It turned out that the monster cast a spell and easily carried the four people in the wind and brought them to the depths of the cave.

After floating dizzy for a while, Ye Chen finally landed on the ground. To be precise, he actually fell to the ground.

Ugh. Two sounds of vomiting came from beside him. Ye Chen turned around and found two followers holding on to the wall and vomiting wildly. It must be that the evil wind just now made them faint.

I don't know what auspicious day today is, but four people who don't care about their lives have entered my territory together. It seems that I can have a good meal today, haha.

The rough voice sounded again, and Ye Chen looked towards the source of the sound. He saw the tiger spirit with dozens of little demons standing in the way, and Ye Chen finally saw his appearance clearly.

This monster looks very unusual. His two huge tiger teeth are exposed, showing his ferocity. His spine is wrapped with something like tiger skin, and his waist is wrapped with a circle of cloth.

This monster doesn't look as ugly as other monsters. Upon closer inspection, Ye Chen actually feels that he still has a hint of domineering.

In particular, the monster's eyes seemed to be flashing with electric light, which seemed particularly bright in the slightly dark cave.

Looking carefully, Ye Chen also saw a few stubbly hairs at the corners of his mouth. In the light, the monster's looming hands and claws reflected a cold light. These all reflected that he was the legendary tiger spirit. .

Amitabha, I wonder who you are? Just when Ye Chen was carefully observing the first monster on the westbound road, Tang Monk next to him suddenly asked.

Haha, I am General Yin, the overlord of this mountain. Today, the four of you fall into my hands. It is an honor for you. If you can be eaten by me, General Yin, you should go to the underworld with a smile.

Rubber words! One of the followers finally stopped vomiting and shouted loudly. Ye Chen thought he was going to fight this tiger spirit to the death, but he didn't wait for a long time before he heard anything from the followers.

Ye Chen looked back and saw that the follower who had made the noise was sitting on the ground looking at the tiger spirit. Although he had just spoken very forcefully, there was indeed fear that could not be hidden in his eyes. Ye Chen even felt his body trembling.

Why are you trying so hard? Ye Chen rolled his eyes, disgusted with this follower's fierce appearance. He turned his head and looked at the tiger spirit calmly, without any fear on his face.

Chapter 1372 Xiong Shanjun, Special Agent

After the follower made a sound, the tiger spirit looked at the follower, his eyes gradually filled with a smile, How dare you say that our General Yin's arrogant words are interesting and interesting.

Then I'll eat you later. The tiger spirit looked at the follower with a smile, and the follower's body shook even more violently. This time he really couldn't say a word.

Your Majesty, I think this monk has fine skin and tender meat. Why don't we eat this monk first? The meat of the remaining three people doesn't look so delicious. It's better to eat it later.

A little demon offered advice and suggestions behind the tiger spirit. After listening to the tiger spirit, he walked up to the four people and looked at them carefully. Then he stopped in front of Tang Monk and twitched his nose twice.

Sure, this monk's meat is so fresh and tender. General Yin, I feel strong all over just after taking one sip. I wonder if eating it will help me improve my moral status.

Ye Chen looked at the tiger spirit's greedy eyes and knew that the tiger spirit was determined to eat Tang Monk first, but Ye Chen was not in a hurry because he knew that the tiger spirit's two friends were coming soon.

Report! A little demon's voice came from the outside of the cave. There was a hint of anxiety in his voice. The tiger spirit had to temporarily leave the four people and walked to the entrance of the cave.

When are you panicking? The tiger spirit asked dissatisfiedly as he looked at the little demon running towards him in a hurry.

Report to the king, Mr. Xiongshan and the special agent are here. They are waiting outside the cave. They said they want to enjoy food with the king. The little demon reported truthfully.

Hmph, these two people never call me when they have something to eat. On the contrary, when I have people here, I never want to lag behind. Every time, two people come to share my food.

The tiger spirit was obviously quite dissatisfied with these two brothers. It seemed that there had been a grudge between them for a long time. However, the tiger spirit thought about it and finally asked the little demon to invite the other two monsters in.

After a while, two figures appeared in the darkness at the entrance of the inner cave. They saw the four people sitting on the ground inside the cave, and their eyes immediately shone.

General Yin, you are very lucky this time. You caught four mortals at once. This is enough for me to have a good meal.

A muffled voice came from the entrance of the cave, and then the owner of the voice also entered the cave. Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the monster who walked in.

