After the monk finished speaking, all the officials immediately made a commotion. They had never heard of such treasures in the world in their past lives, but today they saw two at once. How could they not be surprised?

All the officials' eyes were cast on the two treasures in Xuanzang's hands, and some even had a glimmer of greed in their eyes.

After all, if these two treasures could fall into the hands of ordinary people, they would be treasures that can prolong life. If nothing else, it is said that this cassock will not fall into reincarnation. Isn't it obvious that wearing the cassock can prevent death?

However, despite thinking this way, most people still understand in their hearts that only truly virtuous people deserve to own these two treasures, and Xuanzang is the perfect owner of these two treasures.

Amitabha, the poor monk here thanks the Buddha for his kindness, but who is the Master? Why are there treasures given by the Buddha himself? Xuanzang asked.

Before Xuanzang finished speaking, the monk suddenly rose into the sky, and his body suddenly emitted light. The light was so dazzling that it was difficult for everyone to look directly at it.

After a while, the light became slightly weaker, and everyone could finally see the scene in the light. There was a person floating in the air in the middle of the light.

No, it no longer belongs to the category of human. In the eyes of civil and military officials, it is clearly an immortal!

Everyone immediately knelt down and worshiped the man floating in the air. As ordinary people, they may have only this chance to meet the legendary immortal in their lives, so they were naturally very respectful.

The only people in the field who did not kneel down were the Emperor, Wei Zheng, Xuanzang and Ye Chen. The Emperor is the Nine-Fifth Honorable One and the Chosen Son. There is no need to kneel down even if he sees an immortal.

Wei Zheng was the reincarnation of Wenquxing. He killed the Dragon King in his dream. His identity was no less than that of an ordinary immortal, so when he saw this immortal, he did not kneel down like ordinary people.

Xuanzang and Ye Chen needless to say, Xuanzang knew that this immortal must be a member of the Buddhist sect, and the cassock and tin staff he came to give him this time must have been instructed by the Buddha, so he did not need to kneel down.

As for Ye Chen, he knew who this was. He had already read this scene in his memory, so when he actually saw the Bodhisattva, he just felt that the Bodhisattva was more sacred than what was described in the book, but he had no intention of kneeling down.

I am Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. This time, by the will of the Buddha, I give these two treasures to Xuanzang. Xuanzang, these two treasures can protect your life in times of crisis. Don't lose them.

Amitabha, the poor monk has written it down. Xuanzang clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. From Ye Chen's point of view, he didn't seem too surprised by the arrival of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Xuan Zang, there are many difficulties in traveling to the west. You have to overcome tribulations in order to obtain the true scriptures. Remember, you can't fly in the clouds and take chances. You can only walk to the west step by step. You have to look at the mountains and rivers and remember the distance of the road ahead.

These two treasures will help you when you feel that there are too many difficulties ahead and it is difficult to move forward. Have you remembered them? Guanyin Bodhisattva asked.

Amitabha, this poor monk must remember the Bodhisattva's teachings and must overcome all difficulties to obtain the true scripture. Xuanzang's attitude was very respectful.

I have delivered the Buddha's treasures. If you have any difficult problems in the future, you can come to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea to find me. After saying that, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked around and said a few more words to the emperor.

After saying that, the Bodhisattva turned around and was about to fly away, but at this moment, she suddenly saw Ye Chen next to Xuanzang, and then, a look burst out in her eyes that Ye Chen couldn't understand.

Chapter 1364 Killing Intention

The look in Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes immediately dissipated in a daze, and no one except Ye Chen noticed her abnormality.

Who are you? Bodhisattva asked Ye Chen gently. Her tone was the same as before, no emotion could be heard, and she was still so otherworldly.

But Ye Chen knew that Guanyin Bodhisattva must have discovered something in him. He was sure that he had not mistaken the strange color that flashed in the Bodhisattva's eyes just now.

Bodhisattva, I am Ye Chen. Ye Chen replied calmly. Although he didn't know why Bodhisattva paid attention to him, he was not panicked.

Ye Chen? Are you going with Xuanzang on this trip to the west? There was a hint of doubt in Bodhisattva's tone. It was obvious that she had never heard of this person before.

That's right. Ye Chen replied simply.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes slowly became complicated. She stared at Ye Chen carefully and didn't speak for a long time. Just when everyone thought it was just the shadow left by Guanyin Bodhisattva, she suddenly spoke.

Ye Chen, why do you have an immortal body? Bodhisattva directly asked her doubts. This question also poked at the secret deep in Ye Chen's heart.

Ye Chen could only look at Bodhisattva. He didn't dare to answer at all. After all, his secret couldn't be known to anyone, so he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Is it possible that you are the incarnation of some immortal? The Bodhisattva was not very sure about his judgment. If you are not an immortal, why are you not within the Three Realms and jumping out of the Five Elements?

