But at this moment, a figure appeared in Naruto’s consciousness space, shook his side and came in front of Naruto, grabbed Naruto’s wrist, stopped Naruto’s actions, and took Naruto away from the prison door. .

And Naruto was also at this time, his eyes regained clarity, and he raised his head to look at the stranger who appeared in the space of his consciousness, and what greeted him was the back of this person. Naruto was surprised by this person. There are five large characters embroidered on the back of the imperial robe.

Four generations of Hokage!

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen: The Water Gate of Waves

"Four generations... Hokage...?" Naruto looked at the back in the white robe, Nan Nan read the contents of the robe in his mouth, and slowly asked after he turned around: "Why do you Appear here...?"

"When the nine-tailed demon fox in your body has eight tails, I will appear in front of you in this form. Naruto, although I don’t want me to meet you in this way, I can see myself. The appearance of his children when he grows up can be considered even." The white-robed man looked at Naruto and said something that made Naruto confused, but after his face became clearer, it was the fourth generation of Hokage. The storm water gate commonly known as the golden lightning.

"Naruto? My name..., why do you know my name?" Although Naruto guessed an outline, in the process of shock, he also said his own question.

"Because I took your name for you, didn't I just say, you are my son!" Watergate asked Naruto to explain with regret and guilt.

"Son...I...Four generations..." Naruto felt that the amount of newly received information made him a little unbearable for a while, and two palms protected his head from various struggles.

"Father..." Naruto calmed down after struggling, and shouted abruptly.

Before Bo Feng Shuimen could agree, Naruto held his fist and stamped his fist on the water gate's chest. The sudden force almost didn't make the water gate pass his back.

Then, Naruto complained. He was squeezed out since he was a child, with the hardships of cultivation, until now he has a confrontational relationship with Uchiha. Naruto no longer wanted to talk about the exclusion and the hardships of cultivation at the time. After all, those are all gone. However, his childhood playmates, Uchiha brothers and his current position are what worries him the most. Attacking Chen is just a subconscious behavior to protect the village. It is an obligation and responsibility that presses him down. It is hard for Naruto to imagine. Without the relationship with the village, he would encounter what kind of disputes he would have to fight against Chen like this.

"Naruto, maybe the birth of a ninja is itself accompanied by cherishment and hatred. Some people fight to protect cherishment, and some people avenge for hatred after losing cherishment. As for how to achieve mutual understanding and true peace, I believe that if it is Your words will definitely find the answer."

In the real world, Chen didn’t know what Naruto was talking to at this time. He originally saw Naruto explode Yawei and his strength skyrocketed. It was several times stronger than the six-tailed model, so he didn’t know. Also became a little serious.

"The momentum looks good, just don't know if your strength is so arrogant!" Chen said with a sneer, although on the surface it looks very relaxed, Chen did not neglect, his hands clasped together to form a seal.

"Mu Dun. The Art of the Wooden Man!"

As soon as the voice fell, a wooden figure that was stronger than the wooden figure of Yamato rose from the ground. It seems that the size of the figure is even bigger than that of Kyuubi. It is very different from the puppets before Yamato. The puppets of Yamato are summoned by Tatsun. In front of the wooden man who came out, it was a toy, which could be crushed by one palm.

"Keep your eyes open and see, this is the real wooden man's art, which can be compared with Susao Nohu, and even stronger wooden dodge trick! It is not comparable to the deformity created by Yamato's half-hanging wooden dodge. ."

The ninjutsu that Tatsun used is surprisingly Mu Dun’s super-powerful trick "Wooden Man’s Art". After Naruto exploded the eight tails, he gradually approached the body of Nine tails and became a giant beast. Tatsun became serious too. , So used the technique of wooden man to counter Naruto.

"Crush him!"

As Chen's voice without any emotion sounded, the wooden man seemed to have received Chen's thoughts, and walked slowly and steadily towards Yawei Naruto, not afraid of the pressure and flames emitted by Yawei Naruto.

Naruto in the eight-tailed state roared when he saw the wooden man approaching, but because his body was suppressed by the wooden vine at this time, he couldn't move, so he could only bite at the wooden man with his fairly free head.

