Obviously, Hei Tu didn't even listen to the words of that Tu Ren, he sneered and rushed towards Chen, while his hands were quickly forming seals.

"Master Hei Tu! Damn it, everyone, pay attention, you can't let the Lord Hei suffer any harm, Scorched Earth, you go to release the signal, let the nearby Turen come to support, and immediately report the situation here to the village and report Tuying Your lord, go!"

Seeing that Hei Tu rushed towards Chen on his own initiative, making the Tunin present was terrified. The leader of this group of Tunin suddenly immediately greeted the Tunin under his hand to keep up with the Hei Tu, and moved towards the bei Chen just now. The perceptual ninja controlled by illusionary spell roared, asking him to send out a flare and send the news here back to Yanyin Village.

"I understand!" The perception-type ninja didn't dare to neglect, and when he got the boss's instructions, he started to act. First he took out the flare from his body and launched it towards the sky, and then used some kind of secret technique to start. Contact Yanyin Village.

"Forget it, I need to go back in a hurry now. I really don't have that Xianxin to play with you! So..." Faced with the attacks of Hei Tu and other Tu Shinobi, Chen didn't feel the slightest panic. He still showed an indifferent expression and closed his eyes. Then suddenly opened, the pupils that were no different from ordinary people immediately turned into a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels with a six-pointed star pattern.

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes!" In the crowd, there were people with knowledge, who couldn't help exclaiming after seeing Chen's eyes, and at the same time showed fear.

"Huh!" However, Hei Tuquan didn't care at all, his speed remained unchanged, and at the same time his hands had already completed jieyin, amidst the exclamation of Ninja Shinobi, he released a ninjutsu attack towards Chen.

"Melting Escape. Lime Condensation Technique!"

I saw that the black soil suddenly jumped into the air after becoming a knot seal, and spit out masses of white spherical lime from his mouth, and attacked Chen from a high level, but Chen did not leave to escape, and directly condensed Suzuo in front of him. Nenghu, withstood the black soil's attack, let the black soil's attack fail several times, and the masses of white lime hit the surroundings where Chen stood. After spraying a few spheres, the hands of the black soil quickly changed their fingerprints again, seeming to plan to release another ninjutsu.

Sure enough, it was only a short while, the black soil once again completed the seal.

"Water escape. Water horn!"

It’s another ninjutsu. This time the black soil casts out a horn-like water shock wave from the mouth, but this time the target of the attack is not Chen, but just attacked the lime around Chen. I saw the lime on the ground. After merging with Shui Dun, it turned into cement. With the spread of water, it continued to expand its scope and spread to Chen's feet in an instant. However, because of Suzuo Nohu, those cements did not successfully touch Chen.

"Damn it, it was blocked! What the **** is this chakra?" Seeing that his ninjutsu was blocked, the black soil felt a little bit awkward on his face, gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

"Is it only at this level? Forget it, anyway, I don't intend to play with you anyway!" Chen's expression condensed, revealing his murderous intent, his aura suddenly increased, and Suzuo Nenghu, who was still in a skeletal state, gradually grew meridians. With muscles, and also condensed armor, at the moment when the mature body of Suzuo was formed, a group of black flames emerged from Suzu's right hand, and formed the appearance of a long sword.

"That...what's that? Ok... so big..." Seeing the mature body of tens of meters high, Susao, and feeling the oppressive feeling that Susa exudes, all the Toninos present were stunned. Nothing. Firstly, he swallowed his saliva, his eyes were full of fear and awe, and he hadn't reflected it for a while.

However, the stunners of the earth ninjas do not mean that Chen will show mercy to them. The huge Suzano nohu exudes a breathtaking aura, raising the sword of amaterasu in his hand, and suddenly towards the stunned earth ninjas. Slash it down.

And the reaction of those Tunin was not slow, and at the moment Suzuo swung the knife, he had already felt the scorching waves of air, and they had come back to their senses, but it was already a little late.

The huge sword in Susao's hand suddenly smashed into the place where the soil ninjas stood. The power of that blade was called collapse of the mountain and the ground. Not only did it smash the level guarded by the soil ninjas, but even most of the soil ninjas died directly. Lost by Susao's sword, except for a few agile ninjas who jumped away in time, Black Earth was one of them.

In just an instant, the soil ninjas who were present lost more than half of their people. Looking at this result, the surviving soil ninjas were devastated, and all the soil ninjas, including the black soil, stared at Chen with hatred. They swarmed up, and both hands were continuously forming seals, trying to shake the demon-like Suzuo Nenghu.

"Uchiha Tatsuo! How dare you..." At this time, the black soil has long lost the relaxed look that was just now. Although it was not enough for Tatsun's previous knife, the shock caused by that knife still made her embarrassed and disgraced. , But at this time the black soil didn't even think about it. What made her more angry and sad than this was that the Yannin people who had been respectful to her just now were killed under their own willfulness.

"These are all you asked for, so take the consequences yourself, although the price is too high..."

Little tail: 475137322

Sorry, it was so late for the update, because of learning to drive, there is no more energy codewords, and the writing is very casual, sorry! …

Chapter 175: Return to Sound Ninja Village

After seeing his partner being killed by Chen, all the remaining Turen rushed towards Chen.

"Mayfly shakes the tree!" Chen just sneered, controlling Suzuo Nenghu and extending his left hand, and saw a black flame burning on Suzuo's palm. It was the fire of the sky, and then from that group The fire of Amaterasu shot out a blossoming spark, like raindrops, attacking the soil ninjas.

"Damn it, be careful!" Seeing this indiscriminate attack, the Turnins were shocked. They knew which black flames were the legendary fires that would never go out. As long as they were contaminated with a little bit, they would definitely dead.

