"Are you so confident that he will listen to you? Don't forget that Uchiha Tatsuo is there!" Xiao Nan on the side suddenly said.

"Yeah! Uchiha Tatsuo is indeed not easy. It may become a hindrance to us. It seems that we must find some time to get in touch with him. Moreover, the two-tailed man Zhuli and the four-tailed man Zhuli are still in his hands. You can handle the matter yourself. If he doesn’t know how to promote him, let him disappear. After all, I only need a Uchiha Sasuke! Said: "Remember, as a leader, you must never fail! As for the third tail, keep it first, and then seal the second and fourth tails together after you bring the second and fourth tails back. In this way, you will save a little time!"

"I see!" Payne replied indifferently.

"Did you find Itachi?"

"Well, he has already been found, in an abandoned stronghold of the Uchiha clan, but he doesn't seem to plan to return to the organization anymore!"

"Huh! I know what he wants to do, don't worry about him, he is of no use to us now! Let's finish our business first, and you go to Otonin Village to find Uchiha Tatsuo!" Taito confronted Pei once again. En reminded: "But be careful, you can kill Jiaodu and Ghost Shark, and even destroy the entire Yunyin Village. The strength is extremely powerful! Even you, be careful!"

After hearing the reminder with dirt, Payne hadn't replied yet, Xiao Nan on the side spoke first, and said indifferently: "It doesn't make sense to be aspiring to others, because Payne has never lost!"

"Hehe~~ That said! The conversation ends here, I'm leaving!" Tai Tu didn't say anything, and after a few chuckles, he turned and left, leaving only Payne and Xiao Nan.

"Payne, what should we do next?"

"Go to the country of Tian!"

After confirming the next action, the two also disappeared in place.

And not long after Payne and Xiaonan left the country of rain, a toad emerged from under the water and swam to the shore in a certain area of ​​the waters of the country of rain. After that, the toad suddenly opened his mouth, and a figure gradually emerged from the toad's mouth, and after a while, he stood on the shore.

I saw this man with white hair, wearing a kimono, with a forehead engraved with the word "oil" on his forehead, and two red oil paints on his face. It was one of Konoha's three ninjas, with a mad ghost. It's called Zilai also.

"The country of rain...infiltrated successfully, unexpectedly simple, but...what should I do next?"

Originally, I have been tracking Akatsuki organization, but I finally found that Akatsuki’s headquarters is in Rainy Country not long ago, so I asked the fifth generation of Naruto, Tsunade, who is also one of the three ninjas, to sneak in. The country of rain explored, but what he didn't know was that not long ago, the leader of the Akatsuki organization had already left the country of rain.

In the original work, Jilai once infiltrated Akatsuki after finding the location of the Akatsuki organization in the Kingdom of Rain and wanted to investigate Akatsuki. Unfortunately, he was discovered by Payne after he sneaked into the Kingdom of Rain. Penn Liudao and Jilai also started a battle. Although Jilaiya was strong and capable of using incomplete fairy mode, he was unfamiliar with the Six Ways of Payne and eventually drank hatred.

But now, due to the appearance of Chen, the original plot has been broken. Penn, who was originally guarded in the country of rain, left the country of rain and went to the country of Tian because of Chen’s affairs, and passed away with Jilai. , In this way, Ji Lai, who should have died, may have saved his life because of Payne's absence, and it is more likely that he will dig out some intelligence of Akatsuki, not knowing what will happen in the future.

At the same time, Tatsun, who is far away in Tanokun Shinobu Village, does not know that a powerful opponent is coming to him, but even if Tatsuno knows, maybe he will only be a little surprised. It won't make him nervous at all. His current strength, even if Uchiha Madara came in person, he is confident that he can beat him, of course, provided that Uchiha Madara has not got the reincarnation eye, otherwise it will not be so easy!

And the Heavenly Path Payne and Xiao Nan of the Akatsuki organization, after leaving the country of rain, rushed towards the country of Tian. At the speed of the two of them, they did not delay for long, and they soon appeared in the distance from Otonin Village. In a woods one kilometer away.

In Otonin Village, Tatsun seemed to have some sense, looking in the direction where Penn was, with a thoughtful expression on his face. …

Chapter 179: Tit for Tat

At this time, in a forest outside Otonin Village, the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, Payne and Xiaonan, were ready.

"Huh! It really is just a small Shinobu village, and even the connection world has not been laid!" Looking at the direction of Otonin Village, Tiandao Payne said indifferently.

"Would you like to call other Penn over to test it first!"

"No, it's just a small Ninja village. There is no need to mobilize people. Let's go!" After Tiandao Payne finished speaking, he walked in the direction of Yin Ninja village, and Xiao Nan didn't say much, and Heavenly Way Payne walked side by side.

The two soon appeared at the gate of Otonin Village, and the guards of Otonin Village also noticed the approach of the two of them. They jumped out and shouted, "Stop, who are you?"

However, Payne and Xiao Nan ignored the young guys, didn't even look at them, and didn't even want to stop, and they still walked towards Otonin Village.

"Asshole, I asked you to stop, didn't you hear it?" Seeing that the two of them didn't put him in their eyes at all, an Otonin guard rushed to Payne and Xiao Nan angrily to stop them from going.

