"Finally, I barely changed the track..." Danzo touched the sweat beads on his forehead, and said with a little fear.

"It took so much time to avoid my attack. It seems that I just unlocked Izanaki, otherwise it would not cost Chakra to avoid it. In this case..." Sasuke thought for a while and found the problem. key.

Sasuke's whole body turned into Susao Noho, and immediately raised the ancient Tianma bow in his hand, and shot another arrow at the place where Danzo was located.

"Did you find it? Haha, but it's too late!" Not far away, Tuan Zang quickly sealed his hands before the arrow flew, already starting Izanagi again.

The dropped arrow pierced Danzo's body directly, but it was not effective. Danzo, who appeared in another place, raised his right hand and looked at the writing wheel eye in his hand, and rushed towards Kieyin. Sasuke.

Now Sasuke’s left eye is already full of blood. Obviously, the heavy use of pupil technique has caused a serious load on the writing wheel eye, but in the face of the menacing Danzo, he had to shake his head to make himself awake, even if Suzuo 'S attack would make the load on his eyes more serious, but he still controlled Suzuo to shoot another arrow at Danzo's location.

The moment the arrow of "Izanaki" was let go, Tuan Zang spit out a few words unhurriedly.

Sure enough, after the arrow penetrated Danzo's body, Danzo's figure appeared from another place. I saw Danzo quickly forming the seal with both hands, and took another breath. A storm gathered in front of him. After a while, it slammed directly on Suzuo. After doing all this, Danzo also habitually watched again. Look at his right arm.

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Nine: White Hot

Facing Danzo's wind escape, Sasuke relied on Susou's super defense, and did not evade at all. He controlled Susou with his arms to block in front of him, resisting Danzo's wind escape, but resisted the attack. But at this time, Sasuke had exhausted too much both Chakra and physical strength, his body was already aching, and his breathing became rapid.

However, with the tyrannical Suzano, Sasuke has consumed Danzo's six chakras, and now there are only four chakras on Danzo's arm.

"Susa can be very difficult to deal with, it is not easy to avoid the arrow attack, just gamble once!"

Seeing Sasuke who was panting violently at this time, it seemed that he was about to reach his limit. However, Nasu Sano always gathered around him. If he wanted to attack Uchiha Sasuke, Danzo must find a way to get Susano first. Almost solved.

Danzo, who had made a decision in his heart, stretched out his right hand, so that his fingers were stained with the blood leaking from his wound, and then he sealed the seal and performed spiritism.



A burst of smoke emerged out of thin air, followed by a loud howl, and a huge psychic beast faintly appeared in the smoke. When the smoke cleared, the true face of the monster was revealed in front of Sasuke's eyes. I saw that this monster had orange fur and sharp claws on all fours. The most eye-catching thing was that the monster's head had a long trunk, which looked like a "tapir"!

"Is this... the dream-eater that Chen said? The monster that devours nightmares is bigger than he thought!" Sasuke couldn't help feeling a little surprised when he saw the size of the monster.

However, the Dream Eater didn’t pay attention to Sasuke’s surprise. When it just appeared on the stage, it immediately launched an action, opened its huge mouth, and formed a powerful attraction in its mouth. It was like a black hole, turning everything around. Sucked into his mouth.

Under this huge attraction, even Suzuo Nenghu could not stand steadily, and was gradually sucked in by the Dream Eater.

"whispering sound!"

When Sasuke saw this, he gave a cold snort, controlling Susou desperately to resist the strong force, and even gave up the attack on Danzo, letting one of Suzuo's arms support the ground to stabilize his figure. However, in this way, Sasuke was unable to defend himself, and even more so he showed his back unsuspectingly in front of Danzo.

"In this way, Suzuo will not be able to move, and then use the attractiveness of the Dream Eater to increase the power of Fengdan... Fengdan. The vacuum continues!"

Danzo naturally wouldn't let the opportunity in front of him go, his hands quickly formed seals, and then rushed towards the unsuspecting Suzuo Nenghu. After getting closer, he took a deep breath, and then spouted several wind blades from his mouth, approaching Suzuo's empty door.

Feng Dun’s super tearing force, coupled with the huge suction caused by another dream-eater, under the superposition of the two, can increase the power of Danzo’s Feng Dun ninjutsu by several grades, and the speed is extremely fast. Before Sasuke could make defensive measures, he had attacked Susao's back.

With a slight tearing sound, Danzo's wind escape was greatly enhanced by the blessing of the dream-eating beast, and it was able to break the outer armor of the Suzuo Nenghu, tearing it apart.

"The flaw in Susao Nohu is here..." After Susao's armor was torn, his spine was exposed, and his defense was greatly reduced. Danzo seized the opportunity and flew toward Sasuke.

Sasuke has seen through Danzo's abacus, no longer passively defends, he quickly seals with his hands, and after a violent breath, a flame is expelled from his mouth. It is the art of the fireball!

But the target of Sasuke’s attack was not Danzo, but the Dream Eater. Coupled with the attractiveness of the Dream Eater, Sasuke’s fireball speed was faster and the fire became more fierce. The unsuspecting Dream Eater quickly took the whole The fireball was inhaled into the mouth and was burned by the high-temperature flame of the Hao Fireball. The entire huge mouth was spread by the fire, and a raging flame emerged, making it painful and wailing, unable to maintain that strong suction.

Using powerful suction to restrict Susao Nohu’s movements, he unsuspectedly sucked Sasuke’s fireball into his mouth. This is considered to be its own fruit. It was burned by the fire and the Dream Eater could no longer persist. After wailing, it turned into a cloud of smoke and returned to the psychic world.

