It seems that this trip to the west is a must. In this case, I might as well choose the ability that Monkey King once wanted most. Ye Chen smiled, Let's live forever.

The ability of 'immortality' has been selected, and the system is about to go into hibernation. After the female voice finished speaking, Ye Chen slightly raised his head and looked at his body, but he didn't notice any changes in himself.

Ye Chen, remember, the road to the west is difficult and tortuous, and there are many difficulties, but you must overcome all obstacles and help Xuanzang obtain the scriptures. This is the only way for the system to wake up from hibernation.

The day when the scriptures are obtained is when the answer to the mystery is revealed.

The female voice suddenly changed, her tone was no longer as cold as before, but became more humane, but before Ye Chen could ask, the system stopped talking.

Ye Chen's eyes were fixed on the two lines at the beginning of the scroll: If you want to know how good luck can achieve Yuan Gong, you must read Journey to the West: The Legend of Shi'e. Slowly, the scroll became messy in front of Ye Chen, and finally dissipated in the invisible.

Chapter 1330 Immortal

Ye Chen looked at the picture scroll that was gradually disappearing in front of him, and stretched out his hand to keep some pictures, but it was in vain after all, he didn't grab anything.

Although the picture scroll disappeared, the story of Journey to the West is still deeply imprinted in Ye Chen's mind. As long as he wants to, he can know what happened or will happen at any point in the story of Journey to the West at any time.

Ye Chen got up slowly, and only then did he realize that he seemed to have gained some strength. His broken leg, which was difficult to move before, had recovered as before.

He stretched his muscles and stood up. Ye Chen stretched out his hands and looked them up in front of his eyes, but these hands were still ordinary hands without any change.

The only thing that makes Ye Chen happy is that he finally doesn't have to lie on the straw mat like a disabled person, he can walk and move freely now, and he no longer needs to be restricted by his previously injured body.

Ye Chen lifted off the layers of clothes on his body, and he was surprised to find that the wound on his body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, the skin on Ye Chen's body became smooth, and there was no trace of scar anymore. .

It's amazing! Ye Chen couldn't help but exclaimed, and his voice also attracted the old man who was sweeping snow in the yard outside the house.

The old man walked into the room slowly, and he saw Ye Chen who was lying on the straw mat and was unable to move, but now he was standing on the ground.

Son, you, your injury is healed? The old man's eyes widened. He has experienced many things in his life, but he has never seen such an unbelievable scene. This is simply a miracle!

Old woman, come and see. The old man looked Ye Chen up and down, then stretched out half of his body, and called out the old woman from another room.

Come here, come here, what's all the fuss about. The sound of the old woman's click-click footsteps on the snow was getting closer, and soon, she also arrived at the door of the house.

The two old people saw Ye Chen who was no different from a normal person. They knew what Ye Chen's condition was like before, so they couldn't say a word at all now.

Mother-in-law, old man, what's the matter with you? Ye Chen looked at the two old people with some doubts, and then he remembered that these two old people were mortals, so he couldn't understand why he suddenly became alive and well.

My child, my child, are you a monster? Or a fairy? The old woman and Ye Chen talked more, so she dared to ask Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was at a loss for words for a while, he didn't know how to answer the old woman's question, after all, he didn't have demon skills now, but he couldn't reach the level of a fairy.

I'm just an ordinary person. Ye Chen looked at the two old people and said sincerely, but the two old people didn't seem to have heard Ye Chen's words at all, and they knelt down on the ground with a plop.

God, please save us. There is a severe drought in the capital this year. There is no food in the whole country. Even the emperor is going to swallow locusts alive! The gods are kind, please save us! The old woman cried and kowtowed Ye Chen.

Yeah, god, please save us, we are really going to starve to death! The old man also kowtowed along with the old woman, which frightened Ye Chen, and he quickly helped the two old people up.

Old man, I'm really not a god, I'm just, just... Ye Chen didn't know how to explain this matter, in fact, his head was still a mess.

Chapter 1331 Drought

The two old people stood up and looked at Ye Chen in front of them with tears in their eyes. They seemed to believe that Ye Chen was the legendary fairy.

Hey, old man, I'm really not a god, and I can't do anything about the drought. Ye Chen was a little ashamed when he explained, as if he had done something to offend the two old people.

