Soga, Chen Jun said it was that thing, but I was just kind-hearted. I asked Dou to follow Chen Jun because I wanted to take care of Chen Jun, and there was no other meaning.

Hey! Orochimaru, you don't have to fool me anymore. We all know what you mean, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Since you are so insincere, there is no need for us to cooperate any more.

Chenjun, how can you speak to Lord Orochimaru in such a tone, at least have a little respect for Lord Orochimaru! The pharmacist on the side pushed his glasses and said with a chuckle.

Shut up! You don't have the right to speak here yet! Chen Zheng wanted to shock Orochimaru, but he didn't expect that the pharmacist pocket directly hit the muzzle of the gun.

Chen directly turned on the kaleidoscope and glared at Yaoshidou, but Yaoshidou suddenly felt a burst of coercion, and then found that his position had become a dark place, there was nothing around, only himself was empty, and just now Orochimaru, who was sitting in front of him, had long since disappeared, and his body was still unable to move.

This is... Before Yao Shidou could react, a pair of huge kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes suddenly opened in the dark, and the pair of writing wheel eyes were still pressing towards him, every time the pair of writing wheel eyes approached him At one point, the coercion that he felt would increase, and even his breathing became difficult. An unreasonable sense of fear rose from the heart of Yao Shidou, causing his body to shiver constantly, and cold sweat broke out.

Just when Chen opened the kaleidoscope and stared at the pharmacist's pocket, Orochimaru felt bad, and hurriedly looked back at the pharmacist's pocket, but he was surprised. He was in a cold sweat, his expression was full of fear, as if he had seen something terrifying. Seeing this, Orochimaru knew that the pharmacist pocket must have been hit by some trick of Liaochen, so that's why it looks like it.

Just a look can make Dou fall into fear...

Although Yaoshidou is only a subordinate of Orochimaru, Orochimaru still values ​​his subordinate very much, and he doesn't want to see Yaoshidou play like this, so he pleads with Chen: Hehe~~ Why did Chen Jun make such a big deal? As for the fire, Dou just respects me too much, and doesn't mean anything else. It's just that the language is a little offense. Just teach me a little lesson, and Dou is my right-hand man no matter what, so please Chen Jun to give me a face, just Don't be so embarrassed!

Humph! Since Orochimaru is begging for him personally, then I can't help but give face. Forget it this time. If you dare to intervene next time, you won't be so lucky. Saying that this is still Orochimaru's territory, he has to save some face for him, so after a cold snort, he touched the state of the kaleidoscope and returned to his usual glasses.

After Chen Jiang touched the state of the kaleidoscope, Yao Shidou also regained consciousness and returned to reality from that dark place. However, even if he came back, he was still severely affected. Not only was he still in a cold sweat, but his mobility had not recovered. He was still standing there, shivering, and his eyes on Xiang Chen were gone. The fun of the past, but full of fear.

Hehe~~ Pocket, are you alright!

Big... Snake Pill... Sir, I...I'm fine... At this time, the pharmacist Dou couldn't even speak.

In fact, what Chen released on the pharmacist was not a powerful illusion, but only under the blessing of the eternal kaleidoscope and the pressure of the kaleidoscope itself, it had that effect on the pharmacist, and when Chen automatically turned the kaleidoscope After the release, Yao Shidou was freed from the terrifying oppression, and he was already full of resentment towards Chen, but he did not dare to show it.

Chen sneered and ignored the pharmacist's pocket. Now he can't make a big wave: Hmph~ continue our topic, I can stop worrying about this matter. However, Orochimaru, if you still want to continue with me If we deal with Akatsuki together, then I hope nothing like this happens again. And...I want to borrow a few people from you.

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 109: Transaction

Hearing Chen's words, Orochimaru asked in surprise: Borrow someone? What kind of person is Chen Jun going to borrow from me? I don't seem to have anyone here who is useful to Chen Jun!

No, you have! I want to borrow three people from you!

Oh! Tell me, which three are they?

