"Oh! Do you still want to trap this uncle? Try the charm of Yao-sama's second form." After speaking, Kiraby's right foot touched the ground, and the whole person suddenly jumped out of the ground, and new growth would follow the trend. The bull's head skeleton was shifted to the upper right, and when he raised his fist, he rushed to Liu Dao Payne in an instant, locking the beast Dao Payne.

In fact, when Kirabi had just activated the second form, the Hungry Ghost Dao that had entangled Kirabi had already returned to the other four on its own because it could not resist this violent chakra.

"So fast!" Kirabi in the second form turned out to be a bit faster than the speed of the tail beast's coat just now, so that Penn, who is now on the stage at the same time, can no longer keep up with Kira in terms of speed. Than in the footsteps.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!" Seeing that the situation was wrong, Payne had several people and immediately changed his formation. With the assistance of the others, the beast Dao Payne could not take a few steps behind Tian Dao.

"Boom!" Hearing a loud noise, Kirabi, who had just maintained the momentum of rushing to the thunder, flew out directly, even the clothes of Brutal Dao had not been touched.

"At this kind of Chengdu, it seems that other methods have no effect on you. Yao...huh, I really can't care about it." In fact, in the previous fights, Payne can already confirm that Kirabi basically uses projection ninjutsu, even if Chakra is only used for blessing, and the most used is to use the seven swords on his back with the thunder attribute chakra to realize the use of the wild heron cutting sword. If this is the case, it is difficult to use the power of the evil spirit road. Moreover, the Kirabi, who now exhibits the second form, has completely surpassed the scope of ordinary physique in terms of power and speed. Since it can be as strong as a Shura in the form of Ashura. Dao was killed in seconds, and naturally no one said that the power of the reincarnation eye was wasted on him too much.

"Damn! That guy is a ghost after all, the second form of the uncle's full blow was actually bounced back without a parry, eh? That was..." Waiting for the moment to stand up, but saw that he was stunned. In one scene, "The guy with three faces and six arms should have been killed by me just now. How could he stand there unscathed, just like a okay person, although it is not a threat to the second form of the uncle, but... also That's wicked, bastard!"

But Penn on the opposite side naturally had no interest in thinking about Kirabi’s thoughts. He saw that the animal road was printed with his hands again and then took pictures on the ground. The big bird that carried the animal road into Leiyunxia suddenly appeared in front of everyone again, and then the animal road. He jumped straight on the bird's back and left Leiyunxia square directly.

At this time, the only person fighting the second form of Kirabi was Heavenly Dao Payne. Except for the animal road that had left Leiyunxia, ​​the remaining four Paynes on the scene seemed to be watching the battle, and no longer intervened in the fight between the two. .

"Damn, what kind of technique is this? Every time I prepare for a hard blow, I will be bounced away, ah...it hurts, Xiaoba! How should this guy deal with it!" In Kirabi’s offensive three points and five times Being bounced off by the "Shen Luo Tianzheng" of Tiandao has already made him very annoyed.

"I have only heard about the eyes of reincarnation. Although the nine big-tailed beasts in the Ninja world are all separated from the ten tails by the legendary six immortals, I don't know much about the power of the eyes of reincarnation, Bi. "The bull ghost only responded with a slightly embarrassing response to Kirabi.

"Asshole!" Perplexed, Kira in the second form was so angry that his face looked a bit hideous for a while, then opened his mouth, and several rays of light condensed by the high-density chakra shot directly from his mouth and went straight to heaven. The direction.

However, the face to face Tiandao did not dodge, and he squatted directly on the ground. With his hands stretched out, a light curtain barrier that was invisible to the naked eye quickly extended along the position of Tiandao's palm until it covered most of Tiandao's upper body.

"Puff puff..." After a few moments, after only hearing a few muffled sounds that looked like gravel falling into the water, it didn't even have the slightest impact on the heaven under the light curtain.

"Is it only to this level? Perfect human Zhuli, but so." He stood up and looked at Kirabi. Although there was no expression on his face, it was only in the words, one of contempt, without hiding.

While Tiandao was talking, only four "booms" were heard, and the other four Payne standing behind Tiandao disappeared into Kirabi's sight one by one out of thin air. …

Chapter 271: Super. Shenluo Tianzheng

What Kirabi didn’t know was that in a valley not far from Leiyun Gorge, there were two women wearing red cloud robes with a black background, and the four of Penn who had just disappeared. , Also appeared next to the two women in turn.

"Nagato, why do you only leave Tiandao in Leiyunxia? Do you want to use that technique?" One of the women in a red cloud robe with a black background looked at the other and asked. The questioner came along with Nagato. This Xiaonan from Leiyunxia is now.