Without the suppression of the Dream Eater, Sasuke's Susuke regained his ability to move. Sasuke's gaze condensed, and he controlled Susano to turn around, and suddenly threw a punch at Danzo who was attacking him.

It was too late, it was fast, Danzo really did not expect things to change so quickly, he wanted to stop his figure, but his momentum was too strong just now, and it was too late to escape Susao’s attack range. , I could only watch Susao Nohu's fist, and once again bombarded his body.


With another loud noise, Danzo was blasted into the distance by Suzuo's fist and hit a wall. The wall couldn't bear the huge force and collapsed. Danzo was also buried by the collapsed gravel.

After completing a series of actions, Sasuke also sweated heavily. He knelt on the ground all of a sudden, panting violently, and consumed a large amount of chakras so that Susao could not help him. When he maintained his mature state, Suzuo's armor gradually faded, and he returned to the bone-like Suzuno.

Although he cracked Danzo's actions, Sasuke knew that the matter was not over yet, so he did not relax his vigilance again. I patrolled the surroundings, searching for the figure of Tuan Zang.

"Using the attraction of the "tapir", and then releasing the fire escape ninjutsu? Good job! But, it didn't work!" As expected, Danzo's voice sounded again not far behind Sasuke.

Sasuke slowly turned around, looked at Danzo, and then said: "When the ten writing round eyes on the right hand are closed, your technique will be unlocked!"

Danzo was startled, and subconsciously said, "You...do you know Izanaki?"

"Huh!" Sasuke did not answer, but instead manipulated Suzuo to jump towards Danzo, swinging a right fist, and hitting Danzo where Danzo was. Naturally Danzo would not sit still and jumped to others. The place, avoiding Susao’s attack, but Susao Nohu has more than one arm, so when Danzo jumped into the air and couldn’t take advantage of it, Susao’s left fist still swung out, knocking Danzo into the air again. go out.

The battle has reached a fever pitch, and neither of them will give up, vowing to kill the person in front of them!

Chapter Two Hundred: Sasuke's Calculations

It was another fierce battle, and Dan Zang's right hand's writing wheel eyes closed again. At this time, both of them seemed to have reached their limit. Both Chakra and physical strength were almost exhausted.

Because Sasuke knew the characteristics of Izanaki for a long time, in order to let Danzo use Izanaki, and to reduce the effective time of Izanaki, he always attacked with the fastest and strongest Susanaki. If you want to fight with Danzang, who will be exhausted first.

At this time, the two looked at each other and did not make a move, because they knew that the next moment was a showdown!

At this moment, Danzo raised his right hand and saw the open writing wheel eye on the back of his hand, and his heart was settled. I couldn’t help but secretly said: "Uchiha Sasuke? You really deserve the name of a genius, and you can push me to this point, but it seems that you have reached the limit, and Izanaki's time has the last minute left, then The winner will be decided in the next round!"

In fact, Danzo itself has hidden strength. That is his right eye. It was transplanted to his right eye after he captured Uchiha Shisui’s right eye. Although it is only one, it is a kaleidoscope after all. Round eyes, the ability is naturally not bad, from the five shadows in the original work, he was able to control the iron country's general Mifune silently in front of the other four shadows and the powerful.

But now, he doesn’t have the ability to use his right eye on Sasuke. For one thing, he didn’t think it was necessary, because Sasuke has reached the limit now, and his Izanaki has one minute left, in this minute. He is invincible. Even if Uchiha Sasuke can dying to struggle, he will at best end up with him. However, after he has died with Sasuke, he can rely on Izanaki to change his reality and resurrect himself. In this way, In the end, he won. Secondly, after using the power of the right eye, it will take a long time to recover. Danzo is too cautious, unless it is a very critical moment, otherwise, He would not abuse the power of his right eye, Danzo still underestimated Sasuke.


Seeing Danzo's actions, Sasuke seemed to feel a trace of anger, fighting for the last trace of chakra, condensed into a long sword formed by thunder and lightning, and suddenly attacked Danzo.

"How many Uchiha people did you kill to get that right hand!"

When Danzo saw this, he did not dare to neglect, raised the kunai he held in his hand, and then took a sharp breath, and then blew the chakra with the wind escape attribute to kunai in his hand, condensing it into a wind blade. He also rushed towards Sasuke. As long as Izanaki's time has not passed, then he doesn't need to deliberately avoid it. He will solve Uchiha Sasuke in the next moment.

"I didn't kill it, it was Itachi!"

"That's what you forced him!"

Sasuke roared, and the two of them had already met in the blink of an eye, and at the same time they swung their chakra blades and stab each other. Very tacitly, the two of them didn't even defend and evade, both seemed to hold the idea of ​​going to death with the person in front of them.

Without any suspense, Sasuke's Thunder Blade pierced Danzo's chest, and he himself was also stabbed by Danzo's Wind Blade. At this time, the two of them stood in place, and apart from each other's violent gasping, there was nothing to do, keeping this movement in a stalemate.

"You are too anxious, my eyes are still open! You should go back to your father and receive instruction, I won!" After a moment of gasping, both of them recovered a little bit of strength, Danzo couldn't help but said, his tone revealed With a trace of unbearable pride: "Do you think you have seen through Izanaki?"

However, Danzo's pride did not last long. After that paragraph, his face suddenly changed, his eyes filled with disbelief, and Sasuke in front of him showed a successful smile at this time.

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