it's so funny!

After Sasuke was knocked out by Chen, he turned over in mid-air, stabilized his body, and then stood on the ground, glaring at Chen.

What right do you have to say about me? What have you done over the years? I practice hard every day to become stronger, but you keep pretending to be an idiot to deceive me and put all the pressure away. Throw it to me. You stay in your room every day and don't care about anything, I'm afraid you have already forgotten all about your family's feud! Sasuke shouted at Chen Jie.

Humph! I didn't do anything? If I really didn't do anything, you would have been arrested and brainwashed, and you could still yell in front of me? If I didn't do anything, my strength was born. Do you? You don't know anything, why are you yelling at me? Hearing Sasuke's words, Chen became furious for no reason. In the past few years, Chen has also accumulated too much resentment, pretending to be an idiot to be laughed at, being watched without freedom. Even being humiliated by the trash, he didn't dare to fight back, he gritted his teeth and endured it. Hold all the grievances in your heart and can't talk to anyone. And he also bears a deep blood feud. Since he left Konoha, he has been running around to improve his strength, just to have enough strength as soon as possible and go back to take revenge. Now to be scolded by Sasuke like this, Chen's resentment burst out all of a sudden.

Yes, I don't know anything, that's because you never told me that you are hiding everything from me, how could I know! You played me like a fool for so long! In any case, I I won't forgive you, I'm going to kill you! Chen's reaction was beyond Sasuke's expectations, but at this time he was already dominated by anger and had lost the ability to think, so he didn't listen to Chen's words at all. Desperate for everything, the power of the curse imprint increased again and directly entered the second curse imprint state. The imprint spread all over the body, causing a huge change in the skin and appearance. The skin turned gray, a cross pattern appeared in the middle of the face, and the hair changed. Long, with protruding teeth, and two wings resembling duck's paws grow on the back, and the wings are covered with fingertip protrusions.

After Sasuke's transformation was completed, he formed a seal again, condensing Chidori on his right hand, but this time Chidori's thunderbolt turned out to be black.

Humph! I don't want to bother with you anymore, lie down for me! After seeing Sasuke's change again, Chen had no patience to play with her anymore, and planned to bring Sasuke down with one move.

I saw Chen suddenly disappear in place, and then reappeared behind Sasuke in an instant, less than half a meter away from Sasuke, but he did not touch Sasuke, but turned his eyes into a kaleidoscope writing wheel, and Sasuke saw Chen suddenly. After disappearing, he was stunned for a moment, and then he sensed that Chen was behind him, and immediately turned around in horror, while waving Chidori back in his hand.

However, this time it didn't hit, I saw Chen stretched out his right hand, grabbed Sasuke's wrist accurately again, and quickly stretched his left hand to the back of Sasuke's head, and suddenly dragged Sasuke in front of him, forcing Sasuke's eyes to meet his own eyes . When Sasuke saw Chen's eyes, he showed an unbelievable expression, as if he had seen something terrible. In the end, before he could react, he was directly hit by Chen's illusion. Without any resistance, he lost consciousness. Chidori in his hand Dissipated, and at the same time, it changed from the appearance of the curse mark state two back to the normal appearance, lying on Chen's body.

Huh? What did Uchiha Chen do to Sasuke-kun? Is it an illusion? Orochimaru, who was still watching the battle in a leisurely manner, frowned and thought to himself. Due to the angle, Orochimaru and Yaoshidou didn't find Chen's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye at all. However, Orochimaru's face suddenly changed, showing a frenzied expression.

Pupil technique, yes, he must have performed pupil technique on Sasuke just now. He was able to surpass Sasuke's eyes, and instantly subdue Sasuke, indicating that his pupil power is at least three times that of Sasuke. Otherwise, there is only one possibility, and that is... Uchiha Chen has already written a kaleidoscope! This also explains why Uchiha Chen suddenly became so strong, and even Konoha's Hatake Kakashi is not an opponent, it must be because Uchiha Chen has already opened the kaleidoscope. Thinking of this, Orochi's eyes when looking at Xiang Chen are indeed full of fanaticism and possessiveness.

