However, in Chen's eyes, the interests of the family, and even the disputes of the great powers, are obviously not too much for him. However, when the person he cherished was dying in front of him, he really didn't want to see it again. It turns out that the parents of that world fell in front of me because of a car accident, making myself depressed and withdrawn. Just waiting for me to feel the warmth of the family again, I faced Uchiha's extermination, and Mikoto and Futake left with them.

He didn't want to hurt Ino, and was eager to change the established fact in front of him, so he got the ability to change his life against the sky, that is, the pupil technique that controls the time around him.

When feeling the temperature of Ino's blood, this was Chen's only cry in his heart. With the cry deep in Chen's heart, the kaleidoscope pupil technique that belonged to Chen also emerged spontaneously. And it is also known as the strongest series of pupils.

With the mechanical sound of the central system in his mind, Chen also slowly began to understand his pupil skills.

"The host's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye ability is activated, and the left eye casts a field with a diameter of 30 meters. All objects in the field, including people, and even the speed of the air flow, are in the control of the host, and the field can be controlled. The speed of all matter within the body slowed down to a thousand times the speed, and the host himself was not affected by the ninjutsu. The right eye can free the time in the range from the law. When using this pupil technique, the time in the field will flow back. In view of the fact that the ability of the pupil technique is too bad, the chakra consumed for every second of retreat is set to the amount of chakra consumed by releasing an A-level ninjutsu, and the effective position is limited to the area cast by the left eye."

The system information melted into Tatsun’s mind almost instantly. Tatsun, who was originally grief-stricken by Ino’s sudden behavior, now has an urge to laugh out of her tears, although Tatsun did not shed tears...

"The law of time, I didn't expect it to be the law of time. It not only can slow down the time in the domain thousands of times, but the ability of the right eye can turn back time. I didn't expect to awaken such a power against the sky, this ability. It was really timely, otherwise Ino might really..." Tatsun silently breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. However, before Tatsun was comfortable for a while, the things that caused her headaches came again. Ino, who was hurt by his mistake before, Due to Chenxin's pupil technique, he has once again returned to the state of holding Kuwu thorn to himself.

It's just... After seeing Ino that has been slowed down countless times at this moment, the depths of her heart trembled again, remembering the state when she was feeling the temperature of Ino's blood, and then looking at Ino's expression at this time, Chen can Without hesitation, I concluded that Ino's sadness was only a lot more than his own. The decision Ino had to make was not to attack himself. Because, on Ino's tearful face, what an attacker should have is not the aura that an attacker should have at all, but a fareweller can only have the Li Shang.


Chen looked at Ino with complicated eyes, and finally sighed helplessly. When he came to Ino, his mind moved, and the entire field instantly fell apart, and the time in the field returned to normal, and Ino's momentum at this time was Without the imprisonment of time, she emasculated towards Chen Tsap without abating, and the scene she saw before was that Tatsu instinctively swung her knife at her. Now she doesn’t know what happened, the scene she saw just now has become Liao Chenzheng stood in front of her defenselessly. If she didn't retreat, or Chen didn't evade, the Kuwu Wu in her hands would pierce Chen's body, which was not the result she wanted.

Chapter 212: Puppet Art?

Kuwu is getting closer and closer, Chen has even clearly seen the expression on Ino's face gradually turning into panic, and a smile can't help but appear in his heart.

At the moment when Ino's kuma was present, Chen suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbing Ino's wrist with lightning speed, stopping Ino's castration, and Ino's hand was no longer able to get in.

Chen suddenly pulled, and Ino was pulled by an irresistible force and slammed into Chen's arms. Before she could reflect, she was already held tightly in Chen's arms.


Hearing the whisper from Tatsun in her ear, Ino was taken aback, but before she had time to speak, Tatsun had disappeared in an instant. Looking at the empty eyes, Ino couldn't help but slumped on the ground, hiding his face and crying bitterly.

At this time, Tatsumi’s figure appeared on Kyuubi’s head again, and because of Tatsumi’s arrival, Kyuubi stopped crushing the Konoha ninjas, and screamed to the sky, his cold bloodthirsty eyes still Looking at the Konoha people below the ground, they are ready to continue attacking at any time.

Kyuubi's stop also allowed Konoha's ninjas to breathe. Unintentionally, they breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Uchiha Tatsuno, what is your purpose? Are you really going to kill all Konoha and destroy the village where you grew up with your own hands? Konoha village was founded by the ancestors of the Uchiha clan? , Didn't you deny the merits of the Uchiha clan's ancestors by doing this?" After a short breath, Kakashi stepped forward to question Chen, but the language was full of sadness.

