"Damn, this guy's outfit is from Akatsuki!" Kankuro's expression changed slightly when he saw Akatsuki's outfit with obvious soil. His younger brother, Gaara of the fourth generation Fengying, was organized by Akatsuki. Man grabbed and pulled out the tail that was sealed in his body. If it weren't for the secret technique of the thousand generations, Gaara would have already died. At this moment, the enemy is naturally jealous when they meet.

"Is this the person from the Akatsuki organization? It came just right, let's get rid of it together!" Rai Ying roared angrily when he saw that the person who interrupted him turned out to be wearing a red cloud robe with a black background.

"go to hell!"

Before the words fell, Raikage mad dogs burst out without warning, like a cannonball with flashing electric arcs, rushing towards the soil standing in front of it.

Facing Raikage's domineering offensive, the soil that just appeared didn't seem to react. Without any action, he stood upright in front of Raikage, indifferent to Raikage's upcoming attack.

I saw Raiking’s fast figure, almost instantly rushing to the dirt-carrying face, but at the moment when Raiking’s fist hits the dirt-carrying, Raiking’s face immediately showed a look of surprise. Because the moment his fist "touched" his body, Lei Ying didn't feel any touch, as if he was hitting in the air.

The figure staggered, and in an instant, Raikage passed through the body with dirt without any hindrance, and appeared behind the body with dirt. This weird phenomenon made the people present feel astonished. Raikage's eyes condensed and turned back suddenly. Looking towards the soil, his eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement.

After a brief confrontation, the result was unexpected. Seeing Raikage's attack failed, Xi naturally felt a little surprised as Raikage's guard: "Just now...Has the Raikage-sama's attack been avoided?"

"No, I can see it very clearly. The boss's fist has already hit the Akatsuki, but I don't know why, it became like this!" Compared to Xi, Darui's strength is naturally better than Xi. Seeing more clearly, but he couldn't figure out what happened just now.

Kakashi, who possesses divine power, has some knowledge of space-based ninjutsu. After seeing the weird ability with soil, she couldn't help but secretly said: "Raikage’s attack directly penetrated Akatsuki’s body, it’s a weird ability. , Is it space ninjutsu? And why does this Akatsuki member make me feel so familiar..."

"Really, troublesome guys one after another, Uchiha Tatsuo is already very troublesome, and now there is such a weird guy again, can it be said that Akatsuki has already united with Uchiha Tatsuo, it will be troublesome? !" But Tuying said helplessly.

At the scene, except for Chen, who had already known that the soil had a fine bottom, were shocked by this strange ability to carry soil. Before figuring out the ability to carry soil, the people in Siren Village did not do anything for a while.

Tai Tu seemed to be very satisfied with the situation he created. After a chuckle, he ridiculed: "Raiking is really irritable as always. This time I am here to tell you something. By the way, I plan to tell you some information. Don't worry. Let's do it!"

Lei Ying had already recovered from the astonishment just now, and after hearing the ridicule with dirt, he immediately said angrily: "You fellow..."

With a roar, Raikage shook his fist at Zou Du again, but he didn’t even lift his eyelids, and didn’t care about Raikage’s attacks. As before, Raikage failed to cause damage to Zou Du. The slightest injury penetrated the soiled body once again, and returned to Sinin Village.


Lei Dun’s radiance appeared again. For this result, Lei Ying would obviously not give up. Once again, he gathered his strength and planned to attack with Earth. However, when Rai Ying was about to make a move, he was blocked by Earth Shadow. Come down.

Three generations of earth shadow Ohnoki is floating in front of Raikage, and said to Raikage: "Don't be impulsive to Raikage, first listen to what he has to say, and then it's not too late to start!"

Then he turned around and said to Tai Tu: "State your purpose, otherwise you will have no chance!"

Daito's only exposed eye narrowed slightly, and he scanned the people in Shinin Village, and then said indifferently, "My name, Uchiha Madara! I want to tell you one thing. After you understand, I I want to hear your opinions!"

