Finally, the moment of decisive battle has come, please! Wuchen! please! Super soldiers! The hope of this earth depends on you! Success or failure depends on your actions here.

In order to meet the terrifying artificial man, the soldiers began special training. Three years passed by in a blink of an eye, and the day of fate arrived. What was waiting for Wuchen and the others...

Wukong was very anxious now and rushed to the front. Wuchen looked at him as if he was very anxious, so he told Wukong, Hey, Wukong, you can get there if you fly slower. You need to conserve your energy before fighting.

Piccolo flew next to Wuchen, Wuchen, how are you? To be honest, do you think you are sure to win? Wuchen was very calm, We haven't fought yet, so it's hard to say. I'll tell you after we fight.

You're quite leisurely. I don't lack the confidence to defeat the androids, but I just have a bad premonition. Bad premonition? Piccolo, promise me, don't force yourself if you can't beat them, because the Dragon Balls won't do it if you die. Gone.

Wukong suddenly said to Wu Chen, Wuchen, look, it's Klin! Then he called Klin from behind, and Klin heard and saw the three of them, It seems I didn't come too late!

Wu Chen flew up, Hey, Klin, what's the matter? Long time no see, why are you listless? At this moment, Klin was indeed a little depressed, I'm about to fight a powerful monster, how can I be happy? I'm not Super Saiyan.

9 kilometers southwest of Nandu, over there! Is it that island? So they immediately flew over the island. They looked down and said, It's really a big island!

Wu Chen was very nervous now, Oops, it seems there is a big town. If the androids are not lured to other places, the residents of the island will be affected by the battle.

Yes! Klin said to them at this time, I felt two strong qi near that mountain, probably Yamcha and the others! Let's fly over and have a look!

After saying that, they flew over there. At this time, Yamcha and Tianjin Fan were waiting here, It is indeed Wuchen and the others! I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are a little late.

Chapter 1174: The Arrival of Baby Trunks

Wu Chen and the four of them saw a few of them flying down, and Bulma also came here. This was very surprising to Wu Chen and the others. Bulma walked over and said, Wu Chen looks at you and you have become stronger again!

At this time, they all noticed the baby in Bulma's hand. At this time, Wuchen came over and said to Bulma, You are really messing around. What are you doing here?

Bulma held the baby in her arms and said to Sun Wuchen, Of course I'm here for a visit. It doesn't matter. I'll take one look at the android and leave. Klin felt curious and came over, Bulma, compared to that, I'm more interested in The child in Bulma's arms was even more surprised...

Wukong looked at Yamcha and said, Marry Uncle Yamcha. Yamcha closed his eyes and was very angry, It's not my child! We broke up a long time ago. If you knew who the child's father was, Anyone would be surprised!

I saw Wuchen walking up and looking at the baby, Your father is Vegeta, right? Trunks. Bulma and the others were shocked when they heard Sun Wuchen say this, How did you know? You guys are surprised and haven’t told anyone.”

Suddenly, Wuchen realized the problem and started to panic, No, no, no... I just think that... the face... doesn't the face look a bit like Vegeta?

Bulma was still very curious, even she guessed the name correctly, Really? That's amazing, do I have super powers! Sun Wuchen quickly made up a lie about what he said to make up the lie.

Krillin was indeed surprised, Is it really Vegeta's child? Yamcha sat down on the stone next to him angrily, and then Piccolo came up, What's wrong with Vegeta? Didn't you see it?

Bulma said to Piccolo, I don't know, we don't live together, but it will come sooner or later. He has been practicing strictly for this day.

But Wu Chen was very determined, It will come. That guy will definitely come. Tianjin Fan said to them, I didn't let Dumpling come. To be honest, his martial arts is not good. Wu Chen also knew this, so he knowingly asked Tianjin Fan nodded.

At this time, Wukong asked Bulma, By the way, what time is it now? Nine-thirty! It should show up in 30 minutes. Wu Chen came over and said to Bulma, You'd better take advantage of the opportunity. Leave now and don’t hurt the child.”

Bulma seemed to be very unconcerned, Didn't I say to leave after just one look at the android? Piccolo is now on the top of the mountain here, looking down at the town below, and is still thinking about something in his heart!

Tianjin Fan came over at this time and asked, Are there 30 minutes left? He looked very nervous, but Krillin and Goku were here playing with their children with Bulma.

Just when they were having fun, Piccolo spoke, Someone is coming, and he's not a bad guy. Is it Vegeta? Is that guy a bad guy?

I saw Yajirobei driving the spaceship over, So you are here, you finally caught up. Gochen and Goku were very happy to see Yajirobei, Yajirobei, are you coming to fight too?

I saw Yajiro Bingwei taking out a bag of fairy beans and handing it to Sun Wuchen, I'm here to send the condolences from the Garin Sennin, fairy beans. Wuchen happily received the condolences, That's great. He is worthy of being the Immortal Jialin.”

As soon as Yajirobei handed the fairy beans to Wuchen, he turned around and got on the spaceship again, Okay, come on! Sun Wuchen couldn't understand, Yajirobei, let's fight together!

