This posture was too familiar to them. This monster performed the Turtle Style Qigong used by the Turtle Style. Even Piccolo was surprised by the attacks used by this monster!

Now even Trunks and Krillin, who were flying in the distance, felt this familiar aura. They thought something was about to happen, but actually even Vegeta felt this aura.

Yes, this monster is preparing to use the Turtle Blaster! So he gathered energy bit by bit in his hand, and then directly hit the turtle's shock wave towards Piccolo.

You were also frightened. He was very curious about how this monster could use the turtle shock wave of the Turtle Sect. Fortunately, he was able to dodge quickly. Piccolo flew into the air in an instant and escaped the attack.

Then, Piccolo was still dazed in the air. Suddenly, the monster hugged him from behind. The monster locked Piccolo's body with its limbs, making Piccolo unable to move.

The monster stabbed Piccolo directly with its tail. Piccolo quickly struggled and twisted his body. The monster's tail stabbed Piccolo's arm, directly sucking the life energy from his arm.

But this monster is not satisfied yet, It stabbed the arm, but it's the same, your strong life essence belongs to me. In this way, it absorbs energy from Piccolo's arm bit by bit, and Piccolo's arm becomes more and more powerful. The smaller.

At this time, the god in Piccolo also felt the power of pain. The two of them were so painful that they were mentally separated. Mr. Bobo in heaven also had telepathy with the god. Mr. Bobo felt that the god was in trouble. .

Piccolo was still struggling, so Piccolo bumped into the monster behind him and hit him hard on the head, so the monster let go of Piccolo, and Piccolo fell to the ground.

Looking at Piccolo's green skin now, his arms have turned dark yellow, obviously losing strength. Piccolo is now very tired and panting.

The three androids were still driving. At this moment, No. 16 suddenly opened his eyes, and the radar responded. No. 18 saw that No. 16 was a little nervous, so he asked him, What's wrong? 16 Number?

No. 16 told No. 18, The reaction of that force has changed, and it seems that the outcome has been decided. Is it the guy with power that rivals mine? Yes!

While driving, No. 17 said to No. 16, Are you still talking about this? Your energy radar is malfunctioning. No. 16 has a power that can rival ours. There will not exist in this world. Don't always give in. Let me remind you!

But No. 16 always felt a little uneasy, always feeling that something was going to happen, but No. 17 and No. 18 didn't care at all, and No. 17 seemed very leisurely.

Piccolo touched his abandoned arm. The monster was very happy to see Piccolo's miserable appearance. One arm is already useless. It seems that the situation has been reversed!

He was very angry just looking at this monster, Indeed! I can no longer maintain my balance. The situation is very bad. Unfortunately, it seems that you have won!

It's okay if you don't give up. I'm so happy! After absorbing the essence of life like you, I'm only one step away from becoming a complete body! It's an honor to be a part of me!

Piccolo looked at the monster, Before you absorb me, please tell me, who are you? Why do you have the energy of Son Goku and Frieza? And even the Turtles can blast it.

The monster looked at Piccolo panting, Well, you're going to die anyway, so I'll tell you! My name is Cell! I'm an android.

When Piccolo heard Cell say that he was an android, he naturally became nervous, Artificial man? The android turned out to be a monster named Cell. What was his goal?

Although Piccolo turned into a Super Namekian, an unexpected attack by a mysterious monster put Piccolo into an unexpected crisis.

Piccolo looked at the unidentified monster angrily, Who are you? Why do you have the energy of Son Wuchen and Frieza, and you can even use the Turtle blast wave.

This so-called mysterious monster felt relieved when he saw Piccolo who was about to die. This guy was going to die anyway, so it didn't matter if he told him.

Chapter 1211: A secret that cannot be underestimated

However, the shocking fact is right in front of us. This unknown monster tells Piccolo, Dr. Gero used a computer to create me. Piccolo gets angry when he hears it, It's Dr. Gero again!

A long time ago, Dr. Gero collected the cells of warriors and synthesized them to create artificial humans. However, because the research took too long, he finally gave up.

But the computer has not stopped working. The computer has been studying and analyzing the data. Piccolo, Sun Wuchen, Sun Wukong, and Vegeta's cells were collected during the battle when Vegeta came to Earth.

At this time, Piccolo smiled, Was it Gochen at that time? No wonder the power of the Turtle shock wave just now was mediocre. In addition, Frieza and his father came to Earth, so they were lucky enough to get their cells.

Although Trunks's cells are not bad, the Saiyan's are enough. Then the question came again, How did you collect the cells? There was no suspicious guy at the time.

Cell told Piccolo, You should have heard from Dr. Gero that your actions are being watched by a spy robot. That thing is smaller than a bee and can take away cells without anyone noticing!