"I have this idea! As for what my purpose is, I have already said it very clearly before. I don't want to say it again. As you said, this village was founded by the ancestors of our Uchiha clan. , But this village has caused us Uchiha to be oppressed too much. Now that I destroy this village that once oppressed Uchiha, Uchiha’s ancestors will only be pleased, so put away your face ! What you should do now is pray that you can survive the attack of Kyuubi." Chen sneered, taunting.

"Do you really have to do this?"

"Humph!" Chen snorted, too lazy to answer.

In the horrified eyes of Konoha's people, Kyuubi screamed, and a deep purple chakra ball condensed in his mouth again, causing the Konoha ninjas to break apart, and they felt deep despair in their hearts.

"Oops... Most of us are already exhausted and it is impossible to avoid it. Could it be... the village really... can only fight hard!" Kakashi felt the pressure brought by the beast cannon. Surprised, the Kaleidoscope writing wheel stared at the tail beast jade condensed by the nine tails, as if intending to use the divine power to absorb the tail beast jade, but the tail beast jade was too large, even he himself was not sure. But he had to try anyway, even if it would run out of Chakra and die, gritted his teeth and persisted.

However, when Kakashi hadn't activated his divine power, someone had already taken a step ahead of him, and it was Yamato Tenzo who was standing next to him.

In the eyes of Konoha's surprise, Yamato rushed to meet Nine Tails, and quickly closed the seal.

"Mu Dun. The Art of the Wooden Man!"

As Yamato's voice just fell, the earth roared, and a giant formed by a wooden escape came up from the ground, with a hideous face and majestic appearance, but its size was several times smaller than that of Nine Tails, but he still guarded him strictly in front of Nine Tails.

"It turned out to be the wooden man's technique of the first generation of adults. We are saved."

"Yes, I heard that this is one of the most powerful moves in the first generation of adults' Mu Dun. I didn't expect to see the first generation of adults' powerful ninjutsu in my lifetime!"

Looking at the majestic wooden figure, the Konoha ninjas who were already desperate, couldn't help showing a happy smile on their faces, all cheering, not as sad as before.

"Good job, I didn't expect Yamato to have mastered such a powerful ninjutsu, but..." Kakashi did not worry as much as Konoha's other ninjas, because the wooden figure created by Yamato was too small. It is only slightly larger than the tail beast jade, can such a wooden figure really block the extremely powerful tail beast jade? Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Oh? It turned out to be a wooden man technique? Does Yamato Tenzo know this ninjutsu? It doesn't seem to be said in the original book. This guy really should not be underestimated, but... it is far worse than the original wooden man technique. Now!" Chen was really surprised to see Yamato Tianzang using the wooden man technique in Mu Dun, but he quickly recovered.

You must know that the wooden man made in the early generations is comparable in size to the nine tails, and the wooden man's technique is a high-level wooden ninjutsu, using a huge chakra to create a huge wooden arhat with incomparable power. Senju Zhuma defeated Uchiha Madara's Susana with this technique. The first generation of Naruto used this to defeat Madara Uchiha, who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel! The power is comparable to that of Suzuo. The mighty power is so great, Chinjuju uses this technique to fight against the nine tails controlled by Madara and the full body Susano. He can catch Susano who is enough to split the mountain with his bare hands to make a heavy cut, and can directly Grasping the tail beast jade and knocking it back is one of Mu Dun's strongest ninjutsu.

It’s a pity that although Yamato has mastered Mu Dun, his Mu Dun is a thousand miles away from the original Mu Dun. Although he can release the Mu Ren, it is impossible to match the original Mu Dun in terms of size or strength. The wooden man is on the same level, but right now, perhaps only the wooden man of Yamato can compete with that beast jade.

The eyes of Konoha couldn't help showing faint hope.

"Huh! Do you want to use the wooden man technique to resist the Nine-Tailed Tail Beast Cannon? Then try it!" Chen's face couldn't help but a hint of a playful smile, as if he wanted to know, Yamato's wooden man. Can it block the tail beast gun fired by Kyuubi?

"Kyuubi, kill it!"

After Nine Tails finished gathering momentum, with Chen's order, Nine Tails received Chen's order, and the Tail Beast Cannon in his mouth shot out from his mouth, attacking Konoha with the mighty power of destroying the sky and the earth. Direction.

Chapter 213: Yamato Tenzo

Chen stood alone on top of the nine tails, staring coldly at the wooden figure on the opposite side transformed by Yamato Mudun, revealing a hint of sarcasm: "Heh, the method of wooden figure is really an insult to this technique when compared with Senshou Zhuma."

Looking at the oncoming Tail Beast Cannon, Yamato, who was on top of the wooden man's head, shook his heart, "Nine Tails! The Tail Beast Cannon with a charged blow has reached this level. The Tail Beast Cannon hasn’t approached yet, so there can be such a thing. Coercion! If you go on, I'm afraid...oh, that's it."