I saw Yajirobei rolling his eyes at them, I'm different from you idiots. I don't want to die, so how can I accompany you? After that, he started.

The spaceship flew away.

At this time, Tianjin Fan looked down and said to them, Don't you think it's strange? It's already past ten o'clock, but you can't feel the enemy's breath at all. Speaking of which...

Yamcha came over and said, That guy must have been talking nonsense! How could there be an android? But he said it was around ten o'clock! It's ten seventeen now, just wait.

Yamcha said to her, Indeed, I can't feel the strong aura. If it is a strong person, it can be detected in any corner of the earth.

At this time, suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky. A spaceship was blown up and fell into the sea. They took a closer look and said, No, it's Yajirobei's ship!

Piccolo also realized, Look, they are the ones attacking. At this time, he saw two ant-sized figures in the distance flying towards the town again, and they were never found again.

Landed into the town. Where have you gone? Did you see it? Wukong! No, I didn't see it. I can't figure out who it is! What's going on? I can't feel the breath at all!

Klin said to them at this time, Because they are artificial humans! So they have no Qi! Hearing this, they were very nervous because they did not have Qi energy to find clues about the other party. For them, they were in the clear and they were in the dark. dark.

Now the situation is very tense and the clues are not clear. Everyone of them is panicked. Piccolo said to them, If you can't feel the breath, you can only use your eyes to find it.

Chapter 1175: Artificial Man Appears

Sun Wuchen heard what Piccolo said and threw the fairy beans directly to Bulma, Okay, let's search separately. Bulma, I'll leave this to you for safekeeping. Listen carefully and don't chase too far. Notify everyone immediately if you find it.

At this time, Sun Wuchen said to Goku, Wukong, go and see Yajiroubei, he should be still alive. Piccolo was also very angry, Okay, let's go! After that, they divided their efforts and found someone each. .

Sun Wuchen landed on a building and looked at the moving crowds and vehicles. This made him even more nervous. Damn it, who is it? Where is it? I should have asked Trunks to show me their photos. .”

Klin also flew down. An ordinary person just came over on a skateboard. Klin flew down and was startled. Fly, flying here..., Asshole! Where is it? It's not that guy, that guy is also...

Klee looked at the people and things around him, and then looked back at the skateboard man who fell to the ground. The skateboard man was still panicking. Klee said to him, Have you seen any strange guy?

The skateboard man was nervous, Look... I saw it... The skateboard man quickly raised his finger and pointed at Klin, That's you... Piccolo and the others are also searching for these artificial humans! And looking at Piccolo's appearance, they also felt strange.

Each of them was looking for these androids, and Goku quickly rescued Yajirobei. Fortunately, he was not harmed and it was just a false alarm, but they did not figure out who they were.

Two passers-by were watching something fall on the edge of the city, and they were curious. Then these passers-by told other passers-by.

At this time, two people came over. The passerby said to them, Hey, you saw it too, the speeding car exploded just now. They saw these two people, dressed very strangely, and the passersby looked very strange when they saw them.

At this time, the man walked over, looked at the passerby, his eyes suddenly glowed red, bumped into the passerby, and punched the passerby next to him, knocking him down and smashing him directly against the wall.

The weird man standing in the middle of the road looked at him. At this time, the cars on the road honked their horns, but this weird man just ignored him. Everyone in the car rolled down their windows and yelled, Hey, hurry up. Get out of the way! I told you to get out of the way!

I saw this man, turned his head and glared at the driver, but the driver ignored him at all, Idiot, why are you standing in the middle of the road? Are you looking for death?

Before he finished speaking, this man walked up to the front of the car and punched through the front hood. The driver was very nervous and quickly stepped on the accelerator to drive.

But no matter how hard he hit, he couldn't hit him. At this time, he saw that he had taken out the fuel pipe and engine in front, which frightened him. Then the man grabbed his neck and knocked him directly towards the roof of the car. He was immediately strangled to death.

A woman behind saw this scene and was frightened. Yamcha heard the shouting and ran over here quickly, and then this person also felt a surge of energy.

These two people are what they call artificial people. This artificial person's eyes glowed red, Is there a human with an abnormally high energy value approaching here to detect obstacles in the system?

And the fat android just now spoke, It's not a malfunction, No. 20! I also captured the same energy. The so-called No. 20 said to this man, Far beyond the limits of human beings!

Did you find it so quickly? Sun Wuchen! And Yamcha also felt a breath, It's right here! He turned around and looked at the road, and found two pedestrians lying on the ground, and looked at Once on the road the car was demolished.

He felt that an accident must have happened here. At this time, Yamcha saw someone upstairs looking down, and quickly asked, What's going on? Who killed them, did you see it?

The gentleman above said to Yamcha, Those were two strange guys who were there just now and suddenly disappeared. Disappeared? Damn it. Anyway, let me inform everyone first.

At this time, the two artificial people were above Yamcha, looking at Yamcha. Because the artificial people had no breath, Yamcha couldn't rely on breath at all.

Find them.

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