Speaking of that child Xiaoyun, you have to be careful. Don't let the people around him affect his Taoist heart. At this age, these are the things that you should pay most attention to.

Huh? What do you mean by that? Immortal Zhenyuan asked with great confusion upon hearing the hidden meaning in Yaoyun's words.


Do you really think that your ginseng fruit tree was created by a few of us?

Immortal Zhenyuan was shocked when he said this.

He had already secretly made up his mind. For Yaoyun's sake, he was ready to grit his teeth and suffer the consequences. He would forget about today's incident and let Tang Seng and his disciples go directly when the time came.

But now that Yaoyun is talking about it, is there another person involved in this matter?

Haha, your life is basically wasted at this age. Let me ask you, is it really that easy to pick ginseng fruits?

Yaoyun smiled and took a sip of strong wine.

Yes, you must use a golden scepter to pick ginseng fruits. Remember, the person who sent a message to you to ask for the whereabouts of the golden scepter was your great disciple, Huang Tian.

Could it be him? Immortal Zhenyuan thought of Huang Tian's harmless look, and it was difficult to make a decision. Although Huang Tian didn't look grown up by himself, he had treated him well over the years. Fortunately, the first person who came to mind was Xiao Yun, and the second person was his eldest disciple Huang Tian. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Hey, Zhen Yuanzi, Zhen Yuanzi, you are so old, do you still want me to teach you how to behave? He can't take anything at face value. The human heart is something that you and I can't guess at all.

In the face of absolute interests, any favor will turn into smoke. Maybe you don't want to admit it, but you must recognize the current situation. There are moths around you.

Yaoyun speaks very directly. Because the two of them have been in a relationship for so many years, they don't need to be polite and talk in circles. If they have anything to say, they can say it directly.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's thoughtful look, Yaoyun knew that he still didn't believe that his apprentice could do such a thing.

Hey, let me tell you, don't you even have a piece of land in your Wuzhuang Temple? If you call him out, won't you know by asking him?

One word wakes up the dreamer,

Zhen Yuanzi immediately stomped his left foot lightly.

Then a burst of smoke rose from the corner of the backyard.

Seeing Immortal Zhenyuan, Di Di quickly knelt down and worshiped.

The land has seen the Immortal Zhenyuan.

Get up. Zhen Yuanzi raised his palm lightly, and an invisible force dragged the land up from the ground.

Thank you, Great Immortal. Tu Di thanked him with a trembling voice.

Tandi, I'm asking you something, you'd better tell me truthfully, Immortal Zhenyuan said sternly while holding his sleeves.

Yes, yes, just ask the great immortal, and the little immortal will tell you everything.

Tu Tu gently shook the crutch in his hand and said with a serious face.

Chapter 1580 Torture of Land 3

Let me ask you, do you know what happened in my backyard? Why did my ginseng fruit tree fall? Who did it?

Xiao Xian, Xiao Xian saw the Monkey King, the Monkey King, stealing ginseng fruits here last night. He picked all the ginseng fruits into his pocket, and finally used his golden hoop to kill the ginseng fruit tree of the Great Immortal. The roots were lifted up, and the little immortal wanted to go up and stop him, but the monkey monkey was so powerful and powerful that the little immortal was no match for him at all, so he could only watch helplessly as he destroyed the treasure tree of the great immortal.

The land father-in-law said with a regretful expression, as if he was lamenting his own incompetence.

Oh? That's a lot of hard work for the land father-in-law. Yaoyun smiled and teased.

Hey, if that's the case, it's my fault for not being able to save the Immortal's ginseng fruit tree. I wanted to come out these two days to apologize to the Immortal. Today the Immortal summoned me, so I'll be here to ask the Immortal to punish me. The father-in-law of the land knelt down in grief again.

Before Immortal Zhenyuan could say anything, Yaoyun rushed up and grabbed Tu Tu by his collar.

Okay, because you left your post without permission, the ginseng fruit tree was overthrown by thieves. Today, I will replace Zhenyuan Immortal and completely remove you from the land position here and abolish your cultivation. Don't worry, because you are old Because of your relationship, you will be able to receive a large sum of money when you leave. This can be considered as the result of your hard work here over the years.

At least I won’t starve to death by then.

Saying that, Yaoyun didn't wait for Di Di's reaction before dragging him up and preparing to pull him out of the door.

No, Great Immortal! Help me! I have been here for so long, and I have worked hard without any merit. You cannot dismiss me just because of this matter. I still want to serve the Great Immortal for many more years.

Seeing that the young man in front of him was not joking, he immediately begged for mercy from Immortal Zhenyuan with a mournful face.

Looking at Immortal Zhenyuan again, there was no reaction on his face, and he looked at the land with a serious expression. There was no intention of blocking it.

No! Young hero, please, please spare me. I will give you whatever you want. Really, please don't waste my skills.

This is how the life of an immortal of Land's age has ended.

If his cultivation was abolished, he would become a complete useless person, and he would die in the wilderness soon. He still imagined that he could live for a few more years, but when Yaoyun said that he would abolish his cultivation, He was really panicked.

There is really nothing wrong with this saying that evil people need to be punished by evil people.

Seeing the panic expression of the land,

Yaoyun grabbed the hand by the collar and shoved the land

Pulled up.

Old guy, you'd better tell me the truth. I'm not as kind-hearted as Immortal Zhenyuan. Believe it or not, I can wipe you out in ashes immediately without even a chance to be reincarnated.

Yaoyun's eyes were obviously fierce, and there was a vague murderous intent in his eyes. The land was just a small fairy. Who had seen such a scene? The cold sweat on his head was like broken beads, dripping towards the ground. Go down.

Me! I said! I said everything. He swallowed hard, Plop, Yaoyun casually threw the land to the ground.

He stepped forward and sat cross-legged next to Tu Tu, patted his old face, and revealed a harmless smile.

Are you going to let me ask you every question, or are you going to tell me everything?

Gudong, Tutu swallowed again and said with a sad face, I'll do it, I'll do it myself, don't bother the immortal.

Chapter 1581 The truth

“The thing, here’s the thing, that night, I heard a big noise in the backyard, and out of curiosity I went to check it out.

The result is seen, seen.

What did you see? Immortal Zhenyuan scolded angrily,

I saw Huang Tian, ​​the great disciple of the Great Immortal, sitting on the ginseng fruit tree and gasping for air.

After seeing me coming, he first threw me a ginseng fruit and signaled me to keep my voice down.

Then he told me to keep quiet and that he could handle the matters here alone. As long as I hid it for him, he would give me five ginseng fruits as a reward.

Great Immortal, you also know that at my age and with this level of cultivation, it is difficult for me to go further in terms of strength, so I just got greedy for a moment and just did it.

Just for that villain Huang Tian to pour dirty water on Master Tang Seng and his disciples? Although he was mentally prepared, when he heard this, Immortal Zhenyuan became even more angry. He didn't expect that he would cultivate it carefully. In the end, he even dared to plot against himself. Fortunately, Yaoyun appeared this time and woke him up. Otherwise, he would have wrongly blamed Tang Seng and his apprentice.

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