Chapter 253: Is it kindness?

According to the most correct approach, after he escapes, Chojuro should flee to the country of iron, and then tell the other four in Five Shadows what happened here, so that they can take good measures instead of jumping headlessly like they do now. He came out to be brave, but Chojuro, who has a heart for Shui Ying, can no longer take care of that much, and even selectively ignores Uchiha Tatsu’s strength. He only wanted to protect Shui Ying, but he only woke up after seeing Uchiha Tatsun, but It's too late, and now not only did she fail to show the shadow of the water, but even herself might even get in, and she couldn't help feeling very upset.

And Tatsun obviously doesn’t care much about the little character of Chojuro, except for the name of Chojuro just now, he didn’t care, but after hearing the deal Shuiying said, his face showed a weird expression looking at Shuiying. Said: "Oh? Let me handle it? Is it anything?"

Shui Ying bit her lower lip, staring at Chen firmly, and said: "Yes, you let my guard go, I will leave it to you?"

Suikage had already made a decision in her heart. No matter what Uchiha Tatsuo asked, she pretended to agree, and waited until Changjuro got out of trouble to find a chance to attack, and at all costs, even death would not make Uchiha Tatsu better.

Standing on the side, Chojuro was also shocked when he heard the conditions Suikage had said. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "Master Suikage, no..."

"You shut up, I'm still Shuiying now, and I don't need you to say anything about the decision I made!" After Shuiying shouted at Changjuro, she continued to say to Tatsun: "Uchiha Tatsun, how?"

"Haha~ The conditions sound good," Chen said with a chuckle at first, then his expression changed and his tone suddenly turned cold. "But you seem to have forgotten something..."

Before the words fell, Tatsuno suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Chojuro in an instant. Before Shui Ying could stop speaking, Chojuro had already kicked Chojuro before he could react. Shuiying's face stepped on Changjuro's head and looked at Shuiying playfully and said, "Do you think you now have any qualifications to negotiate with me?"

"It's over."

Shui Ying sighed in her heart, she also knew her current situation, she didn't have any qualifications at all, and she couldn't refute it, closing her eyes as if she had admitted her fate.

"Damn it~~" Changjuro, who was stepped on by Chen, was naturally unwilling, struggling desperately to get rid of Chen's control, but the foot on his head was as heavy as a thousand pounds, no matter how he struggled, It is always in vain.

For Tatsun, Changjuro is just a small character, and he didn’t put it in his eyes. Although in the original work, this guy will become the sixth-generation water shadow of Wuyin Village, but even if he really becomes the sixth-generation water shadow Chen wouldn't take it to heart, let alone that he is just an insignificant little person now.

"Just because of you, I dared to run to the front of my Uchiha Tatsu presumptuously. I really don’t know if you are ignorant or fearless. What do you think I should do to you? Did you just kill you? Or you You can try to beg me, maybe I'm in a good mood and let you go!" At this time, Tatsun looked at Chojuro at his feet, and said with a sneer. Although his tone sounds relaxed, his voice is full of words. A trace of murderous aura caused Changjuro to tremble at his feet, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Although as a ninja, Chojuro has the consciousness to face death, but in any case he is just a newcomer who has not experienced any storms. Even if he is really not afraid of death, no matter who it is, when the real death comes When I was in my body, I would instinctively feel a trace of fear. It's just that those who are determined will not show it.

"Asshole, kill if you want to kill, I'm not afraid, I want me to beg for mercy, you dream!" Although fearful, Changjuro didn't want to ask for mercy, and still insisted.

"Oh, are you really not afraid of death?" Chen said with a chuckle with interest: "Since you are not so afraid of death, then I will fulfill you!"

While talking, Chen stretched out his hand to slowly pull out the streamer that was pinned to his waist. The red blade exuded a scorching wave of air, making Shuiying and Changjuro feel a little uncomfortable, and Shuiying was already at this time. Opening her eyes, she looked at the streamer in Chen's hand with some surprise, she could feel an extraordinary power from the seemingly simple Taito.

However, before she allowed her to think about it, she saw that Uchiha Tatsu thrust the long sword in his hand towards Chojuro on the ground. Seeing that Chojuro was about to die by Yuchen's knife, Shui Ying still couldn't bear it. , But now she has no power to do anything. Even if she wants to stop, she doesn't have the ability, so she can only subconsciously exclaimed: "Don't..."

Feeling Chen's killing intent, Changjuro had already felt the fear of death, but he didn't mean to beg for mercy. He just closed his eyes instinctively and waited for the moment of death.