Nine-tailed beast jade is within easy reach of the wooden man in Yamato thinking, Yamato Tianzang gritted his teeth, his hands are instantly sealed, and countless vines erupted from the wooden man, facing the tail beast shelling, its momentum Although it is far from the Senjujuan back then, it still gave them hope in the eyes of the Konoha people. After all, Hokage generation said it was the **** in their hearts, and it was no exaggeration.

However, Yamato Tenzo, who faced the tail beast cannon, was already suffering at this moment. Although the cane shot out from the wooden man seems to be not weak, even if it does visually block the tail beast cannon from flying, it is powerfully destroyed when it comes into contact with the tail beast cannon. Instantly turned into powder, the cane that continuously extended from the wooden figure was nothing but Yamato's desperate fight at the expense of Chakra.

"Sure enough! The woodman technique is worthy of being one of the strongest kills of the first generation of Hokage. It can even stop the high-density Chakra tail cannon!"

"That's right! It seems we can be saved this time!"

But just as Konoha's group of ignorant people chattered endlessly, the cane shot from the wooden man to block the tail beast cannon gradually became thinner and thinner, and the tail beast cannon that had only temporarily stagnated was once again. Toward the wooden man, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Yamato Tenzo saw that things were not going well, and randomly unlocked the handprints held in his hands. With Yamato's movements, the seemingly endless vines of the wooden man's art also came to an abrupt end, and Yamato regained his palms. , I saw that the wooden figure at his feet was like a psychic, and he also made the same gestures as Yamato Tenzo, "Kakashi-senior, I heard you said that ninjas who don’t follow the rules are rubbish, and they don’t respect their companions. People are not as good as trash. I am now a good ninja who can barely be counted."

Yamato Tianzang Nannan recalled the words once uttered in Kakashi's mouth. After that, the wooden man's feet suddenly moved straight to the oncoming tail beast cannon!

"Yamato! You will die like this! Retreat first..." Kakashi suddenly felt bad when he saw Yamato's movements and hurriedly shouted.

Hearing the shouting from behind, the unsmiling wooden Yamato turned up slightly, "Kakashi-senior, please take care of Naruto." Yamato said in his heart Nannan said.

"Oh? Back then, Qianshou Zhujian could directly grasp the tail beast jade with the strength of the wooden man's art. I am also curious to what extent you can do with your Yamato Tenzo's wooden man's art. "Uchiha Tatsumi, standing above Susao, was joking.

I saw the wooden figure at Yamato's feet following Yamato's movements, and the wooden figure at Yamato's feet followed Yamato's movements, suddenly stretched out his hands, and actually used his body to resist the ferocious tail beast jade, even though he was in the Qianshouzhu room with In the original battle of Uchiha Madara, the wooden figure created by the wooden man technique between the Senjue pillars was very huge, which could be comparable to the nine tails. The tail beast jade launched by the nine tails could easily be done with one palm. Grasping the tail beast jade in the palm is like a spiral pill. However, the difference between the wooden man of Yamato and the first generation is so different. The body shape is only slightly less than the volume of the tail beast jade, not to mention the tail beast jade. The beast jade was caught in his hand, and he couldn't even hold out his hands to hold it, and he had to use his entire body to withstand it before he could barely hold the tail beast jade.

However, Fang Yi immediately burst into a strong red light when he touched the tail beast jade. Although the wooden man had already used his body to withstand the impact, the impact of the tail beast jade was too fierce and even continued to move towards the wooden man. Konoha flew away, but Yamato’s wooden figure also played a role, because the original fast-speed tail beast jade was already a lot slower than before. However, Yamato is always Yamato and cannot be changed. Between the thousands of hand posts, just when the Konoha people are about to cheer, Yamato has reached its limit and can no longer maintain the huge chakra that the wooden man needs. The wooden man who is regarded as a **** by the Konoha people can no longer Suppressing the impulse of the tail beast jade, even the wooden man himself continued to emit blue smoke, it seemed that the tail beast jade was burning, and there were cracks on the body.

In the end, Yamato roared and injected the whole body of Chakra into the wooden man, and the man also tried his last bit of strength, and even deviated the tail beast jade a little bit, and after doing this, the wooden man no longer Unable to persist, it turned into ashes under the momentum of the tail beast jade.

"Huh! Is this your woodman technique? I thought it was just a psychic beast, which is extremely ridiculous! Huh? No..." looked at the sky full of sawdust in front of him, mockingly, but Chen discovered it in the next moment. The strange place instantly disappeared on top of Kyuubi's head.

"Cough cough..." I saw Yamato Tianzang who appeared suddenly and vomited a mouthful of blood not far away. Then, before he could make the next move, I saw a bunch of blood coming out of his own mouth. A javelin formed by the thunder attribute chakra.

"This...this is, the Thousand Bird Sharp Spear!"

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