Humph! Don't get in my way, just lie down for me! Chen threw Sasuke lying on top of him to the ground, then ignored Sasuke and walked towards Orochimaru.

Group Tail: 475137322…

Chapter 78: Cooperation with Orochimaru

After Chen brought Sasuke down, he ignored it and walked towards Orochimaru.

At this time, Orochimaru was looking at Chen with a frenzied expression, his eyes were undisguised and full of possessiveness. Seeing Orochimaru looking at him with such a disgusting expression, Lingchen felt very uncomfortable, frowned and said, This disgusting guy, isn't he trying to beat me?

Hey hey~~ Chen Jun is really amazing. Sasuke has been cultivating with me and has been improving very fast. I didn't expect to be subdued by Chen Jun. It really surprised me! It is as expected that he was able to defeat Konoha Kakashi. people. Orochimaru let out a few weird laughs, and then said to Chen in his hoarse voice.

For Orochimaru, Sasuke was the body he wanted most. However, after Chen's appearance and a series of major events, he became interested in this Chen, who was called an idiot. Today, after seeing Chen's strength, Orochimaru wants to get Chen's body even more.

What he wants to do most now is to let Chen stay in Yinin Village, and then find out the weakness of Chen's human nature, so that he can follow him until he can be reincarnated. Moreover, Orochimaru is confident that he can do it, because so far there has never been a child he cannot abduct.

Oh, you can get one of the three ninjas

, Leng Jun Orochimaru's praise really flattered me! Although Chen is talking haha, he is still on guard against Orochimaru in secret. Chen knows what Orochimaru is like. In the original book, his ability to save his life is number one. Of course, Chen does not dare to take it lightly.

Hehe~ Chen Jun is too modest...

Okay, don't talk about these falsehoods, I really want to know, what is it that Lord Orochimaru took me to the Sound Ninja Village so much? Do you want me to be your container like Sasuke? You have already With Sasuke, are you still not satisfied?

Hehe, listening to Chen-jun, it seems that I have no objection to Sasuke's coming to my side. Could it be that Chen-jun doesn't care about Sasuke's brother at all? Orochimaru said to Chen with a playful smile.

I have no interest at all in this idiot. Since he went to you for strength, it is his own business and has nothing to do with me. I have no right to interfere with him, and I don't want to interfere with him. If I really want If you stop him, when you send those four wastes to Konoha, I will kill them all! Chen sneered, and when he said Sasuke, he deliberately showed a disdainful expression, his expression was very arrogant.

Oh, is that really so?

Hmph, do you think it's necessary for me to lie? Or... do you think I'm not a match for the four trash you sent?

No no no, Chen Jun misunderstood, I didn't think so. People who can defeat Konoha's Hatake Kakashi, how can they be your opponents!

I don't want to talk about this, let's talk about the purpose of your looking for me! Chen pretended to be impatient and said to Orochimaru. If you can't say something that can arouse my interest, then I won't accompany you! Of course, this is just Chen's nonsense to deceive Orochimaru, and he will definitely not leave like this. The reason why he followed the pharmacist's pocket to Yinin Village was of course because he had something to look for Orochimaru. Otherwise, even if Orochimaru goes out in person, he may not be able to invite him.

Don't be impatient, since I came to my Yin Ren Village, why do I have to do the best of my landlord's friendship, if you let Chen Jun leave like this, it will inevitably make outsiders think that my Orochimaru has not treated the guests well. That would embarrass me!

Humph! There is no need to entertain. It seems that you really have nothing to interest me. If that's the case, then I won't accompany you, so I'll leave! Chen snorted coldly, turning around and pretending to leave. However, just after taking a few steps, he was blocked by the pharmacist.

Hehe, what do you mean? Are you going to force me to stay? Looking at the pharmacist's pocket who was blocking him, Chen said with a sneer.

Sorry, Chen Jun! Please let Chen Jun rest in our Yinnin Village for a few days and let us do our best as a landlord! The pharmacist pushed his eyes and said with a smile.

Humph! Just relying on you, a defeated general, dare to stop me? Get out of my way!

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