Ghost Lamp Shuiyue! Vortex Fragrance! And... Chongwu! Just these three people! How about it? Chen smiled and said three names.

Huh? Orochimaru frowned and his expression darkened. Shuiyue... Chongwu? How did Chen Jun know about these two people?

You don't care about this kind of thing, I have my own news channel, your spell seal has already been successfully developed, so those few people are not of much use to you now, you can say whether to lend or not. Borrow it?

Do you even know about the curse seal? Hearing Chen's words, Orochimaru was surprised at first, then his voice became cold, and there was killing intent in his eyes looking at Xiang Chen.

After Chen Dao revealed some of his own secrets, Orochimaru had already murdered Chen. Although Orochimaru admires Chen very much, if Chen threatens him, then he will definitely eliminate Chen without hesitation.

Hehe~~ It seems that you have some bad thoughts about me! Feeling Orochimaru's killing intent, Chen wasn't nervous at all. If Orochimaru wanted to fight him for this, he wouldn't worry either. . The big deal is to tear off the face directly and rob people by yourself. At that time, Orochimaru couldn't help him!

Chen Jun, can you tell me where did you get this information about me?

She Wan did not rush to do it, but continued to ask.

I said these were all found out by myself, do you believe it?

Oh, did Chen Jun check it himself? Orochimaru obviously didn't believe it. He thought that his affairs were very secretive. If it wasn't for someone he trusted, he wouldn't reveal some of his own affairs. He knew these things. There are not many people, and those people are his confidants. He has always been very accurate in seeing people, and his confidants will definitely not betray him.

But where did Uchiha Chen know about the first generation cells last time, I clearly remember that no information about the first generation cells was recorded in that abandoned laboratory at all. What he said was a lie. Did someone really betray me and tell me Uchiha Chen all my secrets? If that's the case, don't I have no secrets in front of Uchiha Chen! Orochimaru thought to himself.

Seeing Orochimaru's gloomy expression, Chen seemed to know what Orochimaru was thinking, and said with a chuckle: Don't worry, these things I'm talking about are not told to me by people around you, whether you believe it or not, these information I found them all by myself, and that's all I know. Don't worry about me posing a threat to you. As you said, our common enemy is the Akatsuki organization, so I won't be stupid enough to build another one. It can make Konoha in the Five Great Ninja Villages have a headache for the enemy. Besides, the few people I mentioned just now are of no use to you, so instead of locking them up like this, it is better to hand them all over Give it to me. Of course, I won't let you suffer!

Having said that, Chen showed a playful smile, then took out a bottle of Pulse from the space, and then twisted the bottle cap off. In an instant, a strong breath of life filled the entire room.

This is... Feeling the strong breath of life, Orochimaru was moved, and then greedily looked at the pulse in Chen's hands.

Seeing Orochimaru's expression, Chen sneered in his heart, then twisted the lid back again, and said to Orochimaru: This is what I called the Garrel Stone, but it has been synthesized by me as a potion, I used to This is what I went to the Land of Wind for! How is it? Not bad! As long as you give me those three people, then I can give you this bottle of pulse in my hand!


Oh, this is the name I gave this potion myself, you don't need to care, just tell me whether it works or not!

Orochimaru thought about it for a while, and it was indeed as Chen said, their common enemy was the Xiao organization, and what Chen said was not a very important secret. At the beginning, he was only studying the boundary of blood. Those people who were arrested and brought back for research are now useless to Orochimaru. If they can be exchanged for the pulse in Chen's hand, it will not be a loss. More importantly, he doesn't want to talk to him yet. Chen had a falling out. If he really had to face the Xiao organization in the future, he might have to rely on Chen's power.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru withdrew his murderous aura and showed his weird smile again: Hey hey~~ Chen Jun said the same thing, those few people are really not of much use to me, and I also promised Chen Jun, Chen Jun can enjoy all the resources of my Yin Ren Village, of course, including people. Since Chen Jun wants, I can give them all to Chen Jun. However, it seems that those few people are not so easy to be tamed, especially It's Shigego...