Seeing that those ants dared to block their way unconsciously, Payne stopped, and a pair of reincarnation eyes looked at Otonin in front of him with indifference, and that Otonin was also looking at Penn and found that. The strange reincarnation eyes made me feel surprised.

"Those eyes... who are you... on earth?"

However, the Otonin hadn’t got the answer, he suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of pressure, which made him feel terrified. Before he could think much, he felt a pain in his chest and looked down. He was standing in front of him. Just when he was stunned, a black tube turned into his hand and pierced his chest.

"You...you..." The Ming Yinren felt the passing of his life, his eyes protruded, and he looked at Penn in horror, trying to say something, but he had no strength at all, and his head crooked and he died.

"Humph! The mere ants, dare to offend the gods!" Payne snorted coldly, and threw the dead Yin Ren to the ground.

"What! How dare you..." The remaining Otonin people watched this scene in disbelief. They had no idea that the people who came would be so bold. They dared to kill their companions in Otonin Village, and then they felt extremely angry. : "They are enemies, kill them!"

After the remaining Otonin people recovered from the accident just now, they all took out Kuunai and rushed towards Payne and Xiao Nan angrily.


"Huh!" Xiao Nan snorted coldly, looking at Yin Ren who was attacking them with indifferent eyes. At the same time, he raised his right hand, and then a few cold glows flew out of Xiao Nan's hand, with a harsh ear. Po Kong attacked towards the sound of the sound, at the speed of lightning and flint, the sound of the sound of the throat felt a sore before they could react, and then they felt unable to breathe, and fell to the ground one after another. Without exception, a shuriken made of white paper was inserted into the throats of those Otonin's throats.

"Death!" Payne glanced indifferently at the corpses all over the floor without stopping, and walked in the direction where Chen was.

However, there was such a big disturbance here, which had already alarmed the other ninjas in Otonin Village. After seeing that there were intruders, they rushed over and blocked the way of Payne and Xiaonan.

"Damn it, I dared to invade Yinnin Village, too arrogant!" After stopping Penn and Xiaonan, the Yinnins yelled at them, wanting to take Penn and Xiaonan down.

"Huh! Isn't Uchiha Tatsu coming out yet? In that case, I'll take care of these annoying ants first, Xiaonan!" Faced with Otonin who was blocking the way, Payne was still expressionless, and then glanced indifferently. , Said.

"I know!" After years of tacit understanding, Xiao Nan knew what Penn wanted to do after Penn spoke. After a reply, his body quickly turned into sheets of white paper and flew around.

"Want to escape? Let's go!"

Seeing Xiao Nan turned into white paper and flying away, the sound of Shinobu mistakenly thought that Xiao Nan and the others wanted to escape, and they attacked one after another, and attacked Penn who was still standing there, but...

Faced with the upcoming attack, Payne didn't want to evade in the slightest, but slowly raised his hands, his expression as indifferent as before.

"Welcome to God's sanction! Shenluo Tianzheng!" A violent voice sounded. At the moment when Zhongyin Ren's attack was about to come, a burst of irresistible repulsion erupted from Penn's body, and directed towards The surrounding area spread, the Otonin people who were already close to Payne were the first to bear the brunt. The various attacks they launched were not only instantly resolved, but they were blown away by an irresistible force. Not only that, even those around Otonin Village Some buildings collapsed and collapsed in this powerful force and turned into ruins, and none of the Otoninosaurs who were blown away could stand up.

Fortunately, the scale of the Shenra Tianzheng that Penn displayed this time is not very large, and the scope is only tens of meters in diameter. Therefore, the damage to Otonin Village is not very serious, just the gate and the surrounding buildings. It was destroyed, and after Penn used the Shenluo Tianzheng to make such a big disturbance, everyone in the entire Otonin Village was alarmed, and the Otonin village was dispatched one after another, rushing towards the uninvited guest of Penn.

"Damn, are you doing all this...?" A Yinren gritted his teeth and asked Payne angrily.

"Where is Uchiha Tatsuo?" Faced with Otonin's questioning, Payne disdain to answer, but asked Otonin indifferently.

"Damn it, looking for death!" Seeing Payne's unmanned attitude, the voice forbearance present without exception was extremely angry, and they wanted to attack Payne.

"Huh! Overwhelmed!"


I saw Penn raised his hand again, planning to launch Shenluo Tianzheng again, but at this time, a voice came from Otonin's after-sales service, causing everyone present to stop their movements, including Penn.

After that, gradually separated from the crowd of Otonin, Tatsun took Sasuke and the other members of the Eagle team slowly walked out of the crowd, came to Payne, and looked at the Akatsuki organization in front of him playfully. The leader, and Tiandao Payne also stared at the Uchiha Tatsumi who caused their Akatsuki organization to suffer with indifferent eyes, and no one did it.

"Heavenly Payne?"

"Uchiha Tatsuo?"...

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty: The First Clash with Payne

"Uchiha Tatsumi, I can finally give it up!"

"Who am I? It turns out that the leader of the Akatsuki organization I have been fascinated for a long time came to our Otonin Village. It really makes our little Otonin Village flourish, but your Excellency does not seem to be very friendly, saying Go beyond your purpose!" Chen said with a playful smile on his face when he came to Payne.

"Huh! Uchiha Chen, hand over the human strength of the second and fourth tails!" Payne did not talk nonsense with Chen, staring at Chen indifferently, and said to Chen indifferently.

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