After waiting for a long time, the imaginary pain did not appear. It was only a searing heat on his cheeks. Realizing that he was not dead, Chojuro quickly opened his eyes and turned his head to look, and he saw the bright red blade close at hand. And the heat radiating from the knife.

It turned out that Tatsun didn't stabbed him at that moment, but just stabbed him on the ground just a few centimeters away from his head. Tatsun didn't seem to intend to take the life of Changjuro, so he deliberately stabbed him.

Chojuro's tight body could not help but loosen, and he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had never felt that death would be so close to him. Just now, he already thought he was bound to die, but he didn't expect it to be like this. As a result, there is also a hint of doubt, why did Uchiha Tatsun not kill himself, do you want to continue to humiliate him?

Thinking of this, Chojuro couldn't help asking: "Why... why?"

"Huh~ there is no reason, just your luck is good, let me go!" Chen sneered, without any explanation, and without Rong Chojuro say anything, he kicked Chojuro on the ground. He used strange power with this kick, so Changjuro flew out for a long time. Although he did not die, he was seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness for a while.

After kicking Changjuro into the air, Tatsun paid no attention to it anymore. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the paralyzed Shui Ying, and Shui Ying also kept his eyes on what happened just now. It is said that Uchiha Tatsun was a cruel heart. People shouldn't let their enemies go, how can they suddenly be kind.

Although it was strange why Tatsun didn't kill Changjuro, the result also made Shui Ying breathe a sigh of relief.

Chapter 254: After the battle is over

Seeing that Uchiha Tatsun didn’t seem to be killing Chojuro, Shui Ying breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Seeing Tatsun who was walking towards her, she didn’t even glared at each other as before. Instead, she said with a smile: He is a cruel and murderous demon. It now appears that the rumors are only rumors after all, and they are not necessarily true!"

Shuiying also knows her current situation. After all, she can be the Shuiying of Wuyin Village, which means that she is not a stupid person, so she never thought about resisting or running away, let alone trying to provoke Chen with bad words. , Because she knew that it was just a futile effort. What's more, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't seem to have planned to kill her from just now to now. It should be a plot. Generally speaking, she is still safe for the time being.

Since there is no chance to escape, and yelling is useless, it's better to follow the situation and see what Uchiha Tatsumi is making. Suikage himself is the kind of person who doesn't express his emotions easily, and his facial expressions are naturally well controlled. At least the current Shui Ying hasn’t acted as hateful as before, instead he has restored his original charming nature, and even made a joke. If it hadn’t been for the battle they had just experienced, others would have thought that the two of them had known each other a long time ago. Friends.

Tatsuki naturally knew that what Shuiying talked about was exactly what he would let go of Chojuro. Although it was just a matter of effort to kill Chojuro, Tatsuki could also see from the situation of Chojuro just now, based on what Chojuro showed just now. The strength is simply impossible to be Suigetsu’s opponent, and Changjuro’s flat-eye flounder is gone, there is only one possibility, that is, it is taken away by Suigetsu, and the Changjuro who owns flat-eye flat flounder is not an opponent of Suigetsu. Not to mention after losing the weapon.

So this Chojuro should have been let go by Suigetsu. Although Tatsuki doesn’t know why Suigetsu is doing this, he also understands that Suigetsu will do this. He naturally has his own ideas. Tatsuki will naturally not interfere with Suigetsu’s decision. Even if Tatsuki really slaughtered Changjuro, Suizuki would not say anything, but after all, Suigetsu has been with him for a long time, and Tatsuki did not simply regard him as a subordinate, just a mere Changjuro, and Tatsuki did not let go. In the heart.

Faced with Shui Ying’s Xiaochen Chen did not explain anything, but said with a chuckle: "Haha~ Isn't this exactly what you hoped for?"

"It's just a little surprised, then, what do you plan to do with me next?" Shui Ying didn't care either. Anyway, she is now a prisoner, and she wants to know what Uchiha Tatsu wants to do with her.

Chen did not speak, although she decided to attack Shui Ying before and wanted to kill a hundred, but now it is a pity to kill like this, not to mention her own strength, even in the entire Ninja World, she is also a strong one. , And acting as the water shadow of Wuyin Village, the ability is naturally impossible to be bad. If she is subdued, it may be a good help.

It’s just that this idea just came out and was rejected by Chen, because it’s a bit unrealistic. At least so far, it’s impossible to persuade Shuiying to resign. The two have different positions. The goal of elimination, coupled with the battle just now, was to defeat Shui Ying. Even the heartfelt Qing was killed. Chen Ke didn’t think he was like the protagonist in those YY novels. What a shock , You can let your opponents let go of all their hatred and pay their respects. As soon as the bastard's aura disappears, they will follow like clouds, and the beautiful women will marry like rain or something.

