Ye Chen sneered, but he didn't expect that the lotus platform turned into a blade platform.

Hong Hai'er quickly endured the pain and tried to pull out the knife, but the swords became barbed and could not be pulled out.

Hong Hai'er knew there was no other way, so Ye Chen asked: You don't want to be bound by anything, I understand. In some time, there will be a war in the world, and you must not join the heaven.

Hong Hai'er said: Of course I am willing to fight against Heaven, otherwise I would not be a demon in the lower world.

Ye Chen said: I will give you a magic weapon today. If you practice well, you will become a major force in the future.

After saying that, he took out a stick.

This stick is called the Vajra Thunderbolt Stick. In the future, Guanyin will definitely come to trouble you. Don't be afraid of him if he hits you with the stick. If there is still danger, just hit the ground three times with the stick and I will definitely come to help you.

Red Boy said: Why should I trust you?

Ye Chen said: I have the ability to kill you. After saying that, he waved his hand and the Fire Cloud Cave disappeared without a trace.

Red Boy understood. This man cannot be just a mortal.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he took the unconscious Tang Monk away and flew towards Wukong.

Hong Hai'er looked at Ye Chen's back and said, Some people are born with someone who will fight for them.

After saying that, he walked towards the west. He wanted to practice, for himself and for the war...

Chapter 1625: Che Chi Country Incident

Ye Chen returned to the place where Tang Monk was resting and saw Wukong practicing his breathing. Bajie was protecting the law and Sha Monk was resting next to him.

Wukong saw Ye Chen coming back and asked quickly: How is it?

Ye Chen said: Sanzang is resting outside. It's no big deal. The red boy had a destiny, but the Bodhisattva has changed and the destiny is gone. I made a good deal with him and asked him to practice hard and help us in the future.

Wukong said: How did you convince him?

Ye Chen smiled and said nothing.

After a few people had recovered, they set off and continued westward.

The journey to the west continues for a few people, and some people continue to practice hard on the road. Ye Chen teaches Wukong several training methods, and Wukong makes great progress in cultivation.

While practicing hard, several people unknowingly came to the border of Chechi Kingdom.

When I walked to the city gate, I found a notice on the city gate, which said that all monks should be captured as slaves.

Tang Monk laughed and said: That's ridiculous, Wukong go and find out what's going on.

Wukong turned into a Taoist priest and went up to inquire about it.

Wukong asked a passerby and found out that during the drought in Chechi country twenty years ago, three Taoist immortals, Hu Li, Yang Li and Lu Li, came.

The three Taoist immortals competed with the monks here on their ability to pray for rain. As a result, the Taoist priests won and were named national preceptors by the king. From then on, they enslaved the monks all over the country.

After Wukong finished inquiring, he returned to Tang Seng and told Tang Seng what he had just learned.

Tang Seng said: Hey, I respect all Taoists. I want to see which family is so arrogant and domineering. Let me catch them. I will teach them a lesson.

Wukong asked Tang Seng if he wanted to wrap his hair. Tang Seng said, No, take out my most expensive cassock. I want to see who dares to touch me.

Sha Monk took out his cassock and put it on for Tang Monk. Tang Monk swaggered into the city. The guards at the door saw Tang Monk's luxurious clothes and did not stop him.

At night, they came to a temple called Zhiyuan Temple.

In the middle of the night, Wukong told Tang Seng to go out for a walk, and then called Bajie and Sha Seng to go to the Taoist temple of the three demons, above the Sanqing Temple.

Wukong saw through perspective that the three Taoist priests were chanting sutras. When Wukong thought about what he had learned in the morning, he became very angry.

So he tried his best to tease him, so he exhaled a breath, and suddenly a strong wind blew up, and all the wax lamps in the Taoist temple were extinguished.

The Taoist priests thought there was a demon, so they were so frightened that they went back to their rooms to sleep.

When Wukong and the other three saw that everyone was gone, they flew into the Taoist temple. Wukong smiled and took the stone statues of the three great masters from the Taoist temple and left.

Then the three of them turned into Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, and Lingbao Taoist respectively. The three of them were stealing the fruit, and a little Taoist priest came in and saw the stone statue of Taoist coming to life. He was frightened and ran out quickly.

After the little Taoist priest went out, he immediately told the three monsters.

After the three monsters Hu Li, Sheep Li, and Lu Li found out, they ordered people to light candles and come to the main hall. When they saw the three Taoist ancestors sitting upright, they thought it was the little Taoist priest who was dazzled.

So he kowtowed to the three Taoist ancestors, and at this time Wukong Bajie Wujing started to move.

The three demons thought that the three ancestors had appeared, so they knelt down and kowtowed together, begging the gods to give them some holy water and elixirs.

Wukong said with a wicked smile: You three have also believed in my Taoism for many years, and I will give you some holy water today.

After saying that, he asked the three demons to give each of them a container.

Wukong said: The holy water is the secret secret of the saint, you are not allowed to see it, just go and wait outside the temple.

The three demons responded and went out.

Chapter 1626 Wukong teases the three demons

After a while, Goku let them in. Then let them come in to get the holy water.

The three demons immediately picked up the container filled with holy water and drank it. They felt that the holy water had a smell, but they had never drank it before, so they thought it was nothing and drank it all.

After the three demons finished drinking, they kowtowed to thank them and then retreated. Wukong and others also returned to the Taoist temple.

The next day, several people came to the palace to replace Guan Wen.

When the three monsters saw Sun Wukong suddenly thinking about what happened last night, they became very angry.

So the three demons said to the emperor: Your Majesty, there are a few people who are absolutely not like people who want to learn scriptures. They pretended to be our ancestors and deceived us last night. They will definitely not be spared today.

Wukong said: You don't know whether the Taoist ancestor is real or fake, so you just drink the holy water?

The three demons said: We believe in Daozu, but we didn't expect that you would actually transform into Daozu and deceive us. Naturally, we didn't know.

Wukong said: We don't know about this.

The three demons were helpless and could not speak to Wukong, so they said no more.

At this time, many people outside the palace prayed for rain to the king and the national advisor. The king saw that the two sides were arguing.

Then he said: Both sides have their own arguments today, so let's open the forum today and try to figure it out. If the national master wins today's competition, I will hand these people over to the national master. If these monks win, I will let them pass.

Wukong said: This is very good.

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