However, the seemingly bloated, slow-moving wooden man was unexpectedly flexible. When Kyuubi's head was about to face him, he quickly twisted his body, avoided Kyuubi's bite, and immediately stretched out his right arm. Kyuubi’s head was stuck under his armpit, and his other hand was clenched into a fist, and he kept hitting Kyuubi’s head, making Kyuubi miserable, but he couldn’t be entangled by the wood vines that descended from the tree world. To get away, he could only let out an unwilling roar. You must know that the power of the wooden man can suppress Kyuubi and Susao. Therefore, under the wooden man's constant greetings, the pain that Kyuubi suffered is also conceivable.

"Haha~~ The wooden man's technique is really suitable for hitting Kyuubi, it's the same as hitting his son!" Seeing Kyuubi's miserable situation, Chen not only showed a mocking smile on his face, he said to himself.


Just when Chen planned to control the wooden man to work harder to get rid of Yawei Naruto, after the Yawei Naruto roared, it turned into a cloud of smoke without warning, followed by the huge Yawei Naruto. The body had disappeared without a trace, and only the wooden man was looking around awkwardly, still not figuring out what was going on.

Seeing such a situation, Chen was unexpected, not only frowned, but also relieved after thinking of a familiar scene in his mind.

"Oh, I recovered from Yao's state... Had the fourth generation of Hokage? I almost forgot you..."

In Tatsun’s previous lives, Tatsun knew that there was a touch of consciousness of Naruto’s consciousness of the fourth generation of Hokage, which was left when the fourth generation of Hokage sealed the nine tails in Naruto’s body. The purpose was to supervise Naruto. , And set a program. Once Naruto releases the eighth tail from the seal, he will appear in Naruto’s consciousness to stop Naruto.

In the original work, when Payne attacked Konoha, Naruto also exploded eight tails and broke through the suppression of the earth-explosive sky star. At that time, the fourth generation of Naruto Naruto Fengmizu appeared to stop Naruto, and also Reinforcing Naruto's seal allowed Naruto to regain consciousness, thus defeating Heavenly Way Payne.

The situation at this time is not the same as in the original work, except that Tiandao Payne has become Chen, but the result still forced Naruto to explode Yao, and the program set by the fourth generation has also been activated. Now Yao The disappearance of Naruto must be a masterpiece of the fourth generation.

"What if you regain consciousness? Your current strength is not worth mentioning to me. There is no fairy mode, and without the power of Nine Tails, how can you contend with me, huh!"

Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen: Come Uninvited

After the smoke dissipated, I saw that Naruto had regained consciousness and stood proudly on the vines that descended from the tree world. The whole person's momentum had changed, and there was no previous confusion.

"Sure enough... have you regained consciousness? But... even if you regained consciousness, your current strength is not worth mentioning to me. There is no fairy mode, and without the power of Nine Tails, how can you compete with me? Humph!"

I saw that Naruto first looked at Chen indifferently, then jumped, jumped in front of Chen, looked at Chen, and didn't speak first.

"Do you have some understanding of what hatred is? If you don't understand the same pain, you can't really understand others. Even if you can understand, you may not be able to understand each other... This is the truth! Just like your pursuit of Sasuke is just a futile... Forget it, I have nothing to talk with you, and now what you say will not change anything. Since you are standing in front of me now, let us make a break!"

"Sure enough, do you still have to do it? There is no way. Although I know that I am not your opponent, I still want to stop you!"

"Oh? Why do you stop me? Just rely on the spiral pill shuriken you just learned? There is no fairy mode, even if you learn the tricky ninjutsu of the spiral pill shuriken, it is not perfect, I miss you You can use it twice at most, and you have to be close to me to be effective. Do you think you have a chance?" Chen Leng snorted and said indifferently, and his feet began to walk towards Naruto slowly.

However, just as Chengang was about to do something to Naruto, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Naruto, protecting Naruto behind him.

The sudden appearance of the figure made Chen's eyes stunned, he stopped sprinting, and looked at the person who had just appeared in front of him.

A white single ponytail with slightly fluffy hair, a loose gown commonly seen on a Japanese uncle, a pair of clogs and slippers that chuckle when he walks up, and the crimson lines around his eyes. However, the most conspicuous thing is that the shoulders are already with him. Two old toads fused together.