"The opponent is Yao. If you are soft-hearted, you will not be able to achieve the goal of this trip." The other woman is naturally the animal Dao Payne, but because Xiaonan is the closest person to Nagato now, she naturally understands Payne and The connection between Nagato.

"Absolutely not! Which technique you use will shorten your lifespan!" Xiao Nan was obviously anxious and worried as he spoke, but the animal Dao Payne who stood by did not seem to hear it at all, just as Xiao Nan's voice just fell off. After being planted, not only the beast Dao, but the other four Payne present also fell one after another.

"Even if the power of the six people...do it anyway? Nagato." Seeing that the persuasion was useless, Xiao Nan turned his head and looked in the direction of the Leiyunxia Heavenly Path. Talking to himself.

Leiyunxia, ​​the residence of Yao.

"Guy with reincarnation eyes, who are you, why do you bother my uncle to create rap, bastard, idiot." Since Tiandao shot, Kirabi, who has been in a passive state, is now a little bit angry and always feels full of body. Strength, facing the indifferent guy in front of me, I can’t use it. No matter what method I use, I will be dispelled by the opponent’s strange ability. Every time I fall into disarray, I can’t even use the tail beast ability to enter the opponent. His body makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Huh, how can a flower that is cared for in a greenhouse truly understand the pain of the world." Tiandao Payne didn't ask Rabbi Richard, but said something that made Rabbi feel out of bounds. Words, "It looks like it's almost there."

After Penn completed the control of energy, Tiandao Penn, who was in the square where Leiyunxia Yao lived, had a certain look and began to slightly open his arms. The action looked like he wanted to hug something, but what he felt in the eyes of the reincarnation was Only a bitter chill.

Heavenly Dao Payne slowly stood on his toes, no... to be precise, it should be as if he had broken away from the gravity of the earth's center at this moment. With the passage of time, his feet had gradually become separated from the ground, and he stood directly in the air. The red cloud robe with black background has no wind automatically.

"What the **** is this guy going to do!" Facing Heavenly Dao Payne's fighting state, which was completely opposite to the previous one, Kirabi was a little confused for a while, but felt that, compared with the fierce attack and defense of the two sides before, the guy in front of him suddenly became like this. It was so calm and made me feel more uneasy, and although Heavenly Path Payne's behavior did not cause any harm to him at this time, Kirabi could also feel the depressing atmosphere at this time.

Although Payne's gradually rising body was slow, it reached a relatively high position after a short while, and it was basically able to overlook and compare with the group standing on the Yunlei Gorge River.

"Bi! Get out of here quickly, I feel that guy will make a big noise!" The bull ghost in Kirabi's body naturally saw Payne's unusual behavior and quickly reminded him.

Kirabi did not immediately reply to the bull ghost, but at this moment, his face also began to become dignified, and then he pressed his feet, and his whole body instantly ejected, and began to spray towards the place far away from Leiyun Gorge.

"The flower hiding in the greenhouse, accept the pain, understand the pain, people who do not really understand the pain will not understand the true peace, just start from this Leiyun Gorge, let the kingdom of thunder, let the world feel the pain Payne was expressionless as he spoke, but a pair of indifferent and majestic reincarnation eyes were enough to make ordinary people feel astonished at the first glance. At this moment, under the background of the scorching sun, he looked like a god, "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

After Heavenly Path Payne hesitated and uttered the spell name in a punishing tone from the superior, the position centered on where Payne was perpendicular to the ground suddenly collapsed, and a loud noise erupted.


What follows is the location with the center as the center of the circle. The scope of the collapse is rapidly expanding, and it is sweeping every inch of Leiyunxia's land like a wave of water after falling rocks, and has not yet escaped from Leiyunxia Square. Kirabi bears the brunt and was directly involved in the shock waves that caught up.

In the blink of an eye, the scope of the collapse has widened the entire square. Even so, the entire collapsed surface is still expanding rapidly, extending to the steps, the eight-tail residence of the stepped lens, and even after destroying the entire ground under the feet, it actually spreads. As far as the other mountain shoots in Leiyun Gorge, the slightly closer mountain tops collapsed almost immediately when they touched the shock waves. Even the farther mountain shoots were strongly shaken and collapsed. For a time, the whole Leiyun Gorge was like the end of the day. The general scene.

, The peaks of Leiyunxia were attacked by a powerful unknown force. In an instant the peaks were razed to the ground, causing such a big movement. Can clearly see that nature cannot hide Yunyin Village.

At this moment, somewhere not far from Leiyun Gorge, two ninjas from Yunyin Village were staring blankly at the direction of Leiyun Gorge, but they didn’t reflect it for a while, because the changes that took place in Leiyun Gorge were truly shocking. , Has far exceeded their cognition, the brain is blank, as if the brain has stopped functioning.

