Has your strength improved to such a level? Sure enough, you have successfully opened the Kaleidoscope Shaker! Feeling Sasuke's strength, Chen showed a playful smile and joked.

Humph! Sasuke didn't speak, he snorted coldly, and then slowly closed his eyes. When he opened it again, the three hooked jade in his eyes had turned into a hexagram pattern. This is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the original one. Exactly the same. Moreover, Sasuke's kaleidoscope is not a finished product exchanged by the system, so Sasuke's kaleidoscope ability is not the default. Although this is a kaleidoscope opened by the power of the system's grief and resentment, it is a kaleidoscope opened only by Sasuke's will, so its kaleidoscope's ability is also related to Sasuke's will.

Sasuke sneered and said, I didn't expect to find me. It seems that even if my strength has improved, I'm still not your opponent. How strong are you?

Well! Don't worry about this problem, one day you will reach such a height, and now do business first.

Okay, let's talk about it first, who is the person you're looking for? Sasuke asked Chen after releasing the kaleidoscope state.

There are three people we're looking for, one is in the western stronghold, called Guideng Shuiyue! One is in the southern stronghold, Xianglin, and there is Chongwu in the northern stronghold!

It's them... Sasuke had a surprised expression on his face when he heard the names of the three people mentioned by Chen.

Yes, it seems that you are very impressed with them! We want to achieve that goal, and it is more efficient to conduct activities in small groups!

Of course I have an impression of them. From the moment I approached Orochimaru, I took this situation into consideration, so I selected a capable ninja. I didn't expect that the person you chose was actually the one I saw in the first place. Ninja. Sasuke explained.

Really? As expected of my brother, I didn't expect our thoughts to come together unconsciously. Chen said to Sasuke with a playful smile. Of course, this is all nonsense. He chose those people because he knew the plot in advance.

You should know the strongholds of Orochimaru, right? Let's go!

Humph! Sasuke snorted coldly, did not speak any more, but walked ahead to lead the way, while Chen followed Sasuke's footsteps and rushed towards Orochimaru's stronghold.

The two of them didn't speak any more along the way, and kept on their way. After a period of time, Sasuke finally brought Chen to the stronghold where Orochimaru detained Guideng Shuiyue!

Here, let's go in!

The two entered the stronghold of Orochimaru together. Since Orochimaru had already issued an order, and also that Orochimaru's subordinates knew Sasuke and Chen, they did not dare to embarrass the two of them. to the laboratory where Shuiyue was imprisoned.

Is it here? Chen looked around the laboratory and found that there were countless transparent cultivation tanks. Chen didn't know that Shuiyue was placed in that cultivation tank, so he asked Sasuke: Know him where?

Come with me! Sasuke walked towards the pile of cultivation tanks in front, and stopped directly in front of one of the cultivation tanks.

I saw that the culture tank was filled with unknown liquid, bubbling from time to time, and there was nothing else in the tank.

It's you! I didn't expect to meet again so soon. You shouldn't have killed Orochimaru by now, right? So... what are you doing here? At this time, a voice came from the cultivation tank in front of Sasuke. Come.

Yeah! It's true that I didn't kill him, but I can let you out now! Sasuke said calmly, then reached out and grabbed the handle of the long knife hanging from his waist.

Immediately after a flash of cold light flashed, the culture tank in front of Sasuke was suddenly cut open, and the liquid in the culture tank spewed out from the opening and flowed to the ground.

Hehe~~ Although I don't understand what's going on, but... I'm finally free! A head emerged from the pool of liquid on the ground and said with a chuckle. Thank you, Sasuke!

Shuiyue, it's you first, come with me! Sasuke said indifferently.

It's me first? It looks like you have someone else? Shuiyue said while crawling out of the pool of liquid.

Yeah! There are two more people after that, Chonggo from the northern stronghold, and Xianglin from the southern stronghold!


What's wrong?

It's nothing, it's just that I don't like them very much! At that time, Shuiyue had completely crawled out of the pool of liquid, but at this time she was naked and sneered at Sasuke in front of her: Let's not talk about me, even Both of them have chosen, what do you want to do? Sasuke...

Stop talking, put your clothes on, and just follow me! Sasuke dropped these words indifferently, then turned around and walked outside.

Uh, hahaha~~ What an amazing character. Shuiyue looked at Sasuke's back and laughed a few times, and then instantly disappeared into the liquid on the ground. When he appeared again, he was already standing by Sasuke. Behind him, a finger was placed on Sasuke's temple at the same time.

First confirm the relationship between you and me... What do you think?

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 119: Swirl Fragrance

On a road leading to the Land of Waves, three people were walking leisurely, one of them had white hair and was wearing purple sleeveless clothes, while the other two looked exactly the same, and one of them had a handle on his waist. Long knife, walk in the front.