"Jilai also..." Chen stared at the uncle who suddenly appeared between him and Naruto. After thinking a little bit in his mind, he condensed his eyes and said subconsciously.

"Oh, it seems that I am still a good name among the juniors." Jilaiya said jokingly with Chen, and then turned to look at Naruto: "Naruto, this level of battle is right. It’s too early for you. Go back to the village first, and leave it to me next!"

Naruto was also surprised by Jiraiya’s new look, but he also knew that it was not the time to be curious. Although he wanted to refute it and wanted to stay, he knew it after seeing Jiraiya’s solemn eyes. It wouldn't help to stay here, but it would drag Jilaiya, so I gritted my teeth and finally left.

"Jiraiya, one of the mad ghosts of Konoha Sannin, is naturally thunderous, and has been fascinated for a long time." Looking at Naruto's departure, Tatsun did not intend to stop him, but took the words from Jiraiya. He has no reason to kill Naruto, and besides, the Jiraiya who has the fairy mode in front of him is naturally not so easy to deal with. It is a bit unrealistic to kill Naruto in front of him.

"Oh?" After Naruto left, Jiraiya's eyes condensed, putting away the relaxed expression just now, and re-evaluating the boy in front of him: "Uchiha Tatsu, can cause Yunyin Village to suffer heavy casualties. You who lost so badly are really too dangerous. I didn't expect you to find Konoha!"

Not long ago, we gathered in the woods not far from the battlefield of Konoha...

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the Konoha Ninja who was rushing back to the village suddenly stopped, looking at the direction of the source of birth from a distance, and the original mood that was not smooth gave birth to a touch of worry." That's... Konoha's direction! What happened to make such a big movement, it seems that the situation in the village is not so good! Originally, I went to Yuying Village to find out the leader of Akatsuki's organization, but I couldn't find it. Collected too much useful information, this time I came back to the village and seemed to be attacked again. Everything really went wrong."

Originally, Jilai also went out to perform the task of collecting information about the leaders of Akatsuki, but after finally sneaking into Yuying Village, he could not inquire the slightest useful information from some young people, but simply learned The ninjas of Yuying Village admire their leader so much that they would blindly call him "God"!

However, Penn at that time ran to Chen’s position in order to gain the power of the nine tails, so that although Jilai also tried his best to sneak into Yuying Village, he failed to meet Penn, so he could not get it. Actually useful information.

Jilai also watched the gunpowder smoke rising in the direction of Konoha. His original speed was deliberately increased a lot. Before he could go far, the sound of noise from a distance made him He was even more restless.

"Psychic art!" Jilai also stepped on the clogs slippers while speeding forward, but did not forget to summon the unanimous contact frog with his hands Kieyin, and then hurriedly ordered: "You go to Konoha to see what happened! "

"Master Jilaiya, before you summoned me, I was still in Konoha Village. It was too scary. The village was divided into two halves, and at the position where the village crossed, the Nine-tailed beast jade took the whole place. The ground was bombarded and collapsed. If it hadn't been for the ninja who knew how to escape, the tail beast jade would have been smashed in the center of the village, but... the wooden escape ninja was also dead!" After the contact frog saw Jiraiya, he replied with a lingering fear.

"Kyuubi? Mu Dun? You mean that fellow Yamato died?" Jilaida was a little surprised when he heard that, although Yamato is a good forbearance, it is not generally comparable to forbearance. Besides, he can kill someone who has Mu Dun in the village. It’s not easy to come to the elite of Shangren. Thinking of these, Jilaiya's pace couldn't help but get a little faster.

"Yes, it was a young man named Uchiha Tatsuno from the Uchiha clan who attacked the village, as well as Sasuke and his group. When they were at the ninja school, they were companions of your disciple Naruto Uzumaki." After the contact frog calmed down, he began to ask himself. Came also told about Tatsun’s information, “Uchiha Tatsun came with Sasuke and a few others. They have now formed an organization called Eagle. Hearing from the ninjas who ran out of the roots, Danzo was also at night. Died in Sasuke’s hands during the battle."

"Uchiha Tatsu... it turned out to be him! Damn it, Konoha is in trouble!" Jilaida also heard the news of Danzo's death, obviously unbelievable, but he was even more shocked by the attacker Konoha. It turned out to be Uchiha Tatsumi.

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