Although they knew the consequences, they were really helpless in the face of this number of attacks. After evading a few attacks, they were accidentally hit by the dense flames, and then the whole person was swallowed by the fire of the sky. , Uttered a heart-piercing scream and turned to ashes.

At this time, there were still a lot of people's levels, but Chen was completely cleared up in just an instant, no...It should be said that there is only one person left, that person is the black soil! Of course, at this time, she deliberately left her life, so she didn't launch an attack against her, so she didn't follow the footsteps of the ninjas.

Seeing the tragedy caused by his own willfulness, Hei Tu's heart was full of regret and self-blame, but all this was irreparable, turning the full of grief and anger into anger, staring at Chen, who was approaching her.

"Why do you want to make this expression? You caused all this, so you should also be prepared to bear the consequences!" Chen came to the black soil and said with a mocking smile.

"Uchiha Tatsuno, I am hidden in the village of Iwagami and you are not the same!"

"Huh! You are not the first person to say this, I am tired of hearing it! I have had a festival with three of them in the Five Great Shinobi Villages, and I don’t care if you have a Yanyin Village. As for you... Maybe in the future It's still useful to me, so..." Chen said thoughtfully, looking at the black soil in front of him with a sneer.

"What do you want to do?" Hearing Tatsun's words, and looking at his expression, he felt uncomfortable. Although she was ready to be killed, and she was not afraid of death, she was worried about Uchiha Tatsun. It would stop her, and then use her as a threat to do something unfavorable to Tuyin Village. Now it seems that her worries may really happen.

"I won't let you succeed!" Thinking of this, the black soil, who knew that he had escaped hopelessly, was full of determination. Holding a handful of kunai, he slammed into his throat suddenly, as if he was planning to end his life.

However, at the moment she took out the kunai, Chen already knew what she wanted to do, a teleport instantly appeared in front of the black soil, stretched out his hand and held the black soil's wrist to stop her movement, At the same time, the pupil technique of kaleidoscope writing round eyes was activated. All this happened so quickly. Before the black soil showed a surprised expression, he was brought down by Chen's illusion technique, and the whole person collapsed on Chen's body without consciousness.

"Huh! Do you want to commit suicide? Too naive!" After using illusion to control the black soil, Chen then took the unconscious black soil into the space, and then planned to leave.

"It's time to go. After such a big movement, someone from Yanyin Village will definitely come to support you. If you run into it, you will have to delay some time." Thinking of this, Chen set off again and hurried towards the direction of Tanokuni. go.

Just after Chen left for a while, a group of ninjas with forehead guards with the symbol of Yanyin Village appeared at the place just now, watching the tragic surroundings shocked everyone present.

I saw that there was no surviving person here. Because of the sky, there was no corpse left, and the pass had already been destroyed, and there were some black flames burning around.

"Damn it! We're late! Get a feel for whether there are any survivors around!"

"It has been checked, there is no sign of life!"

"How is it possible, even if everyone is killed, what about the corpse?"

"Those black flames should be the legendary fire of Amaterasu, which can burn everything to death, and will never go out. It seems that everyone has died under this flame."

"Damn it! Uchiha? You deceived people so much that they dared to come to our country to kill people. We must not let him go!" said a Tunin angrily.

"Compared with this, let the news here go back to the village first, let Master Tuying decide!"

These soil ninjas were all on missions nearby or passed by. They rushed over because they saw the signal flare. So I don’t know what happened here, let alone their three generations of Tuying’s granddaughter, Heitu, has disappeared. Otherwise, If you don’t, you won’t be so calm.

After that, these ninjas used the sealing scroll to seal the surrounding Amaterasu fire in the scroll, leaving a few people to guard the checkpoint, and then returned to the village to return to their lives.

On the other side, Chen didn't encounter any trouble on the way. With his speed, he quickly returned to Otonin Village in Tianzhiguo.

At this time, Otonin Village was different from the previous lifelessness, and it had recovered a little bit of anger. Although it was not as good as the five major Ninja villages, it finally had the appearance of a Ninja village.

"It seems that Fragrant Phosphorus has done a good job and has already grasped Otonin Village. If combined with the other strongholds of Dashemaru, it will be able to form a large force." Seeing such results, Chen couldn't help but admire Fragrant Phosphorus with admiration. , Although her strength is not very good, but her management ability can still help her a lot.

Thinking of this, Chen did not delay any more, and walked towards the interior of Otonin Village. The guards at the gate naturally also knew Chen, and quickly saluted respectfully. Chen just nodded in response, ignoring the original Otonin Village and walked straight away. NS.

When I came to the previous hall, this has become the meeting room of the Eagle Team. All the members of the Eagle Team including Xianglin Shuiyue and Zhongwu were present, and they all showed a surprised expression when they saw Chen coming in.

"Chen, how about you coming back? Has the four-tailed man Zhuli been arrested?"

"Then you need to ask! The boss must have done it himself, right? Boss!"

"Well, the four-tailed person Zhuli has already fallen into my hands, and I also smoothly killed Akatsuki's ghost shark!"

"What? Senior ghost shark unexpectedly... I didn't expect that, originally I planned to take the shark muscle from his hand by myself, but I did not expect to let the boss kill him, boss, if that is the case, the shark muscle in the hand of ghost shark Did you bring it back?"

PS: Sorry everyone! …

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six: Three-Tailed Chakra Obtained

Chen took out the shark muscle that had been in the space before, and then threw it to Shuiyue, who was looking forward to it. When Shuiyue saw Chen actually threw the shark muscle over, a surprised expression appeared on his face. Quickly catch the shark muscle.

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