"Oh? Uchiha Madara?" Hearing the name Uchiha Madara, Dokage's eyes narrowed, but he didn't show any strange emotions. He didn't seem to believe that the guy in front of him was the legendary Uchiha Madara. Then Tuying continued to ask, "What are you going to say?"

Dai Tu whispered, "It's about my purpose... Moon Eye Project!"

Dokage looked at Uchiha, and said in a deep voice, "What Moon Eye Project, although I doubt that Uchiha Madara is still alive, but since you dare to call yourself Uchiha Madara, then with your strength, any plan should be You can do it as you want, why not be so oblivious."

And Uchiha took the earth to explain in an unbelievable manner: "After the battle with the original Naruto, I was seriously injured. The current me, strength and weakness, has only an empty shell!"

Lei Ying's guard, Xi heard the meaning in the local dialect, and seemed to think of something, and asked aloud: "Could it be that it is a plan to restore your strength?"

"Well, you can say that, but it's not just that... let me sit down and talk to you slowly."

While talking, Tai Tu sat down, and then slowly revealed his so-called Moon Eye plan to the people in Four Ninja Village. …

Chapter 286: Declaration of War

On the other side, watching Uchiha Tatsuhatsu who is pretending to be guilty of formality and Sikage wrestling, he can't help but sneer in his heart, knowing that the soil is fine, and said disdainfully: "Pretend to be a god!"

The people from Shinin Village were also attracted by the words of bringing soil at this time, so no one noticed Tatsun's words.

And while the people in Sinin Village were listening to the soil, the somewhat puzzled Shuiyue whispered to Chen: "Boss, didn't that guy have been killed by you yesterday? How could he appear again? Here? Is he really the Uchiha Madara from the Sengoku period? How is this possible..."

"Hey, just pretending to be a ghost, but it's true that he is from the Uchiha clan, and it's no surprise that he can use Izanaki!" Chen explained with a sneer.

"Izanaki? Is that the technique that Danzo used at the time? So that's it..." After Chen explained, Shuiyue was relieved. He has been following Chen by his side. He still has some understanding of some of the pupil techniques of Kaleidoscope. Yes, and Danzo had used this technique in the previous battle between Sasuke and Danzo, so he would not feel unfamiliar.

However, after seeing the emergence of Zitou, everyone in Siren Village paid attention to the Zijin. They were a little slack with them, and quickly asked Chen: "Chen, people in Sinin Village are now , And the Akatsuki organization is here, what should we do next, do we want to do it with you?"

Chen jokingly looked at the wrangling belt soil and the people in Sinin Village, and then said: "No need, since that guy has come out to attract hatred, then we should withdraw as soon as possible, anyway, my goal has been achieved. There is nothing wrong with staying here!"

"Understood!" Shigeo and Shuiyue expressed their understanding, and at the same time they were ready to retreat at any time.

At this time, Taito had already told the people in Siren Village about his Moon Eyes plan, from the six immortals to the ten tails, and from the ten tails to the nine big-tailed beasts and the big-tailed beasts that are well-known in the big ninth village. Renzhuli, and then said that his so-called moon-eye plan is to gather the nine big-tailed beasts to resurrect the ten-tailed beasts and become the ten-tailed humanzhuli, and then launch the infinite moon reading to merge the entire Ninja world and all things together. Become the perfect plan for the unity of heaven and earth.

"This is my Moon Eye plan, which is to regenerate this world and create a completely peaceful world. There will always be only beauty and peace, and there will be no more wars and smoke..." Dai Tu Shen Sheng said, describing the infinite moon After reading the scene, at the end, he said: "Well, my plan has been fully told to you, then, as the Five Shadows, what kind of answer will you give me?"

Although the world of monthly reading described by Dai Tu sounds perfect, none of you here are idiots. After understanding the infinite monthly reading, they all thought of the horror, and it is impossible to agree to this crazy plan.