These three are Chen and his brother Sasuke, and the white-haired one is one of their new targets, Ghost Light Shuiyue

! Their current purpose is to lead the way by Sasuke to go to the country of waves to take the beheading sword that was never cut again. But before that, since Shuiyue had just been released, she didn't want to obey Chen's orders, and was abused by Chen Yongyue to read, and she was obedient to clean up, so she didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Chen from now on.

Of course, the current Shuiyue is the same as in the original book, and wants to use the beheading sword as his weapon. Chen will of course satisfy this requirement, so let Sasuke lead the way and rush to the country of waves where the beheading sword is stored.

Hey! Boss, isn't the beheading sword of the predecessors really in the country of waves? At this time, Shuiyue, who was beside Chen, asked Chen.

Don't ask me, you should ask Sasuke!

It's so boring! Shuiyue didn't get discouraged when she didn't get an answer, but said to herself: The big swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are traditionally handed down from generation to generation. Since all the talents have worked hard to cultivate, since the senior is no longer there, then the beheading sword should be kept by me!

Humph! Chen just snorted coldly at Shuiyue's self-talk, and didn't say anything. He was rushing on his own way, but Shuiyue saw that Chen didn't answer. He ran to Sasuke again, put his arms around Sasuke's neck, and walked side by side with Sasuke, and then Sasuke said: Sasuke! By the way, I heard that your team did it, right? If you beat Sasuke, don't kill the seniors! You tell me Said, wouldn't it be very powerful if you didn't kill the senior again!

Hearing Shuiyue's words, Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and then fell into memory.

And Shuiyue waited for a long time and didn't hear Sasuke's reply. She felt strange and asked Sasuke suspiciously: What's wrong? Sasuke?

Shuiyue's words will fall into memory and Sasuke wakes up: It's nothing, let's go!

Really~~ Shuiyue said helplessly, and then didn't say anything more. In this way, the three of them didn't speak any more, and kept on their way in silence.

After that, after traveling for a while, Sasuke finally brought Chen and the others to the Naruto Bridge during their previous mission in the Land of Waves, and came to the grave of Zabuzhan and Shiro. However, the beheading sword that was placed in front of the grave has long since disappeared, and the three had to leave. In a small town in the country of waves, they learned that the beheading sword had fallen on a man named Dahei Tianshan in the land of water. hands.

On the surface, Daikoku Tianshan is a statesman, but in fact he inherited the position of leader of the Great Thieves Group, and it is said that he has thousands of mercenaries to protect him.

Of course, this was not in the eyes of the three of them. Sasuke alone destroyed the gang of robbers, and Shuiyue also obtained the beheading sword that would never be cut again.

Next, the three continued on their way to the next stronghold of Orochimaru, and that stronghold was on an isolated island in the sea. The three did not take a boat, but covered the chakra on the soles of their feet and walked directly on the sea, as if walking on the ground.

Hey! Boss, can you tell me why you need to gather your companions? Shuiyue came to Chen's side and asked Chen suspiciously.

I have my purpose. In order to achieve the goal, it is more efficient to conduct activities in small groups.

Shuiyue continued: But, even so, I don't think it is necessary to choose Xianglin at all. That guy is different from me. She is a subordinate of Orochimaru, and is responsible for guarding the southern stronghold where Orochimaru's prisoners are held. , he only obeys Orochimaru's orders, and more importantly, her character is really unlikable.

Indeed, there are many ninjas who are easy to control and powerful, but that guy has special abilities that others don't have. At this time, Sasuke next to him said.

Okay! I don't deny this... Shuiyue turned her head with a chuckle and said to Sasuke playfully.

Okay, don't talk, we're here! At this moment, Chen stopped Shuiyue, who was planning to continue, and Shuiyue also closed her mouth after hearing Chen's words.

At this moment, the outline of a small island appeared in their sight. The three of them did not speak any more, and walked towards the small island. After a while, they landed on the small island.

After Shuiyue broke the gate of the base with a beheading knife, the guards in the base also rushed out and surrounded the three.

Bastards, who are you? You dare to trespass here, do you know whose territory is here? It seems that not all of Orochimaru's subordinates know Sasuke and Chen, but in the group, a guard waved his hand The big knife in the middle shouted at Chen and the others.

Regarding these dragon sets, Chen didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with them, and said impatiently: Go away, let Xianglin come out and see me!

Bastard... Seeing Chen's attitude, the dragon set obviously didn't take him seriously, which made him very angry, and was going forward to teach Chen a lesson, but he was held back by his partner.

What are you doing... Being pulled by someone made him very uncomfortable, and shouted at the partner who was pulling him.

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