Looking carefully, Ye Chen found that there was a hint of righteousness in the eyebrows of King Yama, and his eyes were full of power. His eyes swept across the hall, and when he saw the three wandering souls beside Ye Chen, the three wandering souls leaned even lower. And kept shaking.

This King of Yama is so powerful. When King of Yama's eyes swept over him, Ye Chen was shocked. He found that there was no emotion in King of Yama's eyes, which made people shudder.

Hey! Old King of Hell, after being the King of Hell for so many years, why have you forgotten the etiquette? Today, my old grandson stayed in your city of futile death for a long time. Don't you know that my old grandson came to your underworld? You didn't go out to greet me? !”

Great Sage, calm down. I really have some official duties that I cannot get away from. Please forgive me, Great Sage. King Yama turned back to look at Sun Wukong, and the serious expression on his face immediately took on a hint of flattery.

You bully the weak and are afraid of the strong. Ye Chen secretly rolled his eyes. He originally thought that the King of Yama had a respected status and could be neither humble nor arrogant when treating Sun Wukong. Unexpectedly, now...

Chapter 1433: Evil comes with evil consequences

Hmph, I will forgive you this time. Next time I come to the underworld, if you still have this attitude, don't blame me for smashing up your palace and tearing up all your books of life and death.

Sun Wukong was lying on the seat of King Yama, who was apologizing and smiling. How could he still have the aura of the legendary King of Yama?

Why did the Great Sage come here this time? After appeasing Sun Wukong, King Yama finally asked about this matter, but he kept beating drums in his heart, fearing that the monkey would make any excessive demands.

If you have nothing to do, why can't I come to your Yama Palace to have a look? Sun Wukong raised his head and looked at King Yama, his eyes full of teasing, Or do you mean, you don't welcome me, Old Sun?

Don't dare, don't dare. In this Yama Hall, the great sage can come whenever he wants and stay as long as he wants. King Yama continued to apologize with a smile.

It's not completely okay. Have you seen the three wandering souls below? Sun Wukong sat up and pointed at the three wandering souls beside Ye Chen.

I saw it, but who is this Immortal? King Yama looked at the audience. He was actually not interested in the three wandering spirits. He was curious about who the young man standing next to the wandering spirits was, and how he could actually be with these wandering spirits. Sun Wukong blends in together.

He's an idiot. Sun Wukong laughed twice, and Ye Chen frowned coldly, Smelly monkey, if you keep calling me an idiot, I'm not done with you.

King Yama's eyes widened in surprise after hearing these words. He looked at Ye Chen as if he were looking at an idiot who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

Okay, if you don't say it, don't say it. It's stingy. Sun Wukong really had nothing to do with Ye Chen, so he had to give in.

King Yama was even more shocked now. He looked at Ye Chen and then at Sun Wukong. To him, the conversation between these two people was no less than the roar of the sky and the earth falling apart.

I said, Lord Yama, why are you so dazed? I came to you to do something, not to see you pretending to be stupid. Sun Wukong gently kicked King Yama's clothes with his toes, and then King Yama reacted.

Oh, oh, I wonder what happened to the Great Sage? King Yama quickly came to his senses. He did not dare to contradict Sun Wukong like the young people in the hall.

Actually, it's not a big deal. For the three wandering souls in the hall, you can arrange for them to be reincarnated. For those two old people, I want them to be wealthy and have no worries about food and clothing in their next life. Can you do that?

But their life span has not yet expired, and now they are still... The King of Hell was talking when he suddenly saw Sun Wukong's lightning-like eyes looking at him. He quickly stopped talking and nodded vigorously.

The remaining one... Sun Wukong touched his chin and looked at the bun shop proprietress, She just absorbed a lot of my demonic energy.

What?! King Yama immediately pretended to be furious and looked at the proprietress of the steamed stuffed bun shop, You even dare to suck in the demonic energy of the Monkey King, you are so tired of being a ghost!

Come here! After King Yama said that, he immediately called out to the outside of the hall. Soon, two undercover men walked in from outside the hall and bowed to the two people in the hall.

Take this wandering soul who does not know life or death and let her stay in each level of hell for three hundred years and suffer all the punishments in hell! When the punishment is over, let her be reincarnated as an animal immediately and suffer eternity of labor!

Here! After hearing King Yama's order, the two underworld servants immediately picked up the bun shop proprietress.

Sir! No! The lady proprietor of the bun shop suddenly let out an extremely miserable scream. Ye Chen saw tears of blood shed from her eyes. This was a sign that the ghost would turn into a fierce ghost!

Nao Nao, take him away! King Yama waved his hand impatiently, and the two shady men led the proprietress out of the Yama Palace.