After a few breaths, the two people gradually recovered their thinking, and the expressions on their faces changed from dullness to panic. The two looked at each other at the same time, and they both understood the panic in each other's eyes.

One of them, Yun Ren, stuttered: "Then...that direction...could it be...Leiyunxia! Kirabi was practicing in Leiyunxia, ​​what happened there?"

"Let’s go and see!" Another Yun Ren was obviously more stable. After the initial surprise, he quickly recovered his ninja mentality. After greeted his companions, he took the lead and moved towards the direction of Leiyun Gorge. Gallop away. …

Chapter 272: The Angel Leading to Death

At this time, Leiyunxia was full of gunpowder, and the surrounding mountains had already been lifted off and turned into a bald patch. Crushed rocks were everywhere and a mess.

After the release of the Shenluo Tianzheng, Tiandao Payne looked down blankly, looking for Kirabi’s whereabouts, and finally slowly landed from the air to the ground. The Chakra who had just gathered all Payne sent out a super large Shenluo Tianzheng, the consumption is serious, is still a bit overwhelming for his body, but Nagato is a member of the whirlpool clan, Chakra is different from ordinary people, only a short time has been restored.

The power of the super **** Luo Tianzheng is really amazing. Even if Kirabi enters a state of complete tail beastization in a hurry, he can't resist it. After suffering from the super **** Luo Tianzheng of the Heavenly Dao Payne, Kirabi has obviously been severely traumatized. , Even one of his tentacles was broken. At this time, he was lying motionless on the ground. It seemed that he had lost his consciousness. Naturally, the state of tail beastization could not be maintained. In the end, it changed back to Kirabi’s original appearance, and the whole People looked embarrassed.

Payne stared blankly at Kirabi who had lost consciousness, slumped on the ground like mud, and said calmly: "Yatsuo, the capture is successful!"

At this time, Xiao Nan was flying from a distance and fell beside Tiandao Payne. He glanced at Kirabi on the ground indifferently, and then said to Payne: "The eight-tailed man Zhuli has been successfully captured, and we should also go. NS!"

"Yeah!" Payne replied. After picking up the unconscious Kirabi, the two slowly lifted off from the ground, and then flew towards the distance, leaving Leiyun Gorge.

And all of this was seen by two people on a mountain peak in the distance. These two people were Yun Ren who had rushed over after discovering the shock of Leiyun Gorge before.

After rushing to Leiyunxia, ​​the two did not show up rashly. Instead, they hid away first, and then used a telescope to observe the situation in Leiyunxia. They just saw Kiraby who had lost consciousness being carried by Penn. That scene.

One of them, Yun Ren, said in disbelief: "Unexpectedly, Lord Kirabi was knocked down, how could this be..."

Another young Yun Ren was seeing Payne and Xiao Nan ascending into the sky. He seemed to be leaving, and quickly asked, "Senior, they are leaving. Are we going to rescue Lord Kirabi?"

The elder Yun Ren appeared to be more stable. He had already noticed the special uniforms that Payne and Xiao Nan wore, and said in a deep voice, "That kind of dress... the other party is a member of Akatsuki. You can never take it lightly. Compared to our reckless charge. It’s wiser to go out and fight to death, or to report to Master Raiying immediately!"

"Master Raiying is currently holding the Five Shadows Talks in the Iron Country. If you let him know that his brother has been taken away, he will definitely not sit idly by..."

Seeing Penn was flying away from Leiyun Gorge with Kirabi, the older Yun Ren knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and quickly told the young Yun Ren, "Don't worry about so much, they left. You rush back to the village first, and report the news to Master Raikage by passing emergency information. I will follow them and confirm their location!"

"I see!" The young Yun Ren also knew that the matter was too serious, without any hesitation, turned around and fleeed towards the village. The remaining Yun Ren also set off immediately, heading for Penn to leave. The direction, chased up.

Fortunately, Penn, who used the Super God Luo Tianzheng once, has not fully recovered, so the flying speed is not fast, and that Yun can't bear to catch up.

It’s just that in a place that no one noticed, there was an octopus tentacle that was supposed to be broken by Kirabi when he hurriedly turned his tail to resist the Shenluo Tianzheng. It was slowly sinking to the bottom and drifting towards the water. Far away.

Even though the Yun Ren is not bad in strength, he still underestimated the abilities of Payne and Xiao Nan. Just when the Yun Ren had just caught up with Payne, Xiao Nan and Payne had already noticed that they were tracking them. After the strength of the player, the two of them didn't even lift their eyelids, obviously not paying attention at all.

"A mouse has followed, I'll solve it!" Xiao Nan said to Payne indifferently, and then the whole person turned into pieces of paper and scattered.

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