Below the mineral vein, there is a special psychic technique. We signed a contract with the blood of our royal family. As long as you put your hand in the center, you can summon the cave of time and space!

The cave of time and space?

It is to devour everything, the endless void, emerges from the center of the technique, and devours everything around it. Our ancestors were there to prevent one day, the seal of Garrel's mine veins would be blocked by some people with bad intentions. The destruction caused the ore veins to run wild, so the psychic technique was placed under the ore veins to destroy Garrel's ore veins. However, if this technique is activated, then, activate the technique. The people who will definitely be swallowed up by the Caverns of Time and Space.

Is that so... Tem Xun suddenly turned around and quickly ran back towards the ruins just now. And Naruto immediately understood what he wanted to do after discovering Temson's actions, and also chased up to try to stop Temson.

Tem Xun, don't do stupid things. Naruto threw the old man to the shadow clone, let the shadow clone take the old man out, and then chased after Tem Xun himself.

If you want to atone for your sins, I'm the most appropriate role. Naruto, I'll leave it to you, you hurry up and get out of here! Seeing that Naruto was catching up, Tem Xun immediately shouted to Naruto without looking back. .

How is this possible, I won't leave you alone! Naruto ignored Tem Xun's dissuasion and still followed.

This is my chance to atone for my sins, Naruto, don't follow me anymore, I don't want to see unnecessary sacrifices anymore, you hurry up and leave here.

No, how can I let you do such a dangerous thing alone? I said it, no matter what, I will never leave my companions behind...

Just as Naruto and Temson were talking nonsense, the ruins that were shaking violently subsided, causing Temson and Naruto to stop.

This... it seems to have stopped, what's going on? Could it be that the movement just now wasn't the runaway of the mineral veins?

Then, let's cut back to the main character.

When the stones on the ruins were almost dropped, a huge spherical unknown liquid gradually appeared on the top of Chen's head, which was bubbling continuously. These liquids were light blue and filled with a strong vitality. And the violent momentum, it seems that it will explode at any time.

Is this the mine of Garrel, known as the source of life? It was sealed above the ruins. Hahaha~~ These are all mine! , Chen immediately laughed excitedly.

I can't get carried away now, I have to put away all the ore veins quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome when the ore veins run wild! Thinking of this, Chen immediately activated the ability of space and loaded all the ore veins of Guerrell. within its own space. Because with the improvement of Chen's strength, the area of ​​Chen's own space has also expanded to the size of two football fields. That's why the entire Guerrell's ore vein can be included in the space. After Chen Jiang's ore veins were all included in the space, the turmoil in the entire ruins also subsided.


Chapter 93: Soaring Points

Although Chen had already incorporated the entire Guerrell's lode into the space, the rampage of Guerel's lode did not subside because of this, and was still brewing in Chen's space. But fortunately, in Chen's space, the time ratio is 10:1, so the time for Garel to explode is also extended.

Although the explosion time has been prolonged, the problem has not been completely solved. But Chen had no choice but to ask the system for advice.

Chen asked the system: The system, the entire ore vein of Guerrell has now been obtained, but how can we solve the problem of this lode runaway?

Answer to the host: Garrel's ore veins are runaway because the seal is destroyed. Therefore, the host only needs to exchange another array to suppress the riot of Garrel's ore veins. Rael's veins subsided.

The formation method? If the formation method is used to suppress Gerel's ore veins, then how can the Gerel stone be extracted from Gerel's ore veins in the future?

The host does not need to worry about this problem. The formation method only suppresses the riots of the mineral veins, and does not seal the mineral veins, so the host can extract the Garel Stone at will.

Is that so? Then I can rest assured, exchange the formation for me! After hearing the system's answer, let Chen feel relieved, and then exchanged the formation with the system that could suppress the mine runaway.

Ding! The formation that suppresses the runaway of Garrel's ore veins: Item type: formation, item level S, points to exchange: 10,000, do you want to exchange?


