Tang Monk clasped his hands together, suddenly opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and faced the tiger-shaped fist. He approached directly, and suddenly changed his fist style, from fist to finger, and stabbed the middle of the master's fist with one finger.

Chapter 1628: Battle against the Deer-shaped Imperial Master

The master's fist was instantly destroyed. What the tiger-shaped fist feared most was the center of the fist. As a result, the master's fist was disabled. The master was instantly furious. He cast a spell with one hand, gathered a ball of energy, and shot it at Tang Monk.

The emperor panicked, and killing envoys from other countries would cause trouble in their country. The emperor shouted no.

But having already beaten it, there is no other way but to seek blessings.

Tang Monk sneered and punched the national master's energy ball back.

As a result, the energy group was knocked back and hit the Imperial Master directly, and the Imperial Master was sent flying under the table.

In this round, Tang Monk wins. The king also felt relieved.

Naturally, the Tiger-shaped Imperial Master was not killed, but he was seriously injured and was sent to the palace to recuperate.

Luxing Guoshi couldn't sit still and wanted to avenge his brother, so he asked to compete with Tang Seng.

The king looked at Tang Seng in embarrassment.

Tang Seng said: Let's compete, come on.

After finishing speaking, the deer-shaped national master said: I am not good at fighting, but I am good at recognizing people and braided monsters.

What's the possibility of being able to endure this? I can do it too. Wukong said.

Luxing Guoshi said: Today I will compete with you.

The king ordered someone to bring a cabinet. There was a palace uniform in the cabinet. Wukong looked at it with his sharp eyes and immediately saw it clearly.

The deer-shaped Imperial Master said: There is a palace uniform inside.

Wukong's soul left his body, entered the cabinet, and transformed the palace clothes into a cassock.

Wukong returned to his true form and said, There is a cassock in the cabinet.

The king shook his head and said nothing.

Wukong said: Please, the king, open the cabinet.

The king ordered someone to open the cabinet. There was really a cassock in the cabinet. The king was shocked.

The king said: What I put in was obviously a palace dress, how could it turn into a cassock?

Bajie laughed softly and said: Not many people can match the monkey's transformation skills. It's really overestimating one's ability to do everything in front of the monkey.

The Luxing Imperial Master shouted dissatisfied, so he asked the king to ask the question again.

The king put a peach in the cabinet.

The deer-shaped national master said: There is a peach inside.

Wukong smiled and said nothing. After a while, he said: King, I guess there is a peach core inside.

The king shook his head again. I ordered someone to open the cabinet, and there was really a peach core inside.

The king was startled again.

It turns out that Wukong just got into the cabinet again, ate the peach, and put the peach core on the plate.

The result of the guess surprised the king very much, thinking that there was a god secretly helping him.

Immortal Lu Li was not convinced, so he pushed the cabinet into the back hall and hid a Taoist boy inside. Wukong got into the cupboard again, transformed into the Immortal Deer Power, and lied to the Taoist boy that he wanted to win against the monk, so he turned the Taoist boy's hair into nothing.

Wukong then changed the Taoist boy's Taoist uniform into a monk's uniform, plucked out the hair and turned it into a wooden fish for him to hold.

The king said to open the cabinet.

As a result, a monk came out.

Luxing Guoshi shouted loudly: Didn't I let you wear Taoist uniforms inside? Why did you become a monk?

The young monk said aggrievedly: You asked me to say this just to confuse them.

Luxing Guoshi knew that he had fallen into a trap, so he cursed angrily and asked the little Taoist boy to go down.

The result of the game left the monster in disgrace.

The masters of the Three Kingdoms were rarely dissatisfied and wanted to compete with Wukong on their ability to behead, disembowel him, and put him in a frying pan.

The king said at this time: That's it for today. Beheading, disemboweling, and putting him in a frying pan is no joke.

Wukong laughed and said, If they want to play, come and play. It just makes me happy.

The king said nervously: What fun is there in playing with these? I will let you go west now, don't compete.

Chapter 1629 Seeking Death

The three national masters all shouted to compete, and Wukong said: King, let us compete.

After hearing what Wukong said, the king stopped talking.

Wukong went over and placed his head on the beheading gate. The executioner raised and lowered his hands and chopped off Wukong's head.

Wukong is an indestructible body and cannot be broken. Naturally, this head is Wukong's deception. How can an ordinary knife chop off Wukong's head?

It's just that they have too little cultivation to see it.

After Wukong's head was chopped off, Wukong shouted: Here comes the head.

As a result, the three demons deliberately made things difficult for Wukong and immobilized him with a immobilization spell. Wukong sneered, shouted loudly, and another head grew out.

The king was shocked, and Wukong said: Don't panic, don't panic, it's a small scene.

It was time to chop off the tiger-shaped Imperial Master's head. After the executioner chopped off the head, it fell to Ye Chen's feet. Ye Chen kicked it away and the head disappeared without a trace.

Ye Chen said apologetically: I'm sorry, I'm afraid of blood, let alone a bloody head.

Wukong glanced at Ye Chen and said, That's cruel enough.

The tiger-shaped national master, who had no head and could not speak, used his mind to summon his head, but the head could not be summoned because his head was kicked too far by Ye Chen. After half an hour, the tiger-shaped national master died. When everyone saw it, it turned out that It's a tiger.

The king was very surprised when he saw that the national preceptor actually said he was a demon.

The deer-shaped Imperial Master said sadly and indignantly

: Today I want you to die.

After saying that, he wanted to compete with Wukong for disembowelment.

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