Uh... yes! When Ting Chen said that, the guard called Ida had no choice but to bite the bullet, but he knew what would happen if he disobeyed the order.

Sir, please come with me! That Ida took the key from their leader, then turned to greet Chen and the others, and led the way tremblingly ahead.

Let's go! Chen greeted, and followed up first, Sasuke and the others followed.

Led by the guard, Chen and the others passed cell after cell. Most of the prisoners in it were bound with chains all over their bodies, or a heavy iron ball was tied under their feet to limit their ability to move. With one exception, the eyes of these prisoners showed bloodthirsty eyes, and their bodies were also full of violent aura.

Hey! Those guys don't seem to have seen it before, what are you doing here? Those prisoners also found Chen and the others, sneering, or shouting at Chen and the others: Hey! Little devil, you are Orochimaru. New pets? Come to Uncle's side... let me tear you all apart!

However, Chen and Sasuke turned a deaf ear to these clamoring voices, did not show any dissatisfaction, and still silently followed behind Ida.

But Shuiyue didn't have such a good temper, Hey! It's really annoying! Boss, do you want to kill them?

Don't waste time, they won't live long anyway!

Yes! Yes! Really, I knew you would say that! Shuiyue said helplessly.

Wait~~ You guys, are you going in the direction you're going, is it... coming for Shigeu? Amidst the clamor of the group of prisoners, a prisoner suddenly discovered Chen and their intentions and exclaimed. After the prisoner called out Chonggo's name, the other prisoners who were still shouting calmed down instantly, their expressions became panic, and cold sweat broke out on their heads.

You... are you coming for Shigeo? What are you trying to do?

Hehe~~ I just want to take Chongwu away, I want him to be our partner! Shuiyue said with a light smile to the prisoners.

Hey! You...do you know what you're doing? If you let that guy out...we'll all be killed! a prisoner shouted in horror.

I think so too, but my boss doesn't seem to listen to me! Besides, I don't think he can kill me! Shuiyue said disdainfully.

Hey! What a joke, just relying on a guy like you, I will definitely be killed by Chongwu! Another prisoner sneered, looked at Shuiyue with disdain, and then said.

Huh? Hearing what the prisoner said, Shuiyue, who felt that she was underestimated, seemed very unhappy, the expression on her face became cold, and her footsteps stopped.

Humph! Seeing this, Chen snorted coldly and launched a kaleidoscope at the prisoner who laughed at Shuiyue, only to see a black flame burst out from the prisoner's body, and instantly fell in love with the prisoner and wrapped it up. .

Ah~~ what is this? After Chen's Tianzhao set the prisoner on fire, the prisoner let out a heart-piercing scream. No matter how much he slapped the flames on his body, he still couldn't catch the black flames. Destroyed, he could only roll on the ground, screaming in agony, until the whole person lost his life.

Chen's thunder method made the prisoners present, Shuiyue and others secretly startled, and Shuiyue was even more glad that Chen was not annoyed at that time, otherwise... Thinking of this, Shuiyue couldn't help feeling shudder! Those prisoners didn't dare to speak up, and all of a sudden they became silent.

Let's go! Chen seemed to have done a trivial thing without caring at all, and greeted Shuiyue behind him.

Although she was afraid, Shuiyue also knew that Chen did it because of him, so she was very grateful to Chen, Yes! Boss...

After a little episode, Ida finally brought Chen and the others to a cell, only to see that the cell door was completely closed, and the inside could not be seen at all, and there were still many chains hanging outside the cell door, trapping the entire cell door.

Big...sir! C... Chongwu, right here, I... I... Ida took out the key, trembling all over his body, and said to Chen conscientiously.

Open the lock!

Ah... yes... Ida tremblingly wanted to insert the key into the keyhole, but due to the tension in Thailand, he tried several times without success.

Hey! Really, let me come! Shuiyue impatiently grabbed Ida's key, and then inserted the key into the hole at once. As a result, Ida shouted in horror as if he had been stimulated by something. , while running outside, as if some terrifying monster was about to burst out of the cell.

That guy, what's going on? Is it that scary? Shuiyue looked at Ida's escape without a word, and complained helplessly, but her subordinates didn't stop, and quickly opened all the locks.

