Sure enough, it's already here. I haven't been back here for a long time. I didn't expect that there was no change at all! After seeing Yinren Village, Xianglin sighed as a doctor and ignored Shuiyue.

At this time, the guards in Yinin Village also discovered Chen Yi and others.

Look, that's... Sasuke-sama? a guard exclaimed.

No, no, Lord Sasuke has never left the village, he... he is Lord Chen! It's Lord Chen who left three years ago! He is Lord Sasuke's brother, and Lord Orochimaru once said that Lord Chen is there The status of the Sound Ninja Village is the same as his!

Shuta! It's Lord Chen, I'll inform Lord Sasuke! A guard said and ran into the village.

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Alas~~ The beginning of everything is difficult, I have been struggling with where to start. …

Chapter 127: Reunion after three years

When Chen and the others came to the gate of Yinin Village, the guard immediately saluted Chen respectfully: Lord Chen!

Yeah! Chen nodded, then asked, Can I go in now?

Yes, Lord Orochimaru has instructed that Lord Chen can freely enter and leave Yinin Village. The guard replied respectfully.

Let's go! Chen ignored the guards, and after saying hello, he walked into Yinin Village first, while Shuiyue and the others followed closely behind him.

Strange, the news that I returned to Yinin Village should have been reported to Orochimaru, why didn't Orochimaru send someone to look for us? Walking on the streets of Yinin Village, although occasionally passing Yin Ren will show to Chen He was very respectful, or he regarded Chen as Sasuke, but no one took Chen to see Orochimaru. Chen felt very strange and thought to himself, Could it be...

In the end, Chen caught a passing Yin Ren, and only learned from the Yin Ren that Da She Wan left Yin Ren Village with the pharmacist pocket yesterday. As for the purpose of Da She Wan, of course these little shrimps would not know.

Has Orochimaru left Yinnin Village? Chen frowned when he heard the news of Orochimaru's departure, and said in his heart, According to the original plot, Deidara and Scorpion, who were organized by Xiao, were the five generations of Fengying, who were hidden in the sand. That is, after the incident that Ichito Zhuli Gaara captured, the next thing is the collision between Orochimaru and Naruto at the Tiandi Bridge, could it be that the Tiandi Bridge incident happened in the past few days?

Hey! Boss, since Orochimaru is no longer in Yininu Village, why don't we leave first! Shuiyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the news of Orochimaru's departure, in Shuiyue's subconscious still very much Those who are afraid of Orochimaru, even after so many years, are still very afraid of Orochimaru.

Hey! Shuiyue, you really are a coward... Seeing Shuiyue's performance, Xianglin certainly wouldn't miss this opportunity to ridicule. Xianglin pushed her glasses and mocked Shuiyue.

You... Shuiyue just wanted to refute, but after seeing Chen cast a cold glance at him, she immediately shut her mouth in fright and did not dare to speak. Over the years, he has been repaired by Chen a lot. Every time he quarrels with Xianglin, no matter who is right or wrong, it is always him who is unlucky. Chen didn't blame Xianglin, but put the blame on his head. If he dared to talk back, Chen would throw it over with an illusion, so that he didn't even have a chance to defend himself. The good eyes cast him aside, and he closed his mouth reflexively and didn't dare to say anything more.

Humph! Seeing that Shuiyue didn't talk nonsense anymore, Chen snorted coldly and ignored him, and walked towards his original residence, Zhongwu and the others had to keep up.

On the other side, a guard went to inform Sasuke after recognizing Tatsu's identity. I saw him coming to a room and calling to the room in a very respectful tone: Master Sasuke, Master Chen has returned to Yinin Village!

However, after a while, there was no response from the room. Na Yinin was surprised, thinking that the people in the room didn't hear it, he couldn't help but increase the volume and continued: Master Sasuke, your brother, Master Chen has returned to Yinin Village, won't you go see him?

This time, there was a response from the room, but it was not Sasuke's admiration that responded to the guard, but... murderous intent! Very murderous.

Feeling the strong murderous aura, the guard slumped on the ground, his whole body trembling, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he looked at the room in horror.

I saw that the door of that room was slowly opened, and a figure gradually emerged, with long black hair, wearing a kimono, with a thick bow tied around his waist and pinned behind him, and a long knife stuck in it. There was no expression on his face on his waist, and what was even more frightening was that his pair of scarlet eyes, each with three black gouyu slowly turning, was full of murderous aura.

It is Sasuke Uchiha! Compared with three years ago, Sasuke has undergone tremendous changes in both body and mind. At this time, Sasuke is like a sharp blade out of its sheath, showing its sharp edge.

Sa... Lord Sasuke... Feeling Sasuke's murderous aura towards him, the guard said tremblingly, Chen... Lord Chen... has already... returned to Yinin Village, and is now rushing here.

