I never expected this move to turn back the carbine.

It penetrated Ye Chen's heart in an instant, and blood spurted out with the crescent shovel. For a time, the entire property was dyed bright red by Ye Chen's blood.

Ye Chen! Tang Monk in the distance shouted when he saw it, but it was of no use at all. Ye Chen's body seemed to have gradually begun to sink with the sinking water.

Hmph, you have strength and speed, but you are too young to play with me. Monk Sha sneered disdainfully. He is still a child after all. You can imagine how cruel the war is. If Ye Chen was cruel at that time At one point, if he ducked behind Monk Sha and cut off his artery instead of his back, wouldn't there be so much trouble?

He didn't pay much attention to Ye Chen. Even if he wasn't completely dead, the amount of bleeding just now wouldn't cause much damage.

Old monk, it's your turn now. I asked you to stay in the cave and you didn't listen. Now don't say I didn't warn you.

He raised the crescent shovel in his hand horizontally and said coldly to Tang Monk.

Amitabha, the donor's eyes are clearly shining with pure light, why do you do such a sinful thing?

Oh, it's pure. You can still tell that it's pure. After hearing this, Monk Sha suddenly stopped the crescent shovel in his hand. This sentence seemed to bring back endless memories.

If everything goes well, how can I become a monster here?

What's wrong with the donor? Let me, a dying person, answer it for you. Tang Seng also became enlightened at this moment. If he could stop Monk Sha from killing, then his own death would become a meaningful thing. The Buddha's heart is inherently good, so why should it be precious? Haha, to tell you the truth, I am a demon here and have unspeakable sufferings. I was originally the curtain general of the Heavenly Court, in charge of many things in the Nantianmen. I was inspecting myself that day. In the mortal world under my jurisdiction, I found that the people had no harvest due to rain problems, and countless thousands of people had starved to death. I felt sorry for those lives, and then ran to report to the Jade Emperor, hoping that he would send a heavy rain to relieve the mortal world. The people worked hard, but they didn't know that the Jade Emperor only knew how to have fun and paid no attention to the many things in the world. Without the approval of the Jade Emperor, the God of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning did not dare to use their magic power to rain.

I had no choice but to figure it out myself. Then I went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace and knelt down at the gate of the Dragon Palace for dozens of days before the Dragon King made a timely rain.

Seeing that the people's hard work has finally paid off, I feel happy for them from the bottom of my heart.

But the good times did not last long, and this incident actually reached the ears of the Jade Emperor. Due to my unauthorized actions, my official position was demoted again and again.

But it doesn't matter, I don't care about these official positions. As long as the people can live and work in peace and contentment, what does my official positions have to do with it? But since then, the Jade Emperor has treated me like a different person.

I kept a cold look on my face and yelled all day long, and the people in the Heavenly Palace began to keep a distance from me because of the Jade Emperor's attitude.

But I still didn't take it seriously, and still used my private rights to take care of people in the mortal world.

Finally, the Jade Emperor couldn't stand it any longer. In his view, my behavior violated his inhibitions and did not take him into consideration at all.

One night, he ordered the Queen Mother to hand the colorful glazed lamp into my hands and ordered me to deliver it to the Immortal Lord Beiming's residence. However, I only discovered it when I took the colorful glazed lamp.

Chapter 1509 Mouth Escape Three

The light in this lamp is already extremely weak.

I rushed to the land of Beiming non-stop, but when I arrived, I was already exhausted.

In the end, I was convicted of this crime, and the Jade Emperor naturally drove me down to heaven and became a fairy in this quicksand river.

Monk Sha seemed to be in untold pain, as if the treatment he received back then was more painful than the wound on his back.

Amitabha, since the donor has a compassionate heart, why do you want to harm heaven and earth in this quicksand river? Doesn't this go against the kindness in your heart?

Tang Seng didn't understand very much.

Haha, what's the use of being kind? Not having a kind heart in this world can calm this troubled world. People in the mortal world are constantly yearning for the life in heaven.

Sacrifice ceremonies are held every festive season in order to let the gods in the sky bless you with good health.

It is precisely because of this that they are used to problems. Life is equal, but the important people in heaven think that they are superior to others and do not care about the things in the world.

I have my own ambitions. One day I will overthrow the government of Heaven and trample that little Jade Emperor under my feet!

Speaking of this, Monk Sha secretly clenched his fists.

But if you do all the evil things here, what does that have to do with your ambition?

Faced with Tang Monk's doubts, Monk Sha chuckled lightly and pointed to the rosary beads around his neck.

Do you know what this is?

Tang Monk was puzzled.