Wait a minute,

Just when Shuiyue was about to push the prison door open, Chen stopped him and said, You back up, I'll open it!

Huh? Got it! Shuiyue stepped back and gave up her seat. At the same time, her eyes were full of alertness.

Chen stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the handle of the prison door, and pushed open the prison door inside.

Chapter 122: Libra Chongwu

Chen stepped forward and slowly opened the prison door, and the scene inside was also revealed to everyone.

Sure enough, it's a man, you guessed it right, I'm going to kill you! An arrogant voice sounded in the prison, just before everyone had time to think about it, a mutation suddenly occurred, and a figure suddenly rushed out of the prison. came out, and waved his fist, punching Chen's

On his body, he hit Chen on a wall, knocked out a big hole in the wall, and raised a burst of dust, blocking Sasuke's sight and preventing them from seeing Chen's situation for a while!

Boss... Shuiyue exclaimed.

Huh? Sasuke frowned, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting, and he immediately returned to his indifferent expression.

Only Xianglin remained calm, but still said in surprise: Uchiha Chen's chakra... has changed!

After the raised dust gradually dissipated, the scene inside was also revealed in front of everyone.

I saw that Chen was wrapped in a gray-white chakra at this time, forming a rib-like appearance to protect Chen in it, and the gray-white chakra also transformed into an arm, which attacked him in front of him. Fist grabbed.

At this moment, a man with orange hair was standing in front of Chen. He was wearing the same prison uniform as the prisoner before, while a chain was under his right foot, and the other end of the chain was buckled with a huge metal ball. On his face, half of the area was covered with a curse, his left hand had turned into a monster's claws, and his arms had thorns that resembled scales. catch.

Hahaha~~~ You are very strong! You are stronger than the previous Junma Lu! The man in front of Chen's eyes is exactly Chen's third target, Libra Chongwu! Feeling the chakra emanating from Chen, Shigego smiled wildly and said to Chen.

Humph! Chen controlled Susaku and let go of Chongwu's hand, and Chongwu also jumped back after Chen let go, keeping a distance from Chen.

I didn't come here to fight with you, I just wanted to talk to you! Shigego! Chen said calmly to Shigego after releasing Susaku's state.

Talk about?

I'm taking you out of here!

Get out from here? Hearing Chen's words, Chonggo was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed wildly: Hey haha~~~ Are you an idiot? Without him... I can't leave here!

I'll say it again, I'm not going to fight you, I just want to take you out, come with me!

Humph~~ I can't leave here anymore! Chonggo roared, and once attacked Xiangchen.

Humph! Seeing Chongwu attacking again, Chen didn't fight back, but kept avoiding Chongwu's fist.

Hahaha! Kill you, kill you! You don't understand anything, I can't leave here in shock! Chongwu was chasing Chen, but Chen was dodging Zhongwu's attack, fighting back in the slightest. means nothing.

Why didn't the boss fight back? In that case, let me be his opponent! Seeing that Chen was just dodging passively, without any intention of fighting back, Shuiyue snorted coldly and took the beheading knife on her back. down, and attacked me. In an instant, the beheading sword in his hand came to Shigego and swung towards Shigego.

While Chonggo felt Shuiyue's attack, he also snorted coldly, his right hand instantly turned into a curse mark, and then blocked Shuiyue's attack.


The ability to use is different from before! Chongwu! It's hardened! Shuiyue shook her slightly numb arm and teased at Chongwu.

I see, it's Shuiyue! I remembered it! Seeing the person coming, Chonggo also remembered who the person in front of him was.

As expected, this guy is hard to deal with, boss! Shuiyue said with a wry smile.

Stop, Shuiyue! We're not here to fight, let me talk to him! Chen yelled at Shuiyue.

He's not a guy who can be settled by just moving his mouth, let's take him away with strength! Shuiyue did not listen to Chen's words, waving a beheading sword to attack Chongwu again, Chongwu was not afraid at all, and greeted him, instantly With the water moon battle.

Humph! Stop both of you! I saw Chen's figure instantly appear between the two of them, separating the two, and at the same time activated Susanoo, and transformed into two arms, one on each side, to push the water Yue and Chongwu grabbed all of them in the palm of their hands, and at the same time exuded a strong murderous aura, and said: Don't ignore my words... Or, do you want to be killed by me?

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