You don't have to worry about this, since I dare to ask you for someone, then I will be able to subdue them! Chen waved his hand to interrupt Orochimaru.

Soga! Since that's the case, they've all been detained in several of my strongholds, so it will take some time to bring them here. I'll order them tomorrow and let someone bring them all over!

There's no need for someone to bring them here, I'm going to find them myself!

Really? Since Chen Jun wants to go by himself, that's fine. When Chen Jun wants to leave, I'll find someone to lead the way for Chen Jun.

Tomorrow, I'll go tomorrow! Chen didn't leave immediately because he still had some things to do.

Tomorrow? I know, I will find someone to lead the way for Chen Jun tomorrow, then, if there is nothing wrong, I will not delay Chen Jun, and I still have some experiments to complete, so... Orochimaru looked at him with strange eyes Grasping the pulse in Chen's hand, he said with a light smile.

Haha~~ Of course Chen knew what Orochimaru was thinking, so he didn't want to hang his appetite, and threw the pulse in his hand directly to him.

After Orochimaru got the Pulse, he showed a frenzied expression, then opened his mouth and swallowed the Pulse into his stomach, and said to Chen: If that's the case, then I'll leave first! After he finished speaking, he turned and left, and couldn't wait to go back to study the pulse.

After a period of rest, Yao Shidou also regained his mobility and left behind Orochimaru.

The last chapter of today, continue to update tomorrow! …

Chapter 110: Tsundere Sasuke

After Orochimaru and Yao Shidou left, Chen also stood up, walked out of the room, and walked towards the training ground.

After arriving at the training ground, only one figure was training in the huge training ground, and there were no other people. That figure is none other than the twin brother of the official Chen, Sasuke Uchiha!

Since Sasuke came to the sound ninja village. The rest of the sound ninja did not dare to come here to practice. This huge training ground seems to have become a training ground dedicated to Sasuke.

Looking at Sasuke who was cultivating hard in the field, a playful smile appeared on Chen's face. Sasuke, who was practicing in the field, did not notice that someone was paying attention to him, and was still practicing desperately there.

I saw that after he quickly formed a set of seals with his hands, he gathered Chakra at the throat, and then turned around suddenly.

A huge flame spewed out in the direction of Chen.

Fire escape. The fire is extinguished!

The flame spewed from Sasuke's mouth reached ten meters in diameter, flew towards Chen, and arrived at Chen's place in the blink of an eye. All this happened so suddenly, I didn't expect Sasuke to notice when Chen entered the training ground. Chen's existence was just not revealed, but pretended to be unknown. After the seal in his hand was completed, he turned around abruptly, and Xiang Chen launched a magnificent fire to extinguish it, wanting to kill Chen by surprise.

Although he knew that this might not be able to cause any harm to Chen, at least he had to let Chen show his embarrassed attitude, so that he could ridicule him and avenge his previous kick.

However, in the face of the blazing fire, Chen still had a playful smile on his face, there was no panic at all, and he didn't dodge. Just when the fire was about to hit him, Chen's eyes entered directly. In the state of a kaleidoscope, a small skeleton was instantly formed, wrapping Chen.

However, Sasuke didn't see all this, he just saw that Chen didn't dodge, and was instantly swallowed up by the arrogant fire he released.

This made Sasuke put away his sneering expression, frowned, and secretly said in his heart: This guy, it's impossible to be recruited so easily, what the hell is going on with him? Although Sasuke kept clamoring to get rid of Chen, but Seeing that Chen was in danger, he couldn't help but worry, even he didn't realize it. But it is also, after all, the two of them are also twin brothers born at the same time, and there are only three brothers left in the Uchiha family, and Uchiha Itachi, the elder brother, is the enemy that Sasuke wants to kill.

Although Sasuke and Chen have always been at odds, after the genocide, the only idiot brother Chen has been with Sasuke, Chen has always occupied a very important position in his heart, so after learning that Chen has been deceiving him all the time. , that's why you're so angry!

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