Ding! The redemption is successful, the points deducted: 10,000, and the remaining points of the host: 11,000.

As soon as the system beep sounded off, a few dazzling rays of light appeared out of thin air under the Gerel ore vein, which was taken into the space by Chen. I saw that light gradually dimmed. In the end, after the light completely dissipated, a huge circle appeared under the Guerrell lode with a hexagram pattern, and the six inner corners of the hexagram were also engraved with a kind of incomprehensible pattern. 's seal. Just after this formation was formed, the Gerel mine, which was still slowly brewing and exploding, calmed down in an instant, as if it suddenly got stuck, and there was no movement.

At this time, the system's prompt sounded again: Ding! The host has completed the task: snatch Garrel's ore vein, reward points: 50,000, the host's total points: 61,000, whether to fight or not

Open the exchange interface?

Oh, is the mission completed? Today is really my lucky day. Not only did I get such a precious Garrel ore vein, but I also earned 50,000 points, which really excites me! Hehe~~haha~~ ~ Hearing the system's prompt tone, and then looking at his soaring points, Chen's mood was so bright that he burst out laughing alone!

Okay, let me take a look first, what exactly is Garrel's ore vein! After laughing, Chen also withdrew his excited expression, and then with a thought, he disappeared in place, and then appeared in the within his own space.

Chen's space has not been transformed since the exchange, so the interior of the space is still a pitch-black void, except for the few miscellaneous items that Chen placed in the space, there is nothing left. Chen stood in space, as if standing in outer space.

Although it is a ore vein, its shape is the same as a liquid. The volume of the ore vein is large, the ore vein is round, with a diameter of more than 50 meters, and it also emits a light blue brilliance. Below the ore vein, a huge formation also shone with light. Such a behemoth is very conspicuous in this space.

Chen looked at the void under his feet and said, It's time to make a change here. It's empty and always makes people feel uneasy. But let's wait until I'm done with the things at hand! Then he went directly to Gary In front of Er's mine, he looked at the mine in front of him.

Is the Stone of Gerel formed from these liquids? Thinking of this, Chen curiously stretched out his hands and took a pool of Gerel's liquid from the huge ore vein. At this time, the liquid that was separated from the Gerel's vein changed. I saw that the pool of liquid solidified slowly in Chen's hands. In just ten seconds, it turned into a hard piece of Gerel's ore. stone.

This... the liquid becomes hard when it is separated from the ore vein. That's how the Garel Stone was formed? I thought it would take some complicated processing to form the Garel Stone, but I didn't expect it to be so simple! But it's also Okay, save me the trouble.

Chen Dian weighed the Garel Stone in his hand. It should weigh half a catty. Because it has not been processed, it still contains a strong breath of life.

System, estimate for me, how many points can I exchange for this Garel Stone in my hand?

Answer to the host: This stone of Garrel contains a huge amount of energy, which can be exchanged for 10,000 points! Do you want to exchange it?

10,000 points? Just such a small piece of Gerel's stone can be exchanged for 10,000 points. This ore vein can be divided into hundreds or even thousands of such large Gerel's stones, then if If I exchange the entire ore vein... very good, very good! Hahaha~~~ With this ore vein of Garel's Stone, then I don't have to worry about earning points anymore. Moreover, the eternal kaleidoscope writes The incomparably powerful abilities of the Wheel Eye, the Samsara Eye, and the Immortal Body are no longer an extravagant hope! Hahaha~~~ The system's answer made Chen excited again, and after a long time, Chen calmed down his excitement. down.

When his mood calmed down, Chen couldn't wait to extract ten Garel stones five times larger than the previous one from Garel's ore vein, and then instructed the system: System, take me. Redeem all these Garel Stones for points!