Are you disturbing my precious lunch break just for this trivial matter? Sasuke said coldly, looking at the shivering guard who was paralyzed on the ground in front of him.

I...I...I'm...sorry... The guard was trembling, and he couldn't speak properly. He thought that Sasuke would take this news very seriously, but he didn't expect such a reaction.

At this time, Sasuke seemed to sense something, withdrew his murderous intent, ignored the guard, frowned slightly, and looked behind the guard, as if something was about to appear.

Yo! Sasuke! Long time no see,

It seems that we are not the only ones making progress over the years! Sure enough, not long after, a slightly arrogant voice came from behind the guard, and several figures gradually appeared in Sasuke's sight. It was Chen and the other four, and the arrogant voice just now was Shui issued by the month.

Chen...Lord Chen! Since Sasuke had regained his momentum, the pressure on the guard disappeared. After Chen approached, the guard quickly stood up and saluted Chen.

Yeah! Go! Chen didn't look at the guard, but just ordered him to retire casually. The guard naturally didn't dare to stay for a long time, and after saluting again, he hurriedly withdrew.

Really, we didn't even come out to greet us when we arrived at Yinin Village, and even let us and the boss come to see you in person... Just when Shuiyue was teasing again, Sasuke glared at him with a cold look. And it also added murderous intent, making his words come to an abrupt end.

It's Shuiyue, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that your annoying problem has not been corrected!

嘁! Feeling Sasuke's murderous aura and oppression, Shuiyue let Shuiyue know that Sasuke's strength has surpassed him too much, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense, but just snorted unhappily.

You're good at strength! Quanying, if you add a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, it can be comparable to the movie level! At this time, Chen, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly looked at Sasuke and said playfully.


Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 128: Challenge Chen again

At this time, Sasuke was taking Chen and Shuiyue and others out of Yinin Village and hurried in one direction.

Boss, are we looking for Orochimaru now? Shuiyue couldn't help asking aloud on the way.

Yes, we've been preparing for so long, it's time to start! But before that, I still have some things to ask Orochimaru! If you're really scared, don't follow!!

Humph! Then stop talking nonsense and keep up!

Oh! Shuiyue had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow behind Chen.

The strength of several people is good, and the speed of the road is certainly not slow. Soon, Sasuke brought Chen and the others to a secret stronghold, but at this time there was no one in the stronghold, and Orochimaru and Tou were also not here.

Where is this? Chen looked around and found that the building here was the same as the base where Sasuke and Naruto reunited in the original book. Chen couldn't help showing a playful smile.

Is there any problem? Sasuke asked coldly, looking at the smile on Chen's face.

It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something interesting. Since Orochimaru is no longer here, let's wait for him at this stronghold for the time being! I didn't expect Orochimaru to have such a large-scale stronghold here! Chen said with a chuckle .

Since three years ago, I have been cultivating in this stronghold. After receiving the information from you, I returned to Yinin Village. Orochimaru and the pharmacist went out, it seems that they went to see a Xiao organization. member!

Hmph~ is it the scorpion of red sand? Chen asked with a sneer.

It seems to be the name, but how did you know it? Hearing Chen's words, Sasuke's face showed a hint of surprise, but it was fleeting, and his indifferent expression returned.

Sure enough? That scorpion of red sand seems to be dressed up by Konoha! It seems that the Tiandiqiao incident is about to happen. Soon, Konoha's people will follow Orochimaru to find this stronghold! After knowing that Orochimaru really went to see the Chisha Scorpion, Chen sneered inwardly.

Don't worry about this, since Orochimaru is no longer, let's find a place to rest first, and wait for him to come back. Sasuke, you are familiar with this place, take us down!

Humph! Come with me!

Keep up! Don't get lost. The passages here are crisscrossed in all directions, like a maze. If there is no one to lead the way, you will definitely lose your way! Chen greeted and followed Sasuke.

Boss... Shuiyue wanted to say something else, but seeing that Chen didn't pay attention to him, she swallowed the words and followed behind Chen helplessly.

Next, Chen and others rested in the stronghold for a day under Sasuke's arrangement. After the second day, Orochimaru didn't seem to have returned, and Sasuke, who had nothing to do, challenged Chen again.

Chen did not refuse Sasuke's challenge. He also wanted to know how much Sasuke had improved over the years. The two came to the training ground in the stronghold, and Shuiyue and Shigego naturally followed to watch the battle.

I saw that Sasuke and Chen were looking at each other in the training ground at this time.

Let me see how far you have progressed in the past three years! Looking at Sasuke, who was fighting with high spirits, Chen was very relaxed, as if he didn't take this battle to heart.

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