Chen couldn't think of how to deal with Shui Ying, but it was impossible to let her go like this, so I had to put her into her own space before making plans. If it doesn't work, then kill it, although it's a pity , But Chen doesn't want those who oppose him to survive.

Thinking of this, Chen did not answer Shui Ying's words, but his eyes went directly into the kaleidoscope form, looking at Shui Ying's eyes and said: "Don't try to resist, this way you will receive less suffering, and I will save a little trouble!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen cast an illusion technique on Shui Ying, and Shui Ying knew his situation, so he did not resist, and naturally accepted Chen's illusion, and was taken by Chen's illusion at the moment he stared at him. Controlled and fell into a drowsiness.

Shuiying, which collapsed on the ground, was collected into the space. Chen glanced at a certain direction, and after a cold snort, a flash, disappeared in place, and went to join Shuiyue and the others.

After Chen left the place, the two figures walked out of the dark, with surprised expressions on their faces looking at the surrounding battlefield that had been deformed due to the battle, and their hearts were shocked.

"Okay... so strong, the water shadow in Wuyin Village was defeated without fighting back. This... this is terrible, Shizuka-sama, Uchiha Tatsumi has found us... what should we do?"

The two people who emerged from the dark are the two female ninjas from Nadeshiko Ninja Village. They are very close to the town, and a battle took place here, and no matter whether Suikage or Tatsun, the ninjutsu they used is undoubtedly They are all very powerful, and the resulting momentum is naturally not weak. The small town can naturally know, but the common people in the small town hide at home when they feel the pressure of the strong, and they are not afraid to go out. The dead dare to sneak out and take a peek, otherwise they will be affected by the battle, and that is not something that civilians like them can handle.

It’s just that the civilians didn’t dare. As ninjas, they were naturally not afraid. After such a big battle, they naturally wanted to find out, so they rushed over, but the two were also cautious, and they didn’t show up, just hiding in the dark. After recognizing the identities of Suikage and Uchiha Tatsu in the battle, they were also surprised in their hearts, and the subsequent results shocked them even more.

Although the two were very careful, both Shuiying and Chen could perceive their existence, but Shuiying had no time to take care of him at the time, and Chen was completely uninterested in them. For him, it was nothing but The two little mice didn't bother at all, so they didn't care about them.

Until Chen left, the two dared to walk out of the dark.

After seeing the strength of Guochen, the girl's guard did not dare to have any thoughts about Chen's entry into Zuofuzi Ninja Village in her heart. Such a character is not something their little Ninja Village can provoke, even more. Don't say that you want the other party to become a parent, this is simply a death-seeking behavior.

Thinking of this, the guard hurriedly said to the girl: "Master Shizuka, Uchiha Tatsumi is too dangerous. The rules of our Nadeshi Ninja Village can't restrain him at all. Once he is offended, we Nadeshi Ninja The village is likely to be destroyed, we still don’t keep following up, otherwise..."

"The rules of Fuzi Village were set by the ancestors. That is already the tradition of our Fuzi Village. Are we going to go against the ancestors? I have been enlightened since the day I became the candidate for the village head! This... is also my destiny..." the girl said helplessly.


The guard seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by the girl again: "Okay, I know what you are worried about. If he wants to kill us, he would have done it when he found us. Recently, the ninja world may have If something big happens, please go back to the village quickly and let everyone be careful, and you don't have to follow me!"

When the guard heard this, he said anxiously: "How can this be! Lord Shizuka, I can't let you take the risk alone, and the elders in the village will not agree, I must follow you!"

"This is my order!" The girl said to the guard with a frown, unmoved.

"I...I see, Master Shizuka, please be careful. If you can't convince Uchiha, you can't irritate him. You must ensure your own safety!" Seeing that the girl was determined, the guard couldn't help but sigh secretly. She sighed and did not dissuade her. She also knew that the girl’s character could not easily change her decision. She knew from the fact that she adhered to the rules left in the village, so the guard did not insist anymore.

After some instructions, the guard also turned back to the village, and the girl also rushed in the direction where Chen had left after the guard had left. …

Chapter 255: The Kingdom of Iron Meets Sasuke!

After the battle, Chen Ye joined Shui Yue and others and left the town. Their next target will be the place where the Five Shadows will meet, the Iron Country!

At this time, after a short rest, Chen and the group of four were walking on the way to the Iron Kingdom. As for his previous ambush in Wuyin Village Shuiying, it seems that the matter has not been spread, except for Fuziren Village. There was no one else besides the two female ninjas, and they naturally did not dare to spread the matter out at will, otherwise, if Chen Rangchen was offended, it would be a disaster in their village.

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