Bodhisattva, I don't know what you mean. Ye Chen didn't understand why Guanyin Bodhisattva regarded him as the incarnation of an immortal. If it was an incarnation, shouldn't she, Guanyin Bodhisattva, see it at a glance?

Bodhisattva took a deep look at Ye Chen. Ye Chen didn't know what she was thinking. He just hoped that Bodhisattva would not embarrass him and allow him to follow Xuanzang westward smoothly.

The Bodhisattva's eyes changed again and again. For some reason, Ye Chen seemed to feel that the Bodhisattva was faintly exuding a trace of murderous intention that should not appear in people in the Buddhist sect.

Just when Ye Chen felt that trace of killing intent, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred in the world, and the palace

The ground began to shake continuously, as if an earthquake was brewing.

All the officials kneeling on the ground fell to the ground, and the emperor almost fell. Fortunately, Wei Zheng beside him helped him, and he did not fall.

Only Xuanzang and Ye Chen, who were closest to the Bodhisattva, were not affected at all. Xuanzang clasped his hands together and continued to chant scriptures, while Ye Chen looked at Guanyin warily.

Anomalies also appeared in the sky. The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, just like the dark clouds before a heavy rain, which made people feel infinitely depressed.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes became more and more gloomy, and Ye Chen noticed that the murderous intent on her body was getting heavier and heavier. He suddenly felt as if there was a huge weight on him, weighing him down until he could not move or breathe.

Wait a minute, Bodhisattva. Just when Ye Chen was about to lose his hold, a melodious voice suddenly came from the sky. This voice had a touch of detachment, which made people feel sacred when they heard it.

Ye Chen turned his head with difficulty and looked in the direction from which the voice came. He had never seen such a scene in the book. At this moment, he could only hope that the voice was coming to rescue him.

On the horizon, a ray of golden light illuminated the dark clouds. I don’t know where this golden light came from, but it actually dispersed most of the dark clouds in the sky!

Chapter 1365 The Immortal in the Golden Light

After the voice came, the heavy pressure on Ye Chen still did not lighten at all. Although the Bodhisattva looked in the direction of the golden light, he was still casting spells secretly, increasing the pressure on Ye Chen.

Don't be upset, Bodhisattva. The voice sounded again. Ye Chen still only heard the voice but not the person. He didn't know who the owner of the voice was. What was happening now was completely beyond the scope of what he knew.

Bodhisattva also looked at the horizon. Her eyes were much more powerful than Ye Chen's, so she soon saw the figure in the golden light. When she saw the person coming, she waved her arm.

The pressure on Ye Chen's body immediately disappeared, and he could straighten up. But then, Ye Chen sat down on the ground, and he realized that his clothes were already soaked.

Ye Chen looked around and found that except for himself and Xuanzang, all the officials in the palace had stopped moving. This scene was very strange.

Some officials were rolling on the ground, but their movements suddenly stopped and stopped in the middle of rolling, as if they were suddenly frozen in the process of rolling.

The remaining officials also fell to the ground in various strange postures, but everyone stopped at their last movement. At this moment, they were like sculptures, and even the expressions on their faces did not change.

Ye Chen looked at the people around him in surprise. Everyone stopped in place, even the emperor and Wei Zheng were not spared. It seemed that the spell cast by Guanyin Bodhisattva just now did not just relieve the pressure exerted on him.

Ye Chen gasped for breath, and he looked in the direction of the golden light on the horizon, but there was only golden light flashing there all the time. Ye Chen couldn't see who was in the golden light with his naked eyes.

Bodhisattva, this person has some connection with me. I wonder if Bodhisattva can let him go and let him follow Xuanzang to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures? The immortal in the golden light saw that Bodhisattva had lifted the spell on Ye Chen and asked.

The Bodhisattva did not speak. She retracted her gaze towards the horizon and turned to look at Ye Chen. Ye Chen saw her eyes full of fear.

Since he has some connection with you, I can't say anything. I saw something strange about him just now. I thought he was a little demon from somewhere.

After saying that, the Bodhisattva flashed and disappeared in mid-air. The immortal in the golden light laughed twice, Bodhisattva, go slowly. Just leave it to me to handle this.

After that, the immortal in the golden light made no sound again. Ye Chen looked at the people lying and kneeling around him, knowing that the immortal who saved him should not have left yet.

You, are you still there? Ye Chen looked in the direction of the golden light and asked loudly, because he was not sure whether the person could hear him.

Ye Chen, you can speak in a normal voice, I can hear you. The immortal in the golden light responded, and then Ye Chen saw the golden light suddenly surge, and then all the dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

Ye Chen, what did the Bodhisattva ask you just now? The person in the golden light still did not show up. Although Ye Chen could not guess who he was, Ye Chen knew that this person had absolutely no ill intentions towards him.

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