The two old men just grabbed Ye Chen's sleeves and were unable to speak for a long time. Although they didn't believe what Ye Chen said, they also knew that even gods must have difficulties.

We understand, we understand that gods cannot reveal their identities when they come down to earth. The old woman looked at Ye Chen excitedly, but Ye Chen couldn't say a word.

He didn't want to deny the two old people's thoughts anymore, because he knew that doing so would make the two old people feel cold, after all, these two old people were his saviors.

That's right, you two old men. In fact, I am an immortal sent by the heavens. This time I am going down to observe the character of the new emperor who has just ascended the throne. If he is a wise king, I will definitely ask the heavens for rain.

Ye Chen looked at the old man in front of him swearingly, there was indeed such a drought in his memory, and he knew that this drought would soon pass.

Thank you, thank you god. The two old men were about to kneel down again, and Ye Chen quickly supported the old man's arm, Old man, mother-in-law, you don't need to kneel anymore, this is what I should do.

After finally calming down the emotions of the two old men, Ye Chen let them sit on the stool, By the way, old man, mother-in-law, didn't you hear my voice half an hour ago?

The two old men glanced at each other, then shook their heads, No, there has been no sound in this room for half an hour just now.

Ye Chen nodded, and he got a general idea in his heart. He knew that the so-called system in his head just now didn't let the voice here go out.

You two old men, since you know my identity, I won't hide it from you. Ye Chen sat on the straw mat that he had been lying on before.

I have important things to do when I go down to earth this time. I'm waiting for a person who will leave for the Western Regions next year. I must go now to find this person, so I can't stay here for long.

We understand, we understand. The two old men were a little cautious when they spoke. Obviously Ye Chen's status as a fairy made them a little nervous. After all, a mortal may not meet a god once in his life.

Don't worry, after I know that the new emperor is a wise emperor, I will definitely report to the heavens and let the gods of all walks of life rain in time to ensure peace in the world.

Thank you, Lord Immortal. The two old men stood up and bowed deeply. Ye Chen wanted to laugh when he saw such a scene. He felt like a god on a shrine.

You two old people don't need to be too polite. Ye Chen really couldn't bear such a big gift, he even felt a little guilty, Thank you two for taking care of me these days, I can't repay you, I can only...

Speaking of this, Ye Chen touched his body and found that he didn't have any valuables on him. He looked around and found that the house was too dilapidated.

It seems that all I can do is help you repair this house. Ye Chen scratched his head, and said slowly with some embarrassment.

Chapter 1332 Going to Chang'an

In the next few days, Ye Chen has been helping the two old people repair their houses.

The courtyard owned by the two old people is not big. Apart from the two thatched huts, there is only one acre of land left in the courtyard. The two old people are relying on this acre of land to support their food source.

Ye Chen carefully planned the courtyard. He used mud and hay to re-pour the inner and outer walls of the two huts, and also covered the roofs of the two huts with mud.

After that, Ye Chen built two stoves for the two old people in the house, so that the temperature in the house was much higher than before.

But Ye Chen was still a little dissatisfied. He expanded the fence of the courtyard a little, the courtyard occupied a larger area, and the fields naturally became more.

After spending a few days doing these tasks, Ye Chen was finally satisfied. Although he didn't leave anything valuable to the two old people, at least he made them live a more peaceful life in their later years.

Old man, mother-in-law, I have almost finished repairing the yard and house for you, and I should go too. Ye Chen packed his luggage one morning, and the luggage was filled with clothes given to him by the two old people.

In the past few days, Ye Chen also learned that the two old men once had a son, but in the previous war, the two old men's sons were taken away by conscripts and have not returned yet.

They all knew that their son must have died in the war, but they were unable to go to Chang'an to ask about their son's situation, so the two old people could only miss their son here and spend the rest of their lives.

At this time, Ye Chen appeared, and they treated Ye Chen as their own son, but there is no feast that lasts forever, and it is time for Ye Chen to leave after all.

All they could give Ye Chen was the bag full of clothes.

Can you... stay a few more days? The old woman held Ye Chen's hand with tears in her eyes, and looked at Ye Chen with some reluctance, but Ye Chen still shook his head slightly.

Mother-in-law, I will definitely come back to see you when I have time. Ye Chen held the hands of the two old men, and felt a little sad, but he thought of the secret in him, and finally turned around and walked into Fengxue resolutely. middle.

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