And Satan, who was now in the ring, saw that they were completely ignoring him, and he was extremely angry. Damn you, don't decide the order without authorization!

The host walked to the edge of the ring and said to them, Um... are you planning to participate in this Shalu game? Yes, although not all members! Satan became more and more angry as he listened, There must be a limit to joking! This is not a game.

You know nothing, you don't know how powerful she is! Satan seemed to know Cellul very well. Klin looked at Satan and glanced at him, You are the one who doesn't know, right?

Chapter 1265: The King’s Memory

What a surprise! I didn't expect that there are ignorant country people who don't know Mr. Satan, the world's number one martial artist! The anchor next to him immediately added, Mr. Satan is the world martial arts champion and the strongest in the world. man.

But now, Klin was impatient, Wuchen! Forget it, let that guy go up. I think he will go crazy if you don't let him go up first. Okay, okay...

Shalu spoke, The time is up...who starts first? At this time, Satan took a step forward, Of course it's me, of course! Klin stopped Wu Chen, Stop talking, Wu Chen! Follow That guy can’t understand.”

That won't work! You will be killed! I have no other intentions, just give up! Hearing what Sun Wuchen said, Satan and the host looked at each other, and they were in sync.

Photographer, point the camera at that big fool. The host looked disgusted. It seems that the protests of people all over the world have been heard in my ears.

What did this man just say to Mr. Satan! Do you know? He actually said, 'You will be killed. I have no other intentions. You should give up.'

Facing the display screen in the middle of the square, all the audience were looking at the man on the screen, and bursts of sighs came from below.

This kind of country bumpkin who has never seen the world is really a headache. After talking so much, it seems that he still doesn't understand how powerful Mr. Satan is! At this moment, in the king's residence, they were also watching important news. .

The guard next to the king saw this scene and said the same thing as the host, Really, this kind of person is really a headache! It's very similar... This man is very similar to the man who was saved from the Demon King Piccolo before. our children.

Looking at the man's appearance on the TV, the words the king said were somewhat similar to the young man's appearance. The king thought of the child back then, But the color of the eyes and hair are not the same. It seems no.

That person makes me a little uneasy. He looks like the Demon King Piccolo! The king saw these two people on the TV screen. One looked like the savior, and the other looked like the Demon King. The king couldn't tell the difference now.

Klin said to Wu Chen, Forget it, let that idiot do whatever he wants! Even if he is killed, he can be resurrected with the dragon balls! Wu Chen thought for a while, Really, there is no other way! So he raised his hand to signal. one time.

The host saw his gesture and said, It seems that he finally accepted it. This is natural. Does he know that he has saved his life? Mr. Satan, who was annoyed by these inexplicable people, finally adjusted his mood and started the game. .”

At this moment, just as Mr. Satan took off his cloak, a voice suddenly came from above, Teacher Satan. A spaceship flew over from above, and three people jumped out of the ship.

Who are the legions of fans who appeared in front of Mr. Satan? At this time, a blond man was seen spinning around a few times with a rose in his mouth, The most beautiful man in the world, Hayate Kaloni.

Another man with muscles all over his body and armed himself, The world's most powerful man, Haoli Piroski! It seems that these two people are old acquaintances of Mr. Satan!

At this time, a woman came over and said, Let me introduce them. They are the first and second disciples of Mr. Satan. They are famous for their fastest speed and strength. They are the strongest players! They are also the strongest players trained by the strongest players. .”

That's awesome! Also! I am the beautiful manager Bisha! Carloni looked at Satan, Teacher, such a newbie is not worth getting your hands dirty.

Well said! I'll follow you! With that, Satan walked off the ring, leaving only their apprentices and the host in the ring. His two disciples will represent Mr. Satan to defeat Shahru. I made it very clear just now.”

Klin now smiled speechlessly, I really can't stand these idiots! The Cell Game, where the fate of the earth is bet on, has finally begun. The rules are very simple. If you fall from this arena, you will lose. If you surrender, you will lose. If you die, you will lose. Even if you lose, you lose.

Carloni looked at Shalu in front of him, I'm very scared. There's no pain, it's just a moment. Beautiful rose, flying and attacking. Carloni jumped and jumped more than ten meters, still excited.

Unexpectedly, Shahru's air wave directly affected Kaloni. He was affected very far and fell heavily from the air, creating a deep pit. This is the so-called arrogance!

What on earth is going on? The host looked at Carloni and was very surprised! The assistant Bisha next to him told him, You must have jumped over your head! At this time, the second disciple Piroski walked onto the ring and said, I will defeat Shahru.

The man took off his heavy mask, crumpled it into a ball, and finally ate it again. What a powerful force! The host couldn't take his eyes away.

Chapter 1266: The clown’s acting skills

Mr. Satan, who was sitting below, was smoking a big cigarette and said, Piroski will not commit the crime.

Carloni's fault! I saw this fat man swinging his arm, turning at a very fast speed, and attacking Shalu.

Player Piroski, sprint hard! I saw Shalu motionless on the spot, and then he surrendered and rolled down. The host found this incredible, and Satan smiled at it, It's all just a trick.

There are also tricks in the duel ring, despicable guy, but let me expose that guy's trick! Satan stepped onto the ring in a great way, Carrying the anger of his disciples being deceived, Satan stepped onto the ring again .”