Chapter 1434 The whereabouts of Tang Monk

Sun Wukong! You must die a good death! The boss's wife's stern voice echoed in the hall. Sun Wukong suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the boss's wife.

Wait a minute. Sun Wukong stood up with a smile, walked down the hall, and came to the bun shop proprietress, What did you say to me just now?

You deceived me and you will die! The proprietress kept struggling in Yin Chai's hands. She wanted to bite Sun Wukong at this moment.

Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard since I became enlightened. Sun Wukong suddenly covered his stomach and laughed, I don't want to die well? Just ask who in the world can really kill It’s me?!”

Ah! The sharp voice of the landlady pierced Ye Chen's ears. However, he had magical power to protect himself, so he was not afraid of this voice, but the old man next to him was affected.

The two old men covered their ears, but they still couldn't resist the shrill sound.

Seeing this, Ye Chen put his two hands on the shoulders of the two old men respectively, and the influence on the two old men immediately disappeared.

The old woman raised her head and glanced at Ye Chen gratefully, and Ye Chen responded with a smile. These two old people were kind-hearted and deserved a good ending. Ye Chen didn't want them to be hurt in any way.

Take it down! King Yama also walked out of the hall at this moment. He frowned and looked at the soul of the landlady, with a hint of impatience on his face. He usually disliked such a messy soul the most.

The two Yin Chai left the hall with the soul of the landlady. After that, King Yama called two more Yin Chai and took the two old men down with them. However, this time the Yin Chai was polite.

Thank you. Ye Chen whispered in Sun Wukong's ear after seeing the two old men being taken to the direction of Naihe Bridge.

He finally understood that Sun Wukong did not want to help the boss lady, and finally understood that Sun Wukong was not as brave and foolhardy as he seemed on the surface. In fact, this monkey was also a monkey that hated evil.

If you really want to thank me, just tell me who my master is. Sun Wukong looked at Ye Chen playfully, but only received a disdainful expression from Ye Chen.

It's a beautiful thought. This is something I've used to blackmail you. If I tell you now, can you still go and get the scriptures? After Ye Chen finished speaking, he walked straight into the Hall of Hell and ignored the hot pursuit behind him. Sun Wukong.

Great Sage, these three souls have been dealt with, is there anything else to do next? King Yama, who had already entered the hall, came out again at this moment.

When Sun Wukong saw King Yama, his face immediately changed. He was originally playful and became serious. Ye Chen looked at Sun Wukong and couldn't help but want to laugh. This monkey turned out to be a good-looking person.

Ahem, of course I have something to do before I leave. Let me ask you, have you ever seen the soul of a monk named Tang Sanzang? Sun Wukong looked at King Yama.

I've seen it, I've seen it. This Tang Tripitaka has not yet expired, but his merits are very deep. After he came to this underworld, he was taken away directly by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. I only had a relationship with him.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? Why did he take Tang Sanzang away? Sun Wukong asked strangely.

This... the Bodhisattva didn't say it. You, the great sage, know that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has a transcendent status. We, the kings of Yama, are actually not as powerful as other people's officials, so it's not easy for me to inquire about other people's affairs.

King Yama looked troubled, and Sun Wukong knew at a glance that he really didn't know this time, so he quickly pulled up Ye Chen's sleeves, Then we won't stay here any longer, let's take our leave.

Huh...this god of plague is finally gone. King Yama looked at the backs of Sun Wukong and Ye Chen and let out a long breath. His back was already soaked with sweat at this moment.

Chapter 1435 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

Sun Wukong took Ye Chen and flew out of the Yama Palace. Ye Chen observed the underworld from the air and found that the underworld was not as cold and terrifying as the world imagined, but instead had many nice scenery.

I said monkey, this underworld looks pretty good. Ye Chen said to Sun Wukong while looking at the scenery.

Of course, although the underworld is a place that absorbs the souls of the dead, it was also created by gods after all. However, despite the beautiful scenery here, in fact, this is not what the world calls the underworld.

Oh? Where is the underworld that the world calls?

Hey, I, Old Sun, can't explain it to you, but as long as you know one thing, you will understand - the most important place in this underworld is not the part you see now, but the eighteen levels of hell.

I understand. Ye Chen nodded, Mortals are afraid of death, so they naturally imagine the underworld as the eighteenth floor of the underworld. The underworld they call should be the place of suffering.

Hey, let me tell you, you actually have some understanding. Sun Wukong smiled, We are almost reaching the place where Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is. Don't talk nonsense when you get there, do you understand?

Why? Ye Chen didn't know why.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has profound magic power, and I, the old man, are a little afraid of him. If you say something wrong, I can't save you.

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