Ding! Exchange is in progress~~ After the system's prompt sounded, I saw that Chen's body suddenly shot out a beam of light, which shone on the Gerel Stone that was originally extracted by Chen, and then the Gerel Stone disappeared. Gradually disappeared without knowing where to go. In just a few seconds, all the eleven Garel stones extracted by Chen disappeared, and the light emitted from Chen also disappeared.

Ding! The exchange is successful, and the points are 610,000. The points the host has: 671,000. Do you want to open the exchange interface?

Chapter 94: Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker

After getting the system's answer, Chen's first thought was: I've made a fortune! Then, he couldn't wait to extract ten pieces of Garrel from Garrel's ore vein, which were five or six times larger than the volume just now. The stone, and then let the system and the previous piece all be converted into points, and then Chen's points skyrocketed to 610,000, plus the rewards for completing the system task just now and the remaining points, it actually reached 671,000 points , this is the highest point that Chen has obtained since he had the system.

This huge amount of points is enough to change Chen's fate. If Chen uses all these points to improve his strength, then Chen's strength will definitely be improved by a few grades, and it can even be comparable to Nagato who has the eye of reincarnation. At that time, let alone a Danzo, even the entire Konoha Village, Chen is confident that he can compete with it. Although I dare not say that it can destroy Konoha, it should still be possible to reach the level of Nagato!

Hehe~~ More than 600,000 points are enough to take my strength to the next level, and my kaleidoscope can also evolve into an eternal kaleidoscope! Not only that, but I can also have Mu Dun's blood! Haha~ ~ Thinking of this, Chen laughed again.

The Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker is not shown much in the original work. Throughout the Uchiha family for so long, only Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke have possessed it. In the original work, the two did not show the peculiarity of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker, except for not blindness and manipulation of the nine tails, there seemed to be nothing special.

However, even so, the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye is extremely powerful. If nothing else, it is said that after opening the Eternal Kaleidoscope, you can use the kaleidoscope's pupil technique without side effects, and you can also have a complete body of Susanoo. One, is enough to enhance a lot of combat effectiveness.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the complete Susa must be

The Eternal Kaleidoscope can only be displayed when the Eternal Kaleidoscope is turned on. In fact, the ordinary eye kaleidoscope can also perform this ultimate pupil technique. In the original work, after Obito gave Kakashi his other writing wheel when he was fighting with Kaguya, Kakashi opened the complete Susanoo directly. Outside of Kakashi, whether it was Sasuke or Ban, it was Susanoo who showed his full body after opening the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

After laughing for a while, Chen immediately asked the system: System, I remember that the price of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel seems to be 500,000, I have enough points now, can I evolve my kaleidoscope writing wheel to Eternal kaleidoscope? Don't make any harsh conditions for me to exchange it!

Answer the host: There is no need to worry about this question. As long as you have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the host can directly evolve an ordinary kaleidoscope into an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with enough points.

That's good, I'm really worried about what conditions will be given to me, there is no best! After hearing the system's affirmative answer, Chen was relieved. To be honest, he was worried before, but fortunately the system did not let him down.

Since that's the case... Chen said to the system: Open the exchange interface of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye for me!

As soon as Chen's voice fell, a system exchange page appeared in Chen's line of sight---Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, item level: ss level, need to exchange points: 500000. Note: Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is overused It will lead to vision loss or even blindness, and the eternal kaleidoscope Shaker Eye has broken the curse of the kaleidoscope Shaker in use. The use of pupil surgery is not threatened by seals, and the eyes have eternal light, which is the most advanced form of Shaker. .The host conditions are met, do you want to carry out this exchange?

Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye... Chen took a deep breath, his expression became solemn, and then said to the system: System, exchange it for me immediately!

Ding! Exchange is in progress...

As soon as the system's notification sound fell, I saw that Chen's points were suddenly deducted by 500,000, and then Chen's body suddenly burst out with a powerful force. Immediately afterwards, all this power slowly poured into Chen's eyes, causing severe burning pain in Chen's eyes.

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