I have eaten countless people again. It is said that eating the flesh and blood of Buddhist pilgrims can lead to immortality. Once I have this power, I will have the capital to compete with the Heavenly Palace. Over the years, I have also eaten a lot of Buddhist monks. , What makes me different is that nothing can float in this quicksand river, even the light goose feather will be swallowed by this quicksand river in an instant.

This is not the case with the skulls of those who seek scriptures. Their heads will float on the water after death. I also use this method to determine whether they are scripture seekers. I would rather kill them by mistake than let them go.

These nine black beads are all the heads of the pilgrims. I connected them together when I had nothing to do. I can play with them when I have nothing to do.

And now you are the tenth person, maybe killed

You, I can really get the power of immortality, so master, I can only wrong you.

Monk Sha shook his crescent shovel and wanted to take down Tang Monk. In fact, he really didn't want to kill. Every time he ate people, he felt extremely painful. But he had no choice but to aggrieve his own conscience in the face of his own ambition. This was already the first time. If the ten Buddhist monks can really gain the power of immortality, then the death of these people is necessary in the eyes of Sha Monk. After all, there are gains and losses.

You have such wisdom, why don't you consider putting down the butcher knife. Tang Seng still clasped his hands and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Haha, Huigen? Maybe when I was just demoted to the mortal world, I might still listen to these words you said, but it's not the case now. I have killed too many people. I put down the butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately, but in my hand How could the Buddha accept me after I have been exposed to so many dead souls?

Monk Sha shook his head with a wry smile, indicating that he could no longer look back.

You are wrong! As long as you have Buddha in your heart, no matter when you start, it will never be too late to purify the endless sorrow deep in your heart. Follow me and go westward with me. Now with my thinking, it is possible I can't enlighten you, but I can't do it, it doesn't mean that Buddha can't do it.

Chapter 1510 Put down the butcher knife

Believe that he will definitely find a way for you.

It's hard to imagine that Monk Sha was already clamoring to kill Tang Monk, but this monk actually wanted to win him into his team? What an irony.

Aren't you afraid of what I might do to you? After all, I have already eaten nine pilgrims, and eating you is my deepest desire.

I know you won't. If you really want to eat me, then you won't tell me so much. The reason why you become sinful is just because you have suppressed too much pain in your heart, and these pains have not been relieved. Transformed into hatred, I believe that in your heart now, the desire to seek truth has been greater than hatred. Even if what you want now is still to seek revenge in the Heavenly Palace, I will not say anything. Only you can walk your own path. Your own way must be verified by yourself.

Conscience already exists in your heart, but if you make hatred more dominant, then your conscience will naturally fall behind. From your eyes, I can see how helpless you are. All you think about now is here. I fell into despair, believing those catchy words, and put all my treasures on me. For example, if my meat is really what you said, it can live forever, but what's the point of eating it? There were already such rumors when you killed the first Buddhist seeker, but after you killed him, you found that it was not like that at all. You were thinking that maybe the next one would be true, just like you just did As I said, you have eaten nine people, and I am the tenth. Just after you eat me, the luck in your heart will tell you that if you eat the next one, you may be able to gain the power of immortality. You will also fall into an endless cycle of death here. Then your so-called revenge and ambition to overthrow the Jade Emperor's government are just empty talk. When you have eaten a hundred Buddhist pilgrims, you will tell You may be able to succeed by yourself. Day after day, year after year, you will adapt to this kind of life. Maybe your ambitions still exist now, but can you guarantee that it will still be the same in ten years or a hundred years?

Tang Seng's series of questions were like cannonballs, hitting Monk Sha's heart. He had never considered these questions. As Tang Seng said, now he has really adapted to the life of being a demon here, and his strength has been improving. In the past, those Buddhist pilgrims who you ate have never given you power. Are you really going to transform into a demon clan? No! He was unwilling to accept that as a curtain-rolling general, his ambition could only be limited to this small quicksand river. He enlightened Monk Sha with one word, and clang, the crescent shovel fell from his hand and fell on the rocks beside him.

I saw Monk Sha clasping his hands together and bowing devoutly to Tang Sanzang, I will follow Master's teachings.

Seeing Monk Sha's behavior, Tang Monk also nodded happily.

But Master, I just accidentally killed your apprentice again, didn't I... But just thinking of killing Ye Chen with a shovel made Sha Monk feel extremely uncomfortable inside.

...Are you talking about me?

A sudden voice came from behind Monk Sha,

Monk Sha looked at Ye Chen in disbelief as if he was seeing a ghost.

You, you, you... are not dead? The strength of the crescent shovel just now, Monk Sha can clearly see, is enough to break through a thousand-jin boulder, and it hits Ye Chen's heart.

And now Ye Chen is actually safe and sound?

Chapter 1511 Kneel

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