Look carefully! It has appeared. He will input the situation here into the computer. Maybe he is here for your cells. Cell pointed at the little bee in the sky. Piccolo saw the unattractive bee in the sky.

Pay attention to the bee.

Piccolo was very angry when he saw it and blasted it to pieces. Cell looked at Piccolo's angry look and smiled, It's too late to destroy it now. The required cells have been collected and the research has begun. But 24 years later I can finish it.”

Piccolo is getting more and more angry now, It's impossible, Dr. Gero's research institute has been destroyed! The computer is in the basement of the research institute.

Piccolo was really helpless when he heard this, I see, after you came to this era, why did it take three years for you to grow up and evolve like this? You must stay underground for three years before I can mature.

Now Cell was impatient, That's it, it's time for me to absorb it! But Piccolo still refused, Last question, why did you come back here from the future?

Shahruh said to him impatiently, In order to become a complete body, it is not enough to absorb the essence of human life. It is also necessary to synthesize two important special life forms!

According to the computer display, those two special life forms are Androids No. 17 and No. 18 created by Dr. Gero. Piccolo was very surprised when he heard this!

He thought of the fighting strength of No. 17 and No. 18. The fighting strength of the two of them was too strong! He defeated Vegeta easily. If he absorbed the two of them again, then this complete body would be unbeatable.

Cell told him, I don't know what's going on in my future? Numbers 17 and 18 were killed by Trunks, but luckily, Trunks has a time machine.

I killed Trunks. In order to find No. 17 and No. 18, I took a time machine and came to this era. After regressing himself to the primitive stage and taking the time machine, Cell returned to this place four years ago.

He came to the mountain forest in that area, ran out of the time machine by melting the protective shield, climbed into the mountain forest, got underground, and began to continue his second generation development.

Piccolo was also confused, Why did you choose this era? I don't know! This is the era set by Trunks, I just pressed the switch!

Now Piccolo also roughly understood the origin of this mysterious creature, So, Trunks probably wanted to tell us that he successfully killed the androids in the future, so he deliberately set the time in this era, but it made him This guy……

Cell then said to Piccolo, The computer also told me that once I become a perfect body, I will gain unexpected huge power. Why exactly? What do you want to use that huge power for?

Shahlu didn't quite understand, What do you want to ask me for? It's such a boring question. The instruction the computer receives is to create the strongest creature and break through the limits of human beings.

Maybe I want to become stronger because the blood of Saiyans, Frieza and Piccolo flows in my body. These fighting creatures have a dream of dominating the world in their bodies.

This time Piccolo completely understood, I know! Okay! Sorry, thanks to you, all the secrets have been solved. At this time, Piccolo took off his aging arm and started again. A brand new arm grew.

Piccolo smiled at Cell, Your words are of great reference value! Cell was dumbfounded now, You are... trying to find out my details... Cell was now scared and took a few steps back. .

Piccolo looked at Cell, I won't let you become a complete body. Although you are bleeding with my blood, haven't you noticed that my arm can regenerate? You idiot.

Saru, even if you absorb the energy of one of my arms! My strength is still superior to yours, wake up! Piccolo said to Saru confidently.

Chapter 1212: Piccolo’s strategy

But Shahru didn't seem so panicked now. It's a good disguise. Pretend to lose your arm and then trick me out. There are a lot of tricks! And this was Shahru who was already in a defensive state.

Piccolo smiled and said to Cell, That was the wisdom of the gods just now! Cell seemed to realize, What? That's it, Piccolo and the gods have merged!

That's right, did you just know? Shalu thought carefully, So now it means that the Dragon Ball is gone, and the dead guy can't be resurrected, which is good news for me.

Cell took a step back and said to Piccolo, No wonder I'm much stronger and still look like the Demon King Piccolo! Piccolo snorted coldly, You haven't seen my true power yet, so let me show you my true power. The power of it!

After Piccolo said these words, Cell immediately jumped to the ruins behind with caution, ready to absorb Piccolo's energy again, but Cell suddenly relaxed.

At this time, the two of them looked into the air at the same time, and they saw a wave of energy heading here. At this time, it was Trunks and Krillin who arrived here.

Krillin saw Piccolo on the ground, Yes, Piccolo has now merged with the gods, but the guy over there... Trunks looked at the guy, He is probably the guy who got out of the big hole!

Cell on the ground was also a little confused, Trunks... why did he... By the way, he also came to this era in a time machine... Idiot! I have already killed him in the future. In this era, it is just as difficult for you. Escape from bad luck.”

Trunks and Krillin landed on the ground and looked at the unknown creature. Krillin looked at Piccolo, Is this monster the one who killed the people in Jijia Town?

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