This monster had two horns, was dressed in green clothes, and walked strangely slowly. Ye Chen could tell at a glance that this person was the buffalo spirit.

Yes, but General Yin didn't notify the brothers immediately when he had the food. This makes the brothers a little chilled.

Another honest voice also came, and then a black man walked into the cave. This was naturally the black bear spirit.

Hey, what are you talking about? We are all brothers. How could General Yin be stingy enough not to tell you two? It's just that I just caught these four people. Before I notified you, you two Please come.

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the tiger spirit's voice, and he was obviously sarcastic about the two monsters. He hurried over as soon as he knew he had caught the food.

However, the two monsters were still sitting beside the fire in the cave, as if they did not understand the tiger spirit.

In other words, the two of them simply didn't want to pay attention to the irony in the tiger spirit's words.

The tiger spirit shook his head secretly. He didn't know what evil he had done to provoke such two shameless people. But since the two monsters were already here, he had no choice but to drive them away. Give up.

Chapter 1373 The follower was eaten

Since the two brothers are here, let's eat one more person today. The tiger spirit walked to the four people, looked at Tang Monk carefully, and then shook his head slightly.

He couldn't bear to give such a person with such fine skin and tender meat to the other two monsters. These two monsters were already shameless enough. Now if he gave them such good meat, wouldn't it be an advantage for them?

Thinking of this, the tiger spirit stood up, faced the little demon under his command, and pointed at the two followers sitting on the ground, I'll cook them both today to entertain my two brothers!

It's your order! After the two little demons said this, they walked towards this side, but they were stopped by the black bear spirit and the buffalo spirit halfway.

Hey, General Yin, you don't have to be polite. We're not human beings. How can we be so particular about it? This human flesh doesn't taste good when cooked. It's best to eat it raw.

The black bear spirit said angrily. The tiger spirit looked at him and finally nodded helplessly, Okay, someone, give these two people to the two brothers!

The two little demons walked obediently to the two followers, and they picked up the trembling followers.

The two followers were already so frightened that their feet didn't obey their orders at all, so the little demon basically dragged them to the front of the two monsters.

The black bear spirit and the bison spirit looked at each other and smiled. They came here to eat and drink, so they knew that the tiger spirit could not give them the best meat, but they were satisfied with such a full meal.

But this is also because they never got close to Tang Seng from the beginning to the end. It should be noted that Tang Seng's meat is fatally attractive to monsters.

If the two of them get any closer, they will never be satisfied with the entourage's flesh.

The tiger spirit seemed to have discovered this problem. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the black bear spirit and the bison spirit, he knew that these two people had not yet discovered what was special about Tang Seng.

So he quickly picked up Tang Seng and Ye Chen's clothes and took them deeper into the cave. He was afraid that the two monsters sitting by the fire would find these two delicious human beings and then also sit by the fire. superior.

Ye Chen and Tang Seng were sitting on the ground, facing the fire. Tang Seng no longer recited the sutras, nor closed his eyes in meditation. He just stared at the three monsters in front of him.

Strangely, Ye Chen, who was closest to Tang Seng, didn't feel any sign of Tang Seng trembling. He turned his head to look at Tang Seng and found that there was no obvious fear on Tang Seng's face.

This monk, I don't know if he is really not afraid or if he is pretending to be calm. Ye Chen thought to himself, and he suddenly felt that Tang Monk was completely different from what was described in the book.

This Tang Seng is not as nagging as in the book. Although he has a lot of truths and a lot of nonsense, compared with the book, this Tang Seng seems much less talkative.

And the most important thing is that this Tang Monk doesn't seem to care much about anything other than collecting scriptures. The most important thing Ye Chen sees him doing is to meditate and chant scriptures.

Even in this scene, Tang Seng still didn't show fear like an ordinary person. Logically speaking, this should be the first time Tang Seng saw a monster, and his reaction was really unusual.

At this moment, Ye Chen heard a miserable scream coming from next to the fire. He quickly turned his head and immediately saw a bloody scene.

Several little monsters helped the black bear spirit and the buffalo spirit to cut open the bellies of the two followers and dug out the hearts of the two people. The hearts dripping with blood were held in the hands of the two monsters and were still beating.

Chapter 1374 Abnormal Tang Monk

The two monsters laughed strangely, and then stuffed the bloody heart directly into their mouths. Ye Chen couldn't help but retched when he saw this.

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