Look, our hero has taken off his cape and his glorious championship belt. Okay, here comes Mr. Satan, the superhero in our hearts!

This game determines the fate of the earth. Our world martial arts champion, Mr. Satan, has been looking forward to this game and made a trustworthy declaration! At this time, Satan took something out of his arms.

Mr. Satan seemed to have taken out something, it was a capsule. He took out the capsule and threw it on the ground. A luggage bag appeared. There was a large luggage bag in the capsule. What is in this luggage bag? Woolen cloth?

They were all curious about what was in the bag, and Satan took out a few tiles from the bag. It's tiles! There are tiles inside, and Mr. Satan carefully folded them up.

Klin was already disappointed with them. Klin wanted them to die quickly. He knew he was going to perform a show of splitting tiles with his hands again, but the host and others were surprised, It's fifteen yuan. Fifteen tiles were used. Stacked high.”

Satan smiled and took a deep breath, Concentrate, Mr. Satan is gathering strength, be quiet! Satan suddenly slashed down from above! There is one piece left! It's so powerful! The destructive power is amazing, fourteen tiles were smashed into pieces!

But there was something unknown about him. Satan's hands were extremely red, and the pain in his heart was unbearable, but he couldn't shout out, so he still pretended to be strong. Everyone cheered and cheered for him!

But to these super people, Satan is just a funny clown. Cell's patience is almost gone. What an idiot! Are all humans like this now? Ignorant humans!

Saru, look at these smashed tiles, this is what will happen to you in one minute! Listening to Satan's great declaration, the audience in front of the screen cheered for him!

It seems that Shalu is still very patient, otherwise he would have been waiting for ten days, and this idiot is no different. As expected of the Satan of the world, I was completely moved! The host said some words that ordinary people are proud of!

Satan himself was still thinking about his every move just now, The performance just now was so successful. I preset my own video, and it was indeed correct! You must be scared! Shahru, who talked big words, faced the destruction of Mr. Satan My strength started to tremble.

But it's too late to apologize now. The world will never forgive Shahru! Okay, come on! At this time, Satan completely entered the fighting state, Mr. Satan, the world's martial arts master, fights against Shahruh, the iron fist of justice Directly against Shahrul who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Mr. Satan, if you can, please kill Shahru directly and win! Satan rushed towards Shahru and kicked Shahru in the face, but to Shahru, It's just the wind blowing.

But in the eyes of the host, this was a fatal blow. Here comes Mr. Satan's ultimate move. The bomb explodes on Cellul's body. Will the winner be decided soon? Satan then said: He threw punches and kicks.

Player Satan has no intention of stopping at all. Cellulite doesn't even have room to fight back. He's so strong, so strong. He deserves to be the champion Satan! Satan took a few steps back, smiled, and then rushed over again. .

Maybe Shalu was completely impatient, so he slapped Satan directly on the mountain behind. This scene frightened the host, but Klin breathed a sigh of relief, To be honest, I almost thought about it just now. I support Shahruh.”

Satan fell at the foot of the mountain, covering his mouth in pain and trying not to roar. Piccolo saw him and said, He's still alive. Sure enough, even Cellulite can't be bothered to kill that idiot.

Not only was the host frightened, but all the spectators in the square were also shocked, Falled out of the ring...that...Satan player lost..., they all felt incredible!

Shahru said to Sun Wuchen and the others, Okay, let's start the Shahru game quickly! Who should we start with? Sun Wuchen! Do you want to start with you? Wuchen stepped onto the ring with one foot, Yes! I'll give you a long time. waited.

Wuchen and Cell are finally going to meet, and the ultimate showdown of the Cell game is about to begin. This is the beginning of the Cell game with the fate of the world as a bet. After a group of clowns' warm-up performances, the real show finally begins.

Chapter 1267: Stupid ordinary people on earth

The hope of all mankind, Satan has lost... Is the earth over? At this time, Satan walked over unsteadily, Mr. Satan! How could you lose? You didn't stand firm just now! Hey, is that so?

Seeing Satan's painful eyes filled with tears, he said, That's right! But it looks like he was knocked away... The host was also very curious and kept wiping his sweat.

Don't worry! I'll get serious after a little rest, hahahaha! Satan was very confident in himself, and Vegeta couldn't stand it anymore. Hasn't he discovered the gap yet? Stupid world champion?

Wuchen had also stepped onto the ring at this time, and the two looked at each other face to face, It's finally about to begin, let me see it, Sun Wuchen! Vegeta has been looking forward to it for a long time!

Were you the one to do it from the beginning? Sun Wuchen! I wanted to put you at the end as the greatest pleasure! It is said that you are proficient in all of our moves. That's right!

All of them were very shocked when they saw Sun Wuchen on top. Finally, we can understand why Mr. Wuchen is so confident! The announcer also continued to broadcast the situation at the scene, Viewers across the country, please rest assured, Satan accidentally fell out of the scene just now. outside.

After a short rest, we can resume the battle against Cell immediately. While the Satan player was resting, one of those people with unknown origins and who did not listen to our advice planned to step forward to challenge Cell! Leave him alone! Only an idiot will die once. Be smart!”

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