As soon as the voice of the local area fell, the fourth generation of Lei Ying immediately yelled: "Huh, what a joke, how could the world be given to a person like you!"

Although Gaara's face still remained indifferent, he said in a very calm tone: "The illusory peace is just a lie and has no meaning at all. Only the peace in reality is what we want to pursue!"

Kakashi also said solemnly: "Living in that illusory world has no meaning, there is no hope, no dream, everything is just escaping from reality!"

Liangtianping Onoki looked at the other three shadows and said with a light smile: "It looks like everyone's opinions are unified!"

Then he looked back at Zitou, the smile on his face had already subsided, and he said heavily: "It is not so much to be integrated with the world, but in my opinion, what you call peace is just what turns the world into you. No matter, how can we promise you this kind of thing, what do you think of us?"

Brought the soil to get Siying’s answer. After a moment of silence, he finally said in a deep voice, “Wow, although I had expected you to answer like this at the beginning, I was still a little disappointed after hearing it with my own ears. Ah, I have to say, you made an unwise choice."

Tuying retorted, "Huh! It's not your decision to make the wrong choice, it's just your ambition, it's not really for peace at all, and your hypocritical peace can only live in your dreams all the time. Talents will choose."


Hearing Tuying's retort, he made a chuckle, and then said, "What can you do with the Five Shadows? Actually, you should all understand... There has never been true peace. There is no difference between hope and renunciation. , This world became what it is now under your leadership. You have no power to change anything! And we... have collected most of the tail beasts, only Konoha’s nine tails are left, you still have Konoha Naruto Uzumaki handed it over to help me complete the Moon Eye project, otherwise, war will come..."

With the exception of the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli, all the tail beasts have been arrested, and Naruto Uzumaki was sent to Miaomu Mountain to learn immortality, so the people of Akatsuki did not find Naruto at all, and now Raikage is holding five The film talks will definitely mention the arrest of Zhuli in the villages, and then deal with the Xiao organization, so bring the soil that Naruto was hidden. If the four-ninth village does not plan to hand over Naruto, he will definitely not hesitate to bring the soil. Start the war.

As for the few in Uchiha Tatsumi’s hands, Uchiha Tatsumi thinks that as long as he joins hands with Uchiha Tatsumi and gives him some benefits, it is naturally not difficult to ask for it. After all, in the knowledge of Uchiha Tatsumi, even if the tail beast stays in Uchiha Tatsun’s hands can be used as combat power, there is no other use at all, and with Uchiha Tatsumi’s strength, there is no need to rely on the power of the tail beast, so the tail beast is just for Uchiha Tatsumi. For things that are not, as long as you convince Uchiha Tatsu by yourself, then the other party will definitely hand over the tail beast.



"Are you serious?"

Knowing that the soil is about to start a war, this is obviously beyond Siying's expectation, looking at the soil in surprise, only Lei Ying caught a message from the words of the soil, and immediately roared at the soil: "Only nine tails are left. Could it be that the eight tails have already been taken by you..."

Cao Tu didn’t care about Raikage’s roar and shrugged and said, “Ah~ Yes, I said before that I brought you a message by the way. When you came to the Five Shadows Conference, your Yunyin eight-tailed man Zhuli It has been successfully captured by our Akatsuki organization!"

"What did you say!"…

Chapter 287: The Decision of the Four Shadows

"Kiraby was arrested by the people of Akatsuki's organization, and Raikage-sama, who is the elder brother, must be furious..." After Taito said that Kiraby was arrested, Xi could predict what would happen to Raikage next.

Sure enough, when he learned that the eight-tailed man Zhuli in Yunyin Village had been captured by the people of Xiao's organization, Lei Ying was startled first, and then furious.

"Damn it!" The furious Lei Ying once again erupted into a violent Lei Dun, and couldn't help but want to make another shot.

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